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The Dance of the Blacksmith: Book 1 of the Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress: The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress, #1
The Dance of the Blacksmith: Book 1 of the Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress: The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress, #1
The Dance of the Blacksmith: Book 1 of the Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress: The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress, #1
Ebook64 pages52 minutes

The Dance of the Blacksmith: Book 1 of the Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress: The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress, #1

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In a world teeming with monsters and death, caterans are contracted to keep monsters separated from the human world.

Two such caterans stumble upon a little boy, orphaned in the wake of his parents' tragic demise. They name the boy Doyle, unaware that he is destined to become a renowned cateran, potentially even the most formidable of them all.

Enduring a childhood devoid of love, Doyle is resolute in his determination to carve out a solitary existence in the world. Yet, at his darkest hour, he crosses paths with a captivating young woman named Ophelia, sparking a profound connection that ignites a passionate and painful dance between them. Both possess remarkable bravery as caterans, yet they hesitate to confide their innermost emotions to one another. The turmoil of violence, adversity, and injury becomes Doyle's convenient shield, shielding him from expressing his true feelings to Ophelia.

"The Blacksmith" unfolds as the initial installment of "The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress," a spellbinding fantasy romance chronicling the journey of Doyle and Ophelia. Their lives intertwine as they grapple with the daunting task of acknowledging the sentiments concealed within their hearts.

This is Doyle's half of the tale, the narrative that the world yearns to experience.

Release dateOct 11, 2023
The Dance of the Blacksmith: Book 1 of the Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress: The Dance of the Blacksmith and the Huntress, #1

Paul Willson

Paul Willson is a fantasy writer with five published books. He began writing after being made redundant from his IT job during the Covid pandemic. This was short stories at first then he began attempting longer fantasy novellas. It was then that the fantasy action romance, "The Dance of The Blacksmith and The Huntress," trilogy was born and Ophelia and Doyle began their eternal dance. Not long afterwards, "The Demon and The Raven," come to fruition which has received 5* ratings on Amazon. This year his first full-length fantasy book, and the first book in the "Gods and Runes series", "The Fall of Cadoria" was released.  

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    The Dance of the Blacksmith - Paul Willson


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    Tell us Sara, how do you plan to tell the story of Doyle and Ophelia, The Blacksmith and The Huntress? We see this book as an important way to boost tourism to the city, the bored-looking city official who was chairman of the interview panel asked in an excited yet false voice, repeating the same opening question he had made many times that day. His voice echoed in the empty high-ceiling hall. The other two officials on the panel looked equally bored. They had seen plenty of interviewees and most had given the same dry historian-like answers. There had been a lot of recent interest in the stories of caterans fighting monsters in the countryside and the bustling city of Frieden was many years ago the centre for caterans. Frieden was keen to cash in on that popularity.

    Back then Frieden was a small backwater town left behind by the rest of the country this was because for reasons unknown monsters were prevalent in the fertile countryside surrounding the town which wasn’t the case in the rest of the country. Cateran was the name given to those who made it their job to take contracts to hunt and kill the monsters that threatened the human population. One story that captivated people the most was the story of The Blacksmith and The Huntress the greatest caterans of them all. It was a story with everything: action, adversity, and romance. Statues had been placed all over the city and a museum was built to tell their story to bring tourists to the city and cash in on their popularity. There were so many versions of their story that the city council wanted one definitive version.

    Sara sat in front of the panel, her palms sweaty and her heart beating fast with nerves. This commission could make her career as a writer and fulfil her lifelong dream.

    Well, she began her reply, pausing briefly to calm her nerves, I intend to bring them back to life, use the statues as inspiration as well as the stories Grandmama and Grandpapa used to tell me when I was little-

    I beg your pardon, Grandmama and Grandpapa? interrupted the head of the interview panel, removing his glasses as he looked at Sara in disbelief. The ageing lady and the young but old-fashioned-looking gentlemen on the interview panel also woke from their bored stupor.

    Yes. I apologise. I thought you knew, Doyle ‘The Blacksmith’ and Ophelia ‘The Huntress’ were my grandparents. Sara explained her face flushing slightly red from embarrassment at this revelation.

    Smiles of incredulity crossed the faces of the panel members as they looked at each other. They could not believe their luck.

    No, no we didn’t know. Well, this is a surprise and a welcome one at that! said the chairman of the panel with a small laugh as he came to life, trying yet failing to hide his delight.

    You’re not an experienced writer, do you think you are up to this task? The lady on the panel asked quickly, her furrowed eyebrows showing concern.

    No, I am not an experienced writer but when I said I wanted to be a writer, I remember Grandmama looking me in the eye and telling me I could be one and I knew right there she was right.

    The lady gave Sara a knowing smile, You know Ophelia taught me just before she retired, and I remember that look. It made me feel I could achieve anything.

    The panel then began whispering amongst themselves.

    Ok, Sara you have the commission, the panel chairman said. Having the granddaughter of Doyle and Ophelia will give the book authenticity. We look forward to seeing your work, However, time is of the essence. We want something to publish before the spring Drethian festival. Can you do that? he asked with urgency and hope in his voice.

    Yes, I think I can, replied Sara with an excited smile.

    Sara walked out into the cold, crisp winter air with her hat pulled down tight over her ears and her coat and scarf insulating her from the cold and began walking, unable to stop smiling and resisting dancing in the street. She was elated. She had so wanted to do this. This would be a labour of love and she

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