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Lycan Prince Matteo
Lycan Prince Matteo
Lycan Prince Matteo
Ebook229 pages4 hours

Lycan Prince Matteo

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"What do you want me to do? I caught you kissing! You allow him to kiss you knowing you had a mate!" he said angrily, "You know I am your mate!!" he added.
Freya is the adoptive daughter of the warrior mated couple of the Midnight Pack. She didn't have a scent, so everyone thought that she didn't have a wolf, just like humans.
Matteo Harith is the Lycan prince, soon to be king, who was waiting for his mate. He had smelled her since 9 years ago in the palace, but after that, he never found her, no matter how much he looked for her. When Matteo was assigned by his king's father to look into the case of a pack that had been wiped out, he lived in the Midnight Pack and found Freya. The moment Matteo stepped out of his SUV, Freya found out that he was her mate. But Matteo couldn't smell her at all. A tournament that had been held within the pack made Matteo find Freya to be his mate when their eyes met.
When Matteo finally smelled Freya's scent, it was also the time that she remembered what had happened in her childhood and that the palace had refused to help them when they asked, which caused her biological parents' death. What is he going to do when Freya was blaming the royals and wanted to reject him even after they mark each other?

Release dateOct 27, 2023
Lycan Prince Matteo

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Rating: 4.333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great read! I enjoy an unpredictable storyline. Thanks for that!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good book but u was thinking maybe gonna be more bloody

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Lycan Prince Matteo - Lovella Novela

Lycan Prince Matteo

Werewolf Romance Series Book 2

Lovella Novela



What do you want me to do? I caught you kissing! You allow him to kiss you knowing you had a mate! he said angrily, You know I am your mate!! he added.

Freya is the adoptive daughter of the warrior mated couple of the Midnight Pack. She didn't have a scent, so everyone thought that she didn't have a wolf, just like humans.

Matteo Harith is the Lycan prince, soon to be king, who was waiting for his mate. He had smelled her since 9 years ago in the palace, but after that, he never found her, no matter how much he looked for her. When Matteo was assigned by his king's father to look into the case of a pack that had been wiped out, he lived in the Midnight Pack and found Freya. The moment Matteo stepped out of his SUV, Freya found out that he was her mate. But Matteo couldn't smell her at all. A tournament that had been held within the pack made Matteo find Freya to be his mate when their eyes met.

When Matteo finally smelled Freya's scent, it was also the time that she remembered what had happened in her childhood and that the palace had refused to help them when they asked, which caused her biological parents' death. What is he going to do when Freya was blaming the royals and wanted to reject him even after they mark each other?

Chapter 40

Third Person

Hey, baby. Matteo greeted Freya. Did you sleep well? he asked and she nodded, smiling. She felt lightheaded but in a good way. 

What time is it? she asked. They went to sleep really late because of Matteo. He didn't stop at seducing her until she gave up and made love repeatedly until the sun was almost up. 

Rapha mind linked me and said that your training is canceled again. They knew that we marked and mated with each other, so they are giving us both time to be together. he replied, So, don't think about the time now. he added.

I feel hungry, she said,

Of course, after the whole night, I already expected that, he said, grinning.

You're happy about that? 

Yes, and I'm sure that Pi, too. she rolled her eyes at him as she tried to get up from the bed. You're rolling your eyes at me, baby. I only wanted you to do that when I was pleasuring you. he said, giving her a warning.

Oh, come on, I'm too tired, she replied, and he laughed endlessly, which annoyed her.

Come on and let's eat then, he said as he pulled her up, helping her to get up from bed. 

I want to take a bath first, I'm reeked of your scent. she said and Matteo sniffed with a creased forehead. What are you doing? she asked,

I remember dad told us that mom had no scent either and only after they marked each other that he was able to smell her scent. So I am trying to catch your scent. he answered,

And? Freya asked, hopefully.

It was so faint, that if you never told me about my scent on you, I would never notice it. he replied and inhaled the scent on her neck trying to sniff her faint scent. Are you always smell this good, why does it seems familiar? he asked again, I think I am drowning, how much more when I could smell you even without doing this? he asked,

I guess for now, you are the only one who can smell me. I mean no one will sniff at me like you do now, right?

Over my dead body, he replied and hugged her.

Alright, I need to take a bath now. she said, and went to the bathroom while Matteo was thinking. He knew he had smelled that somewhere, he just couldn't remember when and where. He waited for Freya to finish until she went out of the bathroom. He was still thinking and her scent now was a little obvious to him. His eyes dilated and without a doubt, he knew she was his.

