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Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Under Rose-Tainted Skies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A teenage girl must grapple with her agoraphobia as romance blossoms with her new neighbor in this YA novel—“a poignant work, infused with humor” (School Library Journal).

Seventeen-year-old Norah Dean hasn’t left the house in years. Her agoraphobia and OCD are so intense that when groceries are left on the porch, she can’t even step out to get them. Struggling to snag the bags with a stick, she meets Luke. He’s sweet and funny, and he just caught her fishing for groceries. Because of course he did. 

Norah can’t leave the house, but can she let someone in? As their friendship grows deeper, Norah realizes Luke deserves a normal girl. One who can lie on the front lawn and look up at the stars. One who isn’t so screwed up.

Readers themselves will fall in love with Norah in this deeply engaging portrait of a teen struggling to find the strength to face her demons.
Release dateJan 3, 2017
Under Rose-Tainted Skies

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall is a poignant and heartbreakingly realistic portrayal of a teenager with debilitating anxiety, agoraphobia and OCD.

    Other than appointments with her therapist, seventeen year old Norah Dean has not left her house in four years. Stricken with a multitude of inexplicable mental illnesses, she is homeschooled by her mom and relies on social media to keep up with her former friends' lives. Constantly struggling against overthinking things, Norah's mind always goes to the worst case for any given situation. With her life ruled by her crippling anxiety and overwhelming fears, she works hard to avoid succumbing to depression over her inability to live a "normal" life.

    When a handsome teenage boy moves in next door, Norah is taken off guard by his interest in her. She at first tries to hide her problems from him, but when Luke's interest in her does not wane, she is forced to be honest with her issues. Luke takes her revelations in stride, but does he truly understand the limitations her mental illnesses will put on a relationship? And will Norah be able to put aside her fears that Luke will not be able to cope with all of the baggage that comes with dating her?

    Narrated strictly from Norah's perspective, Under Rose-Tainted Skies is not always an easy book to read since living inside of her head means experiencing Norah's irrational fears, nearly uncontrollable anxiety and panic attacks right along with her. This unflinchingly honest look at the various mental illnesses that Norah is forced to live with is quite eye-opening. Norah is a likable and sympathetic protagonist and watching her open herself to a new relationship is extremely uplifting. This heartfelt young adult novel is a well-written debut by Louise Gornall that I greatly enjoyed and highly recommend to readers of all ages.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    This book was powerful, heart wrenching and triumphant. I have yet to read a book that describes agoraphobia, OCD and anxiety with such understanding and gentleness.

