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Explorers: Gem Of Life: Explorers, #1
Explorers: Gem Of Life: Explorers, #1
Explorers: Gem Of Life: Explorers, #1
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Explorers: Gem Of Life: Explorers, #1

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In a world where magic and mystery intertwine, "Gem of Life" follows the journey of three courageous teenagers who are thrust into an epic quest to save their kingdom from a sinister queen's dark enchantment. When the malevolent ruler steals the fabled Gem of Life, a mystical artifact that can turn all living beings to stone, chaos and despair grip the land.

As the very heartbeats of their loved ones freeze into statues, the trio embarks on a perilous adventure filled with treacherous forests, enigmatic challenges, and unlikely alliances. Their mission: to retrieve the stolen gem and reverse the queen's curse. Along the way, they'll face riddles whispered by ancient trees, confront their deepest fears, and unravel the secrets of an enchanted world.

But time is running out, and the queen's power grows with every petrified victim. Can these three young heroes find the strength within themselves to defy the darkness, restore life to their realm, and uncover the true meaning of courage and friendship? "Gem of Life" is a tale of resilience, bravery, and the enduring power of hope in the face of insurmountable odds.

Release dateNov 3, 2023
Explorers: Gem Of Life: Explorers, #1

Rashmitha Jayawardhana

he is an freestyle writer from sri Lanka and is a new writer in the field of litreature 

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    Book preview

    Explorers - Rashmitha Jayawardhana

    CHAPTER 1 


    The sun had just begun its ascent, casting a gentle, golden hue over the town of Emberwick. It was a typical morning, one that marked the start of another day in the lives of three friends: Celine, Christine, and Alex. 

    Celine and Christine shared a room in the cozy house they called home. The room was adorned with shelves filled to the brim with books, their spines a rainbow of colours and stories waiting to be explored. Celine, the elder of the two sisters, lay in bed, her chestnut hair fanned out on the pillow, and her green eyes fluttered open as the first rays of sunlight kissed her cheeks. 

    She stretched, welcoming the day with a soft smile, and glanced over at her sister's bed. Christine, her fiery red hair splayed across the pillow, was already awake and absorbed in a thick tome. 

    Celine, it's time to wake up, Christine said without looking up from her book. 

    Celine yawned and stretched again. You're always up so early, Chris. What's got your attention this time? 

    Christine finally tore her eyes away from the pages and beamed at her sister. The history of magical artifacts in the Enchanted Forest. It's fascinating stuff, you know. 

    Celine chuckled. You and your books, Chris. I'll never understand how you can be so awake and enthusiastic this early in the morning. 

    Meanwhile, just next door in the neighbouring house, Alex was already in the midst of his morning routine. His room was a contrast to the sisters' cozy bookfilled haven. It was tidy, with a computer desk in one corner where his laptop sat, wires trailing neatly along the floor. 

    As Alex pulled on his sneakers, he spotted a programming book on his desk and couldn't resist giving it a quick read. Code snippets danced in his mind, and he muttered to himself, I wonder if I can optimize that loop. 

    Downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the kitchen. Celine and Christine's mother, Mrs. Whitethorn, was already busy preparing breakfast. She called up the stairs, Girls, breakfast is ready! Alex, you're welcome to join us too. 

    Celine and Christine quickly dressed and headed downstairs. They joined their mother at the table, where a spread of pancakes, syrup, and fresh fruit awaited. Celine, ever the bookworm, had brought her current novel with her. 

    As Alex entered their home, he greeted Mrs. Whitethorn with a warm smile.  Morning, Mrs. Whitethorn. Thanks for the invitation. 

    Mrs. Whitethorn smiled back. You're always welcome here, Alex. Sit down and eat. It's a school day, after all. 

    They chatted amiably over breakfast, discussing their plans for the day and the upcoming school assignments. Celine eagerly shared her thoughts on the novel she was engrossed in, her eyes lighting up as she delved into the intricate plot and complex characters. 

