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Snake's Fate: Wolfsbane Ridge MC, #8
Snake's Fate: Wolfsbane Ridge MC, #8
Snake's Fate: Wolfsbane Ridge MC, #8
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Snake's Fate: Wolfsbane Ridge MC, #8

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Computers and Harley's are forever. Women are for one night. That's how I've lived my life for the past twelve years, never letting anyone in.


My life has been amazing inside the Wolfsbane MC. These men are more than friends, they are my brothers. Everything in life was going great…until she showed up again with bad news and a secret that rocks me to my core.




I knew it would be hard for him to find out this way. He disappeared from town almost twelve years ago without even a note, I wasn't expecting to run into him again after all these years.


His eyes are now filled with anger. I just don't know if it's directed at me or the circumstances that got us to this point. I should have made different choices back then. We all should have.


PublisherMarissa Ann
Release dateNov 9, 2023
Snake's Fate: Wolfsbane Ridge MC, #8

Marissa Ann

USA Today Best Selling Author Marissa Ann grew up in two very different worlds, the big city and the rural South. Mobile Alabama offered her the opportunities to not only see other cultures but to experience them as well. Every weekend she spent most of her time on the beach of Perdido with her dog, Buddy. It didn't matter what time of the day, even midnight, they could be found walking along the shore in search of seashells. Buddy passed away in 1997 and she still misses him today. You never forget your true best friends, even the four legged ones. When she wasn't in Alabama with her dad, she was in North Mississippi with her mom. Mostly spending time with her Grandfather who taught her not only how to grow a garden but how to completely live off the land as well as to love animals. Today, she spends her time in rural North Mississippi with her husband, the kids and all of their animals on a hobby farm. She always said she would write books one day even though many thought she never would. She made a promise to a childhood friend who left this world for the next in 2015. That she would finally write and publish at least one. Her first book hit the market in 2018 and she's never looked back. She now has several out with many more scheduled for release. Her favorite books have a lot of romance with action and suspense mixed in. She loves to hear from others about her books OR theirs. [email protected]

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    Book preview

    Snake's Fate - Marissa Ann



    After waving bye to the girls as they left for a slumber party, I start dinner, excited for the night ahead. Hank and I made a deal with each other years ago that we would always take at least one night a month to celebrate as a couple.

    It’s what brought us closer together in the beginning when we were going through a rough patch. Our marriage began on rocky footing but Hank never once yelled at me or showed any true emotion to what happened back then.

    He showed me what true grace and understanding was. Automatically forgiving me from something I personally thought was unforgivable. He didn’t see it that way though. All he said was that all marriages go through something and it’s how you work together to get through it that matters most.

    Since then, I’ve done everything possible to make certain that he knows I love him just as much as he loves me. We’ve had a fantastic life together, raising our girls and I truly believe that it just gets better as more time passes.

    As everything begins to simmer on the stove, I check the fridge and realize we don’t have any more wine. Looking at the clock, I realize that Hank will be headed this way soon so I send him a text asking if he’d stop and pick up a bottle on his way home.

    His reply comes almost immediately and I smile down at my phone like a love sick teenager as I look at the kissing emoji. Putting my phone down, I stir everything once more, turning down the heat before heading to our bedroom to get into the shower.

    Thirty minutes later, I’m getting dressed in a dress that fits all my curves perfectly. It even gives my breasts a boost making them appear even larger than they are.

    Going back into the kitchen once I’m dressed to check the food, I pick my phone up and see a text from Hank saying he was leaving the office almost twenty minutes ago.

    Knowing he would stop to get the wine before coming home, I hurry back to the bedroom to fix my hair and makeup.

    Once I’m done, I frown slightly because I know he should have already been here. Picking my phone back up, I try calling but it goes straight to voicemail so I leave a message. I also send him a text in case he doesn’t check his voicemail first.

    A feeling of unease runs down my spine causing me to shiver. Surely, he’ll be home soon and we’ll have an amazing night together.


    I’m scanning the shelf for the Moscato my wife loves so much when I hear a commotion at the front of the store. Moving slowly, I peek around the end of the shelf towards the cashier and see a guy with a gun.

    My hands start to sweat at the scene in front of me. The young cashier, a woman, looks extremely frightened.

    Setting my selections down, I pull out my phone, silencing it so it doesn’t ring as well as dialing 911 before sticking it back into my pocket. I just hope the operator remains on the line and can hear everything.

    Holding my hands out in front of me, I walk slowly towards the gunman and cashier. I know the second he notices me as he swings the gun in my direction. His eyes within his mask are wild but not scared.

    Hey, man, it’s okay. I’m just a regular customer. I say as calmly as I can although my own heart is racing.

    Stay the fuck back! The guy screams and I stop in my tracks.

    Glancing towards the woman, she’s crying hard and I know I need to try to calm her down as much as I can by distracting the guy with the gun as long as I can.

    Just tell us what you want so we can get it for you and we can all make it back home in one piece. I try talking to him.

    This bitch needs to open that mother fucking safe! He jabs the gun in her direction again.

    Taking his distraction as an opportunity, I take several more steps in his direction. My heart beats in my throat and for a split second, I think about my friend Gabe.

    He’d know exactly what to do in this situation. He was always the one getting me out of fights years ago. They were never fights that I started. I was just a wimp. Still am compared to Gabe even though he tried to teach me a few moves in case I needed to fight back.

    Hey! I told you not to fucking move! He screams, coming at me with the gun.

    In the distance we hear sirens although they are still pretty far off. The gunman grabs me, shoving me closer to the cash register.

    You called the fucking cops! He swings his gun back to the woman who gasps.

    I don’t even realize that I’ve moved when I hear the deafening sound of the gun. The woman is screaming, the gunman shoving her out of the way, grabbing the cash from the register.

    As he turns to leave, he grabs her by the hair, dragging her with him and I try to protest by grabbing his leg.

    Stupid fucker! He screams, pointing the gun at me once again.


    An hour later, I’m pacing the floor while my heart feels like it’s running a marathon. I’ve called him so many times but it still goes to voicemail. It’s so unlike him to turn his phone off or ignore my texts. Where could he possibly be?

    I’m grabbing my keys to head to the only store he would have gotten wine at to check on him when there’s a pounding knock at the door and I hurry to answer it. Swinging the door open, there’s two uniformed officers on the porch.

    Is this the Blankenship residence? One of them asks.

    I’m Mrs. Blankenship. What’s this about? I ask as my stomach twists with unease.

    Ma’am, do you know where your husband is?

    My breathing escalates and a pain begins to form in my chest.

    He’s on his way home from work. I manage to croak out.

    Was he making any stops before coming home that you know of? He asks.

    Yes. We are having a romantic dinner tonight and we needed some wine. My head starts to spin and I wobble on my feet.

    The officer reaches out a hand to steady me. I can see his lips moving as he says something to me but I can’t hear it over the pounding in my ears.

    Please, where is my husband? I manage to ask, staring him right in the eyes.

    I’m so sorry ma’am. There was a robbery in the store. Your husband was killed. We believe it was gang related.

    He continues to talk as I completely zone out. I can’t breathe. My mind races with thoughts of Hank. My sweet loving husband who has always been so good to me. I refuse to believe he could be gone. How could someone so full of love be gone?

    I must have passed out with the officers still on the porch. When I come to, there's an EMT checking my vitals.

    What happened? I whisper, trying to sit up.

    Take your time ma’am. You fainted and may have bumped your head when you fell. The paramedics tell me softly.

    Looking around, I spot the officers still there and my heart begins to break knowing that It wasn’t all some nightmare. My amazing husband is gone.

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