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Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs
Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs
Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs
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Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs

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An experienced Iditarod racer, Gary Paulsen celebrates his lead dog and longtime companion, Cookie, in this intimate essay. Paulsen takes readers inside the kennel as Cookie’s last litter of pups grow and learn to pull sleds across the snowy frontier.

Includes an author's note.

Release dateAug 1, 2007

Gary Paulsen

Gary Paulsen (1939–2021) wrote more than two hundred books for children and adults, including the father-son comedy How to Train Your Dad, and the survival adventure Northwind. Three of his novels—Hatchet, Dogsong, and The Winter Room—were Newbery Honor books. In 1997, he received the ALA’s Margaret A. Edwards Award for his contribution to young adult literature. His books have sold over 35 million copies around the world.

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    Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers - Gary Paulsen

    Dear Reader:

    It is difficult for anybody who has not run dogs—has not been with them twenty hours a day, seven days a week for eight years and more—to understand the depth and intensity of the bond that can build between the driver and his dogs. There is love, of course, as many people love and are loved by their dogs—an unassuming love that surely is the most dedicated and pure of any.

    But with the driver and his (or her) dogs it goes beyond love, goes beyond measurement by normal standards. It is a bond of survival, of life.

    And the attachment that occurs between a driver and his lead dog goes even beyond that; there is a mystical quality to it—a love that catches the breath, a true knowledge between driver and leader that makes them singular, makes them one in all things. After a time there is no need to talk, often no need to command a turn or direction. So close are they that a movement, a thought, seems enough, and many times a leader will react before the driver knows what to do, will again and again handle things until the driver (and the team) is simply lost without the leader.

    Such a bond, such a love, I had with Cookie.



    Text copyright © 1996 by Gary Paulsen

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.

    The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

    Paulsen, Gary.

    Puppies, dogs, and blue northers: reflections on being raised by a pack of sled dogs/by Gary Paulsen,

    p. cm.

    Summary: Dog musher Gary Paulsen reflects on the growth—both his own and the puppies’—as man and animal discover the world.

    1. Paulsen, Gary—Juvenile literature. 2. Mushers—Minnesota—Biography—Juvenile literature. 3. Sled dogs—Minnesota—Biography—Juvenile literature. 4. Dogsledding—Minnesota—Juvenile literature. [1. Paulsen, Gary. 2. Mushers. 3. Sled dogs. 4. Dogsledding. 5. Minnesota.] I. Title.

    SF428.7.P38P86 1996


    [B] 95-18981

    ISBN 978-0-15-292881-0

    ISBN 978-0-15-206103-6 pb

    eISBN 978-0-547-54408-3


    To Lloyd Gilbertson:

    Keep the dance going


    COOKIE USUALLY HAD puppies easily, but they were always so wonderful and special that I worried excessively each time. Considering that she had five litters of never less than eight pups and twice twelve—altogether over forty pups—this constituted a large measure of worry.

    She deserved the effort and concern. Cookie was my primary lead dog for something close to fourteen thousand miles—trapline, training, and one full Iditarod—and had on several occasions saved my life. But more, most important, she threw leaders. Sometimes as many as half her pups tended to lead and a few had, like their mother, become truly exceptional lead dogs; dogs with great, unstoppable hearts and a joy to run. It didn’t seem to matter if they were male or female—they were all good.

    And so I worried.

    This time the breeding had been accidental. We had been on a long training run in early fall, and Cookie had temporarily and with great enthusiasm fallen in love with a big, slab-sided half-hound named Rex. Cookie was running lead. It was a first-snow run—the snow was thin and melting rapidly and would be gone in two days, three at most—and it was so warm (thirty degrees) that I was wearing only a jacket and wool watch cap. We were running at night because of the heat (the dogs were most comfortable at ten or twenty below zero) and I had looked down at something on the sled when the whole team stopped dead.

    I knew Cookie was in season and would not normally have run her during her time. But I had young and new dogs—Rex was one of them—and I needed her good sense and steadiness to control them while we ran.

    Cookie, overcome by what could only be described as wild abandon, stopped cold, threw it in reverse, and backed into Rex. If he was surprised, he recovered instantly, and before I could react, they were romantically involved.

    I pulled the other dogs away from them to avoid any fights, tied them up to trees, and made a small fire to have tea. Usually these things took time—lasted five or ten minutes—but with Cookie and Rex both in harness she would be anxious and stressful about wanting to run, and I

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