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Cy-Con: Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance
Cy-Con: Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance
Cy-Con: Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance
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Cy-Con: Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance

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Rescued by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 1)

Zelranian cyborg, Lathim, has only ever wanted one thing -- a mate. When he boards a stolen ship and finds a frightened human female hiding in the cargo hold, his protective urges take over. One look at Maggie and all he can think is -- mine.

Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con 2)

When reptilian space pirates attack The Sphinx, Wrylack is forced into service as their medic. Any plans he has to escape die the moment he lays eyes on Shaylee. When the sexy purple cyborg with the strange eyes and gentle touch says she’s his, Shaylee is almost scared to hope that her life is changing. But the big male isn’t interested in owning her. He wants a mate!

Saved by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 3)

Brave. Fearless. Pregnant? The cyborg Tark saved the alluring human female once. When she’s captured during a dangerous mission, he knows he’ll have to do it again, and this time, he’s not letting her out of his sight -- especially when he finds out she’s pregnant with his child.
Release dateSep 16, 2023
Cy-Con: Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance

Jessica Coulter Smith

Author of Adult & Erotic Romance, with an emphasis on paranormal and fantasy.

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    Book preview

    Cy-Con - Jessica Coulter Smith


    Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright ©2023 Jessica Coulter Smith

    BIN: 010927-03554

    Formats Available:

    Adobe PDF, Epub


    Changeling Press LLC

    315 N. Centre St.

    Martinsburg, WV 25404

    Editor: Crystal Esau

    Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

    Adult Sexual Content

    This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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    Table of Contents


    Rescued by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 1)

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con 2)

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Saved by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 3)

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Jessica Coulter Smith


    Cyber-Punk Women’s Action Adventure

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    Three Zelranian cyborgs battle space pirates and slave traders to find their true mates.

    Rescued by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 1)

    Zelranian cyborg, Lathim, has only ever wanted one thing -- a mate. When he boards a stolen ship and finds a frightened human female hiding in the cargo hold, his protective urges take over. One look at Maggie and all he can think is -- mine.

    Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con 2)

    When reptilian space pirates attack The Sphinx, Wrylack is forced into service as their medic. Any plans he has to escape die the moment he lays eyes on Shaylee. When the sexy purple cyborg with the strange eyes and gentle touch says she’s his, Shaylee is almost scared to hope that her life is changing. But the big male isn’t interested in owning her. He wants a mate!

    Saved by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 3)

    Brave. Fearless. Pregnant? The cyborg Tark saved the alluring human female once. When she’s captured during a dangerous mission, he knows he’ll have to do it again, and this time, he’s not letting her out of his sight -- especially when he finds out she’s pregnant with his child.

    Rescued by the Cyborg (Cy-Con 1)

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    Magnolia Baker has spent most of her life in space with her father. Despite the rowdy crew, she’s been sheltered… until pirates board them and kill everyone in sight. She hides, avoiding them at all cost and praying for a miracle. Then more men board the ship. When a sexy cyborg finds her hiding in the cargo hold, she has the strange urge to trust him.

    Zelranian cyborg, Lathim, has only ever wanted one thing. A mate. When he boards a stolen ship and finds a frightened human female, his protective urges take over. He’s seen human females before, but not once has his body responded to one. Until now. One look at Maggie and all he can think is -- Mine.

    Chapter One

    Lathim sat in the captain’s chair and stared out into space. It had been ten years since they’d gained their freedom, such as it was. He thought about that long-ago day and knew they wouldn’t have done anything differently, even if it had meant being exiled by their people. The Zelranians had been intolerant and wouldn’t listen to reason, so Lathim and many others had taken a stand. It had meant an end to the Cy-Con program, which in his opinion wasn’t a bad thing.

    You look deep in thought, Tenz said. You aren’t still upset about that whore screaming her head off when she saw us, are you? We knew it was bound to happen.

