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Hunting Lyrah: The Hunting Series, #2
Hunting Lyrah: The Hunting Series, #2
Hunting Lyrah: The Hunting Series, #2
Ebook258 pages4 hours

Hunting Lyrah: The Hunting Series, #2

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This adult paranormal romance will thrust you into a world you will never want to escape. Follow Lyrah and Chayce through this addictive, sensual, pager-turner and determine if they will defy all the odds against them or be torn apart forever. Release your inner hellhound and discover what true loyalties are made of.

Release dateOct 24, 2023
Hunting Lyrah: The Hunting Series, #2

Elizabeth St.John

This International Bestselling author began writing her first book in 2011. Though paranormal romance was the beginning of her journey, her true passion lies in horror and thriller based stories. Elizabeth's unique ability for storytelling has expanded to script writing, producing two screenplays. Over time, readers have described her style as twisted, intriguing, suspenseful, and captivating.

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    Hunting Lyrah - Elizabeth St.John


    Iwoke with a strange smell in my nose. It was almost like I had been breathing in the smell of pennies all night long. I could even taste it on my tongue, metallic and something else, something wild. The room was dark. The vanilla candles on the mantle of the fireplace still burned from the night before.

    As my mind woke, so did my body. I could move again. I could feel Gage’s weight on the other side of the bed, but I couldn’t look at him. The ache between my legs told me what happened. Carefully, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I took a deep and painful breath. My ribs still ached after colliding with the column in the garage. Another aroma hit me as I drew in my morning yawn. The smell was wild, but it also held a feminine perfume. It wasn’t a odor I recognized. I could tell someone else, another hound, had been in the room. My head was still foggy from the toxin. I slowly stood from the tall bed. As soon as my bare feet hit the tan carpet, I could stretch my sore body. I wanted nothing more than to shower and rid my body of him.

    I grabbed the blanket from the floor to cover myself and crept to the door. I entered the hallway which led to the bathroom. There was no one in sight. I thought Mitch would be guarding the door, but there was no one. I snuck slowly down the hall and peaked toward the elevator. There he was, standing guard. The exit to the stairs was directly across from where he was standing. My escape was fizzled once again.

    Frustrated, I made my way down the hall toward the safety of the bathroom. I closed and locked the door. I looked at my face in the mirror after starting the shower. I expected to be bruised but my complexion was perfect. The vampire blood helped, but I was still tender below. It was evident that Gage had his way. I couldn’t believe I didn’t run away when my father suggested I marry this man. Suggested was too lite of a word. Commanded was more like it.

    Steam began to build in the tiny room. As I turned for the shower I caught a glimpse of something on my back through the fogged glass. I picked up a washcloth, wiped the moisture away and crooked my neck to look at my back in the mirror. Fear crept slowly up my spine. There was dried blood on my back, from my shoulders to the top of my butt. I inspected myself for injuries but there were none. Any wounds I must have endured healed while I slept. Maybe I received a cut on the head during our scuffle in the garage.

    After my shower, I wasn’t sure where to go. I didn’t want to go back into the room, but I had no choice. I needed to get my clothes on, at least. I slowly entered, being careful not to wake Gage. The room was still flooded with the trace of wild hellhound blood.

    Guided by only candlelight, I searched the floor for my pants. I found them on Gage’s side of the bed. As I bent down to retrieve them, I noticed his eyes were open. My heart leaped into my throat, but he didn’t move.

    I knelt closer and what I saw made my stomach flip. I dropped my towel and my hands covered a gasp. Gage was dead. His body lies in a stiff way and his throat was a disgusting sight.

    A small knock on the door startled me. When it opened, Jade slithered in, whispering Gage’s name. When she saw me, she stopped, "Oh, you’re awake."

    I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. My voice wouldn’t come. She caught the trail of blood and flipped on the light. When she saw his condition, she released a blood-curdling scream. Mitch came rushing in. The bite I had given him had healed.

