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The Way Forward
The Way Forward
The Way Forward
Ebook233 pages2 hours

The Way Forward

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook


The #1 New York Times bestselling poet returns with his most inspiring collection yet. In this third and final installment of his poetic trilogy, Yung Pueblo expands upon favorite themes while guiding readers further, toward a life lived authentically, intuitively, and in harmony with others.

In these rapidly changing times, it is more important than ever to know ourselves well and fully, even and especially in the face of turmoil. The Way Forward encourages readers to connect more deeply to their intuition, using it to remain focused and grounded amidst a world in constant flux.

In his latest collection of poetry and short prose, Yung Pueblo offers clear strategies for managing the unknown, inhabiting your personal power, and bringing your truest, healthiest self to relationships. Progressing naturally from both Inward and Clarity & Connection, The Way Forward is exactly that­­—an inspired beginning.

Release dateOct 10, 2023
The Way Forward

yung pueblo

Diego Perez was born in Ecuador and immigrated to the United States as a child. He grew up in Boston and attended Wesleyan University. During a silent Vipassana meditation course in 2012, he saw that real healing and liberation were possible. He became more committed to his meditation practice while living in New York City. The results he witnessed firsthand moved him to describe his experiences in writing.   The penname yung pueblo means “young people” and is meant to convey that humanity is entering an era of remarkable growth and healing, when many will expand their self-awareness and release old burdens.   Diego’s online presence as yung pueblo, as well as his books, are meant to serve those undertaking their own journey of personal transformation.  Today, Diego resides in Western Massachusetts with his wife, where they live quietly and meditate daily. 

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Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book and the way it is written touched my soul and gave me the confirmation as well as insights to what I was looking for. A great read. Highly recommended for people looking to heal or grow themselves

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The Way Forward - yung pueblo


Also by yung pueblo


clarity & connection








be honest with yourself

about where you are going

how you want to feel

while you are heading there

and who you want to be

when you arrive

every moment is a destination,

an opening, a space for growth

the end goal should not distract you

from taking each step with intention

you are seeing the results of your commitment

and the power of your courage;

the fact that your mind feels lighter

shows you that you are moving in the right direction

you are entering into a better life

where your reactions are less intense

and your mind has more flexibility and determination

everything is not perfect;

there are still challenges and times of struggle

but you are learning not to let the down moments define you

and you are more gracefully embracing change

the inward journey has sparked your evolution

opened your perspective to a new level of clarity

and each connection you cherish now has new depth

but the journey is not over

you prepare yourself for another period of growth

with your highest goals in mind and the truth you feel;

your inner wisdom will show you the way forward


there are times when all you can do is survive

moments when growing doesn’t even seem like an option

and healing feels hundreds of miles away

the trauma and old hurt can weigh so heavily

that all you can do is try to stay afloat,

to endure another day

if existing takes every ounce of your energy,

then that alone is heroic work

people who have revived themselves

after almost drowning in trauma

do not get enough credit

even though the pain

was massive

they did not stay stagnant

or become bitter

they knew the only way out

was the path of healing

and they used it to start a new life

unpopular truth:

what’s meant for you will sometimes

feel scary, risky, and new

ease and calm don’t always mean

you’re moving in the right direction

the biggest rewards usually come

from having the guts and perseverance

to create your own path

i thought the trauma had broken me

but really it gave my life direction

the toxicity made me

embrace communication and honesty

the manipulation made me

realign with my own power

the narcissism showed me

that selflessness is needed

the chaos taught me

to build boundaries

the hurt showed me

that healing and rebirth are possible

the magic happens once you accept

that you can’t regulate

others’ emotions or experiences

that’s when you begin to live

your most authentic life

some people will not get you,

but what matters is that you get you

be kind,

help others,

and don’t forget to live for yourself

it is normal to feel down, tired,

and emotionally exhausted when

you are going through a big transition

especially when you have to let go

of something good for the chance

at something better

great changes are not meant to be easy;

they arise to inspire your growth

maturity is realizing that half of what

you want to say does not need to be said

being able to see the difference

between ego reactions

and helpful points that can uplift harmony

or reaffirm your values

makes a real difference

speak your truth

does not mean

speak your ego

life will distract you

and pull your senses

in different directions

but within you there is a clear compass

that points relentlessly toward

the freedom you have been seeking

not the unfulfilling freedom of excess

or of being without responsibility

the true freedom that comes from

knowing your mind and body so thoroughly

that wisdom reveals itself to you

embrace the silence

don’t fight what arises

accept the waves of change

and let insight unlock truth after truth

until you finally experience undeniable liberation

9 things that hold great power:





healing yourself

being honest with others

embracing lifelong growth

fostering deep connections

giving without wanting in return

it is only heavy

because you are deciding

over and over again

to carry it

embrace change,

loosen up your sense of identity,

let yourself walk a new path

you do not have to ignore

or erase the past,

you just have to wholeheartedly

embrace the present and move on

emotional maturity is not about being

above your emotions

it is about being able to sit

with the rawness of every feeling

without letting it take over

your mind and actions

it is about facing storms

without getting blown away

i got lost while trying to survive

my mind was busy fighting itself

my energy was focused on acting as if i were stable

my heart felt clogged up with old pain

the struggle continued until i realized

that dwelling on the past

would never change what happened

slowly my attention shifted to the present

accepting myself gave me back some of my energy

i began to carve a new road


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