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Preparing to Encounter God: Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusades, #11
Preparing to Encounter God: Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusades, #11
Preparing to Encounter God: Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusades, #11
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Preparing to Encounter God: Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusades, #11

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This compilation offers a unique perspective on encounters with God, both on an individual and collective level, as exemplified by the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the people of Israel. By delving into their personal journeys, we uncover the distinct facets of God's identity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We explore direct and indirect forms of collective encounters by studying God's interactions with Israel.

Our quest to understand what it means to experience God's tangible presence led us to Scripture. We wanted to know if such profound encounters were documented how individuals and communities prepared to meet and experience God, and what ensued thereafter.

This daily journey unfolds during the 11th session of our annual 40-day Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusade. It captures the essence of our fervent prayers for a tangible encounter with the Almighty during the Third World Convention of Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

As you immerse yourself in this life-changing moment, may the Lord abundantly bless your experience, leading you to relive a profound encounter with the Lord.

Release dateOct 10, 2023
Preparing to Encounter God: Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusades, #11

Theodore Andoseh

The current leader of Christian Missionary Fellowship Internation

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    Preparing to Encounter God - Theodore Andoseh

    Preparing to Encounter God




    BOOK 11



    Copyright © 2019 by Theodore Andoseh

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Except otherwise stated, all Bible references are from the New International Version of the Bible

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International

    [email protected]





    Encounters With God

    Individual Encounters With God—1


    Individual Encounters With God—2


    Individual Encounters With God—3


    Communal Encounters With God—1

    The collective encounters of God with Israel

    Communal Encounters With God—2

    CMFI Third World Convention


    Back Matters



    This book will take you on a journey back in time as we recount the heart of the preparations leading up to the historic third World Convention of our cherished Ministry, Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI). The scene was a bustling hive of activity where dreams were taking shape and anticipation hung in the air like a tangible presence.

    You could see construction projects unfolding, the awe-inspiring dedication of the mass choir during their tireless rehearsals, and the unwavering commitment of the convention organizing committees, holding meetings in succession both on-site and online. Amidst the logistical intricacies and financial considerations, one could easily miss the core essence of such a grandiose rendezvous—an unparalleled opportunity to experience a tangible encounter with God at a personal and corporate level.

    This compilation takes you into the heart of our community's preparations for this divine appointment. Uncover the depths of individual readiness as we reflect on the timeless questions:

    Were there encounters of this magnitude in the pages of Scripture?

    How did individuals and communities prepare to meet God?

    What were their expectations, and were they met when the appointed day arrived?

    Our journey unfolds during the 11th session of the annual 40-day Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusade, which took place from 7th October to 15 November 2019. This monumental event was masterfully coordinated from our International Headquarters in Koume, Cameroon.

    In the daily proceedings presented here, we focus on the slot from 22:00 to 01:00, skilfully led by Brother Theodore Andoseh, during which the full weight of the burden for the fast—that the 3rd world convention will be a genuine encounter with God, an opportunity to bask in His divine presence—is systematically prayed through. You will relive our heartfelt cry to God, inviting Him to descend not to prove our superiority or endorse our terminology, but simply to meet His people.

    This compilation is a window into the two principal forms of encounters with God—individual and corporate—embodied in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the people of Israel, respectively. Through their individual journeys, we witness the unveiling of the distinctive elements of God's identity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The direct and indirect forms of collective encounters are demonstrated by looking at the encounters of God with Israel.

    The proceedings is presented in four major and extensive parts. It includes an information newsletter about the event in the Introduction, along with numerous life-changing exhortations that enriched the prayer crusade nights and the concluding prophetic utterance feature in the Appendix.

    You will relive the electric atmosphere that enveloped Koume each night as a large crowd gathered, with the captivating live sound and images that drew 310 unique connection hubs every night, spanning 112 nations across six continents. The impact was incredible as over 5,453 immediate positive reactions emanated from our platforms. You can explore the daily audio repository of the entire event from here:

    Finally, these verbatim notes serve as a comprehensive starting point for the editorial team, paving the way for an eventual official publication. As you journey through these pages, may you be blessed and transported to a time when faith, unity, and divine encounters converged to create an unforgettable turning point in our history as a people of God.

    It was a spiritual odyssey like no other—a tangible encounter with the Almighty!



    1. The Prayer Letter

    2. The prayer crusade programme

    3. The burden of the fasting crusade




    International Headquarters

    P.O. Box 385 Bertoua, Cameroon;

    Tel: (237) 67750 29 42;

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Koume, 5th October 2019






    Precious and beloved Co-Worker,


    Praise the Lord!

    Praise the Lord!!

    God has been good and merciful to us in the course of the past year. He has been faithful to His promises and accomplished so much of what He said to us by Rhema. Glory be to His excellent name. We can only confess with the prophet Isaiah,

    Lord, You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished, you have done for us (Isaiah 26:12).

