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Alchemy Academy: Alchemy Academy, #1
Alchemy Academy: Alchemy Academy, #1
Alchemy Academy: Alchemy Academy, #1
Ebook299 pages7 hours

Alchemy Academy: Alchemy Academy, #1

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About this ebook

Book 1 of a magic academy romance series!

I was never meant to be on this island, but my own curiosity got the better of me.
The Shadowmaster let me stay for whatever reason.
Everyone seems to be able to do magic, except me.
Yes, magic is indeed real. I don't belong here.
But I'm Roxy. I make the best of any situation and this one will be no different.

PublisherJess Peters
Release dateFeb 16, 2020
Alchemy Academy: Alchemy Academy, #1

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    Alchemy Academy - Jess Peters

    Alchemy Academy (Book 1)

    By Jess Peters

    This book is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed and used in any way without prior written permission by the author. Any unauthorised distributing or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

    Copyright © 2020 Jess Peters

    All rights reserved.


    Alchemy Academy




























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    Alchemy Academy



    I tiptoed after the mysterious dark shadow unsure as to what my aim was. Maybe it was his appearance. Maybe it was the fact that nobody else seemed to see him.

    Maybe it was the fact my ex-boyfriend was walking alongside him.

    Today started the same as every other day, begging for food and water, rummaging through bins and finding a spot to sleep in. That was before I followed Terry.

    I knew him from school before I dropped out. Keeping myself alive had become far more important than receiving an education, and they wouldn't help me. It wasn’t my fault that my uncle had kicked me out and left me to live on the streets like scum.

    I felt the darkness flow off of the dark shadow which sent shivers down my spine. The air felt cold and heavy around it's presence, and it felt as though a dark energy was trying to consume me as they walked past.

    So naturally, I followed them, and now I was stuck on this small boat trying to hide and almost regretting my rash decision.

    Reality hit me square in the face when the boat lurched forward and started drifting up the river, towards the open sea.

    I should jump while I still could.

    No, Christ, that was a terrible idea. Who knew what diseases where lurking in the Thames.

    I had to accept my fate - I was stuck here.

    An hour went past before I knew it, yet I saw no other people. The shadow and Terry had entered inside the cabin. Fear had crippled my body, leaving me paralysed behind these crates the longer I was alone, still feeling that cold energy around me.

    It wasn’t until I heard voices that I realised just how much time had passed.

    So where are we going? It was the voice of a boy, but not Terry.

    An academy apparently. Another voice, but this time a girl.

    It’s on an island. They teach us about what we can do. You guys know what I mean, right? Another girl said.

    We know. We’ve had to deal with it the same as you have.

    Terry. And as blunt as ever.

    So, we’re not freaks then? Another guy said.

    Apparently not. This island specialises in it, or so he said.

    And what even is he? He looks half-dead.

    He called himself a Shadowmaster when I asked, Terry said.

    You what now?

    I must be hearing things.

    I’d be so happy to have control over this. It’s been so tough, the other guy said.

    I turned my attention away from eavesdropping for a moment. I couldn’t hide here forever so I needed to do something about this situation.

    I stood up and began walking towards the group before I could change my mind. My heart was beating so hard it was as though it was trying to burst out of my chest altogether.

    What was I thinking?

    Pretend I'm meant to be here. I gave myself a pep-talk as I approached.

    Roxy, is that actually you? Terry asked as soon as he spotted me.

    Erm, yeah. Hi, guys. My hand was twitching with the fear of being figured out. I don’t have whatever it is they are claiming to have. I’m just a stalker, sticking my nose into other people’s businesses as usual.

    I haven’t seen you for nearly two years now. You dropped out of school like a ghost, and now you’re... here. Terry looked as shocked as he sounded. Where the hell did you come from?

    Erm, I’ve just been out here.

    I had to think of something and I couldn’t very well tell them that I was hiding. That I didn't belong and had hijacked my way on-board.

    I stared at Terry. His black fringe was hanging over his forehead, covering the lines which I was sure his frown was causing whilst his green eyes were burning holes into my soul.

    He’s not happy that I’m here.

    I’m sorry I left like that Terry. I was... dealing with some stuff, I muttered.

    "We’re all dealing with some stuff here, Roxy."

    "Does someone care to explain what the problem is here?" A girl asked.

    "Roxy here, was dating me before she just vanished. No word or warning why or anything. She just disappeared. He said my name like it was a bad taste in his mouth. She ghosted me."