    I’m tired of sex bots, Lathim said. No matter how realistic they make them look, they don’t feel the same as a living female.

    If Zelran hadn’t labeled us renegades and used the terms ‘unstable’ and ‘dangerous’, I’m sure we wouldn’t have quite so much trouble. As it is, males want to challenge us and females fear us. If I could kick the Zelranian parliament’s collective ass, I would. Tenz snorted. Not like any of them have been in battle before anyway.

    "We’re closing in on the ship Titanium from Earth, Rorwick reported. It’s been marked as stolen by pirates, with enough goods on board we should be able to do a hefty trade and be set for a few months."

    Shields or other defenses? Lathim asked.

    It has shields and blasters, but I’ve locked onto their ship and it seems their shields have been damaged by asteroids. If we hit them just right, we can take out the blasters and damage their engines, Rorwick said. Hit about two meters from the docking port. It will take out the blasters and the heat should kill the engines.

    Lathim maneuvered the ship for the best possibly outcome. Let me know when you’ve gained control of their systems.

    Done, Rorwick said, having linked with the Titanium using his neural transmitters.

    Lathim fired three shots at the Titanium and waited for the ship to stop. He continued course until they pulled alongside. Blasting open the docking port, they connected to the battered ship and prepared to board. Lathim checked his weapons and waited for his crew to meet at the port. When they were ready, he sent the command for the doors to open, and he and his fellow cyborgs boarded.

    They’d expected a crowd of pirates to attack, but the ship was eerily silent. Moving through the cargo hold, they fanned out with two remaining to guard the docking port, and scoured the ship for signs of life. As they neared the crew quarters, they saw what had happened to the original crew. The damn pirates had killed every last one and hadn’t bothered to even jettison them out of the airlock. The stench was horrendous as they moved through the ship and drew closer to the captain’s quarters.

    The captain lay dead on the floor, his chest cavity opened and his heart removed, but the shredded clothing of a female drew Lathim’s attention. He knelt and picked it up, noticing it was free of blood. Whoever had worn it might very well still be alive, if she’d fought back and managed to break free. And if there was a human female on board, there might be a chance to save her. And if they saved her, maybe she’d show some gratitude in pleasurable ways. He’d of course seen human females before, but he’d never bedded one that wasn’t synthetic and looked forward to the experience.

    Find the woman, Lathim said quietly. But don’t scare her.

    Tenz snorted. She’ll take one look at us and scream. The only Zelranians with white hair are those of us from the Cy-Con program. We’re hard to mistake for anyone else.

    Just do it, Lathim said tersely.

    His men left and he scoured the chamber for any sign that the woman might still be nearby. After he cleared the captain’s quarters, he turned to leave, but as he neared the door, a sound stopped him. A slight whimper had come from somewhere in the room. His gaze scanned the area again, stopping on the cabinet across from him. Moving slowly, he eased the doors open, but it was empty. He heard movement behind him and spun, just in time to see a swatch of dark hair and a flash of pink skin disappear around the doorway and down the corridor.

    Lathim took off after her, not wanting to scare her, but wanting to make sure she came to no harm in the event pirates were still on board. Whoever she was, she was damn fast, because she’d vanished by the time he entered the corridor. Opening communications with his shipmates, he notified them of the female’s presence and continued the search. He backtracked to the cargo hold and examined every corner, looking behind every crate.

    The same small whimper drew him again. One of the crates was partially open, containing half a dozen sex bots and one very terrified human female. He lifted his hands to show her he wouldn’t hurt her and approached slowly. The female cowered and tried to make herself disappear into a corner of the crate.

    I mean you no harm, Lathim said. Do you know what I am?

    She nodded slowly.

    I’m not here to hurt you. I want to help.

    Her wide eyes said she didn’t believe him, and he couldn’t blame her, not with the lies Zelran was spreading about his kind. He moved a little closer and watched as she trembled. He noted her lack of clothing, and cursed his body’s reaction to her. It had been a long time since he’d had a living female and not a bot, and she was damned tempting with all her sweet curves.

