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Saving Shelvockwood
Saving Shelvockwood
Saving Shelvockwood
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Saving Shelvockwood

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Piper was an ordinary girl. Living in a small town with her friends. She had it all until one day her and her friends stumbled across another world. Thrown in this new world her friends and her had to adjust to new creatures, scary witches, and talking trees. With their help would they be able to save Shelvockwood from the rule of an evil witch? Or were they stuck in this new land for good?
Release dateOct 29, 2023
Saving Shelvockwood

Brandy Pasanen

Brandy Pasanen grew up in New Berlin, NY. It’s a small town out in the country and growing up in the 90’s there wasn’t much technology out yet. She is the oldest sibling. Her siblings and her used to play in the woods and ride bikes, but the thing she remembers the most was when they would play make believe. Brandy went to Unadilla Valley Central School and took up a newspaper and typing class when she was in high school. Part of her childhood was remembering that and when she learned to type, she loved it so much that she decided to write a book about some of what they played. After high school Brandy spent her time working in libraries and bookstores while she was in college studying English. Brandy never finished college. But she never stopped writing her book. After college Brandy went into the workforce. Working different jobs and not finding what she liked. In her journey through life, she met her husband and got married. They had 5 girls together. They bought a house in her hometown, and she was able to start up her own daycare business. When covid hit they had to shut down, but when quarantine was over, they were able to open back up. Her husband was able to quit his job and work at home with her. They are both full time daycare owners and Brandy homeschools her 5 children. Brandy’s husband has never given up on her and has pushed her to finish her book when she had the worst writers’ block. Brandy has so many more books that she wants to share with the world. She loves books, the smell, and the texture. Just being able to hold on to a part of someone’s imagination or even their life inspires her. Brandy wants her children to know that reading inspires the imagination, and the world has so much of that.

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    Saving Shelvockwood - Brandy Pasanen

    © 2023 Brandy Pasanen. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/28/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1401-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1400-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023916597

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    Chapter 1The Beginning

    Chapter 2Welcome to Shelvockwood

    Chapter 3A Minor Set Back or Two

    Chapter 4Tons of Trickery

    Chapter 5A Stepping Stone

    Chapter 6Names that Start with the Letter P

    Chapter 7The Rescue

    Chapter 8The Festival

    Chapter 9Spells and Charms Sleep Over

    Chapter 10Fun in the Meadow

    Chapter 11The Spider Crystal

    Chapter 12All Hallows Eve in Shelvockwood

    Chapter 13Good Nymphs, Bad Nymphs

    Chapter 14The Lost Letter From Prudence

    Chapter 15Perlangitis is Summoned

    Chapter 16Tis the Season

    Chapter 17The Reign of Sigcerlaw

    Chapter 18The Cottage Behind the Waterfall

    Chapter 19Empanvic’s Vicious Lie

    Chapter 20The Reign and Fall of Sigcerlaw

    Chapter 21Not the End, But Only the Beginning

    Chapter 1

    The Beginning

    M any years ago, back when the name Lady Morphana was feared… (for that is a name that should be feared) the land of Shelvockwood was a place of magic and happiness. A land where every magic being could roam free. Shelvockwood was as big as the Earth and held almost the same qualities. It had flowers, plants, animals, & trees, but it held the unique beings that Earth could not. The land was beautiful and had two moons instead of one and the stars in the sky were shared throughout the universe. Magic roamed the land like a warm summer breeze. The land of Shelvockwood has been around for centuries. It is the only place where magical creatures’ dwell. The fairies, unicorns, and sprites ran about with not a care in the world. That was until the day Lady Morphana decided to take over Shelvockwood. With a new evil brewing Shelvockwood was no longer safe.