    Yes! Indeed all that we have accomplished, God has done for us:

    The more than 1.5 million believers in Cameroon in almost 6,500 localities meeting in 14.000 house churches in all ten administrative regions of Cameroon (up from 55.000 believers in 2009 when brother Zach went to be with the Lord), inspite of all the internal crises and strife.

    The more than 1,000 sums that have been invested in the preparation for the upcoming World Convention, besides the fund for the running of the ministry and allowances constitute proof that the Lord has wrought greatly in our midst!

    Miracles accompanying the proclamation of the Gospel have continued to multiply and there has been more harmony in the team and body of leaders!!!

    These have been the Lord's doing and to Him alone be the exclusive glory and praise! Join us to glorify and praise the Lord!

    We have pursued the objective of consolidating phase 2 of our goal and preparing for the take-off of phase 3 in the last three years, and both of these objectives are coming to a head and converging in the world convention and concertation from December 8 to 23, 2019 in Koume, at which we expect 25.000 delegates to the convention and 3.000 leaders to stay back for the concertation.

    Please, stand with us during the ministry fast from 7th October to 15th November, 2019 to cry out to God to make the convention a successful event but, above all, to make the convention an occasion for a transforming encounter with God for each delegate and a general visitation of God on the entire work - a visitation that will provide rooting for the work that exists already, and anointing, renewal and revival for the work in phase 3.

    Pray with us as follows:

    That all the delegates to the convention would prepare for the event with a seven-day fast or more and remove from their hearts and lives every sin and cloud in their personal relationship with God and with believers.

    That God would provide the miraculous finances and labour to complete the construction of the main convention hall and all the other buildings to enable us to host the event conveniently.

    That God would provide sufficient food and the basic amenities of water, electricity, and service for a smooth and respectable hosting of the delegates.

    That God would overrule in Bertoua and in Cameroon and impose His peace and quiet before, during and after the convention event, and grant us favour with all the civic and administrative authorities so that the convention can hold in peace and calm.

    That the hand of God would rest on all the delegates travelling to Koume so that each will travel safely to Koume and from Koume without accident or incident or difficulty.

    That the Lord would raise a large number of servants and ministers for every aspect of the practical and spiritual service to ensure a comfortable stay during the convention.

    That God would come down and cover with His presence all of Koume, all the delegates, all the program, all the ministers as a hen covers her brood from any and from every attack of the enemy or foolishness of man.

    That God would distinctly anoint each minister during the convention and each delegate with the Holy Spirit and with His presence.

    That each delegate would have a distinct and transforming personal encounter with God, a distinct personal encounter with God's word, God's presence, God's Spirit, God's power, God's glory, God's will, God's love, God's holiness, God's greatness, God's goodness, God's light, etc. etc.

    That collectively, God would reveal Himself to all of us in a manifest and tangible way as He has often done to His people in the Bible and throughout history so that we may know the Lord and always fear Him for our good. That waves of God's manifestations would come upon us many times each day.

    That God would re-commission us and empower us for the work and the goal of phase 3 and make the way ahead distinctly clear for us as a community.

    That God would overrule and appoint each one who will take part in the concertation and overrule the deliberations of the concertation.

    Pray that no one would come to the event who was not ordained to, and that all whom God ordained to be at the convention would be there.

    Pray that the enemy, the flesh, and the world would absolutely have no place at the convention and during the concertation; that our God would be in all and be all in all.

    We are crying out to God that 100,000 or more people would fast for at least three days for this determinant and critical appointment with God.

    God bless you as you join us to prepare for this encounter with God and in this battle to bring God down upon our entire ministry!

    Our brother in Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the total commitment to the mission He has assigned to us through His servant Zach Fomum,

    Theodore Andoseh.



    7th October 2019


    Raise your right hand and say: Lord, thank You for bringing me to the prayer siege.

    Raise your two hands, say: Lord thank You again for another season of praying.

    Five people, stand up and thank the Lord for blessing us with another season of prayer and fasting, and keeping us from backsliding.


    During this period, we have four battle fronts:

    The fasting front - some will be fasting, all must fast. Some will be fasting extensively, but all shall fast - clap for the Lord.

    There is the prayer front - all shall pray, but some shall pray extensively throughout the forty days - clap for the Lord for that front.

    There is the service front - some shall prepare for the convention as a service for all of us. All of us will be doing something in preparation for the convention, but some must work extensively in preparation for the convention. Hallelujah! - clap for the Lord for the service front.

