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Fight or Flight: Unbreakable, #2
Fight or Flight: Unbreakable, #2
Fight or Flight: Unbreakable, #2
Ebook260 pages3 hours

Fight or Flight: Unbreakable, #2

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In a whirlwind of teenage passion, Claire and Aiden are swept into a love brimming with promise and possibility. Yet, beneath their bliss lay hidden secrets. Claire is grappling with manic episodes, while Aiden is guarding a dark secret about his involvement in his brother's gang.  When Aiden is arrested, their love shatters, leaving Aiden clinging to memories and Claire stung by the betrayal. 

Haunted by a lifetime of disappointment and abandonment, Claire attempts to find freedom by ending her pain, only to find herself desperately chasing highs in the addicting world of drugs. But fate has other plans. A single impulsive decision propels Claire into a perilous situation with her dangerous bosses, taking something that belongs to them and fleeing to Officer Brody for help, only to stumble upon the doorstep of her long-lost friend, Jenny.

Fresh out of jail and committed to changing his ways, a chance encounter brings Aiden's face-to-face with the love of his life. With no more secrets and nothing left to hide, he'd risk everything to prove his love to Claire – no matter the consequences. Are they willing to confront their demons to secure their future, or will they buckle under the weight of the baggage holding them back?


*Intended for readers over the age of 18. The book contains strong language, sexual content, and mature topics that some may find triggering.

**Fight or Flight is the second book in the Unbreakable Series. It includes references to the events from book one and is therefore recommended to be read in order.

Release dateNov 14, 2023
Fight or Flight: Unbreakable, #2

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    Book preview

    Fight or Flight - Hannah Martinez



    I concentrate on my therapist’s hand as she plays with her pen. Click, click.

    Claire? I hear her annoying voice as if from a distance, when in reality, we’re sitting almost face to face in her small office.

    Click, click.

    With each click, I have to fight the urge to rip it from her chubby little fingers.

    You seem agitated today, she says, and I direct my sight toward her cold, blue eyes.

    I smile at her sweetly and relax back in the plushy armchair. I’m not. What gave you that idea?

    She licks her lips, which are covered with remnants of crusty, red lipstick before she smiles at me knowingly as if we have more than a few secrets to share between us. As if we are friends.

    You just seem tense. Are you balancing your medication well?

    I am, I lie simply and look back at her hand. Click, click.

    Well, then. I’m glad. So, why don’t you tell me how your week is going so far? She asks pleasantly and lifts her notepad that is lying in her lap as if to get ready to write a report.

    I blink at her, my smile intact, but inside, I feel the liquid fire lick at my insides, basically asking me to attack her. The aggression spikes should be a pretty good indicator that I am on a straight path to cuckoo town, but I squish it down quickly.

    Haven’t you watched the news, Ms. Edwards? I ask with what, I hope, is a neutral tone.

    She tilts her head to the side and writes something on the piece of paper as she questions, What is it that you would like me to see there, Claire?

    For a second, I wonder, what exactly is she writing? It’s probably some nonsense to make her look professional or some other bullshit. Well, she can’t fool me. She’s so bad at her job. Ms Edwards is way more concerned with trying to find a husband and flirting with my dad whenever he’s picking me up than actually getting to know me, let alone help me.

    As soon as I’m eighteen, which will be in four agonizing months, I’ll be cutting my ties with that woman ASAP. My father won’t be able to make me come see her anymore.

    Claire? She prompts me to answer with her eyebrows furrowed in plain frustration.

    I try to once again keep my anger at bay when I eventually reply. My best friend had to run from her psycho dad. You know him. Your beloved sheriff David Wallace, I can’t contain the sneer that comes over my face as I spit his name.

    She makes an unpleasant face but keeps her voice soft. Your friend, Jennifer, was always a very troubled young lady, Claire. From my understanding, no one knows what happened to her exactly. She was clearly a bad influence on you, and now she’s a runaway. You know we are a small community here at Bell Ridge, and Sheriff Wallace...

    Almost burned a fucking guy alive because he discovered what that piece of shit been up to! I explode and grab onto the handrests just so I don’t squeeze the life out of this useless creature that keeps staring at me in shock.

