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The Centrality of Prayer: Prayer Power Series, #11
The Centrality of Prayer: Prayer Power Series, #11
The Centrality of Prayer: Prayer Power Series, #11
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The Centrality of Prayer: Prayer Power Series, #11

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About this ebook

This book The Centrality of Prayer  is a compilation of messages given in Yaoundé in August 2007 by Professor Fomum within the framework of the World University Prayer and Fasting to over 2000 brethren of our work coming from Cameroon and many nations.

This book which was written from notes taken as it was being preached without any editing from the author, expresses the burden which the Professor had to communicate to Christians workers the central place of prayer in any of God's work

It treats amongst others:
The veil which prevents the unbelievers from coming to the salvation of Jesus Christ.
The veil which prevents them from seeing the need of prayer.
The responsibility of the leader to tear this veil by fasting and prayer
The responsibility of the body of Christ and the body of elders
Prayer that originates from the heart of God.

These messages are not theological debates on these themes but are words from heart to hearts .Hence they are very practical, and treats subjects like handling of the prayer book, etc, In addition, the contributions from many field leaders make this book a real inner history of our work and enables us to experience the atmosphere that prevailed during the course.

We strongly recommend this book to the body of Christ entirely for the problems treated in it are similar and the proposed solutions are useful to all.

May the Lord bless you abundantly as you read this book

Release dateMar 13, 2015
The Centrality of Prayer: Prayer Power Series, #11

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    The Centrality of Prayer - Zacharias Tanee Fomum





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    The Responsibility Of Leadership Through Fasting And Prayer

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    This book The Centrality of Prayer   is a compilation of messages given in Yaoundé in August 2007 by Professor Fomum within the framework of the World University Prayer and Fasting to over 2000 brethren of our work coming from Cameroon and many nations.

    This book which was written from notes taken as it was being preached without any editing from the author, expresses the burden which the Professor had to communicate to Christians workers the central place of prayer in any of God’s work

    It treats amongst others:

    The veil which prevents the unbelievers from coming to the salvation of Jesus Christ.

    The veil which prevents them from seeing the need of prayer.

    The responsibility of the leader to tear this veil by fasting and prayer

    The responsibility of the body of Christ and the body of elders

    Prayer that originates from the heart of God.


    These messages are not theological debates on these themes but are words from heart to hearts. Hence they are very practical, and treat subjects like handling of the prayer book, etc. In addition, the contributions from many field leaders make this book a real inner history of our work and enables us to experience the atmosphere that prevailed during the course.

    We strongly recommend this book to the entire body of Christ for the problems treated in it are similar and the proposed solutions are useful to all.

    May the Lord bless you abundantly as you read this book

    Chapter 1


    A work that has not got a solid base (foundation) on prayer is a work built on sand.

    The first place in any work is the place of prayer.

    The Lord Jesus wants that all those who are submissive should become perfect in the Lord. The number of those who effectively reach perfection is accomplished at the place of prayer.

    God commanded that for total victory, the whole Church should be at the place of prayer. The place of prayer is the place where things are produced in the Spirit.

    God commanded that for total victory, the whole army must be at the battle front.

    Prayer requires that everything be taken by force from the hands of God. God will let Himself be moved only by those who are desperate.

    Prayer is a matter of urgency. Prayer is a matter of life and death.

    Prayer is work; it is working until God answers. In child-bearing, prenatal labour continues until the child is born. In real prayer, the person who is in prayer continues to bombard heaven until it is torn and God acts to give the thing asked.

    In prayer, a person invests all he can so as to pray:

    every time,

    with all energy,

    with all persistence.

    For absolute triumph, the person who prays should possess nothing in this world. God and God alone must be his only Possession.

    A life of prayer is that which knows extreme sacrifice of everything for God. Without an extreme sacrifice of comfort, of ease and of pleasure, one will only prevail very little in prayer.

    It is extreme folly to have in my life a priority other than the priority of prayer.

    There will not be a great spiritual revival until the people of God exaggerate prayer, until they accomplish prayer to the extreme.

    Prayer is the place of human omnipotence.

    There will always be something wrong in the life and ministry of whoever does not believe that prayer is the central work in every work.

    The Lord delays answers to prayer so as to distinguish those who are serious from those who are not serious. Those who are serious will push forward until the answer arrives. Those who are not serious resign because there is a delay.

    Every work that belongs to the Lord is based on the knowledge of God. Everything based on the knowledge of God is built on a foundation of prayer. Without communion with God, everything done for the Lord is falsehood.

    Prayer centred on God will lead to a walk centred on God, and this will lead to a work centred on God.

    All that is done as an overflow of persistent, insistent prayer, centred on God, is a work of God. Anything else is labled as nothing.

    Prayer is the overflow of an established centrality, and this centrality is that if God does not act, there will be no action at all. The person in whom this centrality is birthed by the Holy Spirit will pray with a sense of urgency and without ceasing until the Lord answers.

    God answers prayers done with a sense of urgency.

