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The Pompadour Necklace: Sophie's Adventures, #1
The Pompadour Necklace: Sophie's Adventures, #1
The Pompadour Necklace: Sophie's Adventures, #1
Ebook60 pages40 minutes

The Pompadour Necklace: Sophie's Adventures, #1

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About this ebook

London comes to life in this compelling story. . . The necklace had once belonged to Madame Pompadour—mistress of the French King Louis XV.


Now it's gone. Stolen by a clever conman. And it will take every ounce of determination and ingenuity a young woman possesses to recover it.


But can a mere girl from Calais outwit a practiced fraudster?


From the author of the Joseph Haydn Mysteries and the Celine Skye Psychic Mystery series comes a delightful new series. 

Release dateNov 17, 2023
The Pompadour Necklace: Sophie's Adventures, #1

Nupur Tustin

A former journalist, Nupur Tustin relies upon a Ph.D. in Communication and an M.A. in English to orchestrate fictional mayhem.  The Haydn mysteries are a result of her life-long passion for classical music and its history. Childhood piano lessons and a 1903 Weber Upright share equal blame for her original compositions, available on Her writing includes work for Reuters and CNBC, short stories and freelance articles, and research published in peer-reviewed academic journals. She lives in Southern California with her husband, three rambunctious children, and a pit bull. For details on the Haydn series and monthly blog posts on the great composer, visit the official Haydn Mystery web site:

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    The Pompadour Necklace - Nupur Tustin

    Nupur Tustin

    The Pompadour Necklace

    Copyright © 2022 by Nupur Tustin

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Nupur Tustin asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

    Find out more at


    From Calais to London

    The Cabbie

    The Inn by the Bridge

    The English Maid

    Behind Enemy Lines

    The Dickens Inn

    On the River Thames

    A Familiar Face

    A Curious Clue

    The Honey Trap

    The Respectable Fence

    The Clock Tower

    A Revelation

    Death of a Soprano: Excerpt

    Forger of Light: Excerpt

    Bonus: 50% Off Your Next Mystery

    About the Author

    Also by Nupur Tustin

    From Calais to London

    Here we go! Twenty leagues under the sea.

    Sophie poked her head above her newspaper to glance at the speaker—a pasty-faced, Englishman who sat hunched forward in his chair, clutching his seat with both hands.

    Nervous? she asked with a smile. The high-speed train they were on had just roared into the Chunnel—the tunnel that traveled under the English Channel from France to England.

    It’s the thought of being under all that water, her companion said, pulling his gaze away from the window to look at Sophie. Weighing down upon these tunnels. I can’t help wondering what would happen if the tunnel walls caved in from all that pressure.

    It’s best not to think of such things, Sophie advised. In any case, in the twenty-odd years the Chunnel’s been in operation, nothing of the kind has ever happened.

    She neatly folded her newspaper and laid it on the long table between them. Four spacious seats were grouped around the table—two on either side. But she and her nervous English companion were the only occupants of the area. The two seats on the other side of the aisle were empty, as was most of Coach 3 of the Eurostar.

    And the tunnel is constructed of reinforced concrete. I know all that. The gentleman—he was a middle-aged, chubby, bespectacled man in a tweed coat—nodded, the movement bringing a dank lock of hair onto his broad forehead. He brushed it back. But still . . .

    The Englishman’s eyes were drawn toward the window again. Sophie’s gaze followed his. Not that there was anything to see. The tunnel was pitch black. The thick glass panes simply reflected the brightly lit interior of the coach and its occupants.

    Sophie took in her face, the generous mouth, the gleaming red hair framing a heart-shaped face with large blue eyes. She looked a bit pale, she thought, peering at herself critically.

    She met her companion’s brown eyes in the glass and smiled encouragingly.

    Your first time doing the journey?

    He nodded. Then turning around, he stretched out his hand. Arthur Tremont, he introduced himself. "Yes, I didn’t have the stomach for it on the way to Paris. But when my flight out of

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