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Wolf's Bane
Wolf's Bane
Wolf's Bane
Ebook222 pages5 hours

Wolf's Bane

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Eron Camden just wanted to be free of his past... He was hellbent to escape it all: Being the oddity of the pack, dealing with a demanding Alpha father, living in the shadow of his overachiever brother and working for a corrupt, sex-starved boss who wanted to keep him in his private army/ Finally finding a way to fake his own death and erase his former assassin/mobster identity, he moved into the most remote mountain village he can find and lived the life of a hunter/logger/handyman while staying off the grid. While doing so, he found himself being accepted by the village people, loved by the local children and even trusted by the community elders. And upon meeting the widow Diwana, he knew he never wanted to leave that village again. But, unfortunately for him, his past is fast catching up to him. Worse, he is totally unaware of it. Would they still accept him if they knew who he really was? Will he still dare stay and endanger everyone he now loves?

Release dateSep 21, 2023
Wolf's Bane

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    Book preview

    Wolf's Bane - Myrrh D. Keizer

    Chapter 26: Spy Games

    Max was now very busy listening to his spy, who had a lot to tell him about whatever was going on in the young widow’s home. And he wasn’t happy about it at all…

    Well, he was happy about one part of the report…

    But he didn’t dare tell the spy about it.

    As a matter of fact, this mad one was a man who was used to keeping deep, dark secrets even if he still demanded the attention and assistance of those who believed in him. For him, he preferred to stick to choices that would benefit him the most.

    This has been his personal principle ever since the time he lost his faith in humanity due to an incident that changed his life.

    And it’s an incident he never wanted to talk about… or even admit that it happened.

    Ultimately, that was really the problem with how he thought. Max never wanted to be wrong because he truly believed that he was always in the right. Those who insisted that he was were either close-minded, narrow minded, or were just damn fools.

    And yeah… they were talking about the time Diwa got attacked and almost raped back then before her husband and baby died to the killer fever. And I think City Boy Charmer has agreed to be a boarder at her house but I’m not sure yet.

    Then make sure, damn it! Let me know if it’s true before you get back to me. And if I don’t answer your call, then I’m busy and will get back to you later. Got it?

    Sure thing, Max, just as long as you fulfill your promise to me, ok? That you’ll get me a job at the lumberyard?

    How many times do I have to tell you that when you’re on a mission, don’t say my name out loud! the logger team leader snapped back. And of course, you can always count on me. I always do what I say.

    Max's thoughts: Well, only when it benefits me though…

    Ok, later dude. Since they’re just sitting there after the storytelling and not talking much I’ll stay at a distance and update you when something happens.

    Alright, over and out…

    The angry lumberman then went into his tent to get a few items together. He then went back to the open area in front of the lumberyard offices, ignored the other men who greeted him and then set to work on his new mission while his co-workers curiously observed what he was doing.

    Uhhh Max, why are you measuring the ground from your saw mill to that piece of wood stuck to the wall? one of the other team leaders asked upon approaching the busy logger.

    Just taking measurements and pictures of what happened for documentation purposes. That’s what Jack and I talked about when I went inside the office. He wanted me to try and find out what happened so we can avoid similar accidents in the future. I suggested the idea, of course…

    And that’s an awesome idea, bro! Keep it up. I’ll keep the others away from you so you can work in peace.

    Thanks dude, I really do appreciate that, answered Max with his own version of a charming smile while he stretched his construction-grade self-retracting measuring tape on the ground.

    Anytime, bro! his co-worker said then turned around to face the other people in the area. HEY! Nobody bother Max, ok? He’s doing some important stuff…

    The vengeful male smirked to himself as he continued to measure and write on his small notepad. These guys would really believe anything he says…

    Well, except for Jack and that only happened when Eron arrived. He really needed to do something about that damn cocky bastard, and fast!

    And now that he’s completed his task, he now knew for sure that this fucking newcomer did have something to hide. With just a few more incidents like this, Max was sure he would be able to find out what this suck-up scumbag's secret was. 

    He just had to make sure that more of these accidents would happen in the future, and next time he would be a lot more careful.

    Well Eron, all is fair in love and war, so you better be prepared…


    Wow, that is… quite a story, Eron sighed, since he was having a hard time not showing how his feelings of concern and protectiveness were about to go wild and spill all over the place. 

    He couldn’t do that right now in front of his new landlady and the three kids that have welcomed him so warmly. They didn’t need to be worried about him being worried.

    But somehow, Dee felt him hiding his emotions again. Yes, it is quite a tale. I’m hoping it wasn’t too heavy for you. After all, you city boys are quite used to such tales of tragedy and violence, right?

    Well, we are used to such things but still… thank you for sharing this with me, Miss Diwa… and I’m… very sorry for your losses… 

    His long pauses were proof of how hard it was for him to find out about the many things that this small, broken family had to go through. The children, losing their mother and father, and the attractive widow - who was making his mind go wild - losing her beloved, only child, and the apparently careless husband.

