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Luna Abigail: The Queen of Fire
Luna Abigail: The Queen of Fire
Luna Abigail: The Queen of Fire
Ebook160 pages2 hours

Luna Abigail: The Queen of Fire

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So, they do not know we are her mate and they think she has another mate? I will not allow ANYONE to touch my princess.' Loch says in my mind.
'I know! I will not allow that to happen either, but then we need to get to her before that nincompoop can get his mangy hands on her. He already stole everything from us, he is not getting our mate.' I answer with new determination.
Amber is the daughter of Queen Abigail and King Mathew, along with her twin brother Maze, she is expected to lead by example. The twins are as different as they come. Where Maze is hot headed and short tempered, Amber is calm and collected.
Amber is a fire elemental, and her powers are stronger than anyone has seen in centuries, and this fact only adds to the expectations of her as the future queen.
In the shadows, an old enemy lurks to use Amber and her brother as a pawn in their end game, while Amber tries to navigate her life. On her 18th birthday, she discovers that she is mated to the future dragon king of the west kingdom, and if that wasn't complicated enough, she is also kidnapped to the kingdom by her mate's father.
In the dragon lands, Amber will have to learn how to navigate politics, new costumes, love, and betrayal.

Release dateNov 3, 2023
Luna Abigail: The Queen of Fire

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    Book preview

    Luna Abigail - NatachaH

    Luna Abigail

    The Queen of Fire

    The Return of the Royals Book 4



    So, they do not know we are her mate and they think she has another mate? I will not allow ANYONE to touch my princess.' Loch says in my mind.

    'I know! I will not allow that to happen either, but then we need to get to her before that nincompoop can get his mangy hands on her. He already stole everything from us, he is not getting our mate.' I answer with new determination.

    Amber is the daughter of Queen Abigail and King Mathew, along with her twin brother Maze, she is expected to lead by example. The twins are as different as they come. Where Maze is hot headed and short tempered, Amber is calm and collected.

    Amber is a fire elemental, and her powers are stronger than anyone has seen in centuries, and this fact only adds to the expectations of her as the future queen.

    In the shadows, an old enemy lurks to use Amber and her brother as a pawn in their end game, while Amber tries to navigate her life. On her 18th birthday, she discovers that she is mated to the future dragon king of the west kingdom, and if that wasn't complicated enough, she is also kidnapped to the kingdom by her mate's father.

    In the dragon lands, Amber will have to learn how to navigate politics, new costumes, love, and betrayal.

    CHAPTER 166 I'm Ending This. Now. 

    Amber's POV 

    I just stare at Callus, Rose and Ray. I can't fathom what they think they'll accomplish with this attack, but then again I've never been much of an evil mastermind. Their eyes are clouded over, so I assume they are talking via mind link. That's very rude when you have unwilling guests who are waiting on your next move. 

    Galaxy is still on the ground, the black vines cutting her skin while they are getting tighter. Every whimper cuts in my heart, but I keep my composure - slowly but surely sending heat waves at the vines while my hosts are occupied elsewhere. The vines struggle for a second before lessening their grip on Galaxy. I keep sending heat waves at the vines, until I feel they are so loose Galaxy can get free on her own. 

    Just then Callus, unfortunately, refocused his attention on me and I immediately stopped sending so much heat towards the vines, because I know it can leave a magical trace, and they might have trackers in their mangy crowd. 

    I want to ask you something, Amber. A question I just must have an answer to before you are led away into your new life. I raise an eyebrow, while crossing my arms.

    Why did you stay? The question takes me by surprise. There's a genuine interest behind his words, and this is the perfect opportunity to stall. 

    Here? Or what exactly do you mean? Callus rolls his eyes, probably confirmed in his belief that I am just another dumb little girl. 

    When I kidnapped you from that deformed pack of.. Galaxy growls so fiercely that it goes quiet. Only the sound of the torches flickering in the wind is heard now. Well, well. There's still a fight in you, huh, Queen Abigail. Don't worry, I'll kill you in a bit and take you out of your misery. I narrowed my eyes on him. Rose and Ray are laughing and so are their allies. 

    I stayed because your sons are my mates. I answer with a loud voice, and yet again the clearing goes eerie quiet. And I knew the dragons really needed change from that narrow minded way of thinking that you are the superior species. You aren't. You are just a sad bunch of inbreds, who believe you are invincible. Rose sneers at my answer. 

    That rich coming from a dirty blooded overgrown dog shifter. You are NOTHING compared to my nephews! But sadly they are both to blind to see the truth, and therefore we need to kill them as well and put in a King who knows the value of the dragon bloodlines. I look at Rose to see if she is serious, and by that look I can see that she is. I can't help but laugh. 

    So, the son, who is so attentive to the dragon bloodline, is promised me as his prize after this charade? Ain't that a bit contradicting? I ask, smiling a sweet smile at Rose. She sneers, but Callus quickly puts a hand on her shoulder to hold her back. Hm, interesting. Maybe she's the one to irk, not Callus. She might be more prone to strike first because of her son. And speaking of the bloodline, Rosie, does your mate know you cheated on him with your brother? Your son is really the striking image of a forbidding sister/brother relationship. 