Matteo got up from bed and walked closer to Freya, who was looking at him, confused. Mine, you are mine.. Babyyyy... he said and kissed her. She was wrapped in a towel and with just a little movement it fell off the floor. Their bodies were burning with desire and ended up claiming each other once again.

I don't think I will be able to stop myself from taking you over and over again, baby.. Fu** you're da** mine. Matteo said,

I think I need to take a bath again, goddess, Matteo! I reeked of your scent again! she exclaimed. This time she took a dress with her so she wouldn't look enticing to him when she got out of the bathroom.

Dad and the others were in the dining hall, they wanted us to be there and have breakfast. Matteo informed Freya, so they walked hand in hand on the way down.

Do you think they will be able to smell me now? Freya asked,

Well, I already can, so there's no problem. If they still can't, let them. Don't say anything to them either. I needed to find something that made me suspicious. Matteo answered.

What is it?

I'll tell you when I'm sure, he said, and continued walking until they reached the dining hall. All the ranked officials and royal advisors were there and even if she didn't want to, Freya felt worried. 

There you are, King Marco said as soon as he saw them. He stood up and greeted Freya, Hello dear, 

Good morning, Your Highness. she said,

Come and let's eat. I have something to say. That's why I asked you two here. Matteo and Freya took their seats and they both found Calvin and James grinning at them. She felt shy that she thought they were teasing her,

Ignore them, they are just jealous because they haven't found their mates yet. Matteo whispered at her, which didn't escape his future beta and gamma's ears. They glared at him as he just laughed at them.  

They started to eat as they looked forward to the king's announcement later. Everyone was looking at Freya and Matteo had a feeling that some of the royal advisors were talking on their links. He sighed and looked at his father and he knew that he was thinking the same thing. He winked at him and he knew that King Marco was going to do something later. 

Deserts have been served and, normally, they would start an important conversation with each other. Since everyone was full and I know that all of you wonder why I called you here, I would like to announce that Calvin and James are going to assume their fathers' positions he said, and some of the royal advisors looked at each other.

Don't you think it was too early for them? I mean, the prince had not assumed your title yet, Your Highness. Monroe, a royal financial advisor asked,

I know that, I wanted them to learn other things about their positions. I don't need to train them with regards to loyalty because I already know where their loyalty lies. I have already tested that for years. That's why I made the decision, King Marco answered. Monroe looked at Ronaldo asking for a follow-up. "Don't you want them to become beta and gamma? the king asked, suspiciously.

No, not at all, Your Highness. I just thought that it was too soon.

What do you mean, too soon? It has been long overdue. The moment their father died, they should have assumed their positions already. But I opted not to because I want them to learn more about the palace and the kingdom. I want them to get used to the prince so they will be able to understand and know each other when the time comes. 

Then I guess you have a point, Your Highness. Monroe said with his head down.

I take it that no one will object anymore? King Marco asked and looked around. Since we have already agreed to that, I am going to appoint Princess Freya to become the acting Luna.

What!! Ronaldo exclaimed as he stood up. 

Is there a problem with that too?

Although they already marked each other, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is already qualified to become one. I'm sorry for this Your Highness, but I think that it was a little too early for that. 

I wanted her to become Luna now, so she won't need any supervision when Matteo assumes my throne. Since I don't have my Luna anymore, I would rather choose her than look for someone else.

But Your Highness, she lacks the knowledge, Ronaldo insisted.

You didn't know anything about financing when I appointed you to your position, Ronaldo, King Marco said, and he couldn't say anything.

Yes, Your Highness. But that's different.

You are looking over the finances of the kingdom. What makes it different from her looking over the kingdom? I made this decision because I know that I didn't bend any rules or laws. Why are you objecting to this? 

I was just concerned about the kingdom, Your Highness. 

Are you saying that I am going to destroy the kingdom, Ronaldo? Freya asked. She was just listening but she couldn't take it anymore. He had been belittling her from the very beginning.

It's not that, but what are you going to do as soon as you become Luna? Ronaldo asked. She looked at him thinking what she was really going to do first, See, you can't even say anything. he added when she didn't say anything,

Baby.. Matteo said, as if trying to inform her that she didn't need to answer him. She looked at him and smiled.

How about finding the woman who owns the scent that my mate claims to be his from 9 years ago? she said, looking at Ronaldo intently and she saw it. The shock on his face was evident for a moment but he managed to hide it as if it had never happened.