    He definitely now HAD to take care of them, and secretly vowed to do so.

    As his eyes blazed with hidden fire, his thoughts were giving way to a secret oath that he’s stating to himself alone, I know you lost so much, and maybe I can’t fill any of those empty places that your loved ones left, but at least nobody is entering this house again to threaten any of you… not when I’m around. Not the kids, and certainly not you, Miss Dee. Over my dead body will any harm be done to any of you. 

    Eron forced a smile on his lips, so his audience won’t notice, and it seemed to work.

    Oh, please don’t be so sorry. We’ve got each other, right? I mean, the kids and I… we’ve got used to taking care of each other. It should be that the adult takes care of the children, but they are my protectors, and they always give me a reason to keep trying, Diwana said with a soft smile. 

    Her eyes, full of bittersweet memories, turned towards the kids. They were all still sitting on their chairs, now more quietly by her right side. The three looked grateful, even if a little sad. 

    Now that you know, you can be at ‘easy’ with us, right, Eron? Katya asked him, smiling.

    At ease, sister, not easy… He’s not easy, right, Eron? Erica smirked, turning to the guy that was now part of the household, who was lightly blushing due to her sister’s statement and her own question.

    I uh… Oh! Miss Diwa, would you mind if I go back to my camp and get my things to move in? Eron swiftly said as if it was an afterthought, which was his way to avoid the eldest girl’s query. I really hope it’s no inconvenience if I move in right away. 

    Of course, Erica noticed and she was now flashing a mischievous toothy grin.

    And Katya, I was at ease from the moment I met you all, Eron finished his statement with a wink and an honest smile for the youngest sister. And I hope you will be more at ease now that I will live in the same house where you all are staying.

    Katya smiled back at him, widely but shyly. She then looked down, pulled up her knees to her chin and curled up into a giggling ball of sweetness on her chair.

    Easy, Erica murmured to herself after seeing The Charmer charming her little sister into this soft happy mess. Maybe Katya is right and easy is the word best to describe him, she thought, still smiling widely.

    I think we will be and you transferring ASAP is not a problem at all! Diwa said quickly, just before he changed his mind, and, before the kids said anything else that could make him uncomfortable. And if you need some help, I’d be pleased… er… happy to help you.

    Meanwhile, at the thought of the muscular, handsome newbie transferring to the room next door, Dee was having conflicting feelings…

    Her thoughts: I can’t wait to have you next door, Eron, and maybe this is very wrong, but… Oh goodness, I really hope he can’t hear any noises coming from my room! No no, I’ll have to behave… be good, Diwana… be good! 

    And, on cue, her mind raced through a storm of images that included Eron going in and out of his new room right beside hers with less and less clothes on each time. Finally, it ended with him entering HER room, pretty much naked.

    Ok, Diwana, just stop it! STOP IT! she yelled inside her head in exasperation.

    While her imagination was heating up, suddenly Eron could smell how wild she was getting, and with it, he was also feeling himself getting hard. 

    I must be going crazy… what is she thinking, right here and now, that she’s feeling all this… might she be in heat? No, that can’t be it… I mean, I’m really just sitting here by her side and we’ve been here for a while… Then, why? Oh goddess, as if that mattered… Now I’m getting hard in front of the kids! HELP!!! Eron thought in panic as his jeans started to stretch above his growing manhood.

    This was one secret he didn’t want anyone finding out: his lusting for Diwana. And it’s under threat of being exposed.


    Are you sure, Miss Diwa? I don’t want to make you come with me… I mean GO with me then back again, and it’s not exactly nearby. I mean, I appreciate your offer very much, but I don’t want to keep bothering you, he said, uncomfortably shifting in his chair while pulling his leather jacket into place, trying to find the right position to keep his secret without making everybody notice what he was hiding.

    Not at all, Eron. I’d be happy to help you. Meanwhile, the kids can help you by cleaning the room you’ve chosen so it’s ready when we come… get back here, right kids? And I usually like… well, to be honest, I USED to like… well… before, I spent a lot of time in the forest, walking and exploring… My late husband showed me some interesting places, and I fell in love with the peace and quiet. Until recently though, I started feeling something off over there… it’s weird but yeah, anyway… I’ll be glad to help, it’s not a bother at all. 

    Diwana ended up smiling, to hide her discomfort. The memory of what she had been feeling when she went to her secret space in the forest was now troubling her. Although, she did remember the recent feeling of safety she had back there, too. It was still something that was provoking her thoughts even if she wasn’t scared of it.

    You heard that, kids? We have a mission now, so let’s go get Eron’s room ready, Erica stated with conviction and a small spark in her eyes, remembering that the newcomer’s rental was right beside their surrogate mother’s room. 

