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Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects
Ebook30 pages18 minutes

Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects

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About this ebook

New York City.  1974.


Who is Dr. Gunther Aldrich?  And what is the Start Over Initiative?

Lee goes undercover as a prison inmate to discover the answers.

Once he does, he finds himself, once again, in a position where it's up

to him to save the world from those who will stop at nothing to achieve

their goal of human domination.

PublisherJohn Leister
Release dateSep 23, 2023
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects

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    Book preview

    Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in Homicide Effects - John Leister


    NEW YORK CITY.  1974.

    Truth is stranger than fiction.

    It can also be a lot more terrifying.

    I was sitting in the back row of the Escape Theater in Times Square.

    It was close to midnight.

    There was one other patron in the theater, what we back in the savage, but less uptight seventies used to call a bum.

    Judging by his odor, there was a biological cushion between his behind and his pants.

    He must’ve really enjoyed the movie, a super low-budget splatter-fest called Heart of Vengeance, which starred an actor who’s long since retired, as Wally Flowers, a liberal, paper-pushing, bleeding heart, New York City Hall bureaucrat, who comes home from work one night and finds his wife and teenaged son mutilated and murdered.

    He reports this horrible event to the police, who are portrayed in the movie as a bunch of jaded nincompoops.

    Wally gets a gun permit and learns how to shoot.

    He takes boxing classes.

    My favorite scene in the movie is when he bursts into tears after getting his bell rung for the first time in his life.

    Whoever wrote that scene sure know what he was talking about.

    Yes, reality can be painful, but physical pain tends to hear, whereas emotional pain can linger for a lifetime, if we allow it to.

    Lee Hacklyn, the Dalai Lama of crime-solving.

    The movie’s final act is a race riot and Wally goes on a bloody rampage.

    When he finally confronts the killer of his family—SPOILER WARNING—he’s shocked to learn

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