    Hearing of her dreadful return to Shelvockwood, the forest committee (made up of a few good seeds) desperately tried to figure out what to do. Lady Morphana was an evil witch. She had long black flowing hair, black as the night with no moon. When she walked, she swept the floor with her black and red velvet cape. Ever since her mother, Queen Vespera was killed & her Aunt Sigcerlaw was thrown out of Shelvockwood, Morphana has wanted to take over. You see, Morphana’s mother was good at heart, but she married into evil. Sigcerlaw was Vespera’s sister. Sigcerlaw was born pure evil and loved King Empanvic (Vespera’s husband). Empanvic was pure evil too, and because he was Sigcerlaw thought that they should be together to rule over the kingdom. She didn’t approve of her sister’s kind heart, so she killed her in cold blood and blamed it on one of the protectors of the ice crystals, hoping that the king would seek revenge. King Empanvic did seek revenge, but in the process got killed himself, causing Sigcerlaw to run from the kingdom before she too was killed. Having heard of her parents’ deaths, Morphana’s heart became as black as night, and she vowed to put an end to the protectors for what they had done. Morphana has since returned to the land of Shelvockwood and has taken back her father’s castle…the Castle of Terror.

    This would not do. If Lady Morphana was back, all Shelvockwood would be at stake. The forest committee held a meeting regarding the return of Lady Morphana.

    If you ask me, she is nothing but trouble. I say we call for help. There is nothing we can do. I am a tiny fairy and you, Aged Sir Oak, are rooted to where you stand. The only one who could stand up to her would be you Sorsha, but I am not going to have you do it alone. The only way we got rid of her mother was with the protectors of the ice crystals, but that was years ago. Queen Lavinia said while batting her tiny wings. Just because she is only a few inches tall and can blend in with any lavender flower doesn’t mean the forest committee does not listen to her. They listen when she speaks, for she is the Queen of the forest fairies and sprites.

    Turning his branches to face the Queen, Aged Sir Oak said, I must agree with you Queen Lavinia. I am too old and fragile to try and fight her.

    Now the very funny thing about Aged Sir Oak’s comment is simply this, he is a tree and trees obviously don’t move. Being that he is the oldest and wisest tree in Whispering Wood, he doesn’t look it. His branches branch out for miles it seems and he has the brightest leaves of all the trees in the forest.

    Facing both Aged Sir Oak and Queen Lavinia, Sorsha said through a worried look, You are both right. You cannot fight her and I myself cannot handle her alone. How are we to summon the new Protectors of the Ice Crystals?

    Why Sorsha, if you want my opinion, I think we should summon up the Protectors the way they did in the old days. Make that potion that was left in the book from Anastasia, the one that requires orris root powder and sage. And you must not worry yourself like that; it will mess up your very pretty face. Balfour the village elder said.

    He was right though. Sorsha had a very pretty face. A young woman no more than twenty-five, with eyes the color of grass, locks of red hanging down to her shoulders tied back with the best arrangement of flowers that the Hidden Garden can produce, and the prettiest crystal diamond hanging from her neck that Anastasia and left behind for the next oracle to wear.

    Glancing over at a rather tall build man, Balfour was returning Sorsha’s stare. You can give me that look of wonder all you want Sorsha, but I think it is our only chance at defeating Lady Morphana. Balfour said with a slight sigh.

    Well alright then forest committee, this meeting is adjourned. Sorsha go summon up the protectors with that potion that Anastasia left for you. By tomorrow they should be in Shelvockwood to save us. Queen Lavinia said with a flutter.


    As the bell rang at 3 o’clock, Piper Taylor walked down the stone steps of Willow High and took a deep breath of fresh air. She couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the weekend was here, and she didn’t have to wear her school uniform till Monday. The walk home was even pleasant with the smell of summer just around the corner. When she finally got home, she had a note taped to her front door from Decklyn. How was she so lucky to have a boyfriend like him? Not only was he caring to her, but he was very protective of her as well. Decklyn was not tall at all, but average for a guy. Just like Piper was average for a girl. She loved looking into his deep hazel eyes when she had a bad day and being able to have a strong shoulder to cry on when life wasn’t going the way she had planned. Most of the time he wore a hat because he didn’t want to get a sunburned scalp (he shaves his head you see).