    Shit, woman. What is all the screaming about? His eyes finally focused on the scene.

    She killed him, Jade announced in a crazed cry.

    I did not. I found him like this, I tried to explain but she was a wild woman.

    You dirty whore. You killed him, Jade growled and lunged for my throat.



    My world had shifted into an unimaginable tailspin, threatening to collide with the moon. Our affair was over in an instant. The realization of my future hit me hard, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to deal with it. The overwhelming sensation to run flooded me. My feet threatened to take flight as his demand registered. His words invaded my heart; shredding it into a thousand pieces. How was I supposed to accept them? How was I supposed to leave the only man whom had ever meant anything to me and marry another?

    The need to tell my father about him was far too empowering, but though my tongue bullied itself against my clenched teeth, I kept my lips tight. My father could renounce him and I would never be with him again. The reality was not a fair one. I wanted to live my life free of all rules and responsibility, but I was born to marry a pack master. I knew it, but my desire to fight it held fast inside me.

    My once joyous heart, the one thing I could rely on, was crushed. The moment he entered my room, I knew my life was about to change. A simple glance of sorrow lingered in his green eyes, and the air, it seemed to grow stagnant, unmoving. Breathing, once a simple act, had now become a labor. The sound of his sure boots against the floor signaled demand. His words, deafening, immobilizing, it was as if a current of energy was licking, striking pain against my skin. My stomach lurched, and when I closed my eyes, all I could see was his face.

    I won’t do it.

    Yes, you will! my father stated with a powerful demand, but every fiber in my soul wanted to fight my pack master.

    I can’t, I whispered as my tongue fought to lash out. I remained standing when his command pounded at my legs, demanding me to bow.

    You will do it without another word! This command nearly knocked me down to a knee. I should bow and expose the back of my neck to him, but my blood was too strong to be controlled. I wouldn’t back down. I planted my feet and glared up at him.

    No! I won’t! I growled deeply, establishing my place as princess of a pack master. The heir to his seat once he left this world.

    I watched as the fire in his eyes grew with a vengeance. His face shifted from a soft tan to a glowing red hue. His nostrils flared as he attempted to stand over me. I didn’t care. I wouldn’t have everything ripped away on his command.

    Do not defy me, daughter. I as your pack master, command you to marry the American.

    You can’t force me. I’ll die before I marry against my will.

    Save the dramatics for the wedding. They will not work here. It is your duty to marry. That is my final word!

    He spun around on his heels and slammed my heavy oak door upon his exit. I picked up the first thing I saw. An antique vase, adorned with a hand-painted depiction of the Greek goddess Hara. I gripped the fine pottery in my shaking hands. All I could do was scream, trapped in my heartache and rage as it collided with the door. I dropped to my knees. The rough stone floor cut into them as I sobbed.

    The latch of my door clicked. The echo of her heels on the floor as she approached could not drown out the utter despair I felt in that moment. The aroma of the Ivory soap she used flooded my nose as she wrapped her tender arms around me. Safety, security, and love cradled me as I cried.

    My dear, sweet daughter. She rocked me slowly against her while smoothing my long auburn hair against my back. I know this is hard.

    I lifted my head from her chest and blinked to clear my eyes as I looked at her. My mother’s tender face always was a comfort. He wants me to marry a stranger. How could he do this?

    She smiled kindly and tucked a curl behind my ear before cupping my right cheek, One day, you will understand why this had to be done.

    I stood up quickly, No! I will not be forced to marry against my wishes. I won’t!

