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Babies & Wedding Cakes: Springhurst Sweets, #2
Babies & Wedding Cakes: Springhurst Sweets, #2
Babies & Wedding Cakes: Springhurst Sweets, #2
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Babies & Wedding Cakes: Springhurst Sweets, #2

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She thought it was stress from taking over the family business. Trying to run a struggling auction house her father gave her was enough to make anyone sick on a daily basis or so she tried to tell herself before the pink lines showed on the pregnancy test.

He couldn't stop thinking about her. Weston Richards tried to tell himself that one night was supposed to stay that way. If he only knew that he left more than just happy memories behind with Ainsley.

Release dateOct 5, 2023
Babies & Wedding Cakes: Springhurst Sweets, #2

Tina Rischlynn

Tina Rischlynn fell in love with reading at a young age. Classic and contemporary romance novels with feisty heroines and sexy, especially shirtless, men quickly became her favorite guilty pleasure while drinking way too many frozen coffees during college. She can be found looking up new meal recipes, that probably include bacon or chocolate, and writing down new story ideas while living in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, and a fat old cat.

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    Book preview

    Babies & Wedding Cakes - Tina Rischlynn

    Chapter One


    Ainsley’s heels clacked against the tile when she walked out of the elevator.

    Morning Sheila.

    You can go on in Ainsley. Your dad is expecting you. Her father’s assistant, Sheila said in her motherly voice. Ainsley knew the older woman since she was a young child, and something about her made Ainsley miss her own mother. Perhaps it was the kindness in her eyes, the uncanny ability to scare you by looking over her glasses or the candy she hid in her desk.

    Thank you.

    She stood in front of the dark wood doors to her dad’s office.

    Even after all this time, I still feel like I'm about to get in trouble, like being sent to the principal's office. For crying out loud, Ainsley, it is just your father.

    Pulling the heavy door towards her, she walked through the door and saw her father standing in front of the window. His office had a marvellous view of the city park.

    Hey, dad.

    Michael turned at the sound of his daughter’s voice. Hello dear. Have a seat.

    Ainsley sat on the small sofa while her father sat in the high-back chair in front of the small seating area set up in his office. She picked at imaginary lint on her pants while she waited for her father to speak.

    So I am sure you are wondering why I called you up here. And no, you aren’t in trouble. I am.

    Ainsley’s brow crinkled in the center in confusion. What do you mean?

    The auction house isn’t doing so well, Ainsley. We, uh, I didn’t change enough with the times, I suppose. Auctions have changed.

    Are things like eBay really affecting us that much? She wanted to laugh at the thought. Bradfords specializes in estate sales and fine art pieces, appraisals, not basic sales.

    Her father sighed. I get it, but we're not flashy. I didn’t update our systems. We didn’t market properly.

    Michael continued to ramble on with more excuses before Ainsley held up her hands. Okay, okay. She sighed. What do you plan to do?

    I want to retire and put you in charge.

    Has he lost his fucking mind?

    With comically large eyes, Ainsley stared at her father in silence and didn’t hear him call her name.

    Ainsley, did you hear me? Hello, Ainsley.

    Um, um, uh, wait, what? Wouldn't you want Jared to take over? She stammered.

    The pinched look on his face told her he had already asked him.

    He turned it down didn't he?

    Of course he did. He has a wife and they just found out she is pregnant three months ago. Why would he say yes to spending all his time fixing their family business that was started by their great grandfather.

    Her father stood up and sat next to Ainsley and patted her back. I know that this is a lot, but I think you’re what we need to survive. You are more involved than your brother. You know this business inside out.. And I understand if you don’t want this, but I really hope that you know how proud I am of you. That reason is why I know you can do this.

    You really think I can do this? That I could take over.

    Michael Bradford looked at his daughter with a sympathetic smile. I do. I am proud of you in so many ways, but you have a passion my grandfather had when he started Bradfords. He loved collecting things and finding new homes for them. I fully believe with your education in art, knowledge in antiquities and that passion, you will keep Bradfords in the family.