    It was the first time when I showed so much emotion and animosity toward her, and I could see by the sharp intake of breath that she did not see that coming.

    Before she can compose herself, I jump up from my seat and glance at the giant clock on the wall.

    I have to go to school. I’ll see you next week, Ms. Edwards, I say hurriedly and grab my backpack from the floor.

    Claire, wait, we still have... she scrambles from her seat, her face getting a little red.

    I swing my bag on one shoulder and open the door to exit the office in haste, passing by my surprised father, who was sitting in the waiting area, reading some kind of sports magazine.

    He jumps up from his seat when he sees me and opens his mouth to speak, but I just mutter, I’ll wait in the car while she tattles on me.

    I STARE DISPASSIONATELY through the windshield of my father’s car at the kids standing in front of the school, laughing together, talking about insignificant shit. Plotting to skip classes and planning the next party they will throw at the Mill.

    It wasn’t that long ago when Jenny and I were a part of it.

    Where is she? Will she come back for me? Can I keep going without her presence calming me down?

    My father clears his throat to get my attention and shifts uncomfortably behind the wheel. Sometimes, I feel sorry for the guy when I see his pathetic attempts at parenting.

    He didn’t sign up for a life with a crazy wife, so he ran as far as he could, leaving my mom to fend for herself. What he probably didn’t expect was getting a younger supplement on his doorstep several years later.

    I admit that I can see he cares, and he tried to get to know me at first, but instead of getting closer, we drifted further and further apart.

    So, yeah, usually I feel sorry for him when I see him fidgeting like he is now.

    But now I don’t. Not after I told him about Jenny, and he didn’t believe me. Not after I begged him to look for her after Brody got roasted in that warehouse by that monster. Not after I lost my only friend. The only light in my otherwise bleak reality.

    "Claire... I worry about you. Your latest behavior has shown that your disease is getting worse, he licks his lips and glances at me quickly before looking ahead again. Maybe we should call Doctor Starwood..."

    No, I say firmly, my voice colder than usual. "You know what we should do, though, Dad? We should stop making everything in my life about the disease, as you like to call it. Not everything I do or say is because of being fucking bipolar! I’ve got mood swings, I’m not retarded. But you’re treating me like I’m incapable of making judgments or understanding reality. Does it get jumbled here sometimes? I point to my forehead. Yes, it does. But I’m still a person. My feelings are still valid. And what is happening in my life is fucking true. My friend is most probably in danger right as we’re talking, and I can’t do anything about it. And you'll be sitting there, along with Ms. Edwards, trying to convince me that it’s all in my head!"

    Claire... I get that you are upset. But Sheriff Wallace and his wife are missing now, too. We don’t know what happened there or if Jennifer was somehow involved in their disappearance... he tries to convince me in a soothing tone, but I’ve had enough.

    Before he can say another word, I grab my bag and open the passenger door.

    Yeah, sure, and I’m the delusional one here... I throw sarcastically before I slam the door with enough force to shake the vehicle.

    I’m literally fuming as I march toward the school entrance, slamming into whoever’s in my way.

    I knock into some guy, almost taking us both to the ground.

    Hey! Watch it, you freak! He yells after me, but I don’t even spare him a glance as I straighten myself and continue on my way even faster.

    I walk into the girl's bathroom and lock myself in the stall, ignoring the bell announcing the start of the first period.

    My mind is so messed up right now that I’m not even able to shed a tear. My arms shake as I try to get rid of the need to literally murder someone. The faces of people who let me down show in my mind on a constant loop.

    I stopped taking my meds a couple of weeks ago, thinking I needed to maintain the sharpness of my mind with everything happening. But now I am starting to think that maybe it was a mistake. Jenny is not here to help me get through it all. There’s nothing to outbalance the darkness that’s been swallowing me whole, and it’s been harder and harder to even see the way out of the dark plunge.

    There’s one way out of this.

    No! No.

    Jenny needs me. I promised her that I would wait. If she comes back... No. When she comes back, I will be here, ready to welcome her. She’s probably somewhere close, just waiting for the dust to settle and for her father to get arrested so that she can come back safely.

