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Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development
Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development
Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development
Ebook508 pages3 hours

Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development

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Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development is a comprehensive and insightful book that reviews the transformative impact of cutting-edge technologies on the digital landscape. It presents 16 topics, from e-commerce consumer behavior to AI applications in healthcare and cybersecurity, this book offers a detailed overview of the role of technology in shaping the modern world. With a focus on bridging the digital divide in education, the book presents innovative solutions to contemporary challenges. The editors also emphasize the importance of privacy and security in an interconnected world by discussing cybersecurity measures and threat detection strategies. The book serves as a valuable resource for technology professionals, researchers, and academics, offering a deep dive into the latest trends and applications in digital infrastructure. It also caters to business leaders, policy makers, and students seeking to understand the transformative potential of emerging technologies.
Release dateSep 18, 2023
Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development

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    Emerging Technologies for Digital Infrastructure Development - Muhammad Ehsan Rana

    Determinants of Impulse Purchase Behaviours on e-Commerce Websites

    Mohammed Adnan Islam¹, Rajasvaran Logeswaran¹, *

    ¹ School of Computing, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


    This work investigates the various types and aspects of the determinants that cause impulse purchase behaviour within the context of e-commerce websites. It delves into finding the factors that trigger impulse purchase behaviour for consumers of both male and female gender within the age brackets of earning potential. The findings of this review highlight the factors that need to be in place before a purchase behaviour from a consumer can be observed. These determinants above of impulse purchase behaviour can generally be categorised into internal and external components, which are analysed in this work.

    Keywords: Consumer, e-Commerce, e-Retailer, Purchase behaviour, Triggers of online purchase.

    * Corresponding author Rajasvaran Logeswaran: School of Computing, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; E-mail: [email protected]


    Just as outdated products are removed from the shelves to make place for the latest ones, the cohort of the latest generation to enter the consumer market are those who fall under the umbrella of Generation Z [1]. To be more specific, these are individuals born between the years of 1995 and early 2010s. They are often considered digital natives as they are the first generation to have grown up surrounded by such an extensive degree of digital communication [2]. As pointed out in a study [3], Generation Z constitutes about 32% of the global population at the time of this writing and is deemed to impact consumer sales in global proportions significantly.

    Studies have found that Generation Z is among the cohort of generations who spend at least 11 hours a day liking and sharing digital content across all their devices. As a result, the chances of being exposed to digital advertisements while

    checking various social media platforms of their choice at least five times a day are very high [4]. This is why Generation Z consumers are referred to as being more aware and informed than previous youth generations. Consequently, traditional marketing messages struggle with consumer avoidance [5], as this population segment knows how to pick up brands that blatantly advertise just for sales.

    Since traditional advertisement messaging is disregarded by Generation Z consumers, who represent 32% of the global population, it becomes essential to find out more about the determinants of impulse purchase behaviours in e-commerce websites for this consumer group. Although Generation Z consumers have been in the limelight of this chapter so far, a recent development in the global arena in 2019 has necessitated identifying the determinants of online impulse purchase behaviours for other generation cohorts like the Millennials, Gen-X, and Gen-Y. This global development that has shaken the way entire business processes work and disrupted supply chains of various industries is none other than the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus.

    Just as its predecessors had done in the past, this pandemic has essentially brought the world to a complete standstill to curb the spread of the deadly virus. In other words, regardless of age, sex, or location, most consumers have been confined within the vicinity of their own homes. As customers cannot visit physical sites, businesses in all industries have had to shift their focus and rely heavily on the online retail wing of their existing businesses. This had the effect of consumers meeting most, if not all, of their shopping needs online.

    As Fig. (1) illustrates, the purchase amount among consumers doubled in 2020 compared to only a year ago. This increase can only be thought to remain at this level or even increase in the near future. Although the world is on its way to a recovery phase due to the invention of vaccines, most consumers have been shopping online almost exclusively for the past year. It is only natural to expect them to become accustomed enough to continue to shop online whenever possible in the foreseeable future. As a result, there has never been a better time to identify the factors influencing consumers to show impulse purchase behaviour online.


    Although the effects of the global pandemic combined with the disregard of marketing messages by Generation Z pose a unique set of challenges for selling online, attempts to sell goods and services to consumers are nothing new. One form of consumer behaviour that has existed since the dawn of commerce and is of particular interest for dealing with consumers who have become desensitised to

    marketing efforts is that of impulse purchase. The reasons for a consumer to purchase out of impulse are described below.

    Fig. (1))

    Drastic 2020 increase in online spending [6].

    Trait and Related Determinants

    According to [7], several individual traits and self-identification may act as internal sources of impulse buying. Unsurprisingly, psychological impulses strongly influenced impulse buying [8]. Research has shown that people who achieve high scores on tests that measure impulsivity traits are more likely to participate in impulse purchases [9].