    Ainsley felt her lip quiver, both because of her father’s words and the fear settling in her stomach. She looked at her father with a furrowed brow. Her inner turmoil showed on her face, and she was at a complete loss for words. She wiped her sweaty hands on her pants nervously.

    I can’t let him down, but I don’t know.

    I don’t know. I, uh, I think I need some time to decide for sure.

    Michael nodded. I understand. I won’t decide until I know what you’ve decided, and I want you to do what you think is best for you.

    Thanks dad.

    I need a cupcake.

    Ainsley followed her sweet tooth to Springhurst Sweets, where she became friends with Scarlet and Jenny. She knew that telling the girls, along with having the delicious combination of cake and icing made in the kitchen, would help figure things out.


    Weston felt the cool breeze as he ran through Memorial park. People dotted the grassy areas. Frisbees flew into hands and fellow runners. But there was surprisingly very little noise until he reached a shady area and the sounds of giggles reached his ears. In front of him stood a bunch of the students from the Springhurst Academy’s elementary school, who he fondly knew them as the sprouts.

    Mr. Richards, Mr. Richards, he saw and heard a young girl waving at him from the gaggle of kids around her.

    Hello Cassidy. Are you ready to go back to school in a few week? What’s all the excitement about?

    The little girl squealed as she ran over to him. Puppies.

    Puppies? Weston asked.

    Come look, look. She grabbed his hand and pulled Weston behind her and moved as quickly as her seven-year-old feet could take her. Hurry. See the puppies and kittens.

    He laughed at the youthful energy the little girl had. Well, we can’t miss the puppies and kittens.

    They reached the other people, and he greeted Cassidy’s mom, Laura.

    Sorry, she stopped your run, Mr. Richards.

    He waved her off. Not a problem. I must see those puppies she talked about.

    A small beagle puppy drew Weston's attention among the scrambling little dogs.

    Hi, a young woman held out her hand, I’m Haley with the City Animal Shelter and Training Center. Are you looking to adopt?

    um, I don’t know. During fall and spring, I'm gone most of the day.. Won’t the dog need company or something?

    She sighed. Certain dogs want more attention than others and may require another animal if the owner is gone a lot. But we provide training at our shelter and often that is all a pet needs to become house trained.

    He nodded, but Weston’s eyes drifted to the beagle puppy. How much for the little beagle there? Weston pointed at the fur ball, who captured his heart with a look of chocolate brown eyes.

    That is Betty. She’s a little more subdued than her siblings. She picked up the squirming canine and handed her to Weston. We called her Betty because I was watching Golden Girls and she immediately started barking when Betty White showed on the screen. I hadn’t picked a name yet, so she became Betty.

    The little puppy licked his face. That made him scrunch his face in joy that he hadn’t felt in a while.

    It would be nice to come home to someone. Betty, do you want to come home with me?

    The adorable yip told him yes. What are the adoption requirements for this little cutie?

    I’ll give you the paperwork.

    Chapter Two


    The bell chimed as Ainsley walked through the door to the small bakery cafe. She desperately needed Scarlet and Jenny’s advice, along with the scent of baked goodies and the sugar high her emotions demanded.

    Girls, I do not know what to do.

    I need sugar.

    As if she read her mind, Scarlet placed their black forest cupcake in front of her and Jenny added the cold brew coffee that seemed to be a favorite among their customers.

    Ooh, what’s this one? she asked.

    That is our black forest cake cupcake and our vanilla cold brew coffee that we started selling last week.

    Ainsley took a bite and moaned at the flavor of dark chocolate and sweet cherries. Damn, that’s good.

    Right. I told Scarlet this morning that it was scrumptious.

    Jenny and Scarlet sat around her and waited until she finished getting her sugar fix.

    They are the best.

    Okay, now that you have sugar making its way through your bloodstream. What don’t you know what to do?

    Releasing a deep breath, My dad told me that the auction house is struggling.

    Oh, no. You love Bradfords.

    Ainsley nodded. He said that he didn’t keep up with the times. Dad told me he failed at marketing and finding new things and focused on what auction houses used to be.

    Scarlet grabbed her hand. Are you okay?

    Ainsley shook her head and widened her eyes to avoid the tears threatening to fall. "Not really, but

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