    Everything that flows from the absence of prayer or from a weak prayer or from little prayer is an abomination before the Lord. The lack of prayer is to say to God: Who are You? Anyway, I can do without You. Prayer is letting You in. I have chosen to place You outside, and I will keep You out and I will go my way.

    Prayer to the Lord comes from people in extreme danger. Prayer to the Lord flows from lips that know that without Him they will be completely ruined. Prayer is an activity for people who are desperate, who will be ruined if God did not act. Prayer is an activity for people in difficulty, who have no way out, who will be in great difficulty if God did not come to their rescue. Prayer is an activity for people who are desperate; everything else has failed and their only hope is the Lord.

    Prayer that will push God to do the near impossible must be made in the power of Another, the power of the Holy Spirit.

    In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayer and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard for his godly fear… (Hebrews 5:7). There are prayers that will be answered only on condition that they are offered with loud cries and tears.

    The most important thing a human being can do is to pray; for we have been made for God and our hearts are without rest until we rest with Him.

    Prayer is first a life lived. The life of the person who prays and the words pronounced must be one.

    I draw my strength from God through prayer.

    Prayer is the cry of a desperate man. Prayer is the cry of a man who knows that God must act; if not, he is finished.

    The generals of God are people who specialize themselves in prayer. They hear from God at the place of prayer and, according to what God has shown them at the place of prayer, they make decisions at the place of prayer.

    Chapter 2


    This is the first course of the World University of Prayer. It is part of the responsibilities (commission) given to Christian Missionary Fellowship International, which is to give the World its first University of Prayer.

    I want to take this opportunity to introduce the Vice-Chancellor of the World University of Prayer: Sister Emilia TENDO

    Sister Emilia TENDO: We are an honoured people, we are a prayer ministry and God has put His stamp of approval on us by giving us the World University of Prayer, because what God has called us to do can only be done as we pray. I thank the Lord for the miracle of this first course that He has given us. And I thank the Lord for having brought each one of us specially; because you can have a school, you can have a staff, but if you do not have students, you do not have a school. I bless the Lord and I believe that the Lord will do great things for us during this course.

    I am the Chancellor of the World University of Prayer. The Chancellor is really involved with the formalities: he inaugurates events. A University is really handled by the Vice-Chancellor.

    To help you understand, Idi Amin was the Chancellor of the University of Uganda, Makerere, as Head of State. He was the one who handed my PhD. certificate to me. So the work of the University is in the hands of the Vice-Chancellor.

    I want us to pray right away that God should give us a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

    We need a Registrar. In fact, everyone in the University of Prayer must have proven records in prayer that God answers his prayers. Even if you are only a cleaner at the University of Prayer, you must be a man or a woman of prayer; even if you are an accountant, you must be a man or a woman of prayer; even if you are a night watchman or (better still) a security officer, you must be a man of prayer.

    Let us pray that God should give us a Registrar. We will start in Bertoua in October 2010. We have already been shown where the University will be built. We must start putting up some structures next year. But we shall start in our usual way. We started the Book Ministry with a cyclostyling machine, in a studio in Mvog-Ada in Yaounde. Between now and when we start in Bertoua, there will be four courses like this one to help people qualify to enter the University.

    Before continuing, I must produce my credentials. In Christian Missionary Fellowship International, we banish theories that are not practised in the lives of individuals: that is falsehood. I want to command all of our preachers that, before you preach, you should testify to the people that what you are preaching is true in your life; if not, keep your mouth shut. If it is not true in your life, tell the people: This is what I see but I have not yet worked it out in my life.

    I have learnt to pray. This is my third prayer notebook. I wrote in the book some of God’s promises to answer prayers. This notebook is the continuation of the preceding one. This notebook starts with prayer request N° 1,465. The prayer request (topic) is:

    Lord, choose the elders for the Yaounde Assembly.

    I did not start with a book that was heavier than I could carry, because each one is now looking for a notebook that will need a truck to carry. It is not the size of the prayer notebook that makes you a man or a woman of prayer. Another prayer topic was:

    Lord, give me an exit visa from the nation.

    You remember that at that time, an exit visa was required of each person who had to travel out of the country.

    I am trying to show you something from the past. This is the present notebook (voluminous). It is about getting finished. There are 16,000 answered prayers in this volume, but this is the second in this format. On the first page, is the goal of my life and ministry. Prayer topic N° 16,131 was written on the 31st of December 1993.

    Listen, brethren, it is a University, and since it is a University in the old style, there will be rigorous discipline.

    When Brother Joe was giving the report, he said the Gabonese delegation was well-dressed. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone usually told the students: You dress like fishermen. How can I distinguish you from them? That is why I do not carry you in my car when I drive by.

    At Fourah Bay College, you could not write the University examination without being in your academic gown.

    Some of you are dressed like fishermen. It is bad! I am sorry that I am not in a suit. My suitcase has not yet arrived since my return from India.