    Saying a quick hello to her dalmatian Shenna, Piper headed upstairs. Opening her bedroom door, she threw down her backpack by her desk and plopped on her bed. Releasing a sigh, Piper knew she would get nothing done by just lying there on her bed.

    Getting up and walking to her closet she opened it up only to find the mess she left there that morning. Her mother had told her that if her room wasn’t clean before she went to school, she wasn’t going to spend the time with Tiffany and the boys. So, Piper had done the only thing a normal teenage girl would do, she threw everything that was on the floor in her closet and shut the door. Rummaging through the mess on her closet floor, she managed to find clothes that didn’t look like her school uniform. After putting on her faded jeans, a white tank top, and some sneakers, she walked over to her floor length mirror to have a look. Tilting her head to the side she still wasn’t satisfied so she grabbed a hair tie and put her hair up in a ponytail. Much better she thought as she glanced back into the mirror at her reflection. One of the rules at Willow High was that the girls were not allowed to wear their hair up unless it was for gym class and then when gym was done it was to be put back down. Besides her hair was something that all the girls wanted; straight, brown, and just above her hips. If that wasn’t enough the girls were envious of her baby blue eyes. Finally satisfied, Piper headed downstairs to the kitchen and headed over to the phone. Picking up the receiver, she started dialing away. Eagerly waiting for someone on the other line to pick up, she drummed her fingers on the kitchen counter. Finally, an answer, Hi Mrs. Darling, this is Piper. Is Tiffany there? Thanks, I’ll hold. Hi, Tiffany, how did you do on that History test this morning? Oh, well that isn’t bad, I think I got at least a 95. Yeah, my mother told me I couldn’t go hiking with you guys this weekend unless I cleaned my room and got an A on the History exam. So, is everybody meeting up here before we head out? Ok, see you all in a bit then. Yup, bye. Piper said as she hung up the phone.

    Grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and rushing back upstairs to her bedroom, she didn’t have much time before the gang would be knocking on her door and she still had to pack a daypack and clean her room.

    After finishing a quick clean to her room, she ran back downstairs. Throwing her brown daypack by the door, Piper jumped as the doorbell rang. Throwing open the door she came face to face with Tiffany, Phoenix, and Decklyn. Tiffany was dressed in a puffy sun dress and she had her shoulder length blonde hair done up in curls. Apparently this brown eyed girl didn’t know what hiking involved, although she probably didn’t care as long as she could show off her super model body. Decklyn and Phoenix were both wearing rough looking jeans and tee-shirts. Phoenix was the same height as Decklyn, but he doesn’t shave his hair, he spikes his brown hair.

    Ok kids are we ready to get a move on? said a very energetic Decklyn.

    Alright dude, but if we are forgetting something because we are rushing out of here, you won’t have to worry about an ax-murder. I will kill you myself. Phoenix said with a grin.

    They all climbed into Decklyn’s jeep after loading it and started on down the road. Piper was staring out the window and looking at all the beautiful willow trees. Their town was named after them and nobody on this side of the northeast would forget it. Watching the Willow High students hanging around outside of the Whispering Willow Pizzeria. Just off Oak and Pine streets some old men were setting on the corner in their lawn chairs, yelling at kids from Winnie Willow Elementary for throwing acorns at the squirrels. The Librarian from Weeping Willow Library was picking the books out of the drop box. Boy, would she miss the library, every weekend Piper spent visiting the library. An hour later they all arrived at the spot Phoenix said was good for hiking. I think we should set up camp here and hit the hay. We can always get up early and start hiking tomorrow. Said Phoenix.

    I second that, besides I am tired as well from being in school all day and then dealing with my brother when I got home. Tiffany said through a yawn.

    So, with that said and done, the tent was pitched, and good nights were exchanged. The sound of crickets put everyone to sleep instantly. As the sun rose the next morning, the only remains of where the kids had stayed was the smoke rising from where the campfire was.

