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Head Kick
Head Kick
Head Kick
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Head Kick

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Nong Vang dreams that one day he'll be an MMA superstar. He can trash-talk with as much force as his deadly kicks. But being a hero in his real life hinges on more than his first amateur MMA fight—it means struggling through school and protecting his family from his bully big brother. Can he find the courage and skill to succeed inside the cage and out?

Release dateAug 1, 2013
Head Kick

Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones lives in Minneapolis and is the author of many novels including the Support and Defend series. A former librarian, Jones received lifetime achievement awards from the American Library Association and the Catholic Library Association.

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    Head Kick - Patrick Jones

    Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by knockout in twenty seconds, and your new UFC featherweight champion of the world, the Ninja Warrior, Nong Vang!

    The Las Vegas crowd goes crazy as the referee raises Nong’s powerful right arm. With his left hand Nong blows kisses to his legion of fans, including his girlfriend, May Li. Ring announcer Bruce Buffer hands the microphone to UFC broadcaster Joe Rogan.

    That was almost a perfect fight, Rogan says to Nong. Your best since winning Ultimate Fighter.

    Thanks Joe, Nong replies. Discipline in the dojo and aggression in the cage—that’s the formula.

    That was one of the most devastating head kick knockouts I’ve ever seen. Tell me, which featherweight contender would you like to face at the next UFC pay-per-view?

    Nong laughs. Joe, it doesn’t matter who I face. They’re not contenders, they’re pretenders. I’m the Ninja Warrior power company, and my opponents don’t pay their bills. So I put their lights out.

    Anyone you’d like to thank?

    Of course, my coaches, Mr. Hodge and Mr. Matsuda. Also my training partners, Hector, Jackson, and Meghan. We walked into the Missouri MMA dojo together at age sixteen, and they’ve supported me since. Shout-out to my nephew Bao and all my love to May Li. I’m a champion tonight, baby!

    And you will be for a long time. How does that feel?

    Nong smiles at the camera and points to his title belt. Joe, it’s like I’m living a dream.

    Nong, pay attention! Hector shouts at me.

    I snap out of my daydream and focus on the action in the dojo. Everyone is paired up for a drill.

    Strike! Mr. Hodge yells.

    Watch this! I shout. As Hector gets set, I throw a spinning heel kick. It doesn’t seem to faze Hector—he outweighs me by forty pounds, and the sparring helmet helps absorb the blow. In a real fight against another featherweight, the guy would be picking up his teeth with his left hand while the ref would be raising my right hand.

    Hector counters with punches. He’s got a boxing background, while I trained in karate and tae kwon do before we started MMA almost two years ago. He’s powerful, but I’m faster.

    What’s wrong, Hector? Can’t catch the Ninja Warrior?

    Hector doesn’t react, just keeps throwing punches. He’s got a longer reach, so I close the distance using front and side kicks to his legs. I fake a head kick and counter with a left. Hector shakes it off. Using his weight and height advantage, he forces my head down with a Muay Thai clinch as he brings his knees up crashing.

    OK. I tap his arm, and Hector releases me. I throw an angry side kick at no one.

    Nong, you got a big mouth, and someday somebody’s gonna shut it, Hector says.

    In your dreams, Hector. He grunts something like a laugh. Lately, getting Hector to laugh would be as impressive as knocking him out. He didn’t always used to be so serious, but all of us are different than we were at sixteen. We tap gloves and spar again.

    After a few minutes, Mr. Hodge stops the drills. Hector and Eric, into the ring!

    Eric is newer to the dojo, which means he’s going to take a lot of punishment. It’s how the new fish show they’re tough enough. I stand next to the judo and jiu-jitsu coach, Mr. Matsuda, as Eric and Hector spar. Hector’s a cat, while Eric’s a ball of string. And Eric knows it. He’s throwing punches, but he’s not fighting. He’s delaying the inevitable.

    I don’t think Eric’s going to make it, I whisper to Mr. Matsuda. He says nothing. As we watch, the silence is broken only by Mr. Hodge yelling instructions to each fighter and then explaining the calls to us.

    Hector lands a vicious roundhouse kick on Eric’s knee. I taught him that, I say.

    Again, Mr. Matsuda says nothing. He drums his fingers on his chin. I do the same. While Hector’s kick did damage, he also lost his balance, and Eric takes him down. With his back on the mat, Hector fights off Eric’s moves. Flat on your back can be a great position, no?

    Mr. Matsuda nods his head absentmindedly. Depends on the fighter and the fight.

    If this was my fight, here’s what I’d do. I explain to Mr. Matsuda how Hector should use Eric’s sloppy mount against him. Hector needs to slip into rubber guard, execute a gogoplata or triangle choke, and then it’s lullaby time for Eric.

    Mr. Matsuda finally turns his attention to me. Good plan, but everybody’s got a good plan—

    Until they get punched in the face, I finish one of Mr. Matsuda’s favorite sayings, which he ripped off the boxer Mike Tyson.

    The second round starts, and it’s like Hector had been listening to our conversation. He gets taken down too easy but then slaps on a triangle choke. Eric taps.

    After Hector and Eric climb from the ring, Mr. Matsuda takes them to the corner to drill. Meghan sidles over to me. What do you think of these new fish? she asks with a smirk. While Jackson and Hector are really serious,

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