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Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne
Ebook257 pages4 hours

Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne

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"I, Madeline Clark, rejec..." I started speaking, but Alpha Dimitri stopped me by placing his hand over my mouth. He pulled me closer to him and growled.
"I'm not accepting your rejection, Madeline," he growled. "You are my mate. You are the greatest gift that the Goddess has ever given me. I am not letting you go."
My heart was hammering against my rib cage. His scent overwhelmed my senses. He leaned in and rubbed his nose up and down my jaw. My skin was on fire. Every part of my body desired to be touched by him.
"I can't let you go, my love," he mumbled. "I've waited for you my whole life."
His lips brushed against the marking spot on my neck, and I almost burst into flames. Convincing him to accept my rejection would be the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Madeline is a 17-year-old girl who still hasn't shifted into her wolf. Her father abandoned her mother when she was very young. She has been bullied and laughed at all the time. After she lost her mom, the person who loved her the most, Madeline is completely distraught and broken. Her father comes back to take her back to his pack. Madeline is against it, but her financial situation forces her to go with him.
Dimitri is a Lycan wolf, the Alpha of his very successful pack. He is 22 years old, and he still hasn't found his mate. When Madeline arrives at his pack, he is very surprised to discover that she is his mate. He is also frustrated because she is his stepsister who hasn't shifted yet. She can't recognize him as her mate.
Madeline struggles in the new pack. She doesn't have the best relationship with her stepmother. She can't wait to turn 18 and leave.
What will happen when Madeline finds out who her mate is? What will Dimitri do after she rejects him? Will he be able to convince her to stay? This is book 2 of the story.

Release dateOct 27, 2023
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne

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Reviews for Rejecting My Lycan Mate

Rating: 4.476190476190476 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    All three books of the series were great. I did however just find out after the cliffhanger at the end of book there that the author, Tessa Lilly passed away so there will not be a fourth book or resolution to the series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good but with many filling . The characters talks three sentences per page and the rest repeated inner thoughts
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh no the worst possible thing ever to happen pray an hope baby an mama will be safe
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Please tell me we are getting another book! We need a conclusion, don't leave us hanging like tv networks love to do. I'd rather read!

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Rejecting My Lycan Mate - Tessa Lilly

Rejecting My Lycan Mate

The Throne

Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 3

Tessa Lilly


I, Madeline Clark, rejec... I started speaking, but Alpha Dimitri stopped me by placing his hand over my mouth. He pulled me closer to him and growled.

I'm not accepting your rejection, Madeline, he growled. You are my mate. You are the greatest gift that the Goddess has ever given me. I am not letting you go.

My heart was hammering against my rib cage. His scent overwhelmed my senses. He leaned in and rubbed his nose up and down my jaw. My skin was on fire. Every part of my body desired to be touched by him.

I can't let you go, my love, he mumbled. I've waited for you my whole life.

His lips brushed against the marking spot on my neck, and I almost burst into flames. Convincing him to accept my rejection would be the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Madeline is a 17-year-old girl who still hasn't shifted into her wolf. Her father abandoned her mother when she was very young. She has been bullied and laughed at all the time. After she lost her mom, the person who loved her the most, Madeline is completely distraught and broken. Her father comes back to take her back to his pack. Madeline is against it, but her financial situation forces her to go with him.

Dimitri is a Lycan wolf, the Alpha of his very successful pack. He is 22 years old, and he still hasn't found his mate. When Madeline arrives at his pack, he is very surprised to discover that she is his mate. He is also frustrated because she is his stepsister who hasn't shifted yet. She can't recognize him as her mate.

Madeline struggles in the new pack. She doesn't have the best relationship with her stepmother. She can't wait to turn 18 and leave.

What will happen when Madeline finds out who her mate is? What will Dimitri do after she rejects him? Will he be able to convince her to stay? This is book 2 of the story.

CHAPTER ONE – She Is A Lycan

Dimitri’s POV

She was a Lycan.

She was really a Lycan.

I was in shock. I could tell that Oliver asked us a question, but I couldn't hear him. I only saw his lips moving. I could only hear my blood pumping through my veins and my heart hammering against my chest.

If it was true then she was the rightful heir to the throne. If it was true then she was the most powerful wolf in existence.

If it was true then she was in bigger danger than ever.

Alpha Dimitri? Oliver’s voice finally reached me.

I flinched and looked at him. I tried to force my body to calm down a little so I could hear what he was saying.

Who else knows about her ability? Oliver asked.

I cleared my throat and shook my head.

The four of us and the pack doctor, I mumbled.

I glanced at Will and Ellie. Both of them were staring at Oliver with shocked expressions on their faces.

Let’s keep it that way, Oliver said sternly. No one else needs to know and no one else can now. If I am right then she is…

Oliver stopped talking and looked at Maddie.

She is the heir to the throne, I said, making him look back at me.

He nodded slowly.

I finally looked at my mate. She was pale and I wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. She was staring at Oliver wide-eyed.

Princess, I called her as I cupped her cheek and turned her head toward me. Breathe, my love. Everything is going to be okay.

I wasn’t sure if she heard me.