    Come sit. I was far too angry to sit, but she ushered me toward my small breakfast table next to the bay window. My mother walked with such pride and elegance. I never could mimic her movements, or the sway of her hips. Her brunette hair had been pinned in a half twist for as long as I could remember. She tried her best to make me the woman she wanted me to be, what I was expected to be, but that was not me. I never dressed like a lady and never would. She preferred dresses and long flowing skirts, when I longed for the comfort of leggings and restrictive corset tops. Anything leather and dark in color was my preference. As a mother, she hated my choice of attire. She was a kind soul and loved not only me, but my demanding father. She also loved our pack as if they were her own blood, though it wasn’t natural for a pack masters wife to do so. Everyone had a position in the pack, and even though she loved them, she wasn’t shy to remind me of their ranking. Unfortunately, the man I was in love with would never be considered good enough for her daughter. My mother, Irene, was not born into our pack, my father turned her before I was born. Sit, she said kindly while patting the seat across from her.

    I sighed and wiped the tears from my cheeks before doing as she said. I began before she could sway me. I will not marry him.

    You do not understand, and that is why I am going to tell you. My words are not meant as a command. I am not a pack master, and my words hold no power. They are more of a request.

    I sat back, Go on. Though I would listen to her, I knew my decision on the matter. It wasn’t going to happen. My vision was flooded with a quick flash of blue light from outside the window. It was followed by a deep rumble from the thunderstorm brewing.

    This is the best thing for you and this pack. We must unite with the American pack or our own could die. Is this what you want... she sighed. for half of our pack to die, even me?

    I felt defeated and sighed, No.

    She placed her hand on top of mine, Daughter, they plan to eliminate all half-breeds. I gasped and looked into her eyes. The intensity behind them frightened me. Half of our pack are half-breeds, myself included. Do you desire that fate for us? she asked as a single tear dropped against her cheek.

    You know I don’t. I couldn’t understand how it could be possible for them to kill everyone. America was so far away from my home.

    This is the best choice. If we, she paused. "you do this, all will be safe."

    Why would they do it, and what does it have to do with marrying me? Tears I had been holding back betrayed me. They finally spilled down the apples of my cheeks. Crying was a sign of weakness. I hated it. Rhizenia is my home. I don’t want to leave.

    Her expression was tender, You may like this man. He is from the state I was originally born. Oklahoma. He is handsome, she smiled.

    Wait, I paused. You have seen him and I haven’t?

    He wants you to meet him without any preconceived notions.

    Mother, you talk to me as if it makes this bearable. I will not be sold off on promises of a handsome face.

    My mother stood and took my face in both of her soft hands. I resembled her a lot but got my red hair and green eyes from my father. She kissed my forehead softly, Rhizenia will always be your home. I’m sorry, but this needs to be done. We leave in a week, and before you protest, your father’s word is final. I only hope you make this transition a smooth one. She left my room without another word. There had to be a way around this, a way to stop this attack and resolve it without bedding another.

    Alone, I could sit and ponder on my next move. What I longed to do was hunt and kill every vampire I came across. My desire to make something suffer as I was suffering leached itself to me. I wanted someone else to feel pain and loss. I wanted someone else to know what it felt like to leave everything behind. The walls of my elegant room were closing in on me. I needed air.

    I stepped to my window, and though rain was pouring from the sky, I opened it. A cool rush of air hit me directly in the face, drying my tears. I could finally breathe. Remaining cooped up was not the atmosphere for me. The sun had set and I wasn’t permitted to leave the grounds without an escort, but my personal attendant was called away to the States. With the need to hunt and consume blood, I jumped out of the window onto the rooftop. I closed the window and crept quietly. I didn’t need my father coming after me. I had to remain in stealth, which was easy for me.

    My footing did not falter as I approached the edge of the mansion roof. The barn was in my sites. It stood thirty feet behind my home. I lunged my body forward, keeping my steps quiet, I hit the edge and jumped. Exhilaration flowed through me as I drifted through the air. Rainwater pelted my face and body. My feet touched the barn roof and I slightly rolled with my landing. Being a hellhound had its perks. I stopped and listened for any alarm. I peeked down to the earth below and didn’t see any of the guards patrolling.