    Have you reached the part where the protagonist discovers the hidden artifact yet? she asked Christine, her voice filled with excitement. 

    Christine nodded, her own enthusiasm shining through. Yes, it's just around the corner. The suspense is killing me! 

    Alex couldn't help but smile as he listened to their animated discussion. You two are like characters from a novel yourselves, he remarked. Christine, you with your love for books, and Celine, your endless thirst for knowledge. 

    Christine beamed, feeling a sense of pride in her sister's intellectual curiosity. And Alex, she added, with your coding wizardry and love for problem-solving, you're the one who keeps our adventures grounded in the real world. 

    Christine chuckled. Our own unique trio. 

    With breakfast concluded, the three friends gathered their belongings and headed out the door, ready to face the day ahead. The sun had fully risen, and the town of Everhart buzzed with life, unaware of the extraordinary adventure that might await them. 

    The trio arrived at Everhart High School, a place that had witnessed their shared laughter, struggles, and countless adventures. With their backpacks slung over their shoulders, they headed straight for the library after depositing their jackets in their lockers. 

    The library was a sanctuary for Christine. Rows of bookshelves stretched toward the ceiling, their spines lined up like old friends waiting to be embraced. She claimed her usual corner table by the window, where the morning sun spilled in, casting a warm glow over her chosen spot. 

    Christine settled into her chair, her book already open to where she had left off that morning. Her eyes danced across the pages, devouring the tale of a brave sorcerer who sought to unravel the mysteries of an enchanted forest. 

    Meanwhile, Celine was engrossed in her own world. Her laptop sat before her, notes scattered across the screen as she diligently researched wildfires for a school project. Her fingers danced across the keyboard as she gathered information, her determination evident in her furrowed brow. 

    Alex, ever the tech-savvy coder, took out his laptop and settled at a nearby table. Lines of code flashed across his screen as he worked on his latest project. Algorithms and data structures were his passion, and he couldn't resist the allure of solving complex problems. 

    As Christine flipped through the pages of her novel, her fingers brushed against something unusual-a worn, leather-bound book hidden behind a row of thick tomes. Curiosity piqued, she pulled it out. The book felt ancient, its pages yellowed and edges frayed. Its title, The Chronicles of Destiny, was embossed in faded gold letters. 

    Intrigued, Christine opened the book, revealing a handwritten introduction: 

    Year 2023, the Year of Destiny. Three souls, bound by fate, shall rise to face the greatest challenge of their lives. A stolen Gem of Life, one of the precious Life Stones that sustains our world, threatens to plunge all living beings into eternal stone. It is your destiny, dear reader, to embark on a quest to retrieve the gem and save our world. 

    Christine's eyes widened as she continued reading. The book explained that the Gem of Life was one of the Life Stones that formed the foundation of their world. 

    These stones, scattered throughout the realm, held the power to sustain life itself. If one was stolen or lost, the balance of the world would be disrupted, and living beings would be turned to stone. 

    Excitement and disbelief coursed through her as she absorbed the ancient prophecy. Her heart raced with the realization that the year 2023 was upon them. This was the year of destiny spoken of in the book. 

    Unable to contain her excitement, she jumped up from her seat and hurried over to Alex and Celine. She held the book aloft, her voice trembling with a mix of awe and urgency. Guys, you won't believe what I found! 

    Alex glanced up from his code, raising an eyebrow. What's got you so excited, Chris? 

    Celine paused in her research and looked at Christine, curiosity etched across her features. Yeah, what's going on? 

    With a breathless laugh, Christine began to explain the contents of the mysterious book, recounting the prophecy and the theft of the Gem of Life by a villainous queen. She emphasized the part about three individuals being destined to save the world in the year 2023. 

    But Chris, it's just a book, Alex said sceptically, his fingers still typing away. A fantastical story, maybe, but not reality. 