I pressed my lips against hers and pulled her even closer to me.

Breathe, Maddie, I mumbled as I rubbed her back. Come on, my love.

She gulped and shook her head a little. I could tell and feel how confused and scared she was.

I looked at Oliver, Will, and Ellie.

Could you please give us a moment? I asked them.

I knew that Maddie needed space. I could tell that she was overwhelmed. I needed to help her. I needed to calm her down a little bit.

Sure, Will mumbled as he stood up. We will wait outside.

I nodded and watched as the three of them left my office. Will glanced at Maddie one more time before he closed the door.

I looked at her as soon as they were gone. Her eyes were on me, but I could tell that she was completely lost in thought. Her eyes were on me, but she wasn’t looking at me. She was somewhere else.

Princess, I called her softly as I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I need you to focus on my lips on your skin, okay? I need you to come back to me.

I started leaving soft pecks all over her cheek and jaw. I kept my eyes on hers the entire time. I finally reached her lips and kissed her as softly and as gently as I could.

She grabbed the back of my shirt and buried her head in my neck.

Oh, princess, I mumbled as I kissed her temple. It’s okay. I’m here. Nothing bad will happen, I promise. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.

I rubbed her back gently and took a deep breath, letting her scent soothe me.

I am not a threat, she mumbled. I promise. I won’t…

Her voice broke and she stopped talking.

I furrowed my brows. A threat? What the hell was she talking about?

I made her lift her head and look at me.

A threat? I asked. What do you mean, Maddie?

Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

I am not a threat, she said, her voice trembling. I won’t do anything, Dimitri. I promise. I don’t care about it. I never have to shift. No one has to know.

She sounded more and more panicked with each word she spoke. I could feel her trembling.

I was so fucking confused. What the hell was she talking about?

A threat to who, Maddie? I asked, caressing her cheek.

She furrowed her brows a little.

To you, she mumbled, making my heart stop. I won’t take your throne, I promise. I am not a threat. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. I want you. I only want you. Please, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know. I really didn’t know.

She was sobbing and shaking by the time she finished talking.

I was in shock.

What the fuck was she talking about?

She buried her face into her hands. I was too shocked to move.

Did she really think that I saw her as a threat?! Did she really think I was angry at her?! Did she really think that anything between us would change?!

The only fucking thing that would change would be the number of guards she would now have. The main one would be me. I was going to glue her to my side and never let her out of my sight.

I didn’t give a fuck about the throne. She could have it all. All I cared about was having her.

I forced myself to move. I had to tell her all that. I couldn’t just keep it inside. She had to know.

Princess, I said as I moved her hands from her face. I am not angry. I don’t care if you are the heir. I don’t care if you have more right to that throne than I do.

She gulped and I wiped the tears from her beautiful face.

All I need is you, I said softly as I leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. I don’t see you as a threat, Maddie. I don’t care about any of that. All I want is you. All I need is to keep you safe.

I pulled her into a hug and kissed her temple. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I love you, Madeline, I added as I tangled my fingers into her hair and held her close to me. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing is more important to me than you.

She sobbed and tightened her arms around me even more.

I was so scared, she cried out. I thought that…

Her voice broke and another sob escaped her.

I know, princess, I mumbled as I kissed her temple again. But there is nothing to be scared about. I would never choose that throne over you. I would never choose anything or anyone over you.

I leaned my head on hers and took a deep breath.

You are my heart and my soul, Maddie, I added quietly. You are everything and I don’t need anything else in this world.

CHAPTER TWO – Still Mine

Madeline’s POV

My entire body was shaking. I was in shock. I was scared.

I was in complete disbelief.

I was shocked when Oliver said that I was a Lycan, but hearing Dimitri say that I was the heir…

It was too much. The first thought that came to mind was that Dimitri would see me as a threat. He was the King. This was his Kingdom. This was his throne. He deserved to be the leader. He deserved to sit on that throne, not me.

All I wanted was my mate. I didn’t want the throne. I didn’t want to be the leader. I didn’t want to be a Lycan. I wanted Dimitri.

When he said that he didn’t see me as a threat, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I was finally able to breathe again. I couldn’t stop sobbing. I was so relieved.

But I was scared as well. What did it all mean? Was that the reason Skye refused to shift? Was she protecting me from finding out that I was a Lycan?

Was it even real? Maybe Oliver was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t true.

Oliver could be wrong, I mumbled quietly. Maybe it’s not true.

Dimitri kissed my temple and ran his fingers through my hair.

Maybe, he said. But I doubt it, princess. You being a Lycan explains a lot.

I lifted my head and Dimitri gave me a small smile. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

Like what? I asked quietly.

Dimitri raised an eyebrow at me.

Me being a Lycan explains what? I asked.

Dimitri tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and sighed.

Skye refusing to shift to protect you, he said. You having powers.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Dimitri caressed my cheek and smiled.

Don’t worry, Maddie, okay? he said softly. I won’t let anything happen to you. I will protect you from everything and everyone.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

I really want to be alone with you, I mumbled against his lips. I got so scared that I would lose you. I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel your skin against mine. I need you.