    Booted steps came up behind him.

    I see you found her, Rorwick said.

    I’m trying to convince her that she’s safe with us, Lathim said.

    We found the pirates, Rorwick said. They’d locked themselves behind a metal door on the captain’s deck. There were only a handful of them, but we handled it. Damn cowards took one look at us and screamed like little girls.

    Lathim continued to gaze steadily at the female. Did you hear that? The pirates are gone and you’re safe. My crew won’t harm you.

    Not pirates? she asked, her lips trembling.

    We’re cyborgs, Rorwick said with pride. And the captain is right, we’d never hurt you.

    She eased out of the corner.

    Lathim broke into a few crates until he found some clothing, and pulled out a long shirt. He helped her into it as she drew near enough to touch. She peered up at him and something about the blue of her eyes and her petite stature pulled at him. He’d not been around many human females and this one seemed smaller than most, barely reaching his shoulder.

    My name is Lathim and this is Rorwick, he told her. What’s your name?


    Lathim glanced at Rorwick, knowing he was still able to access the Titanium’s records through the mental link.

    Magnolia Baker, Rorwick said. Captain Garret Baker’s daughter. Her father stole this ship twelve years ago and ran it until the pirates boarded.

    Maggie gaped at them. How do you know that?

    Rorwick winked at her. Cyborg, remember? I can access the ship’s logs, among other things, just by using my mind.

    Will you board our ship with us? Lathim asked.

    You’ll return me to Earth?

    He shared a look with Rorwick before gazing back at Maggie. We can’t go to Earth, Maggie, but we can keep you safe.

    You could come to our world with us, Rorwick said. We took over an abandoned military base, but it’s really nice and we’ve expanded on it. We have farmland and we’ve traded for livestock. We even have some of your Earth chickens and get fresh eggs every day.

    Why can’t I go home? she asked.

    It’s a little far and too dangerous, Lathim said. Do you know where you are right now?

    She shook her head.

    In the Galim galaxy, near Ryel. If we were to travel to Earth from here, it would take weeks to reach there, even if we found wormholes and folded space. Lathim reached for her, but she shied away.

    How long have you been on this ship? Rorwick asked.

    Since I was a child, she answered.

    She doesn’t appear much bigger than one now, Rorwick said softly.

    Maggie frowned at him and Lathim tried to get close to her again.

    Maggie, I promise that you will be taken care of, Lathim said. I give you my word.

    Rorwick looked her over. You know, if we took her home with us, maybe she’d mate with someone.

    Lathim felt a burning in his chest at the thought of the scared female pairing off with anyone. Well, anyone but him. He didn’t know a damn thing about her, but just looking at her made him want to hold her close and comfort her. He’d never really held a female before. His sexual encounters had been brief when they were with living females and not bots, and even he didn’t feel like holding a bot after sex. They were toys to be used and put away.

    The female looked frightened at the prospect. I’m not a whore.

    Lathim tried to ease a little closer to her. No one said you were. A mating is… it’s like your marriage on Earth. I think that’s the term you use. It’s a promise to be together forever. You would only be with one male and he would only be with you.

    Some of the fear dimmed in her eyes. Marriage?

    Have you been married before? Lathim asked, the thought of another touching her making intense feelings swell inside of him. Was that what jealousy felt like? Was your mate on board?

    She shook her head.

    He was relieved she hadn’t belonged to anyone. He wanted her, but she was so damn scared he couldn’t even reach out and touch her. Lathim had no experience with human females and didn’t know how to calm her. He wanted her trust, wanted her to hand herself over to his care, but didn’t have the first idea how to go about doing that. He’d treat her well if she agreed to mate with him.

    Everything you’ve heard about cyborgs is a lie, he told her. We aren’t dangerous and we would never harm you.

    You chased me, she said softly.