    He is the product of a healthy family love, and his veins are pure with the finest blood in the West Dragon Kingdom. My smile turns wicked. So she doesn't know then. We effectively threw her out and kept her spies from getting the news out. 

    Interesting point, Rosie. But you forget yourself. There is no West Dragon Kingdom anymore. The Lands have been united under one rule. Mine. 

    With that I send one final heat wave towards Galaxy, who springs free from the vines much to the grief of the dark fairies. They screech in agony as their vines disintegrate into the ground. They all get on their wings simultaneously, and charge against Galaxy who is ready for them this time. Her eyes glow, as she hums a deep melody, and the dark fairies fall to the ground - turned to stone. I didn't know Galaxy could do that, then again I never really paid much attention to mom's war stories.

    Rose's angry yell catches my attention, and I get a barrier up just in time for her to smash against it with a sword. She yields it against my barrier again and again, and I'm forced to retreat to keep her at bay. I feel my magic being sucked out of me every time the sword hits the barrier, but I can't seem to figure out how or why. 

    'The sword is magic. We need to destroy it.'

    'How, Ignis?' She goes quiet for a second, before showing me just how. Problem is. I never tried such advanced magic before. I reach out to mom, showing her a mental picture of what is happening and what Ignis says we need to do, thinking she'll get on to a plan immediately. But that's not what she does. Not at all. Galaxy turns her head to look at me, while mom mind links me. 

    'I am not the Queen anymore, Amber. I gave the title, the responsibilities and the powers to you. It might have been without your consent, but you are ready. You were ready. More than you know! I will always support you, but this is something you need to figure out and do for yourself my darling.' Galaxy jumps into the middle of a clutch of enemies, disappearing from view. 

    I gather my attention on the attacks of Rose, and the sword she keeps banging on my barrier. I seek deep inside myself, following the light of my magic into the core of it. There in the center I feel it embracing me, welcoming me, but I am here for a search. I need to find a way to destroy the sword before all of my magic is sucked out of me. I can see a stream go out of me every time it strikes. I keep searching, and then I see it. A small ball of silver and purple. The colors of my mother. The colors of the two goddesses whom we represent. 

    I get to them and enter. Embracing my status as the Queen of wolf shifters, magic folk and dragons. I place the acceptance in my heart, and let the three colors of my magic - orange, silver and purple, flood out into my entire body. I let the goddesses' voices guide me, thanking them for this gift. Ignis's eye color changes in my mind. Going from bright orange to a mix of the three colors. A ring of orange, a ring of purple and a ring of silver. Swirling together but separate all at once. 

    As I open my eyes, Rose gasps at the sight. I can see myself, a kind of outside body experience, but I am still within myself. My hair has streaks of purple and silver, my eyes glowing like Ignis's, even though she is still in the backseat of my mind. 

    The next time Rose swirls the sword at me, I catch it between my hands, laying them flat against the blade. I focus on my hands, and force the sword to surrender to my magic. It vibrates uncontrollably before rusting and becoming nothing. 

    Rose roars and shifts into her dragon in pure anger. I've had enough of this and shifted into Ignis at the same time. This is enough! I will end this once and for all. 

    Rose's dragon and Ignis run to each other head on, colliding in a flurry of claws and teeth. The dragon and the wolf - fighting to the death. I'm ending this. Now. 

    CHAPTER 167 Fighting for Us All 

    Amber's POV 

    Never in my life had I imagined I would be fighting to the death with a dragon, let alone three dragons. As soon as Rose shifts into hers, Callus and Ray shift as well, and attack me at the same time. I keep them at bay with my magic, while trying to find a solution where I can render them unconscious and take them back with me to stand trial, but then I think back to the former trial and I remember how the goddess saved them and I know. I know I'll have to kill all three of them if we ever want to have peace in our lands. 

    Ignis growls, claws and bites at whatever she can reach, but she's on a big disadvantage here not being able to fly. She blasts Rose's dragon with a stroke of heat and magic combined, damaging her right wing. She lands on the ground, not able to take off again and Ignis jumps on her back. Both Callus and Ray fall back, worried perhaps, they will injure Rose even more if they keep attacking me. Rose tries to shake Igis off, but she digs her claws in her scales. It should be impossible for a wolf to do this, but Ignis projects our fire to her claws, making them small daggers of hell fire; one of the only things that can penetrate a dragon's scale. She gets a good grip when Rose makes a sudden jump, and Ignis slips. We fall to the ground, and don't have time to recover before all three dragons are over us again. This time I'm sure it's over. This time I will die. But at least I died to protect my family. My girls and my mates.  

    As they are all about to strike I hear a swoosh from above, and then the screeches of the three enemies. Ignis opens one eye and sees the two dragons who could fly engaged in battle in the sky with. Calor and Loch. Ignis growls, getting to her feet slowly. The battle has taken its toll on us, but we can feel the energy from the fulfilled matebond help us. Our wounds close, and our magic is regenerating. 

    Rose is too absorbed in the battle in the sky, she doesn't notice Ignis getting up. We jump at the chance of taking her down, and Ignis goes straight for her throat. She projects the fire to our teeth, making sure they will do the job of finishing her off. 

    Rose doesn't even fight before her dragon falls to the ground, a good chunk of her throat missing, and she lands with a big thump,

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