    "It wasn’t you Terry. As I said, I had some stuff to deal with."

    "And I had some stuff to deal with as well, and you weren’t there."

    I had left suddenly, but things with my uncle had gotten bad. Bad enough to be thrown out onto the streets to fend for myself.

    I was an orphan after all and had no other options but to live with him. He was a raging alcoholic and one bad argument later; he kicked me out and left me homeless. That was nearly two years ago back when I was seventeen. There was no way that I was explaining my situation to anyone, plus I had nobody to turn to, so I just moved areas and started living on the streets.

    I started a new life. The best I could manage in my circumstances.

    Let the past, be the past. We’re all here now, and in the same situation. The girl looked at me with kindness in her eyes. I’m Lorrie.


    Matt, a tall guy with ginger hair said.



    William looked like a stereotypical nerd. Brown, shortcut hair and glasses whilst Sarah looked beautiful. She was tall, thin and well dressed, and her blonde hair sat neatly on her shoulders.

    I smiled at them all.

    I do not belong here.

    "So, does anyone know where we’re actually going?" I asked.

    All I know is that it’s an island. Lorrie shrugged.

    Great. I was being sarcastic, but at this point, I didn’t care.

    How did you guys figure out what was going on? William asked.

    It was weird. I was at school, walking through the halls when it suddenly got windy. I went to the bathroom, and the wind followed me. It soon stopped, so I thought nothing of it until it happened again that night in my bedroom. There were no windows open on any of the occasions. I eventually just learnt to hide it, Matt explained.

    I was speechless. What was wrong with these people?

    That’s better than what happened to me. I accidentally set a few pillows on fire in my room. Then a few other items elsewhere before I managed to get a little control. I think the key was keeping myself to myself, and hiding away at home when I could, Sarah said.

    At least you didn’t cause a sinkhole in your road, Lorrie mumbled. It was a nightmare when I then caused a fire inside of it. By accident of course. The emergency services and road workers outside the house were a nuisance. She gave us a smirk. Luckily nobody thinks that a person did it, I mean, how is it even possible?

    "The key was hiding it, not running away from it." Terry gave me a pointed stare.

    I was as quiet as a mouse listening to them talk about setting things on fire and causing the earth to part and the winds to blow. It sounded like magic, but there was no such thing, or was there?

    Either way, I didn’t fit in here and I had no crazy tales to tell.

    I had a similar story to Matt. Causing gusts of wind on perfectly sunny days which would proceed to follow me inside.

    What about you Will? Sarah asked.

    William if you please. He was polite but firm. Everywhere I went, there seemed to be earthquakes.

    I can imagine that caused problems being the UK and all, Lorrie commented.

    So, where do you guys come from in the UK? I spoke up at last.

    Nottingham, Matt replied.

    Devon, Sarah said.

    Milton Keynes, William followed.

    "We’re both from London, although one of us didn’t run away."

    Quit it will you Terry. I literally only moved down the river a bit, close to where the boat was.

    I’m from London as well, Lorrie said.

    The Shadowmaster was scary when he turned up, but he explained why I could do what I could and we arrived at the boat two days ago. Matt scratched his ginger curls.

    I arrived yesterday, Sarah said.

    And we all arrived today, obviously, Lorrie added.

    What the hell is a Shadowmaster?

    I nodded and walked away to sit on a seat overlooking the sea.

    The boat was small enough to get up the Thames to the outskirts of London but big enough to have decking around it, plus enough space inside for the six of us and the Shadowmaster, whatever that was meant to be.

    Luckily, nobody bothered me whilst I tried to think of a solution out of this mess.

    I came up with nothing. I was stuck on this boat and on my way to some strange island where people didn’t bat an eye at causing earthquakes, wind and fire out of nowhere like it wasn’t a big deal.

    I could be desperate and jump overboard, but I also assumed that someone here would rescue me.

    I was in way over my head and all I could do was to go with it and keep them believing that I was one of them.

    Why is the Shadowmaster letting me stay? He must know that I’m here.

    Time flew by like the breeze in my hair before the Shadowmaster came out. I felt his presence before I actually saw him.

    I felt my stomach tighten in knots as I looked at his hollow pale face. His long black cloak covered every inch of him, down to his black boots. All he needed was a scythe to finish his appearance to resemble the Grim Reaper.