Dimitri grunted, pressing me closer to him. He lifted his hips and I could feel how hard he was. An intense feeling of need washed over me.

Fuck, Maddie, Dimitri mumbled as he lowered his head and kissed my mark. You are driving me insane. Just hearing you say that you need me is enough to make me so fucking hard.

I moaned and moved my head to give him better access to my neck. I meant every word that I said. I wanted him. I needed him. I needed him so much. I got so scared. I really thought that I would lose him. I really thought that he wouldn’t want me anymore. I needed to feel him everywhere to assure myself that he was still mine.

His mouth and his tongue were driving me insane. He kept biting, sucking, and licking my neck and I felt like I was going to burst. I kept touching him and grinding against him. I felt him shiver every time I ran my hand down his perfect back.

Dimitri, I cried out quietly as the need I felt started to become painful.

Fuck, Madeline, he growled quietly. I can’t fuck you when there are three people waiting outside.

I didn’t care about them. I needed him.

But I can do this, he mumbled as he unzipped my jeans and slowly put his hand inside my underwear.

I gasped when his fingers touched my clit.

Oh, fuck, he cried out. You are so fucking wet.

I was. I could feel it. My underwear was completely soaked.

He rubbed my clit and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Dimitri grabbed the back of my neck with his other hand and kissed me hard.

You are going to cum on my fingers, he said, his voice deep and filled with lust. You are going to keep your eyes on mine as you cum. You are not going to scream and you are not going to make a sound.

I dug my nails into his shoulder when he put two fingers inside me.

If you do as I say, I will fuck you so hard tonight that you will never again think about me leaving you or choosing someone or something else over you, he continued, making me shiver. Am I clear?

I just nodded. I couldn’t speak.

Good girl, he growled as he kissed me again.

He started pushing his fingers in and out of me. I gasped quietly and grabbed the back of his shirt.

Rub yourself against me, he ordered as he lowered his head and started kissing my neck again.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I started moving my hips and my clit started rubbing against his palm. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from screaming. I closed my eyes and started moving my hips faster.

Very fucking good, my Queen, Dimitri said as he lifted his head and cupped my cheek.

He turned my head back and kissed me hard.

Eyes on me, he said and I opened my eyes immediately.

The love and desire I saw in his eyes made my entire body tremble. I was so close. Just a few more pushes and I was going to explode.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming when he pushed his fingers deeper. He touched that incredible spot inside me and I exploded around his fingers.

Fuck yes, Madeline, he said as he kissed me hard.

I continued rubbing myself against his palm, trying to prolong the orgasm. My movements slowed down after a few moments. I was exhausted. He smirked as he looked down at his hand in my underwear.

So fucking wet, he mumbled as he gently pulled his fingers out of me.

He looked back up at me and put the fingers that were just inside me in his mouth. He groaned and closed his eyes.

Fuck, he mumbled. You taste so fucking good.

I almost came again.

I was staring at him and I wasn’t even breathing.

He opened his eyes after he finished cleaning his fingers. He smirked and pulled me in for a kiss.

I can’t fucking wait to be inside you tonight, my Queen, he mumbled, making me moan quietly. You were so good. You deserve to be fucked and pleasured as soon as we go back to our room.

I smiled and kissed him again.

I love you. He mind-linked me. You are mine.

He was right. I was his. I was still his.


Dimitri’s POV

Every word she said was true.

She was really scared of losing me. She really needed me. I felt everything through our bond and my heart almost gave out.

Like I would ever choose anything or anyone else over her. Like I would leave her. Like I would be so fucking stupid to give up the best thing that ever happened to me.

No. I was a lot of things, but I wasn’t insane.

I knew that I had to give her what she needed. I felt her desperation. I felt her need for reassurance. I felt her burning desire and passion. I felt her need to have me.

But I knew that I couldn't fuck her here. Not because of the people who were waiting outside our office, but because I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop myself. I already knew that we would have to lock our office and spend an entire day here if I just pushed the tip of my dick inside her. I was just as desperate to reassure her as she was to be reassured.

I knew that I had to remain in control so I found another way to give myself to her. It was still hot as fuck and I still wanted to lock those doors, bend her over the table, and fuck her. But I was definitely in more control than I would have been if my dick got a taste of that wetness and that pussy.

I kissed her temple and ran my fingers through her hair.

Are you feeling a bit better, princess? I asked her after a few minutes of hugging and caressing each other.

Yes, she mumbled quietly. Thank you, Dimitri. I needed this.

She looked up at me and smiled.

And I can’t wait to get every other part of you tonight, she added softly and a quiet groan escaped me.

Oh, I can’t wait either, my love, I mumbled as I kissed her softly.

I reached between us and buttoned her jeans. I looked back up at her and smiled.

Can we call them back in? I asked her. The sooner we are done with them, the sooner we can go back to our room.

She smiled and nodded.

Come back, Will. I mind-linked him immediately.

I placed another soft kiss on her lips just as the door opened. Will walked in followed by Oliver and Ellie.

Are you okay, Maddie? Ellie asked worriedly.

Maddie looked at her and nodded. "I

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