    What I loved most about this book was that the budding relationship between Norah and Luke didn't create this amazing change. It was beautiful, it was changing, but it wasn't the cure. So many books create love interests that magically make everything all better in books about characters struggling with mental illness. We leave Norah small and incredibly bold steps ahead from where we first saw her, but her transformation was natural, progresses slowly, and while nurtured by Luke in its own way, it was very much of the self. In the end we didn't have a character healed thanks to the power of love, but a character learning to find her way with the help of a loving supportive doctor, mother, boyfriend, and heaps of inner strength she mustered by trying to love herself.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Narrated by Phoebe Strole. Since middle school Nora has suffered from agoraphobia, OCD and panic attacks. She’s been housebound all these years; just going out to the car has her paralysed with fear. A cute boy named Luke moves in next door. Nora’s attraction to him and their developing friendship has her thinking he could make a difference in her life…if only she could let him. Wasn't feeling this book. Swearing didn't sound authentic to the character or reader. Nora somewhat annoying. Reading at times is monotone.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of the better books in the young-adult, mental-illness category. Really delves into the internal messages that goes through the brain of someone who suffers from agoraphobia.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An amazing, heartfelt fictional account of a teenage girl suffering from OCD. This portrayal felt so real and raw. I loved it and was broken by it. I could feel Nora's anxiety and sympathized with her especially as she wished she could change or get better.Nora's mom was perfect in this story as well. She is a strong presence in Nora's life, getting Nora the help she needs but also being there for Nora as a parent and a confidant. And Luke. At first I was a little afraid this would be girl meets boy, boy miraculously fixes girl. But it wasn't. Instead, while Luke may serve as the catalyst for some things (good and bad), his role showed more the acceptance of those with mental illness. He didn't judge Nora and was there for her in whatever way she allowed him to be while still seeing her as a person and not a stigma.Overall, wonderfully written and highly recommend.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "Under Rose-Tainted Skies" is an incredible book about mental illness, healing and familial love. Norah lives with her mother and suffers from her agoraphobia and OCD. She sees a therapist regularly, and though she has already made progress before the book begins, she still has difficulty throughout her day and life. Her mother is her primary source of support and stability. Norah's. life changes dramatically when her mother's work trip becomes a hospital stay and the boy next door begins teaching out- and throws a party.The boy next door, Luke, becomes the focus of many of Norah's thoughts as she gets to know him more and he finds ways to communicate with her that she can tolerate. By the end of the book, we can really see the progress Norah has made from the beginning of the book. Although slow, this progress did not come easily. Norah is an incredibly strong person and her courage, although she doesn't see it and focuses on her failings, shines through the story.The author has done an amazing job of capturing mental illness and the stigma and misunderstandings they constantly face. Norah is an easily likable character and explains how things feel to her incredibly well, giving the reader an intimate portrait of OCD and agoraphobia. Her mother is really Norah's hero in the book; she is an unbelievable source of support and understanding that not everyone with mental illness is lucky enough to have. She is a wonderful example of how to support and encourage someone in this kind of situation. Luke was another great example and, to an extent, part of the catalyst for Norah to begin coming out of her cocoon. Even though he isn't perfect, he's doing his best to respect Norah's needs and research how he can support her on his own. This is a fantastic book and a must read for people of all backgrounds who want/need exposure to the reality of mental illness (and secondarily, has a cute romance besides).Please note that I received this book from the publisher through netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a compelling insight into the life of a teenage girl suffering from agoraphobia and panic attacks. I loved Norah's narration. Even though she drooled over her neighbour, Luke, she was snarky, self-deprecating, humorous and real. I felt terribly sorry for her and the way her anxieties kept her a prisoner in her own home. Luke was a sweetie and Norah's mother was a supportive, caring parent, which was nice to see. Too often in YA fiction, the adults are dysfunctional. Although language was a bit ripe at times "Under Rose-Tainted Skies" was very enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought that this book was very well done. It wasn't a feel good novel and it could be almost hard to read at times. It really felt like an honest book and that is what I really liked about it. It can be really hard to imagine the reality of living with mental illness as Norah does in this story but this book does a nice job of giving the reader something to think about. This was definitely a book worth reading.Norah is a teenage girl that spends a lot of her life in fear. She has OCD and agoraphobia and her life is very different than most other teenagers. She stays in her house and the only person that she really spends any time with is her mother. When Luke, the new next door neighbor, helps her get the groceries in her house, she really isn't quite sure what to do with him. Luke starts spending time with Norah at her house and they develop a very close relationship but Norah fears that she is keeping him from doing things.This book is told from Norah's point of view. We get to see inside of Norah's head and know exactly what she is thinking and it could be hard at times. Simple things could end up being really hard for her which is incredibly frustrating to her. She wants many of the things that other teens want but she doesn't know how to overcome her crippling anxiety and fear in order to allow it to become a possibility. I thought that Norah's inner dialogue were some of the most powerful moments in the book.I would recommend this books to others. It was an honest look at mental illness that really was eye opening at times. This book could be hard to read at times simply because of how realistic it felt. I thought that this was a strong debut novel for Louis Gornall and look forward to reading her future works.I received an advance reader edition of this book from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's Book Group via NetGalley.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A heartwarming young adult book written from the perspective of a teenage girl who is living with agoraphobia, anxiety, and OCD and uses self-harm to cope. Norah has been confined to her house for several years. Her contact with other people is limited to her mother, her therapist, and regular snooping on social media. But one day she meets Luke, the boy who just moved in next door.I really enjoyed this. It was obvious that the author knew what she was writing about. The depiction of what it's like to live with mental health issues felt honest and real.Being in Norah's head and trying to follow her thought processes and her fears was quite alarming at times. Louise Gornall has a great way with words making Norah come across as very witty and intelligent. I liked her analogies. I liked her personality. Norah's Mum deserved an award for perfect parenting skills and the therapist came across as one of a kind as well. It was nice that the budding relationship between Norah and Luke wasn't used as the vehicle to bring about magic change. Their relationship was cute, but it wasn't the real focus of this story.Overall, this wasn't a terribly deep book but it was utterly charming. I chose to read this ARC provided by NetGalley and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had high expectations and I think that was the problem... When I saw the theme, I looked forward to an intense plot with difficult scenes. What I didn't expect was a snarky female lead that confused the hell out of me. One minute she was having an inner battle and the next she was cracking jokes. Now I understand that with any illness there is normalcy beneath the surface just waiting to make itself known, but I needed more darkness. Forget the hearts and flowers and romantic struggles. I wanted more emotion and edginess. I craved to see how one copes without the neighbor that seems too perfect to be real. I wanted depth and personal growth.