    I found myself begging to the heavens that I could get through this journey without causing a fuss or gaining his attention, but I felt my world shatter around me as he now stood before me, staring at me directly in the eye.

    The game was up. I was doomed.

    I waited for him to speak and say that I shouldn’t be here or ask how and why I’m here, but he didn’t.

    He broke the stare and looked around at the others. Everyone, we will be arriving at Alchemy Academy soon. We're approaching the crossing. Please be advised that you are not the only ones arriving today, and you will proceed to the main hall where you will all join together to receive your welcome.

    His voice was croaky yet fierce. I felt terror consume me at the sound of it and felt dread boil to the surface.

    Why the hell did I follow him?

    Why can I see him when nobody else on the streets seemed to?

    Clearly everyone here can see him as well.

    I looked at his pale face one last time before turning my attention back out towards the sea.

    Why is he letting me stay?

    Where are we exactly? Lorrie said behind me.

    I could feel the Shadowmaster’s eyes staring at her even if I couldn’t see it. He stayed silent for a few moments, and then the atmosphere changed for a split second. I felt my king's get heavy and it was like our surroundings shimmered for a moment.

    We are now in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean,

    But... How is that possible?

    Can I remind you that you caused a sinkhole which you then proceeded to set alight. There is far more possible than you are yet to realise. We just passed through a portal.

    What? Lorrie asked.

    He didn't reply, but I knew that the black-cloaked figure left us alone because the surrounding air felt lighter and warmer.

    Hey, Roxy. Are you alright? A voice startled my gaze away from the view a while later, although I wasn’t sure how much time had passed.

    Oh hi, Lorrie. Yes, I’m fine. Just... thinking,

    I know the feeling. We don’t know anything about this place.

    I looked at her and noticed a frown plastered across her face as she stared out across the blue waters.

    We don’t, I almost said it like a question.

    I know less than what you do.

    I can’t get my head around how we can be this far out in just over three hours. It doesn’t make sense.

    It’s like magic, I whispered.

    He just mentioned a portal. This is surreal, she murmured.

    I released a long breath. Lorrie, I don’t feel like I should be here. I looked at her dead in the eye.

    People like us don’t belong anywhere.

    Lorrie, I- I hesitated.

    What is it, Roxy?

    What could I say? I’m only here because the Shadowmaster hasn’t kicked me off. I have no weird magical abilities like you. The words wouldn't come out.

    It’s nothing. This is just turning out to be a weird day.

    She didn’t understand, but I couldn’t tell her the truth either. I looked into the distance and spotted the silhouette of an island coming into view. I knew Lorrie had also spotted it because I heard her inhale deeply. Maybe she was as concerned as I was? The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t belong. I was going to be an outcast here.



    Welcome to Alchemy Academy, the Shadowmaster announced as we peered up at a white cliff above the docks. On top of the cliff, I could just make out an old grey manor. It was large, but I couldn’t picture it being big enough to be an academy, assuming that there were many other students there. I spotted ivy coating half of the building, growing up to the chimney, suffocating the bricks behind.

    I’m stuck here.

    If you would all follow me, please. Apologies for the cliff. The other docks are occupied so we got the short straw, although you are missing out on the taxi ride. He pivoted and exited the boat, and we all followed suit.

    The trek up the cliff was treacherous and steep, plus the steps were damp and slippery which made me feel like I was about to fall to my death at any moment.

    That would be one way out of this mess I guess.

    If I thought the manor looked spectacular from the boat, standing outside of its large wooden double doors was something out of this world. Above the door was a phrase engraved into the grey bricks - ‘Lustra tibi anima vestra.’ I didn’t understand what it meant, but it was clearly a motto of sorts, and it was almost like there was a glow around the words in the bricks.

    That can’t be possible though, can it? How can a brick glow? I’ve heard stranger stories today though.

    The Shadowmaster marched up to the doors and at a flick of his hand, they both flew open. We all stood still staring, frozen in shock, me more so than everyone else. Only now had the thought actually occurred to me that magic may well be real.

    It took me a moment to realise that I was the last one still standing outside of the door, and then I noticed the Shadowmaster gazing right at me. Come, Roxy.

    What does it mean?

    "The motto means, ’you choose your life,’ in English. Now come on in."

    Was I getting to choose my life? So far, I hadn’t, from being kicked out against my will to ending up stuck on that boat.