    I didn’t want the pirates to get you. Did they harm you? I saw your clothes were shredded on the floor. Did they… He couldn’t even finish the sentence.

    No. I managed to get away and hide. I’ve been hiding ever since.

    Her stomach rumbled from hunger and she swayed on her feet. Before she collapsed, Lathim lunged forward and wrapped an arm around her waist, hauling her tight against his body. She clung to him and he lifted her into his arms, loving the feel of her pressed against him. Much better than sex bots.

    Booted steps could be heard drawing near and his brothers came into the cargo hold. They stared, mouths agape, at the female in his arms and Tenz came forward, inching closer and reaching a hand toward her. Lathim stepped back.

    Mine, he said with a growl to his voice. He’d never experienced such possessiveness before and it momentarily stunned him. His grip tightened on the female in his arms and he took another step back.

    Tenz dropped his hand and froze. We had to put down half a dozen pirates and you get a female?

    Yours? Maggie asked softly.

    You’re the only female amongst a crew of ten males, going to a world with hundreds more.

    Her eyes widened and she clung to him tighter, burrowing her face against him. He growled again, wanting to own her in every way possible, even though it was completely irrational. Yes, he’d craved a female for a while, one who would accept him, but he’d known this one a matter of minutes and already he was willing to fight his brothers for her. He assessed his systems and noted his higher heart rate, but everything seemed to be functioning properly. It didn’t appear that he needed a medic.

    Someone find her belongings and take them to our ship, Lathim said. I’m placing her in my quarters.

    Zorlok snorted. Of course you are.

    Lathim ignored the remark. "Clear out this cargo hold and load everything onto the Mystic7. The sex bots alone should fetch a nice price. Until they’re sold, they can entertain the crew."

    Lathim walked past his brothers and carried Maggie to the safety of his ship. Her grip on him didn’t ease until they reached the captain’s quarters and the doors had slid shut behind them. He leaned down to gently place her on the bed and thought she looked damn sexy there. The only thing that would have made it perfect was if she were wearing one of his shirts.

    Fucking hell. He was so screwed.

    Chapter Two

    Maggie’s hands trembled and she clutched them together in her lap as she watched the cyborg, who seemed content to stare at her. It was almost as if he’d never seen a human before. He tore his gaze from her body and looked around the room before glancing back at her again. There was something about his gaze that left her unsettled. She’d seen lust burning in men’s eyes before, but this time her body responded to the call. She should be screaming her head off, demanding to be taken back to Earth, but the truth was that something about the cyborg made her feel safe.

    She’d heard of cyborgs, of course, but she’d never met one before. Her father had once warned her the only thing more dangerous than a pirate was a cyborg, but so far Lathim hadn’t seemed to want to hurt her. If the hard cock straining against his pants was any indication, he had other plans for her. Maggie knew she should be terrified, but she couldn’t deny that the cyborg was rather sexy with his scruffy jaw and long hair, even if it was pure white against his pale lavender skin.

    The way he’d touched her in the cargo hold had been gentle and calming. There had been no malice in his touch, no promise of pain. He’d been kind and had kept the others from touching her. She knew it had more to do with the fact he wanted her for himself, but he could have easily passed her along to his crew and allowed them to do whatever they wanted with her. But he hadn’t. For some reason, he wanted to claim her for himself.

    His leather suit creaked as he walked closer and knelt at her feet. Slowly, he reached for her hands, clasping them gently. While there was lust blazing in his eyes, she saw kindness there too. Maybe the stories of his kind had been exaggerated? Or was he only being nice to her because he wanted her in his bed? Her cheeks warmed as she thought about them being tangled together where she sat.

    Being in space most of her life, and never far from her father’s watchful eye, she’d never been with a guy before. He’d been overly protective. She’d had a few stolen kisses from some of the younger crew members, but once her father found out, they always found themselves off the ship and far away from Maggie. But her father wasn’t here now. Her eyes misted as she thought about the pirates killing him in front of her. Ever since her mother died, it had just been the two of them, and now she had no one.

