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A Broken Heart Can Kill You
A Broken Heart Can Kill You
A Broken Heart Can Kill You
Ebook176 pages1 hour

A Broken Heart Can Kill You

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About this ebook

KK Rice (Kenya K. Smith) was born May 10, 1969 in Brooklyn, New York. 

In his first book of poetry Kenya uses the words of his poetry to express the emotional anguish and turmoil of life experiences that he feels most people can relate to. Love and loss of someone you still love is universally experienced, but it can be debilitating. Upon learning that his birth father had died in 2001 Kenya still felt heartbroken that his father had not seen his son or known what had become of him since a young age.

Kenya's pseudonym is from the initials of his first and middle name, and the last name of his deceased stepfather, James Rice "POP", who became a role model to Kenya and taught him to be the kind, dedicated and creative man he is today. In this way, Kenya honors his love for him. Kenya describes him as a good man and great father who provided an example of how to be a good person, despite the challenges one can face in the modern world. The New World, as identified in the subtitle, Kenya believes is what our society lives in today. Post 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, two wars, the election of an African American president, the murder of George Floyd, an attempted coup of our Federal Government and a global pandemic have all changed the way we feel and interact with each other. In both love and loss.
Release dateSep 22, 2023
A Broken Heart Can Kill You

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    A Broken Heart Can Kill You - KK Rice

    I Remember

    I remember when we loved so deeply,

    it shook the earth and heavens frequently,

    we never gave the gods a chance.

    We held each other and proceeded

    to mock them with our romance.

    As we dared to be together without pause.

    Making new laws the two of us soared to new heights

    with the passionate awe of neophytes,

    who never found the love to even last one night?

    You said, may the color of red,

    surround our souls once a year at least and

    honor love again counting every decade hence.

    I will save the suspense; I refuse to relent on the idea of loving you.

    I plan every day no matter what you say, to keep you.

    My favorite part is when they say look at those two.

    Moving your hair out of your face, kissing you so deeply,

    I can only trace the feeling I had, back when we said I love you.

    Never holding each other to the pact.

    Too late, I discovered how closely I am attached.

    And when you left, I had to unpack how to lose you.

    Now I am an empty man... complete with no plan with a burned down soul.

    Having no talent to speak or cajole any love from you...

    my ravaged heart torn in two,

    each piece will burn forever...

    but only for you.

    KK Rice


    I don’t want to feel like I am pushing you away...

    not anymore, not in any way.

    I see that when I try to move closer...

    more distance for us is pushed forward.

    I feel like a freeloader on your time

    and your heart, I only want to start,

    to heal the chasm between our souls.

    Over our time I never really told. How much I love you so.

    I need to unload the weight of guilt I feel when I speak your name...

    when you left me I was never quite the same.

    It was only with you, did I ever feel the flames of burning love and desire.

    I wanted your fire. To keep my heart warm...

    But my love was a thorn in your side.

    Once removed... you began to fly. I finally recognized.

    It was right what you said the day that you left...

    I was seeing red, through my tears.

    I began to dread the emptiness I always feared...

    I wasn’t right. No need to fight the truth.

    We both knew the route of mistaken love or just pure lust...

    we couldn’t really trust our blood under a rush to fill our desire.

    Yes, I still love that fire...

    but it proves to only misfire over my plans

    to make you feel whole.

    How to fit the pieces with you is my goal.

    KK Rice

    Beautiful Dream

    What a beautiful feeling given to me when in my dream,

    you loved me. Love with you was a beautiful scene.

    Something special in my beautiful dream.

    I could not have foreseen to capture

    what had been given to me.

    I want and not have to hide.

    To show the world my new pride.

    With my eyes now wide.

    Watching others struggle and wrestle.

    With feelings they had deep inside.

    But never taking the chance,

    to see if their love will abide.

    Not knowing what to do.

    When an angel has finally looked at you.

    No longer timid or shy... just prepared to fly.

    My eyes now want to cry, because I was no longer denied.

    The dream revealed we laughed

    and looked into each other’s eyes.

    All the while our souls merged,

    we listened to pathetic sighs... from those.

    Green with thought and others wrought,

    with their venomous words for our fall.

    The dream ends and I am awake.

    Thanking god for my fate.

    I made my life beautiful before I was too late.

    Rolling over to kiss you as my beautiful dream

    had long ago come true...

    KK Rice

    Miss Her

    Often, I think but I can’t still see.

    Why she'll see him but not see me.

    I hope she knows I miss her too.

    It’s not a feeling reserved to that other dude.

    I know she wants to protect her heart...

    I was wrong with her from the very start.

    Given that I still care for you...

    like any man I need to be fed too.

    I see the pictures that you display.

    Of happy times you have anyway...

    you think of me as a fool.

    You not really caring, while I am still missing you...

    I guess what my heart is telling me is true.

    You left me. I didn't leave you. But this I won’t defend.

    I honestly admit. You picked up and walked and didn’t trip.

    I think I can give you credit you know.

    You did it right away and not even slow.

    You made up your mind and that was completely it.

    No longer would I be allowed to kiss your lips.

    Or touch your hand. I know it’s true.

    You gave me my papers to leave you.

    Alone you prefer. Please don’t disturb…

    the life you are living best... with the people you can rest your guard...

    from pain or disregard from me.

    My life is a mess... I can’t give you my best...

    even if I miss your voice... I miss your lips. I wasn’t given a choice.

    I miss the love you won’t admit you gave.

    You shake your head while walking away.

    I was a fool. I made a mistake.

    That wasn’t you. You needed respect...

    I can’t eat cake twice. You put me in check...

    you told me take my punishment and keep it deep in my chest.

    I learned how a lonely heart felt... so I sat and accepted

    the cards I was dealt. I felt dead all the way to my heart as they say.

    Knowing that my love couldn't

    at least be given away...

    KK Rice

    Crazy Life

    A crazy life... I like despite...

    all the challenges that strain me...

    What is life without the strife.

    The life that could be unfulfilling.

    I dream to create the plan

    of a life that is inspiring.

    I can make a mark. Change the dark.

    Enlighten those who can’t see.

    To form ideas that may cause fears from those

    hearts that will not know me...

    From those who fear. The first

    you hear of a road unpaved

    to a new truth revealing.

    Nevertheless, I work my best

    for a new world less belittling.

    KK Rice


    My god, I never seen anything

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