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Ahtland: Godking
Ahtland: Godking
Ahtland: Godking
Ebook147 pages1 hour

Ahtland: Godking

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In the fantastical world of Ahtland, where gods and mortals walk hand in hand as the tapestry of kingdoms, dark powers, and enigmatic schemes unfold. This epic world book delves into the secrets, legends, and intrigues that shape this richly detailed universe.

At its heart lies the radiant figure of Inlustris, a deity whose arrival in Ahtland marked a turning point in its history. From his divine sons, the Godkings, to the mysterious Noss and their Demonkings, the inhabitants of Ahtland navigate a landscape where wars are waged, alliances are forged, and power shifts like the tides.

PublisherMuti R. R.
Release dateOct 7, 2023
Ahtland: Godking

Muti R. R.

A kid who grew up enamored with everything fantasy can now pick up the pen to craft a world of his own. I strive to create fantastical worlds where anyone from around the world can grasp onto something they treasure within. Will I succeed in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there is no time to waste.

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    Ahtland - Muti R. R.



    Inlustris, the Lightfather , is regarded as the first being of creation and is a mysterious figure shrouded in the swirling mists of the primordial void.

    In the endless expanse of the void, Inlustris, the Firstborn, appeared as a bright beacon of light. The universe became aware of the emerging consciousness as it took shape and began to form, and was eternally changed by it as a result. Sages and scholars alike are intrigued by the mystery surrounding the origins of this significant accomplishment. One truth, however, stands resolute: the cosmos would never again be the same as a result of Inlustris' fateful trek throughout the mystica.

    Inlustris pondered his identity and purpose in the isolation of the void. A solitary existence seemed to be all that awaited him, until suddenly, a revelation dawned upon the radiant wanderer. Amidst the boundless void, he saw other luminous entities flickered, very much akin to himself but lacking the ability to attain consciousness and take proper form as he did. Intrigued by their plight, Inlustris made a fateful choice—to absorb these frail, struggling beings of light into its own radiant essence, extinguishing their shine while brightening his very own.

    The motives behind Inlustris' actions remain a subject of debate among scholars and philosophers. Was it an act of benevolence, a merciful absorption of the weaker lights to grant them unity and purpose within its own luminous being? Or did a darker impulse drive Inlustris, casting him as the Betrayer in the eyes of the Demonkin, who perceive his deeds as an act of treachery?

    Inlustris stands as a figure both revered and reviled, an enigmatic force that shaped the cosmos with its radiance. His journey through the mystica permanently intertwined his fate with the fortunes of humans and demons alike, irreparably altering their perception of how the universe works. Lightfather to Kingdoms of Man, Betrayer to the Demonkin, Inlustris remains at the very heart of the universe as a beacon of superiority, casting its luminous glow upon the realms of Ahtland.


    The Exiled.  The Avenger. The Abyssmaw and architect of the Demonkings that haunts the realms of Ahtland.

    With its presence derived forcibly from the void's gloom, Morn the Abbysmaw, emits an aura that elicits fear and awe in equal measure. To speak of Morn is to delve into the depths of misery of failure itself, for he embodies the very essence of despair, sacrifice and retribution beyond all else.

    Morn's story is inextricably entwined with that of Inlustris, the radiant progenitor. The Abyssmaw's eventual appearance and coming into being was caused by the actions of Inlustris and forever altered the course of Morn's existence.

    Morn, unlike his counterparts, resolutely refused Inlustris' offer of assimilation, denying to take respite within the alluring embrace of the Light that coursed through his being by being absorbed. This defiant act set the stage for the unrelenting void to take hold of Morn's consciousness and give birth to a completely new lifeform—born not of bright luminosity,  but of snuffed luminescence of his former self submerged within the abyss of his shattered body.

    The Abbysmaw thus represented the first embodiment of an entity that mixed both light and void into his being while also being freed from the characteristics of both. Moreover, he became the very antithesis of Inlustris, openly opposing the lofty ambitions set forth by the illustrious deity.

    The true origins of the animosity between Inlustris and Morn lie shrouded within the emptiness of mystica, forever concealed from mortal comprehension. Yet, wherever Inlustris cast his radiant glow, Morn would also be there, lurking to snuff his light as an indomitable shadow, an unwavering force forever trailing in the wake of his luminous nemesis.

    Amidst the peoples of Ahtland, Morn's name invokes a chilling whisper—an omen of ill fortune, and the precursor to all the woes that befall Ahtland. The realms tremble in the face of his horrid visage, for his influence is said to be entwined with the maleficence itself.


    The Fateweaver is whispered to be one of the Twin Ladies, the divine creators of the universe. Among humans and even the Demonkin, Sor is revered as the kinder and more benevolent of the two Sisters.

    Sor is bestowed with the title of the Weaver of Fates, a designation that evokes both hope and trepidation. For her strands of destiny have the power to mold people's lives, either bestowing benefits or plunging them into the pit of sorrow.

    News of Sor reached the Kingdoms of Man through the tales spun by Inlustris. Inlustris spoke of Sor with utmost respect and admiration, painting her as a figure worthy of reverence. After hearing these stories, the populace developed a strong respect for Sor and put their hopes and dreams in her ethereal hands.

    In stark contrast, Sor was seen extremely differently by the Demonkin. The demons, who revered Morn as their supreme deity, had little regard for her presumed power.  Despite Morn's efforts to have the their society honor Sor, the demons refused to recognize her  true authority.

    This dynamic shifted when Kadeem, an ancient and confident Demonking, openly challenged Sor in an effort to consolidate Morn's position as the sole authority in the progenital hierarchy. In response to this reckless challenge, Sor unleashed her wrath upon the Demonking, depriving him of his incredible strength and inflicting a dreadful curse upon the noss under his rule. Kadeem and his followers would  continue to exist as mere echoes of their former selves, forever reminded of the Fateweaver's fury.

    The confrontation between Sor and the Demonking Kadeem would spread throughout the demon realms and have a lasting impact on the demonkin. Her actions served as a reminder that even she, the supposed kinder one of the Twin Ladies, wielded a tremendous amount of power at her disposal, capable of meting out punishment and shaping the destinies of all who dared to cross her path.


    While Sor weaves the web of destiny for the living, Nex is the one with the ability to give life itself, effectively determining the outcome of every soul on Ahtland and beyond.

    Known as the Soulsayer, Nex commands the forces of life and death. With a mere utterance, she breathes existence into the humblest of beings, and with a whispered decree, she guides their transition into the afterlife—Eternus.

    She may appear to

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