    The pursuit of numbers and the goal: evangelism, soul winning, church planting, the healing of the sick, the casting out of demons, breaking of curses. There is the fourth front, so that we may offer the Lord a goal - clap for the Lord for the evangelism front, clap louder. All shall try to evangelise, but some must concentrate on evangelism and have forty days of evangelism crusade, so that we may offer God the numbers He asked us.

    Can ten people come and thank the Lord for the four fronts of battle here in the Headquarters.

    For each one of the four fronts, we need leaders, directors, who will be committed to mobilise others for that front. So, we need leaders for the fasting fronts, they will fast and raise everybody to fast. We need leaders for the prayer fronts, who will come here for the prayer siege, they will come earlier than everybody, a nucleus that will pray till the end, so that even if nobody comes, prayer will take place; we need leaders for the service front task masters, we need those who will mobilise the others to work, plan the work and make sure that the work is done. We need leaders in service, so that everybody is not just like a sheep. We need leaders in the service front and we need leaders in the evangelism front; everyone is busy fasting and praying, then when December comes, instead of rejoicing, we would start saying: Lord I repent for having promised that we will reach 3 million.

    We need leaders in the evangelism front, who will make sure that we give God the goal we have promised, so that we stop being liars.

    Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. As a dream comes when there are many cares, so the speech of a fool when there are many words. When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, My vow was a mistake. Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands? Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7).

    Brother Zach once asked me if I know the manifestations of the satanic prince of Cameroon? I said immorality, he asked me: which country is not immoral? He asked me: what is the signature of the satanic prince of Cameroon on each Cameroonian? He told me that, when you are discerning the principality, you must ask God because naturally you cannot see; so he told me, the manifestation of the satanic prince of Cameroon is the lack of conviction, the average Cameroonian is not in his words. That is why in Cameroon, many people can receive Christ and go back to sin; the words that they utter are not final. People set goals and then, they don't accomplish the goal and they just go on, they are not in their words, they are in the grips of the satanic prince of Cameroon, they are manifesting the signature of the prince of their kingdom. The lack of conviction is manifesting the signature of your true king, for those who are in the kingdom of God, let your Yes be yes and your No be no, every other thing comes from satan. The Bible says in Christ Jesus all the promises of God are Yes and Amen. God does not call back what He has said. That is why when He says something, we can say Amen.

    I think that it will require a revelation for people to swear to their own words and not change. The average believer I meet can break all his commitments, all his consecration when his conditions change.

    I want us to pray for leaders for each of the fronts.

    For those who are not in Koumé, for those who are committed, they will have three fronts:




    Because they don't have the opportunity to carry bricks and do practical service to prepare for the convention.

    At the Head Quarters there are the four fronts, obviously outside the Head Quarters there are three fronts.

    Let's pray that God will give us here at HQ ¹, the leaders who will lead the fasting, the leader who will encourage everyone to fast.

    Pray that those who will fast, will fast and encourage other people to fast.

    Let's pray that the Lord will raise that nucleus those people committed to the prayer crusade that will carry the prayer crusade; strong people who can overcome sleep, they will come early, pray through the night till morning.

    Let's pray that the Lord will raise leaders who will carry the service front, who will be enthusiastic, who will work with their mind, who will carry the service God has given us. - Ten people come and pray.

    Let's pray that the Lord will raise some who will carry the evangelism and church planting here at HQ, so that we may move to the Goal God has given us. Please ten people pray for the leaders for the evangelism front, so that we don't lose sight of that front.

    Let us ask the Lord that in each of these four fronts, clear objectives be established for these next forty days.

    Let's pray that large numbers will be mobilised in each of those fronts.

    For the fasting front, we are crying out to God that 100.000 people will fast from between 3-40 days

    Pray that all the delegates to the convention will take at least seven days fast.

    Pray that a hundred other (100) places will be able to pray as we are doing here.

    Let us ask the Lord that every day, there will be at least 10.000 people praying, as part of the crusade.

    I will encourage you to have a journal, where you record the highlights of each day.

    Nobody can lead who never followed well, and nobody can follow. Anyone who truly followed will eventually master what the person who led did. No one has followed well and has not learnt to lead.

    Secondly, nobody can lead well who has not followed, because he will not know what to do with people, because he does not know what they did with him.