    By the end of this one I felt like a lot was left open. Yeah the romance was tied up, but what about everything else? It just lacked completion for me. The whole idea that we went through this book to have THAT get her outdoors just made me mad. If you want to focus on romance have her go out for him, but to force her out? It just was another confusing factor...

    Now with all that off my chest I will say this... The writing was really good and some of the scenes were spot on. The star scene was one of the most romantic scenes I've read in a while. I also really liked the mental battles and awkwardness. The lessons buried within the pages opened my eyes to how being different isn't bad. Flaws make people who they are and you either accept that or you move on... So, I definitely applaud the Author and respect her decisions. I think many readers will enjoy her playful take on a serious subject, it just didn't live up to my expectations.

Book preview

Under Rose-Tainted Skies - Louise Gornall


I’M GOING TO KILL the damn blackbird sitting on my windowsill, chirping and squeaking at the top of its lungs. It hops back and forth, wings spread and flapping, but has zero intention of taking off.

The point is, it can fly away whenever it wants. And it knows it can. It stops chirping, turns its tiny head, and looks at me. Smiling for sure.

Smug bastard.

I pick up my pillow and lob it at the window. It crashes against the glass then plops onto my window ledge, catching a pile of books as it dies a deflated death on my bedroom floor.

The blackbird is unperturbed, but it pales into insignificance as my eyes home in on my copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray. Its corner is now ever so slightly out of line with the books beneath it.

It’s the Reader’s Choice edition. Two hundred and twenty-eight pages exactly. Just like the five books under it. To the left is another pile of six books. They all have two hundred and seventy-two pages. The book on top of that pile is Pride and Prejudice, the Dover Thrift edition.

Norah, Mom bellows up the stairs. If you don’t get your butt down here in the next ten seconds, I’m canceling the Internet service. I’ve been testing her patience for the last twenty minutes.

I still have a stomachache, I call back. There’s a pause, and I think maybe she’s giving up on the idea of making me go outside.

I don’t care if you have the bubonic plague. Pause. Inhale courage. Exhale guilt. If you’re not down these stairs in the next eight seconds, you can kiss your Internet connection goodbye. Her voice cracks, but wow, she’s really taking this whole tough love approach seriously. I don’t think she’s an enabler, but ever since she watched Doctor Motivator and his know-nothing special on mental health, she’s been grappling with her conscience.

I surrender.

To her, at least. I look back at the books, see a crumbling tower, a broken wall. Dr. Reeves is in my head, telling me to test myself, telling me to leave the discombobulated book as it is and observe how the world does not collapse around me.

I huff a breath, climb off the bed, pick up my pillow, and place it back where it belongs. It’s one of four. They all sit angled, diamond shapes, on top of my military-smooth bed sheets.

Neck hot, fingers tapping thighs, six beats each, I leave the room.

But before I hit the stairs, that tiny corner, no longer in line with the other five books, is consuming me. Like that song you heard but can’t quite remember the name of. Or that actor you’ve seen in another film but can’t for the life of you recall which one. The thought is a fungus, a black mold rotting my brain. I ache. My teeth itch.

I stand at the top of the stairs, close my eyes, and try to make my mind go blank.

Don’t go back. Don’t go back. You don’t need to go back. Clear your mind.

Here’s the thing. The blankness in my mind turns into a piece of white paper, the white paper reminds me of books, and then I’m thinking about The Picture of Dorian Gray again. Fuck.

I march back to my room, push the book to its rightful position, and then hate myself.

The blackbird catches my eye. It hasn’t budged. Bet it knew I would be back. I slam my fist into the window and shout, Boo! It shrieks and takes to the skies. I smile. Throw it a sarcastic five-fingered sayonara wave. It’s a small but satisfying victory.

