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The Miracle Belly Button: Gate to the body - gate to healing
The Miracle Belly Button: Gate to the body - gate to healing
The Miracle Belly Button: Gate to the body - gate to healing
Ebook171 pages1 hour

The Miracle Belly Button: Gate to the body - gate to healing

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Discover the fascinating world of Nabhi Chikitsa - healing via the belly button - with the book "The Miracle of the Belly Button". Learn why the belly button plays such an important role in traditional Indian medicine and how you can use it to relieve ailments.

In this book you will learn which oils are best suited to treat different symptoms. The overviews of the base and essential oils give you a quick orientation and help you to choose the right oils.

Learn about key base oils like peanut oil, ghee, coconut oil, and castor oil, as well as the healing powers of essential oils like lavender, peppermint, tea tree, and cinnamon. Each oil is described in detail, its effects and possible uses explained.

The overviews of the effects of the base and essential oils according to symptoms are a valuable reference work that will help you to quickly and specifically find the right oil to relieve your symptoms.

Experience the healing power of the belly button and use the knowledge of the Nabhi Chikitsa to naturally promote your health. With "The Miracle of the Belly Button" you have the ideal reference book at hand to immerse yourself in the world of Indian healing arts and alleviate your ailments.
Release dateOct 18, 2023
The Miracle Belly Button: Gate to the body - gate to healing

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    Book preview

    The Miracle Belly Button - Andrew Deepfield


    Healing via the belly button – it sounds ingenious, and above all it is very simple to practice.

    However, it must be borne in mind that not everything can always be cured with it. This book does not replace professional advice from a physician or the like. You can wonderfully treat many (almost all) things with it, but often only the symptoms. Oils, for example, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, only help to a limited extent if the cause of the inflammation is not eliminated. One small example: Inflamed rheumatic complaints can of course be greatly improved with various oils, but if you do not change your lifestyle and eating habits, the complaints will not disappear in the long term.

    So let this book be an incentive for you to improve your life in all areas. Reduce stress as much as possible, eat a healthy and balanced diet, be thankful for everything in your life Meditate, enjoy the little things in life, your family, your friends, nature...LIFE.

    Manifest your life by being HEALTHY and HAPPY. We are very often trapped in what we know. Deeply held beliefs stand in the way of healing. Become aware of your beliefs, change them –

    get ready for a healthy body and a wonderful life!

    Nabhi Chikitsa – healing through the belly button

    It only takes 3 drops of oil in a magical place to improve your health and beauty…

    …and that magical place is your belly button!!!

    Nabhi Chikitsa means belly button therapy. This traditional healing method is based on the assumption that the belly button takes in and absorbs the essential oil to balance and heal the nerve connections within us. As in all areas of alternative medicine, scientific evidence is lacking.

    Nabhi Chikitsa – healing through the belly button – has nevertheless been used for generations and is said to work wonders.

    Humans are only created through the connection between their belly button and their mother's circulatory system. We get everything we need to live, blood and nutrients, through the belly button. The belly button is therefore the first contact we have with our mother, through which we get to know our surroundings, our environment, from day one. In Indian Ayurveda, it is therefore known as the part of the body that represents the origin of life. With birth and the cutting of the umbilical cord, we break this connection and become independent beings.

    Thus, it stands to reason that the belly button also plays a decisive role after birth. It is a very powerful body part connected to countless nerve endings. In addition, it transmits every stimulation directly to the brain through the very thin and sensitive skin.

    Inspired by this information, belly button healing, known in Far Eastern countries as Nabhi Chikitsa, arose.

    A therapy that is still used today, especially in India, to support the elimination of physical complaints.

    What you should know about the belly button

    According to Ayurveda, our belly button is the strongest point that holds the key to the proper functioning of multiple bodily functions.

    More than 72,000 veins are connected to the belly button, more than any other part of the human body. This makes the belly button the center of our body. This also explains why applying oils to the belly button can help us to heal numerous health problems in a short period of time. All of these veins help your body function. They support your vision, your metabolism, your circulation, even your hormones. So, give your belly button the attention it deserves. In the western part of the world, we have underestimated this wonderful tool for far too long, even completely forgotten about it.

    No wonder that it is an amazing fact that applying oil to the belly button has incredible health and beauty benefits. When we put oil in the belly button, the vein recognizes oil and transports it to the affected parts of the body. There are no side effects of putting oil in the belly button. So, make it a habit to put oil in your belly button every night.

    Clean your belly button regularly with mild soap. It is important that you use completely natural soaps, without the addition of chemical ingredients. To thank you for this, your belly button will keep disease-causing germs away from you in return. Stimulate the nerves in your belly button from time to time with a gentle massage. A little pressure with a finger is enough. The massage does not have to last an hour, a few seconds can make a big difference. Take slow, deep breaths and repeat a few times.

    Put oil in the belly button and see what happens...

    In India, the belly button

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