    The day started out rather nicely. Among the trees, they saw a few female deer with their fawns and a family of bunnies eating clovers by a shady brook. The hike didn’t seem to take long before they all came to their first rest stop among the trees. Isn’t it just gorgeous out? I love being around nature. Tiffany said as she was sunning herself.

    Phoenix was just about to tell Tiffany that her view on nature was different than everybody else’s, but he caught a glimpse of a dark hole out of the corner of his eye. Hey guys, I think that is a cave over there; want to go check it out? he asked excitedly.

    Phoenix what if there are wild animals in there? asked a worried Tiffany.

    Where is your sense of adventure Honey? Besides even if there are wild animals in there, we have flashlights and candy, we can always throw the candy at them and if that doesn’t work, we can always beat them with the flashlights. Phoenix said with a grin.

    With that said Phoenix picked up his daypack, took out his flashlight, and started walking over to the cave. Not wanting Phoenix to go alone the other three picked up their things and with worried looks took out their flashlights and followed him towards the cave. Once inside each one of them turned on their flashlights. The cave was dark and damp. Piper and Tiffany huddled close together while Phoenix and Decklyn started wandering ahead. Decklyn was just about to tell Phoenix that he thought he could hear running water when he heard screaming coming from the girls behind him. Turning around in time to see Piper fall from view, Decklyn could only assume that that was where Tiffany and vanished as well. Rushing over to where the girls had disappeared, the boys could hear their slight screams. Well, we either turn back now or we throw ourselves down there after them. Phoenix said as he glanced down at the blackened tunnel.

    They need us. We are the protection on this outing. We can’t go get help and just leave them here. What if there are wild animals down there? Decklyn said as he gave Phoenix a nervous look.

    Taking a deep breath, Phoenix flung himself down the tunnel. Decklyn wasn’t too far behind him. Phoenix could tell by the light bouncing off the tunnel walls and by the many grunts coming from Decklyn. Once at the bottom, the boys could hear the sobs from the girls. Piper, Tiffany, are you guys, ok? Decklyn asked as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

    Holding Tiffany tight, Piper said, We are both ok. The fall just scared us, we weren’t ready for it. Amazing enough we both still have our daypacks, but our flashlights we lost.

    What happened? I mean one-minute you guys were there and we turned around for one second and you were gone. Phoenix said while flashing his light towards them.

    I thought Tiffany tripped, but when I was about to go and help her, the floor caved beneath me. Piper said while looking up through the dark tunnel.

    How are we ever going to get home? cried an upset Tiffany.

    Don’t start getting upset Tiffany. Decklyn said, We will find a way home Maybe there is a way out from down here.

    Ok, well let’s get cracking. How many flashlights do we have? Phoenix asked with a smirk.

    Phoenix, we have just the two of ours, the girls both lost theirs when they fell remember? Decklyn answered while making sure his still worked.

    Correction Buddy, we have just one. Mine must have been damaged on the way down. It doesn’t work. Phoenix said while he hit his flashlight trying desperately to make it work.

    Alright, we can make this work. Tiffany stick with Phoenix and Piper, stay next to me. Hopefully there will be no more cave-ins. Replied Decklyn.

    And with that they were off down the dark hole of the cave. It seemed like an hour passed when they all came to a dead end. For the passageway ahead of them looked like nothing but solid rock.

    Just lovely. How are we supposed to get out of here now? asked an angry, but scared Piper. We don’t even know if the flashlight will last that long.

    Trust me, those batteries are just fine. I put them in this morning. argued Phoenix. He was about to argue with Piper some more, but Decklyn put his finger up to his lips to silence them. When they were all quiet and had given Decklyn their full attention, he slowly pointed to the solid rock ahead of them. The rock wasn’t just solid rock. It was a wooden door, but it blended in to look like rock. Probably to hide the fact it was a door. Bewildered beyond measure, the four friends walked over to the door. Taking a chance, Tiffany bravely walked up to the wooden door and pushed it open. Right behind her was Phoenix with the flashlight. Going around to her right side, Phoenix turned the flashlight on and brightened up the room behind the door.