Then I see a boy through my window. He’s stopped halfway up the garden path and is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. He’s carrying a box labeled Bedroom. I take note of bulging biceps testing the durability of his shirtsleeves.

New neighbors.

Why has he stopped? Am I supposed to smile? Wave? Throw him a thumbs-up? I feel like an idiot.

It’s awkward; we’re both just staring at each other until a woman in a floaty summer dress sails outside. He’s distracted, so I slip away.

Like a giant in cast-iron shoes, I make my way down the stairs. Eleven steps, so I have to take the last one twice. I have this thing about even numbers.

You don’t have to take the last one twice, Dr. Reeves would say.

But I do, I’d tell her. Then she’d ask me why, and I would say, as I always do, Because that’s the way my mind works.


COAT ON, KEYS IN HAND, my mom has a grin plastered across her face and I know my Internet connection lives to fight another day. Losing that would be like pulling the plug on my life-support system, shutting me inside a chest and dumping me in the ocean. But as serious as she is about testing the current limits of my comfort zone, I’m not sure her guts are steely enough to follow through with the threat. Not that I’m a brat who would make her life a misery if she did. What I mean is, she feels sorry for me. She knows I would be completely isolated without the Internet. The clunky plastic box with flashing blue lights is my friend. Sad, but true. It helps me keep a toe in real life.

Still, my stupid brain and its never-ending wave of paranoia won’t allow me to push her empathy any further. So I’m here.

And we’re going out.

Kill me.

Got everything? Mom asks, her voice all singsongy. We’re acting normal. A short-lived façade when I open my bag and Operation Check Contents begins.

1. Phone to call for help if we have a car crash/get mugged/drive into the path of a tornado.

2. Headphones to drown out the sound of people if we get caught in a crowd.

3. Bottle of water for if we break down and get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

4. Another bottle of water in case that other bottle leaks or evaporates.

5. Tissues for nosebleeds, sneezing, crying, and/or drooling.

6. Sanitizer to kill the germs you can catch from touching anything.

7. Paper bag to breathe into or throw up in.

8. Band-Aids and alcohol wipes in case open wounds should occur.

9. Inhaler (I grew out of asthma when I was twelve, but you can’t be too careful when it comes to breathing.)

10. A piece of string that serves no purpose but it’s been here since forever and I’m afraid the world will implode if I don’t have it.

11. A pair of nail scissors for any one of a trillion reasons, most of which conclude with me being kidnapped.

12. And, finally, chewing gum to take away the sour taste I always get when the panic hits.

Normal takes a nosedive into my bag, sinks beneath the copious amount of clutter, and dies a slow, painful death.

I nod; my mouth won’t move. My lips are numb. It’s already started and she hasn’t even opened the door.

Ready? Mom asks. Her voice is warped. Ready, a word that should only have two syllables, suddenly has fifty. I nod. Not too hard, because I’m sure any second now my head is going to fall off.

A crease as deep as space tears across Mom’s forehead. This is as painful for her as it is for me, and I can’t help thinking it would be so much easier if we just didn’t bother. But I’m not allowed to think that. Instead, I’m supposed to remind myself that we bother because if I don’t learn how to control my fears, I’m going to die cold and alone. Hidden in my room while strangers post messages of condolences on my social media and rabid cats eat my decomposing corpse.

Reassurance resides in Mom’s emerald-green eyes and the slight nod of her head. She claps her hand into mine and starts chanting the words that never help.

Just breathe: in through your nose, out through your mouth. Just keep breathing.

When the panic sets in, the ground transforms into wet cement. My feet feel like they’re sinking into it as we tread our way to the car.

I keep my eyes fixed on my boots because seeing the vast space outside will finish me off.

I’m drowning.

Mom. I snatch her arm, hold it tight to my chest like it’s a buoy.

You’re okay, honey. We’re almost there.

Insects are crawling under my skin. My bottom lip has fallen off. I don’t remember swallowing a golf ball, but it’s there, stuck in my throat, trying to choke me. I concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other as the September sun spews red-hot rays all over me. My steps are slowing; my knees are folding.

I’m fucked. At this rate I won’t make it to the car.

Keep breathing. Just keep breathing. Mom wraps her other arm around my shoulders, squeezing. She’s almost carrying me, which is good, because my muscles have liquefied and melted clean away.

What feels like a lifetime later, Mom pulls open the car door and hauls my ass into the front seat.