    Three specific sub-traits within impulsivity stand out when dealing with impulse purchases. First is the sub-trait of sensation-seeking behaviour, which directly impacts impulse buying. Sensation-seeking, variety-seeking, novelty-seeking, and similar traits are reported as contributing to impulse buying [5].

    Secondly, a tendency to buy things impulsively reflects a deeply rooted longing to act spontaneously within the context of consumption. This is what turns into an urge or motivation for actual impulse buying [5]. Impulse purchase tendencies seem easier to observe and detect than other traits.

    Finally, buyer-specific beliefs are about own perceptions, and the lack tends to cause impulse purchase decisions [10]. Impulse generally occurs when a product is seen as offering high identity-expressive potential. This is intended to compensate for the lack of the consumer’s perception of themself [11]. As elaborated below, the said contextual factors might play a role in the impacts of such a lack of perception of one's identity [10].

    Even though a casual observer may not be able to appreciate it completely, consumers have two main motives when they are on an online e-commerce website. These motives are known as hedonic and utilitarian [12]. A place of seeking pleasure inspires hedonic motives. Should the product reflect their belief systems, consumers may be browsing their favourite e-commerce website simply out of boredom and purchasing something on impulse. A utilitarian motive, on the other hand, gains inspiration from a practical standpoint and looks into solving a problem. It was thought in earlier literature that utilitarian motives would prevent consumers with a hedonic motive from making an impulse purchase, but that was consequently disproven.

    The belief systems indicated above are considered crucial internal sources of impulse purchases, highlighting goal-directed tendencies and leading to specific beliefs about purchasing behaviour. For example, some consumers believe purchasing will bring emotional gratification, internal rewards, or the possibility of alleviating their negative feelings. As discussed in more detail in the following sections, these belief systems can serve as opportunities for retailers. When retailers align these consumer belief systems with their product image, consumers tend to make the purchase immediately and get relief from their pain [13].


    Unlike the traits described, self-control prevents a consumer from indulging in an impulse purchase. However, as pointed out in [14], self-control requires attempts by individuals to control their desires, abide by rules, and change the general thought process of how one feels or acts. It has also been raised that self-control failure can occur because of conflicting goals, lack of self-monitoring, or depletion of mental resources [15]. Also known as ego depletion, the depletion of cognitive resources is said to be temporal. In other words, it is at its weakest at the end of the day [11], and a consumer is likely to take part in an impulse purchase when mental resources have depleted. This is likely a valuable tactic for marketers to attract attention to their products.


    Consumers who purchase on impulse tend to have a strong need for arousal and go through an uplifting of emotions from continuous purchasing behaviours over extended periods [16]. The study [15] adds that consumers who engage in impulse purchases tend to be uplifted with emotions at any point, before, during, or after the point of purchase.

    In some cases, these arousals are said to be a more substantial reason for impulse purchase than owning the product itself [17]. On the other hand [6], points out that negative mood states like sadness can also contribute to an impulse purchase. Multiple studies highlight how self-gifting is a form of retail therapy that helps consumers manage their moods [3].

    As a result, whether it is positive or negative, emotional states likely affect impulse buying. However, there is little consensus on whether or how different moods play a part in impulse buying.


    There are several determinants for a purchase decision, especially for impulse purchases. The main determinants identified in the literature are described below.


    While it may seem obvious, consumers who are rich in resources tend to make more impulse purchases than those who are poor in resources [14]. On a similar note drawing from prior research [15], points out that younger shoppers, particularly those who may belong to Generation Z, tend to be more likely to buy impulsively. Unsurprisingly, older adults are expected to regulate their emotions better and control themselves.

    Research, such as that of [18], has pointed out gender differences in the context of consumer behaviour. Men and women have different considerations while shopping, so they impulsively purchase different variations of products. Interestingly, it has been found that men are less likely to experience regret after purchasing than women [2].

    Marketing Stimuli

    Within the marketing context, several advancements have been made in applying tactics that gain attention from target impulse-purchase consumers. The empirical study in [8] discovered that specific platform attributes make them particularly popular among Generation Z females to purchase fashion-related goods. These Generation Z female consumers follow micro-influencers and willingly purchase on impulse as a form of self-therapy when they like the style of the products they see. Men prove to have no such effect on impulse purchases, so marketers should focus on female consumers. That said, marketers ought to invest with these micro-

    influencers to appeal to Generations Z female consumers, as they are known to avoid branded promotional content actively.

    One of the most recent and popular marketing tactics among the e-commerce giants, such as Alibaba, Taobao, and Tmall, is the tactic of gamification. Zhang et al. in [19] find that reward-giving and badge upgrade gamification systems are positively associated with perceived enjoyment and social interaction. This social interaction has been found to promote impulse purchases among consumers. As consumers enjoy the company of their online friends through points and upgrades, they can participate in various forms of gaming activities that involve spending impulsively. As a result, e-commerce websites should attempt to recognise the crucial nature of gamification mechanisms, such as giving rewards and upgrading badges, in stimulating impulse buying. Moreover, gamification seems to trigger men to purchase on impulse. Contrary to the abovementioned case, female consumers need to be more impressed to engage in these gamification mechanisms. Since female consumers are more interested in tangible rewards, they would use discounts and sales when shopping on e-commerce websites [20]. As such, they are more likely to indulge in gamification for rewards rather than for the game itself.