    A tear slipped down her cheek before she could stop it, and the cyborg reached out to wipe it away.

    I’m not going to hurt you, the cyborg said softly, his voice deep and rich.

    They’re all dead, she whispered. My father, his friends… all of them.

    I’m sorry, he said. The men who killed them have been dealt with and can no longer harm anyone. I would bring your father back if I could.

    There was a chime that filled the room and he stood, moving to the door. It slid open and revealed another cyborg on the other side, holding a box. He looked over Lathim’s shoulder and raked her with his gaze. Focusing on his captain again, he squared his jaw.

    I’d like to claim the human, the cyborg said.

    No. Lathim took the box from him and stepped back, letting the door close in the cyborg’s face. Anger flashed in his eyes when he turned to face her and Maggie hoped it wasn’t directed at her. You’re going to be a lot of trouble, aren’t you?

    She bit her lip and refrained from commenting. Her father had always called her trouble, said the men flocked to her. It seemed the same was true with cyborgs. She remembered Lathim’s words about being the only female on a ship of ten males. Maggie wasn’t stupid and knew that if they decided to take her, to force her to submit to them, she would have little choice in the matter. They were bigger, stronger, and far outnumbered her. The only hope she had of escaping such a fate was the man standing in front of her. Her life rested in his hands.

    Lathim set the box down and moved a little closer.

    You have a decision to make, Maggie. I could claim you, make you mine in every way possible, without even asking if that’s what you want. There are nine other cyborgs on this ship, and right now, they all would like to possess you. A female who can’t run from us in terror is an anomaly.

    Why would I run from you? she asked. Sure, he was large and maybe a little scary with those bulging muscles, but she knew a good man when she saw one. And Lathim was a good man.

    Do you not fear me? Does the fact I’m cyborg not terrify you?

    She hesitated, but realized that was telling enough. Maggie found him attractive, and something told her that she could trust him. It wasn’t so much that she was afraid of him, but more afraid of what would happen if she displeased him. If she kept him happy, he’d keep her safe. But what would happen if she made him angry?

    He gave a humorless laugh. As I thought. And yet you’re here, in my quarters, with nowhere else to go. I could tie you to my bed and do whatever I wanted to you.

    Her thighs clenched together at the thought of the rather sexy cyborg claiming her. She wasn’t scared of him, but the others… At least he’d said they each wanted to possess her. She hoped that meant they had no plans to pass her around and share her amongst the crew like the pirates had planned to do. She’d known that someday she would get married, but she’d always dreamed a prince would come and spirit her away. Nowhere in any of her fantasies had there been a bearded cyborg with an erection so large it both fascinated and scared her.

    His gaze skimmed over her body and a smirk graced his lips. Or perhaps that scenario doesn’t bother you as much as I’d thought it would. Perhaps little Maggie would enjoy being tied to my bed.

    Her cheeks warmed but she held his gaze.

    He reached for her, pulling her to her feet and pressed her against his chest. Is that what it is? You want to feel me pound into you while you scream my name?

    She gasped and her hands plastered to his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath her fingers. Did he have a real heart or a mechanical one? And did she really care? There was a glint in his eyes that should have warned her, but nothing could have prepared her for the devastation of his kiss. His lips devoured her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth to bend her to his will. His beard was soft, but he was hard everywhere else.

    His walked her back toward the bed that was bolted to the floor. His hands slid from her hips to her ass, giving her a gentle squeeze as he lifted her. Maggie wrapped her legs around his waist and couldn’t help but moan at the feel of his hard cock pressing against her. Lathim eased her onto the bed, never breaking contact between them. Her mind screamed that he was a stranger and this was insane, but her body came alive with every touch.

