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A bad boy with a good heart
A bad boy with a good heart
A bad boy with a good heart
Ebook242 pages2 hours

A bad boy with a good heart

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Tommy and Emily have found a new ally in Marcus, who has the resources and connections to help them take down Maria's organization. They begin their plan by gathering information through reconnaissance. As they dig deeper, they uncover the extent of Maria's criminal activities and the dangerous people she is involved with. Tommy and Emily realiz

Release dateJan 26, 2024
A bad boy with a good heart

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Nice work great project by the author for those who love these

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A bad boy with a good heart - Hash Blink

A Bad boy with A good heart

A suspense novel

Chapter 1

Tommy had always been labeled as a troublemaker. He grew up in a rough neighborhood, surrounded by gangs and drugs. His parents were never around, so he had to fend for himself. He didn't have the best grades or the best reputation, but he had a heart of gold.

It was a hot, summer night in the city when Tommy's life changed forever. He was hanging out with some of his buddies at the local park when they heard a scream. They rushed over to find a young woman being attacked by two men. Tommy didn't hesitate, he charged at the attackers to protect the woman.

The fight was intense, but Tommy was able to fend the two men off. He helped the woman up and made sure she was okay. She was clearly shaken up, but grateful. She introduced herself as Emily and thanked Tommy for saving her.

As they walked back to her apartment, Emily couldn't believe what had just happened. She had never felt so vulnerable and scared before. Tommy noticed the tears in her eyes and offered to stay with her until she felt safe. Emily agreed, and Tommy stayed with her until the early hours of the morning.

Over the next few days, Tommy and Emily grew closer. She learned about his past and the struggles he had faced. Tommy opened up to her in a way that he never had with anyone else. Emily was impressed by the compassion and kindness he had despite the tough exterior that he exuded.

But trouble was brewing in the city. The men who had attacked Emily were part of a larger crime organization, and they weren't going to let Tommy get away unscathed. Tommy had unknowingly put a target on his back, and it was only a matter of time before they came after him.

Little did Tommy know, he was about to be thrown into the heart of a dangerous game of cat and mouse. But he was determined to protect Emily and to prove that a bad boy with a good heart was worth fighting for.

Chapter 2

Tommy couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every time he walked down the street, he felt eyes on him. He knew something was coming, and he couldn't be sure if it was good or bad.

Emily noticed the change in Tommy's behavior. He was more alert, more cautious. She couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen next.

One day, as Tommy was leaving work, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see three men following him. Without hesitation, Tommy took off running. The men pursued him relentlessly, but Tommy was able to outrun them.

When he finally lost them, he called Emily, gasping for breath. They're after me, he said. I don't know what to do.

Emily knew they had to act fast. She arranged for Tommy to stay with a friend of hers in another town until they could figure out what was going on. Tommy reluctantly agreed. He knew he had to trust Emily, but he couldn't help but feel like he was abandoning his own neighborhood.

As he settled into his new surroundings, Tommy couldn't help but wonder what was happening back at home. He missed his friends, his family, his community. But he knew he couldn't go back until he was sure he was safe.

And that was the problem. He wasn't sure if he would ever be safe again.

Chapter 3

Tommy and Emily arrived in a small town outside of Chicago,

hoping to lay low for a while. However, Tommy couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed. He kept checking his surroundings, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

One night, while they were walking back to their motel after dinner, Tommy's worst fear was realized. Three men jumped out from an alleyway and grabbed Emily. Tommy fought back as best he could, but the men were too strong. They dragged Emily away, leaving Tommy battered and bruised on the pavement.

Tommy knew he had to act fast. He didn't know who these men were or what they wanted with Emily, but he couldn't let them hurt her. He stumbled to his feet and took off running towards Chicago. He had to find help.

When he finally reached the city, he had no idea where to go. He didn't know anyone in Chicago, and he was too afraid to go to the police. He ducked into a crowded bar and frantically looked around. That's when he saw her.

Maria was an old acquaintance from his hometown. She was tough as nails and had connections to the criminal underworld. Tommy had always been wary of her, but he was desperate. He approached her cautiously and explained his situation.

Maria listened carefully, her expression unreadable. Finally, she said, I can help you. But you need to understand, Tommy. You're in deep now. You crossed the wrong people, and there's no turning back.