I deflate. Shrivel up in my chair like a lump of dehydrated fruit. Exhaustion hits like a Mack truck. And then, just because this panic attack hasn’t quite finished screwing me six ways from Sunday, the spasms start.

Dr. Reeves calls them tics. Arms jump, legs twitch. A tortured heaving sound escapes my lips and makes my skeleton jerk. I can’t stop it. I have no control. My body does what it wants when the freak-outs take over.

At least I don’t pass out this time. Passing out is the worst, especially if there’s no one around to catch you.

Luckily, having no one around to catch me has only happened once. It was my very first panic attack and I was at school. Of course, back then I didn’t know what a panic attack was and just assumed I was dying.

It was the weirdest thing. Mrs. Dawson asked me a question in chem class, something about the Periodic Table, and my mind went blank. Everyone’s eyes were on me, I could feel fire around my neck, and my vision started to wobble. Like when the heat rises off the desert floor and smudges the landscape, everything was out of focus.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the ER, a train track of staples running down my forehead. Six staples. Things got really bad from there.

I spend the next twenty-five minutes of our journey wrinkled up in my seat, too scared to look out of the window. Angry-girl music blasts through my headphones, but it does nothing to quiet the voices listing potential disasters in my head.

Mom pulls into a space outside Bridge Lea Medical Center, kills the car engine, and turns to look at me.

Are you going to come inside?

I can’t do it, I tell her, my voice weak and squeaky like a mouse’s. I’m not being awkward. I’m done. Seriously. Beyond exhausted and numb from the neck down. I don’t think my muscles could take my weight.

Mom submits in record time. Doctor Motivator and his know-nothing mental-health special can take a hike. Forcing your crumbling kid to move is near impossible for any parent with a soul.

Mom takes ten strides across the parking lot and goes to get Dr. Reeves from her office.

Today’s therapy session will have to take place in the car.

Mom steps out of the door accompanied by the good doctor. Mom’s hands are lively, jumping about in front of her, reinforcing the apology that I know she’s spouting. As per usual, Dr. Reeves sets a hand down on my mom’s shoulder, assuring her that there’s no need to apologize.

Dr. Reeves is shorter than my mom. She’s closer to five feet and built like a twig. A strong breeze, and the woman would blow away. She’s smiling, drunk on life. She smiles a lot. A cynical streak expands under my skin. No one should be this happy at nine a.m. on a Monday morning. No one.

Mom takes a turn to her right and heads over to the diner across the road. Dr. Reeves fixes a narrow stare on me and climbs into the driver’s seat. She straightens her pantsuit and places her hands, one on top of the other, in her lap.

What happened? she asks, her voice calm and soothing, like ocean waves on a relaxation tape.

Couldn’t do it. I can’t look her in the eye. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t. She exhales a sigh. She doesn’t like it when I apologize.

Let’s talk about why. She pushes her glasses back on top of her head.

It’s stupid.

It’s not stupid if it makes you feel afraid. Tell me what you were thinking about when it was time to leave the car.

Deep breath.

I started thinking about your stairs. There are twenty-eight steps to Dr. Reeves’s office. They wind, like a staircase in a fairy tale. Up and up and up into the lofty heights of heaven. They’re bordered by two solid white walls and traced by a black cast-iron handrail.

She nods. She knows where this is going. We talk a lot about ascending. I have this thing about stairs.

What about the stairs?

I don’t want to say it.

Norah, this is just you and me talking. She relaxes, leans back in the seat like this is the school cafeteria and we’re about to start discussing the star quarterback’s abs. You can tell me.

Her voice is low, kind of hypnotic, teasing the answer from my throat.

I was hanging around on the Metro, that social media site I was telling you about. She nods, and I bite down hard on my bottom lip. And all these people started pinning notes to their profiles about this tragedy in Seto. She knows I’m talking about the earthquake in Japan. I can tell because for a split second, grief clouds her eyes. She’s seen the reports, read the firsthand accounts, mourned over the thousands of pictures that have been published.

So I started reading . . .

Her mouth turns down into a frown. I thought we talked about not doing that.

We did. And I was working on it.

I was. Truly. Weeks ago we talked about staying away from things I couldn’t handle until I learned how to process better. The news is easy to avoid—​just keep the TV off and don’t pick up any newspapers. But then I see words on my social media like death and destruction, and I have to know. I can’t help looking. Like how a moth still craves a light bulb, even though it burns. It’s a compulsion.