    19:00 — 21:00: ministry to God, led by sister Emilia Tendo

    21:00 — 22:00: ploughing the heart, led by sister Henriette Mbarga

    22:00 — 1:00: burden of the fast, led by brother Theodore Andoseh

    1:00 — 2:00: personal spiritual revival, led by brother Alphonse Tawet

    2:00 — 3:00: preparation for the convention, led by brother Ako Mbo Nicolas

    3:00 — 5:00: praying for the convention, led by sister Esther Kouonang

    5:00 — 6:00: ministry watch, led by sister Esther Kouonang and brother Ajime Moses



    The burden that we are going to carry for the fast is, praying for the convention to be an encounter with God; that the convention will be an opportunity to experience God. We had a meeting sometime in May, and we used an extreme word to express what we meant. We said that, there are some people who are like a stone in a river, they could have been in a river for forty years, but when you take that stone out and you break it, inside the stone, no drop of water has ever penetrated; we said, some people can be in the ministry and they are not of the ministry, and we said, there is a kind of baptism in the ministry. There is no baptism in the name of the ministry, there is baptism in the ministry. Baptism is a word that means, burying into. Marriage is a baptism into a man or into a woman, so that the two become one flesh, it is a baptism into flesh. We said that we want the convention to be a kind of baptism into Zach Fomum's ministry, so that you are in the ministry and you have the genome of the ministry the prayer nights are not foreign, the fasting, this sacrificial giving, this mad running and not taking holidays does not become strange. We are looking for something, a work of God that produces people who are like this Brother Zach in their following of God. We said, it was a kind of baptism, because the Bible makes allusion to the fact that the Israelites were baptised into Moses, they experienced God in their accepting the leadership of Moses.

    Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called-- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:3-6).

    There are the seven tests of orthodoxy.

    We are in the One Church, we are not the One Church, the church is living out her Babylonian captivity.

    There is only one Lord to whom we give our lives, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The place of man in the economy of God will never be overthrown. This desire to only worship Jesus and reject man is the spirit of antichrist.

    It pleases God to use man.

    Anybody that does not accept the divinity of Christ like Jehovah Witnesses is not in this category, and anyone who does not accept that the believer’s ultimate destiny is heaven, is a deviant.

    We shall rule on this earth, but that is not our destiny. The Bible says, concerning our destiny, ‘what eyes have not seen’. You do not know what it shall be like, dining with Christ. We do not know, we shall know.

    When heaven is real, and it is the believer’s hope, the people that we seem to pity here are not pitiable.

    One hope: heaven.

    I think we need to teach about heaven, because many believers have no idea about heaven.

    One hope - that is orthodoxy.

    We are burdened that the convention will not just be an event, but a visitation of God, and an encounter with God, so that, those of us who are in this ministry will be part of this ministry; so that it will stop being a religion but a life, the life of falling in love with Jesus without ever backsliding. We want to burn and not be consumed, because God is in us. Say: amen.

    That is what I will be carrying, that the convention will be an encounter; we will be crying out to God that the Lord will consent to descend, not to prove us superior, not to back our terminology to be baptised in brother Zach, we just want the people of God to meet God. If they cannot find God, we have nothing.

    Brother Alphonse will lead us to read the book: Personal Spiritual Revival.

    To prepare for the encounter with God, we need to raise our spiritual level.

    Pray that for each of these items, in forty days that we will make history.


    Encounters With God


    4. Introduction—1

    Forms of encounters with God

    5. Introduction—2

    An Individual Encounter With God

    6. Introduction—3

    The convention



    Forms of encounters with God

    In the Bible, there are two broad forms of encounters with God:

    There are individual encounters with God

    And there are community, or corporate encounters with God

    In the goals of our ministry, the fundamental objective of our ministry is to produce people who are disciples of the Lord Jesus, who seek God, who find God, who know God, who love God, who serve God and who enjoy God. We want to produce disciples, those who come to the Lord Jesus Christ. We want them to live out their daily discipleship, and the Christian life we want those of our ministry to have is a relationship with God where they hunger for God, a hunger that makes them to seek God, by all the various forms available. The Bible says: you shall seek Me and you shall find Me if you seek Me diligently.

    So, we want those who know Jesus; we build them, we help them develop a relationship with Jesus in these seven steps.

    They desire the hunger for God and the normal disciple-maker must know how to produce hunger for God; how do we produce hunger for God? Hunger is produced by emptying the heart of all the counterfeit things that steal the love of the heart: self, the world, the things of the world.

    We have experienced that just like natural hunger comes, when there is emptiness, if your stomach is full you cannot feel hungry; satisfied people are not hungry.

    Spiritually, there are too many people who are satisfied, they are happy with their achievements, or they are hungry for the things of the world. So, in producing hunger, we help the young disciple to strip his heart of the things that are in themselves legitimate, enjoyable but that seem to replace God, make them not to run after God and Jesus is the One that told us what those things are. What Jesus pointed out is mostly that the man who loves himself, love for God is not in his heart. The man who loves the world, the love for God cannot be in his heart. But these are negative loves the love of money, of self, of the world, the love of things that are in the world. But the Lord Jesus pointed out that there are some legitimate things that testify that there is no love for the Lord, and the first thing he pointed out is self -love, the second thing he pointed out is natural relations: He says, if anyone will come after Me, that is, hunger for Me, follow Me and does not hate

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