    She’ll come back. I know it in my heart that I will see her again.

    I’m almost calm when I hear the bell ringing after the end of the first class. Shit, I’ve been here longer than I thought. Oh, well, it’s not like I care about school anymore. But, still, I better get to the second period.

    I’m just thinking about that when I hear the doors to the bathroom open and a few vaguely familiar female voices carrying in.

    I don’t believe that, Lisa. Marcus is just talking out of his ass because he’s seeking attention...

    Not this time. He was too smug about it... the other girl replies, and I hold my breath, listening to the group of girls that, I thought, were my friends at some point.

    What do you think, Ella? Your dad was there, right? Maybe he mentioned something, the girl named Lisa asks.

    There’s silence for a few seconds, and I feel my whole body tensing because now I have a very good indication of what they are talking about.

    Ella Diaz is the daughter of the police officer who supposedly saved Damon Brody’s life. I never actually thought about speaking to her about it. I was too focused on the fact that Jenny was missing. Too focused on how it affects me.

    Well... My dad would kill me if he knew we’re gossiping about it... Ella sounds unsure, and I hear footsteps and some shuffling before the other voice pipes in.

    Don’t be like that, El. For once, something interesting happens in Bell Ridge. I want to know all the juicy bits before the town goes asleep again, another excited voice pipes in.

    All right, fine. So... My dad is pretty much tight-lipped about the entire thing and gets angry whenever me or my mom ask about it. But I heard him talk to some detectives once, and he did mention a punk that played them into going to that warehouse. He didn’t say it was Marcus, though, but it would line up with his story, I guess.

    I knew it! He was always so salty about that little skank dumping him! He said she was fucking that cop. Lisa laughs. No wonder he’s been in such a great mood lately...

    I don’t think it’s funny, Lisa, Ella admonishes just as another bell rings out. Come on. I can't be late again. We have a history test.

    Don’t remind me. I swear Mrs. March wants to fail the whole... The last voice gets cut off as they all exit the bathroom, with the door closing behind them with a loud click.

    I stumble out of the stall and turn on the faucet to splash some cold water onto my face.

    My breath is uneven, and I glance at my pale reflection. Do people really think that this is some kind of joke? A girl can be abused and treated like shit, and all they do is laugh? What kind of messed up world am I living in?

    The yearning for someone to hold me and make it all go away grows to unbearable proportions. And yet again, I feel so lonely and helpless. I have no control. No control over my life, no control over my feelings, and no control over what’s happening to the people I care about.

    I stare into my own eyes for what feels like forever until my breath evens out, and I feel stable enough to leave the bathroom. I fluff my hair and pinch my cheeks to bring some color to them before grabbing my backpack and walking out.


    BECAUSE IT’S LONG AFTER the next class started, I walk out in a rush not to get caught by a teacher when I decide to ditch the school altogether—too much emotion for one day. I won’t be able to focus on anything useful anyway, at least not in a way that would make a difference to my already abominable grades.

    My main focus on my escape; I don’t pay attention to anything other than my shoes and end up bumping straight into someone. I almost tumble to the ground but am caught at the last second.

    Woah. Sorry, I didn’t anticipate anyone being here. My bad. I hear a deep voice stating apologetically and look up at the guy that I’ve been kind of ogling from afar for the last few months.

    Well, maybe not downright ogling, but I was intrigued ever since he started going to our school in the middle of last semester. There’s something about him that makes me aware of his closeness whenever he’s generous enough to grace the school with his presence. Kind of what I felt when I first laid my eyes on Jenny. Just some unexplainable connection on a primal level. Like, perhaps, he could be my friend.

    I don’t know his name since I was never even remotely close to voicing my interest or brave enough to ask around casually. I didn’t even say anything to my best friend. She’s been preoccupied with her father’s outbursts. And also, the subject of men was a no-go zone after the drama with Marcus last year. So I felt stupid to even bring up my weird infatuation with a boy I don’t even know.

    But I’ve watched him. I people-watch quite a lot, and other students are already used to my staring. Not to say that they like it. Since I’ve been named the school weirdo almost since the beginning, no one cares, just assuming I’m retarded or something. Other than the occasional What are you staring at, you freak? No one pays me any mind anymore.