    His lips caressed her neck, his teeth lightly grazing her. Maggie’s heart pounded out of control as he made her body respond as it never had before, made her crave things she’d never wanted until now. Yes, she’d been curious with other men, wondering what happened behind closed doors, more how it felt than the mechanics, but no one had ever made her want to surrender herself to them before. For the first time, she wondered if those romance books she’d sneaked into her quarters were true. Did the earth really move? Would she see stars? Could the cyborg make her feel complete in a way no one ever had before? Or was it all just fairytales meant to entertain?

    A chime sounded again and he growled against her sensitive skin.

    Go away, he barked before continuing his seductive assault on her body.

    Captain, we have a problem, a voice called through the door.

    He cursed and pulled away from her, storming over to the door. Before it opened, Maggie pulled her legs up to her chest and made sure the shirt adequately covered her. The doors slid open and another cyborg stood in the doorway, the one who had been with the captain when he’d found her. What was his name? Rorwick?

    What can’t possibly wait? Lathim asked with bite.

    There’s a problem with engine two, the men are fighting over the sex bots, and there’s a distress call from a life pod a few hours from here. Rorwick hesitated. The life pod indicates there’s a human inside. Could be a female.

    Lathim sighed and turned to face Maggie. I need to take care of a few things. Your belongings are in that box, he said pointing to it. You’re not a prisoner in this room, but if you venture out into the ship be warned the others may try to convince you to mate with them.

    The last thing she wanted was to face off against nine cyborgs who wanted her for their own, but she didn’t think she could handle being locked in this room with nothing to do either. Not after having hidden for so long from the pirates. She needed something to do. It was doubtful they’d packed any of her books. Being men, they probably hadn’t thought of such a thing. She dug through the box and pulled out a blue shirt and black leggings. Her boots were in the bottom of the box. Two sports bras had been thrown in, but she didn’t see a single pair of panties.

    While she didn’t want to wash away Lathim’s touch, she did want to get rid of any remembrance of the pirates and quickly moved into the cleansing unit. It was similar to the one on her father’s ship and she quickly cleaned up and got dressed. Her hair soaked her shirt and she dug through the box until she found her hairbrush and a package of hair ties. After braiding her hair, she stared at the doors that led to the hall and the rest of the ship. She hadn’t paid much attention when Lathim had brought her on board, but how hard could it be to locate him?

    She stared at the doors and waited for them to open, but nothing happened. He hadn’t given a voice command to open them. There was a panel beside the door and she tried placing her hand over the screen. The doors still didn’t open. Maggie growled in frustration and looked around the room. Maybe if she could pop the panel door off, she could figure out which wires would open the doors. She stared at the panel again and pressed a few buttons to see what would happen.

    Maggie, what are you doing? Lathim’s voice said over an intercom.

    Trying to leave the room. The doors won’t open.

    A moment later, the doors slid open and his voice filled the room again. I’m in the command center. Take a right out of the room and when the hallway splits, veer left, then taken another left.

    Right. Left. Left. She nodded and set off to find Lathim, her boots clanging on the metal floor of the ship. A few cyborgs gazed at her in curiosity as she passed them, a few giving her a smile, but no one bothered her. She wondered if Lathim had warned them away, or if they were just giving her some space. The cyborg who had come to Lathim’s quarters and asked to claim her was walking down the hall and she tensed a little.

    His gaze slid over her and the look in his eyes clearly said he wanted her. She made to pass by him, but he stuck his arm across the hall, blocking her way. Maggie took a step back, putting some room between them. He advanced until she backed into a wall.

    Little human, I would treat you very well if you were mine, he said. We could have a lot of fun in my quarters until we return to my world.

    Maggie shook her head. I just want to find Lathim.

    His jaw hardened. The captain shouldn’t claim the first woman we find. He should give you to a crew member instead of being selfish.

    Please let me pass, Maggie said softly. I don’t want to belong to you.

    His gaze hardened and he took a step back, allowing her to squeeze by him. She hastened her steps, hurrying to Lathim’s side, and hopefully to safety. She didn’t think the

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