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Rituals 2024
Rituals 2024
Rituals 2024
Ebook234 pages47 minutes

Rituals 2024

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About this ebook

"Rituals 2024" is a book where you will find ancient rituals, talismans, and spiritual baths explained in detail, easy to perform and with ingredients at your fingertips. These spells based on White Magic, Black Magic, Red Magic, Green Magic, and Blue Magic will help you achieve your resolutions this year.

Release dateOct 18, 2023
Rituals 2024

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    Book preview

    Rituals 2024 - Alina A Rubi



    Rituals for the Month of January

    Best money rituals

    Ritual for Luck in Games of Chance

    Make Money with the Moon Cup. Full Moon

    Best Rituals for Love

    Spell to Sweeten Your Loved One

    Ritual to Attract Love

    To Attract an Impossible Love

    Best Rituals for Health

    Spell to Protect the Health of our Pets.

    Immediate Improvement Spell

    Slimming Spell

    Rituals for the Month of February

    Best money rituals

    Ritual to Increase Clientele. Gibbous Crescent Moon

    Prosperity Spell

    Best Rituals for Love

    Ritual to Consolidate Love

    Ritual to Rescue a Love in Decay

    Best Rituals for Health

    Ritual for Health

    Ritual for the Health in the Crescent Moon Phase

    Rituals for the Month of March

    Best money rituals

    Spell for Success in Job Interviews.

    Ritual so that Money is always Present in your Home.

    Gypsy Spell for Prosperity

    Best rituals for love

    Ritual to Away Relationship Problems

    Spell against Depression

    Recovery Spell

    Rituals for the Month of April

    Best money rituals

    Spell Open Pathways to Abundance.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Moroccan Love Ties

    Spell to Sweeten Your Loved One

    Best Rituals for Health

    Roman Spell for Good Health

    Rituals for the Month of May

    Money Magnet Crescent Moon

    Spell to Cleanse Negativity in your Home or Business.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Unbreakable Bond of Love

    Ritual so that I only Love You

    Tea to Forget a Love

    Nail Ritual for Love

    Best Rituals for Health

    Rituals for the Month of June

    Best money rituals

    Gypsy Prosperity Spell

    Magic Fumigation to improve your Home Economy.

    Miracle Essence to Attract Work.

    Spell to Wash our Hands and Attract Money.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Ritual to Prevent Separations

    Erotic Spell

    Ritual with Eggs for Attraction

    African Spell for Love

    Best Rituals for Health

    Slimming Spell

    Spell to Maintain Good Health

    Protective Bath before a Surgical Operation

    Rituals for the Month of July

    Best money rituals

    Cleaning to Get Customers.

    Attracts Material Abundance. Moon in Crescent Quarter

    Spell to Create an Economic Shield for your Business or work.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Express Money Spell.

    Bathroom to Attract Financial Gain

    Best Rituals for Health

    Spell for Chronic Pain.

    Immediate Improvement Spell

    Rituals for the Month of August

    Best money rituals

    Magic Mirror for Money. Full Moon

    Best Rituals for Love

    Best Rituals for Love

    Spell to Make Someone Think of You

    Spell to Become a Magnet

    Best Rituals for Health

    Ritual Bath with Bitter Herbs

    Rituals for the Month of September

    Best money rituals

    Ritual to Get Money in Three Days.

    Money with a White Elephant

    Lottery Winning Ritual.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Ritual to Eliminate Arguments

    Ritual to be reciprocated in love.

    Best Rituals for Health

    Healing Bath

    Protective Bath before Surgical Operation

    Rituals for the Month of October

    Best money rituals

    Spell with Sugar and Seawater for Prosperity.

    La Canela

    Ritual to Attract Money Instantly.

    Best Rituals for Love

    Spell to Forget an Old Love

    Spell to Attract your Soul Mate

    Ritual to attract Love.

    Best Rituals for Health

    Ritual to Increase Vitality

    Rituals for the Month of November

    Best money rituals

    Make your Stone to Earn Money

    Best Rituals for Love

    Magic Mirror of Love

    Passion Enhancement Spell

    Best Rituals for Health

    Ritual to Eliminate a pain.

    Relaxation Ritual

    Ritual for a Healthy Old Age

    Spell to Cure the Seriously Ill

    Rituals for the Month of December

    Best money rituals

    Hindu Ritual to Attract Money.

    Money and Abundance for all Family Members.

    Best daily rituals for Love

    Ritual to Turn a Friendship into Love

    Germanic Love Spell

    Spell of Vengeance

    Best Rituals for Health

    Crystalline Grill for Health

    Planetary Regencies of the Days.

    Consecration of Candles

    Magic Circle for your Rituals

    What is a Pendulum?

    Uses of the Pendulum.

    The Magic of Rosemary

    The Feng Shui Wealth Frog.

    Feng Shui for Wallet, Wallet, or Purse.

    The Zone of Wealth in your Home.


    Ritual to Attract Money Instantly


    Ritual to Expel Bad Vibrations from your Home.

    Mystical Formula with Garlic against Bad Luck.


    Ritual to Keep Envy Away from your Home


    Honey Ritual to Attract Prosperity to your Life.



    Arabic Ritual to Attract More Money



    Basil Bath for Prosperity.

    Full Moon Water

    Amulets to Attract Health for each Zodiacal Sign

    About the Author as



    In this book we offer you several spells and rituals so that you can attract economic abundance to your life in the year 2024, because this will be a year of many challenges.

    When everything is going downhill, spiritual help is

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