Tommy nodded, knowing full well he was in over his head. But he couldn't let Emily suffer because of his mistakes. I'll do whatever it takes, he said firmly.

Maria gave him a nod of approval and led him to a back room. Inside was a collection of shady characters, all eyeing Tommy suspiciously. Maria introduced him as her protégé and explained the situation.

The men listened intently, exchanging glances and murmurs. Finally, one of them spoke up. We can help you. But there will be a price. You owe us a favor, and we'll collect when the time is right.

Tommy had no choice. He agreed, knowing that he was making a deal with the devil. But he had to save Emily, no matter the cost. He left the bar with a newfound sense of purpose and a deep sense of dread. He knew that things were about to get a lot worse before they got better.

Chapter 4

Tommy's heart was racing as he stepped out of the black SUV and into the cold night air. Maria had assured him that these were the best men for the job, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he followed them through the dark alleys and abandoned buildings.

Finally, they arrived at a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Tommy's stomach churned as he thought about what Emily might be going through inside.

Before he could even catch his breath, one of the men pushed him towards a small room in the corner of the warehouse. You need to stay put, the man grunted, slamming the door shut behind him.

Tommy was left alone in the room, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. But then, he heard a soft knock at the door.

He cautiously approached the door and slowly opened it, revealing Maria standing on the other side.

Hey, she said softly, her eyes meeting his. How are you holding up?

Tommy shrugged. I don't know. I just want to get Emily back.

Maria nodded. I know. But you need to be patient. The guys are doing everything they can to find her.

There was a moment of tense silence before Maria spoke again. Listen, Tommy. I know we don't know each other very well, but I feel like we've been through a lot together already. And I know this might be a weird time to bring it up, but I just wanted to say that... I feel like we have a connection.

Tommy was taken aback by her words. He had always found Maria intimidating, but in that moment, he saw vulnerability in her eyes that he hadn't noticed before.

I feel it too, he admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt for even acknowledging it when Emily was still missing.

Maria smiled weakly. I didn't expect to find someone like you in all of this mess. But I'm glad I did.

Tommy couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest at her words. Despite the circumstances, he felt a sense of comfort being around Maria.

Before they could say anything else, the door burst open, revealing the rest of the men. We found her, one of them said, breathless. She's in the next room over.

Tommy felt a wave of relief wash over him as they rushed to Emily's side. But as they made their way out of the warehouse, he couldn't shake the feeling that things were far from over.

Chapter 5

Tommy sat in the small room, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Maria had promised him that the men were the best in the business, but why were they keeping him locked up in this room?

He paced back and forth, trying to think of a plan. Emily was just a few rooms away, and he needed to get her out of here. But how?

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Maria stepped inside.

Tommy, come with me, she said, her voice low and urgent.

Tommy followed her down the dark hallway, his senses on high alert. He could hear muffled voices and the sound of metal scraping against concrete.

Finally, they reached a door at the end of the hallway. Maria stopped and turned to Tommy. Are you ready? she asked.

Tommy nodded, his palms slick with sweat. Maria pushed open the door, and they stepped inside.

The room was dimly lit, and Tommy could make out three figures huddled in the corner. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized that one of them was Emily.

Emily! he cried, rushing forward. But something was wrong.

Emily didn't move, and the other two figures blocked his path.

Maria stepped forward, her hand on her gun. What's going on? she demanded.

One of the figures spoke, his voice low and menacing. We have a change of plans, he said. Tommy, you're going to do us a favor. And if you don't, your girlfriend here is going to pay the price.

Tommy's heart sank. He had been so close to rescuing Emily, but now he was trapped with no way out. The tension in the room was palpable as he struggled to come up with a plan. He knew he had to act quickly, or it would be too late.

Chapter 6

Tommy was in deep trouble. He had no idea what kind of favor he could possibly do for this group of dangerous men. Emily was

visibly shaken, and Tommy could see the fear in her eyes. They were in a dimly lit room with no windows. The only source of light was a flickering bulb above their heads. Maria stood in front of them, arms crossed, and a smirk on her face.

Listen, Tommy, Maria said, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need you to steal something for me.

Tommy was confused. What do you want me to steal?

Maria sighed. It's a valuable item that belongs to another crime organization. They've been causing trouble for us, and we need to send them a message. We need you to take it from them.

Tommy knew he had no choice. He had to save Emily, and he would do whatever it takes. "Fine. What do I need

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