    Wait, how did he know my name?

    I jogged towards him in the doorway and slipped inside although it didn’t take my feet long to become frozen once again.

    The interior was like nothing I'd ever witnessed before. The walls were still grey brick, but a warmth seemed to flow from them. Candles glazed the walls giving the hallway a homely feel, and yet there seemed to be something mysterious about this place which I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

    You can gawk whilst moving your feet you know, the hoarse voice of the Shadowmaster said, startling me. I looked at his pale face and then really noticed his eyes. They were bright green, which was a complete contrast to everything else about him. They stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the black.

    I took a deep breath. Why am I here?

    "I believe you are the one who followed me."

    Yet you let me stay. Why can I see you when nobody else on the streets could?

    There are many things in which you do not understand. Who says you’re not meant to be here? Everything happens for a reason, Roxy. Now you better get moving. The hall is through those double doors ahead.

    My mouth dropped open but I forced my feet to move. My mind struggled to comprehend his answer. Obviously there are things I don’t understand, and this crazy world of magic is one of them, but why the hell am I still here when I'm clearly not like everyone else?

    "Finally joined us, Roxy?"

    Will you cut it out, Terry. She’s struggling with all of this so give her a break, Sarah cut in.

    It’s not like that, I mumbled as I stood beside Lorrie.

    You okay? She asked softly.

    I gave her a slight nod as I looked around the hall. I couldn’t explain to her that I was magicless, so the only remaining option for me was to be okay, or at least to try to be.

    The hall was as exquisite as everything else I had seen here. It had an old ancient feel to it, especially with the candles lighting up the room, but it also felt warm and comfortable. There were tables and chairs scattered around alongside a few sofas which seemed to give off a common room vibe more than a hall.

    Ladies and gents, please take a seat with the others. We’re waiting on one more group. A lady approached us and gestured towards a group of about eleven others mingling around a few tables.

    Matt, Terry, William, and Sarah all walked off towards a table with two other people sitting at it, leaving Lorrie and I behind.

    I don’t know about you but I fancy that sofa over there.

    I’ll come and join you, I said as I followed her.

    So, there’s something up with you, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    I’m not sure there-

    "I know you won’t tell me what’s up, and that’s fine. I’m just saying that I know there is something. It’s your business, but hopefully, we can be friends and you can know that I’ll be there for you for whatever it is." Lorrie interrupted me and gave me a soft smile which left me speechless.

    I- I sighed. Thanks.

    So, what do you think of all this? She asked, changing the topic swiftly.

    It’s crazy. This building seems so old, but comfortable at the same time.

    I know right. Did you notice the size of the place from outside? I swear it’s bigger from in here, and we haven’t even wandered around yet.

    I think it is as well. I smiled at her just as the double doors flew open and another group of people entered. There were about seven of them and they studied the room in the same way that we had before being told to come and take a seat so that we could begin our orientation.

    Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Alchemy Academy – your new home.


    The lady who'd been greeting everyone was now stood in the centre of the room telling us that we were now stuck here. Dread, regret, curiosity. So many emotions were racing through me at the thought of being stuck here.

    Why did my curiosity get the better of me when I first saw that Shadowmaster?

    I’m Gina Goldhurst, the Headmistress of this academy. I’m sure you're all aware by now that we are an academy for magic, and our Shadowmaster has deemed that you all have Chaos in your blood over the last few months. Some of you were even fetched by him today. Others of you will have come from all magical families. You all probably realise what you can do by now, but here, we will help you to harness and use your Chaos to the best of your abilities.

    Not me.

    Roxy, are you okay? Lorrie hissed in my ear.

    Huh. Yeah, just fine. I forced a smile back hoping that it would cover the apprehension I was feeling.

    Lorrie frowned at me. I was hoping that she wouldn’t find out what was up with me.

    Now, more about all of that later. Your first lesson will be about Chaos and of the deities which you side with. Dormitories are on the top two floors, boys in the left-wing, girls to the right-wing. It’s two to a room, so you can either pair up yourselves or we’ll do it for you when we allocate rooms.

    Fancy sharing? Lorrie asked.

    Erm, sure, why not, I replied even though I felt like I probably shouldn’t. But then again, I was going to end up with someone anyway, so surely someone I’ve spoken with would be better. As long as she doesn't find out about my lack of Chaos, we'll be good.

    Whatever that is, I don’t have it.

    But maybe it would be

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