    Another tactic marketers have been employing is the one-step payment process. Although this may not seem much at face value in terms of an impulse purchase, according to [19], security, convenience, and popularity among other consumers are the most important factors when making transactions purchases on impulse. If something falls short and the payment is not smoothly processed, the sale may be gone forever. Ensuring consumers do not worry about payment security is a hidden step to making it conducive for impulse purchases.


    Regarding impulse purchases, factors such as price levels vary depending on the context. For example, product price can be crucial for an impulse purchase. This is because financial constraints suppress impulse purchases [12]. Additionally, impulse purchases become less evident in product categories at higher price ranges. Another example of a contextual trait is only focusing on the advertising volume in hopes of an impulse purchase from consumers. Instead, paying attention to the advertisement distribution intensity within the industry context is also essential to optimise impulse purchase conditions. Advertising for firms in industries that invest heavily in advertisement practices is said to be less effective. This is because consumers are not expected to recognise or consider these triggers, just as Generation Z consumers ignore them.

    In addition, distribution intensity in any product tends to influence impulse buying since the urge to make a purchase increases when products are rare or possess qualities of exclusivity [21]. Some products tend to be purchased on impulse more than others, mainly when the product displays qualities of self-belief held by the consumer. As a result, it would be logical to identify such products and try to emulate their qualities in other products [16].

    Fig. (2) summarises the factors involved in an impulse purchase and illustrates how they can lead to consumers buying on impulse. The moderators for impulse buying behaviour are also indicated.

    Fig. (2))

    Impulse purchase process [16].


    This chapter explored various avenues in impulse purchasing, especially concerning the latest generation entering the consumer market. Generation Z is primarily averse to the marketing efforts carried out by branded promotional content. In addition to not having the full attention of Generation Z’s 32% of the global consumer market stake, the global pandemic and lockdowns have necessitated a more effective way of selling goods to consumers.

    As impulse purchase tends to be caused by deep internal longings, marketers and e-commerce websites require trigger desires among their consumers. This can be done with industry-specific insights that companies should gear up towards accordingly. Such as how micro-influencers drive the fashion industry sales.

    On the other hand, it has also been found that tactics such as gamification tend to work more on male consumers than female ones. E-retailers could use the findings to understand these triggers for impulse purchases and turn them into an untapped source of business income.


    Not applicable.


    The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


    The authors wish to express their sincere appreciation to the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) for the opportunity to conduct the research.


    Issuer Credit Rating Performance Report Using Sentiment Analysis

    Prabu Setyaji¹, Raja Rajeswari Ponnusamy¹, *

    ¹ School of Computing, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


    Indonesian Credit Rating Agency (CRA) is currently on its way to becoming the early mover of digital transformation. CRA controls macroeconomics and has a significant impact on many industries across the world. However, there are always those that can exploit it through asymmetric information and human interaction. A solution to reduce human interaction and enhancement is to build Natural Language Processing (NLP) sentiment analysis models and then display the results using an interactive dashboard story. Objectives are created for the aim of the project to be able to conduct a feasibility study, develop a model based on a press release dataset, conduct model evaluation, and display the results on an interactive dashboard. The research aims to utilise press release documents with NLP sentiment analysis to produce prescriptive analysis with interactive visualisation as the final output. Press release files are processed by using several Machine Learning (ML) algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multinomial Naive Bayes (MultinomialNB), Logistic Regression (LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-Ann). This research will be carried out under Dynamic Systems Development (DSDM) and Knowledge Discovery Database (KDD). This will allow the researchers to achieve all objectives, permit models to perform very well, and let the output get displayed on a dashboard as a storyboard.

    Keywords: Credit Rating Agency (CRA), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Press Release, Sentiment Analysis.

    * Corresponding author Raja Rajeswari Ponnusamy: School of Computing, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; E-mail: [email protected]


    Credit Rating Agencies (CRA) are institutions or organisations responsible for investigating companies’ business activities, economic conditions and sectors. The analysis and demonstration from the company regarding the credit rating institution can justify deciding whether the company shares integrity and soundness from its activity. This was based on what [1] stated on the CRA

    assessment on securities, and what [2] mentioned about the rating agency being affected by the financial and leverage ratio of the company to determine the rating score.

    CRA has significant control over the financial market as it involves many parts of the world in determining the rating. On the other hand [3], has not only determined the impact of credit rating on the capital structure of a particular company but has also divided the factors impacting the decision

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