    The stables held a musty scent of mildew and old wet straw as I climbed through the hayloft. I wiped my face clear of water and leaped to the ground floor. When I did so, the horses reacted in a violent way, kicking and whinnying. My father purchased only the finest of black Ostfriesen stallions. Our beautiful black horses were raised to not fear our kind in our menacing forms. Zeus, my horse, watched me intently. He kicked at the floor with his right hoof excitedly as I approached.

    Shh, I cooed as I stroked his neck. You will get us caught. Quiet now.

    Where are you going, Lyrah?

    I gasped and turned. There, in the doorframe, stood the most amazing man I had ever set eyes on, my personal bodyguard and lover. His mid-southern American accent made me crave more. His beautiful face caused me to weep, and his rear looked nice in a pair of stone-wash jeans. The passion I had for him pained my existence. I couldn’t even think about being forced to leave him and marry another.

    You’re back, I expressed excitedly and ran to him. He lifted me against his chest as I wrapped my body around his. Being in his arms was like being home. Safe and secure.

    I missed you, he said deeply in my ear, sending shivers of pleasure through me. The heat of desire pooled deep in my stomach and between my thighs.

    I have missed you as well. My heart ached as I thought about what my father commanded only moments ago. I couldn’t imagine leaving Chayce, ever. I swallowed the quiver in my voice, You have been gone far too long.

    I’m sorry, sweetheart, he whispered while stroking my damp hair. I lifted my head from his shoulder in order to adore his face. His cheekbones were well-defined and his wavy hair hung drenched from the rain. His ocean-blue eyes came alive against the color of his tan skin. Before I met him, I was quite annoyed by the idea of having a bodyguard. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself, but my father insisted on it. The moment he arrived, I bit hard on my tongue at the sight of him. His masculine frame made my body react to the need for his touch.

    My father’s words rang heavy in my mind, distracting me from our reunion. It was the last thing I wanted to think about, but I couldn’t escape it. We need to talk, but you are not going to like it.

    Chayce set me down on my feet and looked quizzically into my eyes, What is it?

    I reluctantly stepped away from him, as I couldn’t look into his eyes when I finally said it. The stable door was open and a flash of lightning danced across the dark sky. The lights inside the mansion no longer burned. It was late and my parents should already be sleeping. A rumble of thunder sounded off of the mountains in the distance. The horses began to grow uneasy with the storm.

    Chayce stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and kissed my neck. Another pain shattered my heart as I thought of being in a bed with another man. It repulsed me. Chayce was the only one I desired between my sheets. I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life. He was going to be crushed, but he deserved to hear it from me first.

    I chewed on my lip as tears burned my eyes. I kept my back to him so he could not witness my pain. The words would be shattering enough, My father came to me tonight.

    And what did he say?

    He told me he finally arranged a marriage for me, I confessed softly, almost choking on my tongue. His body tensed as his grip grew greater around my body. I could live there forever. He was too quiet. All I could hear was the air whooshing in and out of his lungs. Say something.

    I would rather chop my arm off than have another man touch you.


    But, your father is pack master. I can’t go against him.

    Am I not more important than a title? I asked as I turned around to face him. My tears had already spilled but my anger was taking over again. He was supposed to love me. He was supposed to protect me, protect us. The heat in my body was rising as I waited for his answer.

    He wiped my tears away, Of course, you are, but we knew this would happen eventually, Lyrah.

    Yes, but I don’t have to accept it.

    What choice do you have?

    I guess there is none, I said angrily and pulled away from him. I was angry at him. I wanted him to fight with me, fight for me.

    Don’t get angry.

    You pretend as if what we have is nothing and I should simply accept my father’s command. I was fighting to keep my voice low but my emotions were failing me.

    Your father is a powerful man.

    He has no power over me, I snapped. My parents are using my love for this family against me.

    What do you mean? he questioned with a furrowed brow, What else did he say?

    It wasn’t him, it was my mother. She told me if I refused, the man who wants me would kill all the half-breeds in my pack, including her, I explained in frustration.

    "What exactly did they say, Lyrah? His face and eyes were hard

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