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Don't Feed the Wolves: The Wolves, #1
Don't Feed the Wolves: The Wolves, #1
Don't Feed the Wolves: The Wolves, #1
Ebook25 pages21 minutes

Don't Feed the Wolves: The Wolves, #1

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About this ebook

In the unforgiving wilderness, Faith, a young widow, carries the weight of her past sins.

Haunted by a dark secret—her husband's life taken; her child stillborn—her faith has waned.

As she endures the daily grind of survival, her heart heavy with regret, a mysterious neighbor offers an unexpected glimmer of hope. In "Don't Feed the Wolves," a Christian Dystopian Science Fiction short story, join Faith on a journey of redemption and rediscovery as she confronts her past and uncovers a flicker of grace in a world overrun by shadows and technological upheaval.

For women aged 25-45 seeking a tale of faith, forgiveness, and the enduring light of Christian values amid a dystopian future,

Don't Feed the Wolves is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of a high-tech and morally challenging world.

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PublisherJ.B. Wagner
Release dateJan 1, 2024
Don't Feed the Wolves: The Wolves, #1

J.B. Wagner

J.B. Wagner lives in rural Saskatchewan with her husband, son, and numerous creatures. Outside of writing she enjoys spending time with her family and animals, devouring entire fantasy series at a time, and finding exciting new ways to unlock worlds of adventure for her readers to enjoy.

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    Book preview

    Don't Feed the Wolves - J.B. Wagner

    Green brush, red rock, blue mountains, gray rock, white snow, blue sky—the Colorado mountains in their mysterious, looming wonder. This was the backdrop of Faith’s homestead.

    Her one-room cabin stuck out like a sore thumb in the landscape. Its four walls of roughhewn wood were the only thing protecting her from the open range... and the predators that sometimes came down from those mountains.

    Freezing winter nights and dry summer weeks were always a concern, but those she could face with dignity. It was the evil that lurked in the shadows of towering pines and rocky crags she feared. Her eyes drifted past the woodpile to the lonely cross jutting out of the yard, seemingly placed there at random.

    It wasn’t the spot she would have chosen to bury him, but she’d been a slight thing then, fresh from the city without a lick of muscle on her arms. So where his body fell was where his body lay. It had taken days and every ounce of strength she had to dig the grave. Then it had taken all her grit to roll his body into the hole.

    Her fingers tickled at her chest, searching for the silver crucifix that used to rest there, hanging from a delicate silver chain given to her by her papa. Her papa had been her whole world until an overzealous pioneer swept her off her feet.

    That had been her first mistake, marrying a wild man. But he’d been fun, and handsome, and romantic. The romance quickly died when she realized why her father sent her with the warnings he did. Things stopped being fun the day she had to take things into her own hands—and bury a husband.

    Faith’s skirt was cinched at the waist with a thick

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