    Celine nodded in agreement. Yeah, it's intriguing, but we can't base our actions on something from a book, especially something as fantastical as this.  Christine frowned, torn between her excitement and her friends' scepticism. She knew the story sounded far-fetched, but something about it tugged at her heart.  The weight of destiny hung in the air, and she couldn't ignore it. 

    Reluctantly, she closed the book and set it aside. Fine, maybe you're right. But what if it's true? What if we're meant to be the ones to save the world? 

    Ignoring the lingering doubts, they gathered their belongings and headed to their first class, the mysterious book and its prophecy left behind in the library, like a distant echo of an unspoken destiny. 

    The trio entered their classroom, eager to dive into another day of learning. However, as they stepped inside, an eerie silence greeted them. The classroom was empty, not a single student in sight. It was as if the entire class had vanished into thin air. 

    Alex exchanged a puzzled glance with Celine, and they both frowned. This is strange, Alex muttered. Did we miss an announcement or something? 

    Celine scanned the room, her eyes narrowing as she noticed something peculiar. Look at the desks, she said, pointing at the rows of empty seats. There's something on each one of them. 

    Christine, her conviction from earlier still burning within her, approached one of the desks and gasped. On the desk lay a small, smooth stone where a notebook and pen should have been. She picked it up, her fingers trembling. These...these are stones, she stammered, her voice quivering. 

    Alex and Celine joined her, examining the lifeless objects on the desks. It was truethey were stones, polished and cold to the touch. 

    Alex shook his head, disbelief etched across his face. This can't be real. It's like some sort of elaborate prank. 

    Celine's brow furrowed as she considered the situation. But who could have pulled off a prank like this? And where is everyone? 

    Christine clutched the book she had found in the library, her heart pounding. She believed, deep down, that the book held the answers. "Guys, I think the book was right. Something terrible has happened, and we might be the only ones who can 

    fix it." 

    Alex, still skeptical, glanced at his watch. This is insane. Mr. Reynolds is never late, not even by a minute. We should wait a bit longer. 

    Ten minutes passed, and the teacher still hadn't arrived. The once-empty classroom had become a chamber of silence, filled only with stone remnants of their classmates. The walls seemed to close in around them, suffocating with uncertainty. 

    Christine's voice trembled as she spoke, Alex, you said Mr. Reynolds would never be late, even if he was to die in a minute. 

    Alex's face turned pale as he realized the weight of his own words. You don't think... 

    Celine placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to figure out what's happening. And Christine might be right-the book could hold the key. 

    With their hearts heavy and their minds racing, they decided to put their faith in the book and the destiny it spoke of, setting out on a path that would challenge their beliefs and lead them deeper into the mysteries of the Enchanted Forest. 

    Fear and unease hung heavily in the air as the three friends cautiously stepped out into the corridor. The once-bustling school was now an eerie, empty labyrinth of echoing footsteps and distant whispers. 

    Alex ran his hand along the lockers, the metallic clinks reverberating through the hallway. This is unreal. Where is everyone? 

    Celine, her camera slung around her neck, began to snap photographs of the deserted school. Each click of the shutter seemed to emphasize the eerie silence that surrounded them. It's like everyone just disappeared. 

    Christine clutched the mysterious book tightly in her hands. Her conviction had grown stronger with each passing minute, and she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that they were the only hope in this unsettling emptiness. We can't stay here. Let's explore and see if we can find any clues. 

    They ventured further into the school, their footsteps echoing through the deserted halls. Lockers stood open, books and belongings left behind as if people had vanished mid-activity. Desks in classrooms were empty, their chairs pushed back as if the students had simply stood up and walked away. 

    The trio arrived at the school's main entrance, where sunlight streamed through the glass doors. They pressed their faces against the glass, peering out onto the streets of Everhart. To their shock, the town was just as deserted as the school. 

    This can't be happening, Alex muttered, his voice trembling. The entire town is empty. It's like a ghost town. 

    Celine's camera captured the haunting scene before them-deserted streets, empty cars, and storefronts with their doors ajar. I've never seen anything like this. It's as if time stopped. 


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