    At the back of her mind, this same line of thought continued…

    If you hurt her, we’ll kill you, but for now, you’re ok, Erica thought, looking at the gorgeous hunk sitting among them, and the way that he looked at Diwa. Good taste, mama. This one is better than Mason, in every way… or at least, he looks like it. 

    Erica was still smiling as she looked at her brother and sister, determined to get them moving so the adults could be on their way.

    I don’t like swiping! Can I do dusting? Or something else? Maybe clean the windows or something, Katya whined.

    Nobody likes sweeping, not swiping, Katya, Macky corrected, as he got up and gently pushed his little sister out of her chair so they could go after Erica, who was now up and walking towards the front door. Nice try little sis, but we’re deciding using rock paper scissors, like always.

    But I always lose! Katya said, as she whimpered and stomped while her two older siblings shared a slightly mischievous smirk.

    That’s not true, sis, but anyway, even if it was, it’s just luck, Erica said, her voice, unsuccessfully trying to mask her chuckle. 

    It was the last statement that the adults could hear from the three young voices who were now scrambling up the stairs inside the very large house. And once again, they were alone…

    Eron found this the right time to try and find a way to keep his bulge hidden from the woman beside him. And the goddess seemed to be assisting him too.

    He felt his phone vibrating, as if on cue and he breathed a sigh of relief.

    Excuse me for a second, please, Eron said, jumping from his chair in the quickest movement that Diwana had ever seen, and standing not too far from her. 

    His actions were actually more to hide the bulge that his tight pants were making so obvious than to get some privacy for him to answer his call. 

    His phone was now on the third ring when he pressed the screen. It was also flashing a familiar name…


    Meanwhile, somewhere far, far away…

    Thank you for choosing me above all the other servants here to serve you, Mistress Chin.

    Well, you were very convincing winking at me when we were still at the rooftop pool. Besides, I needed someone to act out my own ideal man and you just happened to be available. Beggars can’t be choosers, after all.

    The waiter/server didn’t reply. He knew better than to try and correct this sex-starved bitch about her delusional points of view. There were enough horror stories about her to fill a whole Libri App romantic novel category - and then some - for him to know that she wouldn’t take it nicely. 

    And the consequences could be very painful and even life-threatening as well…

    As of now, the now-naked server who had just finished pleasuring his master’s wife, was just happy to be faking his own passions so he wouldn’t be punished by the surgically enhanced bitch. Good thing too that she seemed so focused on another man in her imagination to notice his award-winning performance which was as fake as her hair color.

    Now that I’m already partially satisfied, go get me some food. I want to keep repeating my ritual while I’m still here. Doing it anywhere else is not as strong when I do it here. Now go!

    Brenner was instantly on his feet, acting as if he was the most obedient slave in the world. Actually, he was just so relieved to get away from her nauseous presence even for just a moment. 

    The thought of a quick shower was also very inviting…

    As you wish, my mistress, the waiter said as he started to dress up hurriedly, happy to get out of her sight and her unwanted attentions.

    Excuse me, something is missing in your statement, dear servant, the pale woman snapped, one thick, drawn-up eyebrow raised.

    Oh, forgive me… As you wish, my BEAUTIFUL mistress…

    Good, and please close the door as you leave. And also… take your time in preparing my meal… I’m hungry for other things right now…

    Bren slightly bowed, already knowing what the foul middle-aged bitch meant. Of course, I will be back in an hour.

    After receiving her smile, the already dressed-up waiter left, making sure he did as he was instructed. He was very much aware of the kinds of rituals she’s performing and would rather be at a far-off distance when she’s performing them. Brenner has seen such magickal rites from a former master, who ended up dying because of them, which caused the very cautious servant to never get involved with such practices.

    I’m happy with my skill in mixing concoctions and powders. I don’t think magick will ever be my thing, Brenner said to himself, as he was taking that quick shower back at his room once he had talked to the kitchen staff to order her meal. Besides, she wouldn’t be able to find him with just that. Her rituals have their limitations and as long as she only has his clothing and items, she can only see him and not his surroundings nor the people around him. Well, she’s only here to prove that’s he’s alive and I think she’s done her part with that… but damn, still I need to warn someone about this…

    As he stepped out of his private bathroom which was inside his own servant’s quarters, he wrapped a towel under his well-defined six-pack and reached for his mobile. He chose a number to dial and waited for the answer even while his muscled and well-toned Olympic swimmer-type body was still dripping wet.

    He knew he should have made the phone call before his shower but he was too disgusted by his recent service to bypass a bath.

    The phone clicked on the fifth ring, Hello, Brenner. What have you got for me?

    It’s not good, boss… not good…

    Chapter 27: Threats and Assurances

    Hello? Eron answered, unconsciously shifting his legs which caused him to move his butt back and forth in an unconscious sensual and almost hypnotizing motion. 

    Diwana, who had turned her head so she could look at her new

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