    I don’t know why exactly, but with this guy, I tried to be more subtle. And it’s not like there were many opportunities I could do my secret scanning. He’s barely attending school, from what I’ve seen, and I don’t think he’s in any of my classes. I’m not even sure if he’s a junior or a senior. All I’ve gathered is that he’s very good-looking – not that it’s something that I care about; he’s not from around here, and he’s a loner.

    He acts as if he doesn’t have a care in the world around our peers, but I see through it. After all, playing the unbothered, happy person is my jam. Hiding the deep sadness and overall confusion about life behind the cheery exterior that isn’t exactly fake. It’s real, too—the most exhausting dichotomy to maintain in life.

    He steps to the side and eyes the backpack hanging loosely from one of my shoulders before his eyes travel to my colorful shirt with a yawning sloth and then simply smiles. It’s the first time in weeks since anyone directed a genuine smile in my direction, and I feel something stirring inside me. A new feeling that I have trouble naming.

    Ditching class? He asks with humor sparking in his eyes.

    My eyes widen at him, and I check behind me like an idiot, wanting to be sure it’s actually me that he’s addressing, and he chuckles.

    Um-uh, yeah... is that okay? I have no idea why I feel the need to ask him for permission and want to facepalm immediately after the question leaves my mouth. If he hadn’t heard about the school freak already, I’m sure now he’s going to be able to figure out on his own who he’s dealing with here.

    One of his eyebrows lifts, but to my surprise, he doesn’t mock me, just smirks slightly, trying to look conspicuous before he replies in a low voice, I won’t tell if you won’t. I’m actually on the same mission right now.

    Really? I question and eye the school entrance door with interest. I wonder what you’ll be doing after you get out of here, I voice my thoughts out loud, and then my eyes snap to his. Shit, Claire, stop asking strangers things that aren’t any of your business.

    Yet, the guy surprises me again when he just shrugs like it’s normal, and we’ve been hanging out before. We start walking through the corridor. Have to deal with some bullshit with my brother. Honestly, I would rather stay here, even though the chemistry class with Mrs. Berry is boring as shit, rather than deal with him. But what can you do, right? That’s family for you.

    He sounds a little bitter, but when I glance at him, his face appears relaxed.

    I’m Aidan, by the way, he says and opens the door for me.

    Claire, I reply as I move past him and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear self-consciously.

    Just as we reach the last step outside, a truck pulls up in the school parking lot, and someone waves through the open window. Aidan lifts his hand in response and then peers down at me.

    Gotta go. Nice to meet you, Claire. There’s nothing special about the way he’s saying my name, but it still manages to make my heart beat faster somehow.

    Um, yeah. You too, I respond shyly and curse the blush that must be clear on my face with how hot my face feels.

    I’m graced with a toothy smile before he starts walking away. Halfway to the truck, he stops and turns toward me as he continues retreating backwards.

    Hey, are you going to the Mill today, by any chance?

    The Mill? I repeat, completely stumped. No — is what I want to say immediately, but somehow, my head starts nodding before I know what’s happening.

    Cool. See you there, he says and then jumps into the passenger seat of the waiting vehicle before it drives off with a squeal of tires.

    Cool? No, not cool. What the hell?

    WHAT AM I EVEN DOING here? I keep asking myself as I squeeze through the loud crowd of teenagers gathered around the huge bonfire. A heavy cloud of marijuana-scented smoke hits my nose, and I have to wave it away to see where I'm going.

    I’m a little surprised that so much has changed in my life in the course of last month or last year even, but this place appears to be the same. Even some of the faces I recognize from the time Jenny, the group, and I hung around here every Friday night.

    I’ve been changing my mind about coming ever since I agreed to meet Aidan here. Maybe I read too much into the whole situation? Was I actually invited? Is my mind playing tricks again? After all, he didn’t say anything about going together. The entire interaction with him could be just in my head. I mean, I know it happened, but was there really interest in his eyes that I saw? Was his smile genuine, or did he mock me like all the other guys before him?

    The problem is, I never know. But coming

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