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Making Sense of Color Management
Making Sense of Color Management
Making Sense of Color Management
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Making Sense of Color Management

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Get clarity in the tricky endeavor of managing colors from initial design to final product. Learn why colors shift, the science behind the human eye and color profiles, and how to set up your image editor and development environment for consistent color. Craig Hockenberry takes you through every step of color management, with indispensable advic

Release dateNov 1, 2023
Making Sense of Color Management

Craig Hockenberry

Craig Hockenberry has been making software since 1976 and built his first website at 14.4 kilobits per second. He's a principal at the Iconfactory, a company that's been changing the face of our computers for over twenty years. His writing has helped many fellow developers in their work, and that makes him happy. So does a Manhattan.

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    Making Sense of Color Management - Craig Hockenberry



    I worked as a graphic designer dealing mostly with print. Getting color right wasn’t easy, but it was completely under my control as a designer, because I could target the output. I’d go to the print shop, examine the first copies off the press, and if they looked good, I’d feel confident that the whole print run would look the same.

    Now with digital designs, we have no control over the output platform. Thousands of different displays are in use, and our work might appear on any or all of them.

    Getting colors right? Here are a few scenarios: a graphic image and CSS background color should match exactly, but they don’t. Or they do match on some devices, but not on others. Or they don’t match on any devices, and good luck identifying the cause. It’s enough to drive one back to vintage Macs that only display black and white.

    When I encounter a color mismatch, I deal with it like so (a tactic I suspect many of you take too): fiddle with various color settings in image editing software and source code until it works out, and hope to remember the magic recipe the next time the problem happens. (There is always a next time.)

    Craig did something different. In this book, he takes a step back to truly understand how color management actually works. Better yet, he shares that complex knowledge in a clear, immediate way. He tells us not just what to do, but why. Craig effortlessly guides us through the principles and practice of color management; as I read, I kept thinking, Well, that’s actually pretty simple—a big realization given I’d treated the subject as a dark art for fifteen years.

    Color computing has never been easy. Our computers are almost unimaginably more powerful than those from years past, but designers and programmers have never stopped pushing the limits of our hardware. The goal has always been the same: to make what appears on screen look as good as it possibly can. Thanks to Craig, it’s now a little easier to achieve.

    —John Gruber



    of any electronics store, and you’ll see how widely colors can vary from screen to screen. You’ll see how many colors are generated by the exact same red, green, and blue (RGB) values—each TV gets the same digital broadcast, yet there’s a huge range in the displayed images. Color management lets us describe those differences, and correct them.

    I dug into the guts of color management when I wrote xScope, my development tool for sampling and measuring colors. Back then, I didn’t really understand Photoshop’s mechanisms for handling color; I went and set some levers, which worked most of the time. But when xScope’s colors appeared one way in Safari and another in Chrome, I didn’t know which controls were responsible. I did know the problem was with color management.

    If you’ve been in the business awhile, this confusion over color probably sounds familiar, and I began this book as a means to share what I’ve learned in understanding my color issues. In the coming chapters, I’ll run through some experiments to show how color works, why colors shift in different environments, and ways to keep those colors consistent.

    As conscientious developers, we want to create things that look good anywhere. Just as responsive design lets layouts adapt to variety, color management lets colors and images adjust to their device and presentation.

    With knowledge of color management, you’ll gain more confidence as you adjust the settings in your image editor, and you’ll be able to create products that look better for more people. Everyone wins.

    Chapter 1: Coping With Colors


    to design a website for an optometrist, Dr. Eyeful. Sweet!

    The doctor wants you to use his two favorite colors: red and purple. (Bonus points if you include a site and sight pun in the tagline.)

    You’ve been developing sites since the days of web-safe color palettes. By picking red, green, and blue (RGB) values of (255, 0, 0) and (102, 0, 204), you’ll satisfy the doctor’s branding requirements while working with tried-and-true colors. Of course, you’re careful to use those exact color specifications in both your Photoshop document and CSS styles.

    But when you load the page in your browser, you see a weird color shift in the header (FIG 1.1).

    Other browsers show a similar color shift, until you look at the page on your tablet—and it’s perfect! What the heck?

    After a bit of surfing, you find a site that recommends specifying something called sRGB in Photoshop. You don’t know exactly what that means, but you tweak things and save a new graphic file. It fixes the problem in Safari, but the color is still off in Chrome. No matter what you do, you can’t get the CSS and image colors to match.

    This inconsistency bugs you. The doctor may have questionable taste in colors, but his eyesight is perfect. He’s going to see these shifts and ask what’s happening.

    Problem is, you really have no clue.


    At the most basic level, color management is a way to specify the range of colors a device can represent.

    Many designers and developers, including your author, have found ways to wrangle color without truly understanding the underlying technology. We’ve leaned on simple standards, choosing three bytes of data for the primary colors of light: red, green, and blue. When we specified R=255, G=0, and B=0, we expected—and could expect—to see red on our displays. We could pretty much ignore anything else about color, whether we were designing for the web or a native app.

    This worked for a time, but as you saw with Dr. Eyeful, our basic RGB values don’t translate the same way across devices. To find out why, let’s take a quick trip through history.


    FIG 1.1: The site header is

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