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Looking Up
Looking Up
Looking Up
Ebook202 pages1 hour

Looking Up

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Timmy Failure series comes a quirky and heartwarming middle grade novel about a girl struggling with loneliness and the curveballs of life—featuring black and white illustrations throughout!

Living alone with her mother in a poorer part of town, Saint—a girl drawn to medieval knights, lost causes, and the protection of birthday piñatas—sees the neighborhood she has always known and loved disappearing around her: old homes being torn down and replaced by fancy condos and coffee shops. But when her favorite creaky old toy store is demolished, she knows she must act.

Enlisting the help of Daniel “Chance” McGibbons, a quiet, round-faced boy who lives across the street (and whose house also faces the wrecking ball), Saint hatches a plan to save what is left of her beloved hometown.
Release dateOct 10, 2023

Stephan Pastis

Stephan Pastis is the creator of the syndicated comic strip Pearls Before Swine, which appears in over 800 newspapers. He is also the creator of the Timmy Failure book series and the cowriter of the Disney+ movie Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made. He lives in Northern California with his wife and two kids.

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    Book preview

    Looking Up - Stephan Pastis

    • Chapter 1•


    You know you’re a square peg in a round world when you find you’re the only person at the birthday party defending the piñata.

    As I had the tailless donkey.

    And the gnome-themed cake.

    For I was a sucker for anything with a face.

    Its salvation my destiny.

    And no face required saving more than the round one belonging to Daniel Chance McGibbons.

    Who had to keep being reminded by his father to stop drawing and at least talk to the other kids at the birthday party.

    As it was his birthday party.

    But the act of talking seemed to pain him almost as much as the pummeling of the piñata pained me.

    Though I didn’t know why.

    For as much as I admired the shape of his adorably round face, I knew next to nothing about him.

    Other than the fact that he lived across the street from me. Which was the only reason I had even been invited to this gathering of what were otherwise just his classmates.

    Who, truth be told, appeared to know as little about Daniel as I did.

    Aside from the obvious.

    Like the fact that he was the only kid any of us knew who walked with a cane.

    Which I thought only old people used.

    And which may have been the cause of his shyness.

    But whether it was the cane or just an aversion to social events, Daniel’s absence as host and birthday boy left a void that could be felt by all, most notably his father. Who seemed as graceful and sociable as Daniel was not. And who wanted Daniel to participate in his birthday party not so much for the sake of Daniel, but for his own desire to not be embarrassed around the other parents.

    And sensing Daniel’s distress, I stepped in to fill the void. For having ostracized myself among this group of strangers by attempting to save the piñata, donkey, and gnome, I had little left to lose.

    And so I climbed atop a barstool in the living room and waxed eloquent.

    On the benefits of shopping local.

    The merits of print journalism.

    And the pitfalls of birthday hats upon soft, malleable hair.

    None of which seemed to connect with my peers.

    And so I tried to be slightly more topical by saying a few kind words about the birthday boy, who I could see standing behind the other kids, as he had been made to do by his father.

    But because I knew so little about him, I could only talk about what I had seen. So I praised his resilience (the cane), his creativity (the drawing), and his listening skills (his silence).

    And did not notice until it was too late that each time I said his name, he was taking one giant step backward. As though each word of praise were somehow a lance to the belly.

    Until he was left standing with his back against the wall.

    Pinned there by unintentional cruelty.

    Like the donkey without a tail.

    And seeing that I had unwittingly hurt the one round face I’d sought to save, I did the only noble thing I could.

    I grabbed the piñata and fled.

    • Chapter 2•


    The first thing you gotta know about me is that even though my name is Saint, I wasn’t named for a bearded guy in heaven.

    I was named for a football team in Louisiana.

    And the second thing you gotta know about me is this:

    My mother breaks all her promises.

    Saint, I have a work lunch.

    On a Saturday?


    So tell them you’re sick.

    I can’t.

    Tell them your daughter’s sick.

    Saint, please.

    Tell them you broke her heart and now she’s sneezing uncontrollably.


    I’ve got it—tell them your daughter is allergic to broken promises.

    My mother knelt on one knee in front of me.

    You know I didn’t promise you, Saint. I said I’d go if I could.

    Sounds like a promise to me.

    Please don’t make me feel worse than I already do.

    "You? How about howI feel? It’s a parent/child egg toss. I can’t do it without you."

    Honey, the flyer says it’s ‘The First Annual Egg Toss.’ Which means they’ll do it every year. So we’ll do it next year.

    But next year is a million years away! I shouted. The sky could fall and crush us all by then.

    I doubt that.

    Yeah, well, don’t be so sure. Those stars appear to have very little support.

    Hang on, she said, walking to the hall closet and bringing back an umbrella.

    What’s that for? I asked as she opened the umbrella and handed it to me.

    Take it for when you leave the house.

    It’s not raining.

    Not for the rain. The stars. They’ll hit it and just bounce off.

    Now maybe that sounds funny to you. But to me it was just about the most aggravating thing I had ever heard.

    Which you wouldn’t have known by all my giggling.

    I heard that, said my mother.

    And that’s the thing about my mother. Whenever you get really angry about something, she goes and makes you laugh. Even if you don’t want to.

    I’m still angry, I said.

    You’re giggling.

    It’s an angry giggle.

    Well, while you angry giggle, I have to go meet a client, she said, grabbing her car keys.

    And so I made one last attempt to change her mind.

    You know it’s for, like, a hundred thousand dollars, right?

    She stopped and turned around. What’s for a hundred thousand dollars?

    "The egg

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