    I am trying to say something to the Christian Missionary Fellowship International people. To be badly dressed in God’s name, is a scandal. If you are dressed like a gorilla, then go and stay in the forest. My brother said something about dressing that I will never forget. He was at my home and I was going to give a lecture at the University. He told me, Go back and change your clothes. Then he added, You are a University Lecturer. A person dresses according to his duties and responsibilities.

    John Sung was usually carelessly dressed. Someone came from a distance of about 500 kilometres to seek counsel from him. He met John Sung in shorts and a T-shirt. The man thought he was the servant (of John Sung), and so asked him: Is your master in? John Sung asked him, Whom are you looking for? The man answered that he was looking for Doctor John Sung. Then he asked the man to go out (It was at a time in his life when the Lord was still working on his character). We are saying that a man dresses according to his responsibilities. Do not let someone come and ask you, Is your master in? mistaking you for a servant.

    But at the University, everything will be done correctly. This requires our providing a model. I want to say, brethren, let us provide a model in everything, within the limits of our capacities. We want to give the world men and women after the heart of God.


    2 Timothy 2: 1-3

    You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

    This is what the World University of Prayer is about:

    To produce people who are strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, to select faithful people and to entrust to them the deposit of prayer; so that they will be able to teach others, and to give to the Lord Jesus Christ soldiers. To produce people who, through the weapon of prayer, will precipitate the return of the Lord.

    In the World University of Prayer, we shall give qualifications from the First School Leaving Certificate right to Nobel Prizes. The diplomas will be in English.

    First School Leaving Certificate,

    Ordinary Level,

    Advanced Level,

    Bachelor’s degree,

    Master’s degree,


    Doctor of Divinity (Doctor of Science),

    Nobel Prize.

    You can have these degrees in prayer and in fasting.

    We also want to stir people all over the world into doing great things for God. You will be able to get a diploma in the domain of soul-winning. You will be able to get a diploma in pastoring. We shall give diplomas in Church-planting. If you plant a given number of Churches, you will qualify. If you have won a certain number of people to the Lord, you will qualify for a specific diploma. There will be diplomas in giving to God, etc. We want to stir people to come out and do great things for God. We want to recognise high performance in the domains which, when put together, will influence the taking of the Planet Earth for our Lord Jesus Christ. It will be difficult to think of anything whatsoever that can contribute to the building of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ that will not be included in the diplomas that will be offered.

    There will be diplomas in the domain of leadership. If you lead five people or ten, twenty or twenty-five, you will qualify for a diploma. Already in Douala, they have a classification table on the level of leadership. This thought came to us in Douala. If I could use the words of William Carey, the first missionary: "Attempt great things for God. Dare for God."

    There are a number of people who have already qualified for a Bachelor’s degree in fasting.

    25 forty-day fasts for the Bachelor’s degree.

    40 forty-day fasts for the Master’s degree.

    60 forty-day fasts for the PhD.

    100 forty-day fasts for the Doctor of Divinity (Doctor of Science).

    200 forty-day fasts for the Nobel Prize.

    We want to valorise spiritual issues.

    There will be degrees for the number of times you have read the Bible. There will be diplomas for the number of Christian books you have read. When you have read a book, make a summary of what God told you. This is what you will compile and hand in as you seek to qualify for the diploma. In India I read my 1,306th book – a book by E. M. Bounds.

    Thus, Bible reading, the reading of Christian literature, and so on are other areas in which we will give diplomas. This is just to give you an idea of what the University of Prayer is about.

    Let us pray together, offering to God these dreams, so that He should transform them into reality.

    I had not finished giving you my qualifications.

    I have files with Special Prayer Topics; issues I consider critical. This is volume 81 (so there are eighty others). I have just started volume 81.

    I will read what I wrote in India:

    "Our Father and our God, grant that there be spiritual fusion between the elders of the Church in Yaounde and ZTF; so that we will have the same vision, the same standards, and that both as individuals and collectively we will be determined to pay the same price so that the goal should be accomplished."

    The same prayer topic was written on the same day concerning the elders of the Church in Douala. Such prayer topics, I write one on a page.

    I will read another one:

    "Our Lord and our God, we plead in the Almighty Name of the Lord Jesus that You reveal to me that every sin committed by any believer is a knife driven into God’s heart; so that I will labour in prayer for the sanctification of every believer."


    When you are a spiritual baby, your burden is that you may not sin; your burden is your personal sanctification. That is a mark of babyhood. It is a good mark, but it is a mark of a baby. When you become a spiritual adolescent, you begin to be concerned about the sin of every one in your Ministry, because it will hinder your Ministry and cause you problems. When you reach maturity, you begin to consider the sin of every believer, no matter the Ministry, as a knife driven into God’s heart. And, because of where you have reached in your relationship with God, since every sin is a knife driven into God’s heart because, no matter what believer puts a knife into the Lord’s heart, because of your jealous love for the Lord, because of your personal love for the Lord, you do not want a single believer to sin. Consequently, you will intercede for the sanctification of each believer, no matter the group or fellowship to which he belongs, because if those who are in your fellowship do not pierce the heart of God, but someone else pierces the heart of God, the Lord whom you love

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