There was this story about this woman, Yui, who worked on the ground floor of this office. She said that everyone on the first and second floors managed to get out, but everyone on floors three to five were trapped when the stairs collapsed and the elevators stopped working. I’m twisting my fingers into white knots, sweating as I try to imagine what would have been going through the heads of those poor people.

Okay. Dr. Reeves puts her hand on top of mine. Just relax. We’re not up any stairs right now.

I know it’s irrational, I tell her, because I do know that. I know that you can’t live your life waiting for disaster to strike. I know this. Hell, if we all lived like that, we’d stay stock-still our entire lives or be forced to roll around the streets in those giant plastic bubbles. But it’s like my mind and my brain are two separate things, working against each other. I can’t get them to cooperate.

The doc reminds me that fear and rational thought are enemies. Then we talk about neural pathways and breaking thought cycles, medical jargon that amounts to Next session, we’re going to climb a flight of stairs. Fun times.

With that, she makes a follow-up appointment.

I suggest Monday, same time next week.

She insists on Tuesday, in the afternoon.

She likes to mix up our psych dates a little, says she wants to keep a pinch of spontaneity in our meets; this way, my brain doesn’t start relying on a routine. The doc climbs out of the car.

I’m already trying to invent a sickness that will prevent me from leaving the house next week.


HOME SAFE AND SOUND, at last. It takes less effort to walk the fifty yards to my front door. It’s the going out that rocks my world, not the coming home.

Mom heads off into the kitchen. I consider disappearing into my room and slipping into a vegetative state, but I have a science paper due in sixteen days, and I’m not one to leave things until the last second/minute/week. Well, anything could happen between now and then. What if the computer and laptop break simultaneously and it takes an eternity to get them fixed? What if I lose fingers in a horrific sandwich-slicing incident? Or a tornado tears through our house and sucks up everything we own? You just never know.

I slink off into the study, push the power button on the computer, and the old gal starts up with a cough and a splutter. Sadly, long-term sickness does not mean a free pass from education, and for the last four years, Mom and the Learn Long Distance website have been homeschooling me.

Like I don’t love learning. I do. I absolutely love it. I almost wish I didn’t. I never used to. It’s all part of agoraphobia’s dastardly plan to make me look like the most abnormal teen on the planet.

I work as fast as I can, mostly because this computer is practically steam-powered and the clunky buttons tick every time I tap them. This does not bode well for a brain that obsesses over patterns and numbers. Superhuman hearing detects the slight variation of sound with every keystroke, and I become frustratingly fixated on the fact that no two clicks sound the same. Then suddenly it’s as if I’m Mozart, losing hours trying to type out Shakespeare sonnets to a tune. Thankfully, this is one of those quirky behaviors that’s not always present. It comes and goes like most of my compulsions, depending on how stressed/emotional/sleepy/hormonal I am.

The printer spits out my pages. I grab them, stack them, and bang them against the desktop so they’re all nice and neatly aligned. I want to clip them together so they stay that way, but Mom’s usually well-stocked stationery caddy is missing paper clips. There was this moment during a math quiz last week when my mind started to wander and I inadvertently twisted them all into a model of the Eiffel Tower. Art isn’t a required subject, but Mom gave me an A anyway.

I glance around the study, uncertain where she’s storing stationery supplies this week. Could be here, could be the trunk of her car, could be in her bra or at the bottom of her Louis Vuitton briefcase. I reach for the top drawer of the desk. Hesitate.

Mom is a mess monster. Her bedroom looks like a battle broke out between a hurricane and a thrift store. There are cold cups of tea in there, playing host to entire micronations. My Spider-Man mug went in two months and ten days ago . . . I haven’t seen it since. A shudder rips through me. When my mug finally does emerge, it will need to be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom.

But that’s her space.

Our compromise.

She fights her natural urge to leave things lying around the rest of the house and we keep her bedroom door closed at all times.

Mom? I wait a second, and when she doesn’t answer, I head toward the kitchen, admiring the crisp white sheets and perfect type on my paper. Perfection is a feeling; you’ll know it if you’ve ever questioned the competency of your penmanship before writing on the first page of a new notebook.

I can hear Mom talking before I get to the kitchen.

Can’t you send Maggie or the intern, what’s-his-face? She’s on the phone, sitting at the table with her back

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