Why would that be the first thing that you would do? he asked,

To give my mate the feeling of relief. Whether the woman already had her mate or not, he needs to know. Freya answered, I wanted to know as well why he couldn't find her no matter how much he searched for her. We don't know. Maybe someone had intentionally hidden her so Matteo would never get a chance of finding his mate.

Are you saying that someone from the palace was preventing the prince from finding his happiness? Ronaldo asked angrily.

No, Freya replied, I am saying that there might be someone in the palace who wants to become Matteo's mate, she added, and everyone murmured. King Marco smiled when he realized that she was smart too. He looked at Matteo, Rapha, Calvin and James, who were all smiling.

Since I didn't break any rules with my decisions, I would like this to be executed as soon as possible. King Marco said before he looked at Luisa and Claire, both are assigned in the palace and the kingdom's events related.

Please make sure that everything is perfect for the Luna, Beta and Gamma's ceremony. I didn't want any mistakes, so don't overlook anything.

Yes, Your Highness, the two replied. Without them knowing, Eunice heard everything and was now fuming with anger.

Chapter 41


I would like you to learn everything, dear, dad said. We are in his office because he wanted to discuss the details of the next event. 

I understand, Your Highness. Freya replied,

As for what you said, princess, Rapha said and she looked at him. I don't need to tell you to look after yourself, right? We all have a feeling that someone didn't want the prince to find his mate and hide the fact about the visitor in the palace on the day that the prince smelled his mate.

We also didn't leave the possibility that someone wanted the prince for herself, whoever she was. James added. I just keep quiet because something is bothering me. I couldn't get her scent off of my mind. 

Is something bothering you, son? Dad asked, he knew me too well. But I didn't want him to know what it was yet. I had to be sure first.

Nothing dad, I was just worried about Freya. What if I was not around and something happened to her? I said, instead.

You don't have to worry about that, it was Calvin. I had already asked Your Highness to conduct a tournament.

What about it? 

We will be inviting warriors from different packs. Whoever wants to join them will be staying in the palace for the duration of the tournament. Whoever wins will be trained with the palace warriors and will be absorbed by the palace after. he explained.

What does it have to do with my mate? I asked, because I don't see any connection with Freya's safety when they only become palace warriors.

That is what they will know. But whoever excels will be assigned to the princess' security along with James. Calvin added, and I nodded. 

Only us who were inside this room knew about the real reason for this tournament and I expected that no one would leak this. The possibility of the enemy being ready for this and plotting a chance to get into the princess's security team is very high if we let this information out. Rapha said,

I understand that you wanted and worried about my safety, but I don't think that it was necessary. Freya told us.

It is necessary, dear, dad said and continued, We couldn't take the risk and let our guard down. It was also the main reason why we are only telling you this. Matteo will be crowned, not until he's 100, so until then, we have to make sure that you are safe.

Is this also the reason why you already wanted Calvin and James to take their positions? she asked,

I can see that you are very smart. We are conducting some investigations. While it is ongoing, and things are uncertain, I don't want you to leave without someone with you. Never fall for tricks like I asked you to come or go to some place or do something that will require you to be alone, because I am not going to do that unless I tell you myself. 

Yes, Your Highness. 

We will continue our training because Ronaldo always asks about your safety, which is very unusual.

Why is that unusual? I asked,

He never even asked about how you are feeling when you couldn't find your mate before and now he was suddenly worried about the princess. He's not on the run, but I know that he knew what the princess looked like when she shifted. Everyone in the palace was talking about it before I warned everyone to hide it first, Rapha answered.

Having said that, the warriors that saw the princess fighting with the rogues were warned not to tell anyone about it as well. So besides us, no one actually knew that she could fight. James said, 

Are you saying that Ronaldo was planning something for my mate? I asked angrily.

We are not sure about that yet, that's why I wanted to do some investigations and while we are waiting for that, you have to promise us that you will take care of yourself, dear. Dad answered, looking at my mate who was nodding her head. 

Camila will be with you always, she's Rapha's niece, so it's good to say that I trust her too. I told her, Of course, that is only when I am not around. I added. 

The meeting had ended and we all prepared for the tournament. We rushed the invitations to all the packs and it was a success. They responded with enthusiasm and submitted their interest and the list of participants. I got myself busy with the preparations while Freya was with Rapha doing her training. Three days in a row, she had been complaining about how her trainer

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