    The room was rather small and smelled of hickory smoke. As the four friends crammed themselves into this tiny room the door to the cave slammed shut behind them. Well, this is just dandy. said an annoyed Phoenix as he was trying to pull the door back open with a lot of force.

    Don’t panic Phoenix. We have been through much worse before. I mean look at the whole cave situation. sighed Decklyn.

    Yeah ok, that makes me feel a whole lot better. Phoenix said rather sarcastically.

    Bright side, there is another door behind you Phoenix. Piper coughed while trying to muffle back a laugh.

    I suppose you find this funny don’t you Piper? Oh, look at how scared Phoenix is getting. Did you ever wonder what maybe hiding behind the door? Could be a bear or an ax-murderer, but let’s just find out, shall we?! barked Phoenix. And before Piper could even make a suggestion back Phoenix had walked over to the door of the tiny room and shoved it open.

    The four of them just stood there amazed as to what they saw. They were no longer in a dark cave, but what looked like a tiny house. Afraid to even move, the friends just stood there staring into the house. Not one of them could tell you how long they were standing there before Tiffany started talking in a whisper. You don’t suppose we fell down the cave and landed on the other side into someone’s house, do you?

    Don’t be silly. Piper whispered, turning to face Tiffany. I don’t think that that could….Ahhhhh!!!! Before she could finish her sentence, Piper was buzzed by a big bug. EWWW, somebody please kill it! she screamed.

    Scrambling to find something to kill this huge bug, Decklyn grabbed a broom and started swinging. Tiffany was hiding behind a huge barrel labeled unicorn food and screaming as the big bug made a beeline for her head. There was so much going on that nobody took notice of the young woman standing in front of the fireplace. What are you doing? the woman shouted.

    Everybody stopped. Even the bug stopped and just hovered in midair. Then before any of the kids could say a word the bug spoke up and said, I was under orders of the Queen my lady to come here and retrieve the protectors. Before I could even speak on the Queen’s behalf, they started attacking me. I finally believe that they are impostors and must be working for Lady Morphana, but what I cannot figure out is how they got into the protector’s broom closet.

    Piper had opened her mouth to reply, but she no more than uttered two words and the pretty lady started talking. We need to give them a chance to speak Elanil. After all the protectors will be from another world.

    Another world? What is this lady talking about? The four friends stood in awe. Not one of them knew what to say. Finally, after much debating in her head Piper spoke first. Sorry to intrude like this, but my friends and I took a wrong turn and ended up here in your house. If you have a phone, we can use we will be out of here and on our way back home.

    A bit confused as to what she had just said the little bug Elanil spoke, What is she talking about Sorsha?

    Sorsha? That is an interesting name. Decklyn replied.

    Well, what is your name stranger? Elanil snapped.

    My name is Decklyn Pruette. Decklyn answered. And turning to his friends he said, And to my right is Phoenix Lucas, my right-hand man. And these lovely ladies are Piper Taylor, my girlfriend and her best friend Tiffany Coven; A.K.A. Phoenix’s girl.

    So good to meet all of you, but it just so happens that I summoned you here to Shelvockwood. Elanil, tis a common mistake, but you must inform the Queen at once at once of their arrival. I have much to explain. Sorsha said.

    Right away my lady. Elanil replied. With that said he flew out of the window.

    The Queen. Weird names. Disappearing rocks. Bugs that talk. Where are we? And where is there a can of raid when you need it? Phoenix replied through gritted teeth.

    Oh, Elanil isn’t a bug. Chuckled Sorsha, He is a fairy.

    Each one of the children gave her a mouth dropping stare. He’s a what? asked Tiffany.

    Did she just say a fairy? Like the ones in storybooks? asked a confused Decklyn.

    Now I am really confused. Where are we? asked a bewildered Phoenix.

    "You are in the land of Shelvockwood. I summoned you from another world to help us in our desperate need of help. You see our land is being taken over by an evil witch. Her name is Lady Morphana. I see by the looks on your faces that there is a lot of disbelief in what I say. Believe me when I say that what I say is

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