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Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate
Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate
Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate
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Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

By Ms.M

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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“I, Layla Lecruest, reject you Alpha Sebastian of the Red Moon Pack as my mate.”

Alpha Sebastian lifted his head. His thick hair blew back as the door to the house opened and a wind swept in.

“I, Alpha Sebastian of the Red Moon Pack, accept your rejection.”

Yes, it hurt to be rejected. Your mate was the one person in the entire world that was meant for you and the stories I had heard were glorious. Like the only two pieces of a puzzle, you find each other and become whole. You will never love anyone as you love your mate. And you never got a second chance. It was very rare, and I had just rejected mine.

Layla Lecruest, is a fierce, brave, and strong-willed girl who never cared about fitting in but neither did she plan to stand out as much as she did. Believing to be a normal wolf, the daughter of a former Beta, she never thought herself to be special. Little did she know that she held a gene that many believed to have been gone for a long time.

When she finds out that her mate is the Alpha who spent his life tormenting her, they quickly reject each other on the spot. Unbeknownst to them, Alpha Kade was on his way and would turn everything upside down as her second chance mate. The notorious Alpha Kade was famous for his strength and his ability to lead his pack. He earned respect wherever he went and when he arrived at the Red Moon Pack, he swore he wouldn't leave without his mate.

What happens when Layla finds herself stuck between her former and current mate as well as a pack of wolves with superior powers who thought she belonged to them? And what happens when another, even bigger secret is revealed?

This is book 1 of the trilogy.

Release dateDec 4, 2023
Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

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    Book preview

    Rejected To Be Your Second Chance - Ms.M

    CHAPTER 85. We Need More!


    Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. With all of this manpower and high-speed research, we still hadn't figured out a single fucking thing. It had been a week since Justin told me that Nathaniel knew about me and Layla, which meant that she was In danger. The only thing keeping my feet on the ground right now was knowing that they hadn't put their plan in motion. As long as the plan wasn't executed, Layla was safe.

    I ran my hands through my hair and tugged as I watched the pile of paper on my desk.

    The whole living room had been turned into a workstation with tables filled with books, papers, rolls, and computers. We had our best warriors on break from training to help with finding information about Nathaniel’s plan. There had to be something linking back to where it all began. There was always a starter point, a story that explained why everything happened; an origin story, and I was hell-bent on finding it.

    Cara? I growled in frustration, and she looked up at me with a scowl.

    Still nothing, Kade. There is nothing new here, it’s all the same crap about Layla's ancestor and the powers she had! She yelled in annoyance.

    There has to be something! We need more! I shouted and slammed my hand down on the desk. And if there is, we will find it, my mother scolded.

    Maybe this is it, maybe there is nothing else to find. We’re looking for an easy answer as to why but what if there isn't one? What if it’s all really simple, Anna said and held up two books in her hands as she looked around.

    Everyone was silently watching her, the warriors watched me warily as Anna and I locked eyes. She sighed and continued. What if they just want what everybody wants? Power. They want to be superior, not to blend in or live amongst others; they want to be the only ones in power.

    A whole pack can't be in power, I said. Anna's brows furrowed, and her eyes lowered in thought. I don’t think they were supposed to. It’s all about a leader, right? Justin, you told us about your so- called king; he has everyone in line under him and they follow him blindly. They believe everything he says and they never question his judgment. I don't think that the Emberclaw clan as a whole wants power; I think he does. Nathaniel will use the Emberclaws to take over, and then he will position himself as king and leader of them all, Anna said.

    One person can't rule an entire species, Mason chimed in.

    They can if the option of defiance is death, Justin said. Everyone turned their heads and looked at him. He stood still next to the computer.

    His eyes blackened with anger, and he tapped his fingers against the computer.

    Is there something else you want to share with us? Anna asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She hadn't been completely on board with letting Justin out of the dungeon. He was, after all, the one that lured Layla to the Emberclaws, even if I was the one who drove her away from us.

    King Nathaniel has a ritual. On every full moon, he gathers all those who have opposed him, defied him, or in any way shown disloyalty to his leadership. They gather out by the river. All of those who are to be sacrificed are dressed in white by the king's servants beforehand. Their hands are dyed red, and black charcoal marks are drawn on their temples. They walk in a line down past the spectators who are all eager to see them receive their punishment, and by the waterfall, on a rock that leans over the water, Nathaniel stands ready with the sacrificial knife. After that, one by one, they are called up to accept and receive their sentence.

    Everyone stared in shock at Justin after hearing about the ritual. Anna's jaw was on the floor and Cara gulped as she stepped closer to her mate.

    And nobody does anything to help them? Anna asked. Justin slowly shook his head, his lips pressed together in a thin line, and he looked away in shame.

    No, we didn't do anything to help anyone. He seethed.

    I narrowed my eyes and stepped around the desk. Justin looked up and watched me as I walked over to him. He straightened his back and lifted his head to a strong stance.

    What counts as disloyalty? I asked him, my voice lowered two octaves, and my nerves were tensing in anger.

    Kade, I raised my hand to keep my sister quiet. Everyone felt the tension rising. Justin was standing his ground, but his eye jerked, and his shoulders tensed. It got quiet, and all I was waiting for was his answer, as was everyone else, even though nobody wanted to hear it. He was ashamed, rightfully so, over what his king had done and what nobody had tried to stop. In my book, standing idly by and watching people get killed is the same as yielding the knife yourself.

    Talking back, refusing to follow orders, crossing the border, questioning the king's leadership, breaking rules; the question isn't what will get you killed, it’s how do you survive another day as a person you don't recognize, Justin said and took a step closer.

    His jaw clenched, and our starek-off was getting more tense with each second.

    He questioned his own involvement in the pack, and that was good but nevertheless, I don't think a loyalty like that easily dies.

    The warriors stepped closer, Cara and Anna looked between us, and Mason was standing behind me. Boys, take a breath and step back, my father said and walked up next to us. Justin refused to waver; he knew that I was judging him, and I could tell that he was judging himself as well. Eventually, his head fell an inch and he took a step back.

    I’m not looking for pity; I'm looking for a chance to do what I should've done a long time ago. And what’s that? I asked.

    To stop Nathaniel.

    Why now? Mason asked and stepped up beside me.

    Justin looked at him, his eyes pierced into my brother’s and slowly turned to me.

    becuase of Layla. She reminded me of who i was before I fell under his reign, giving her to him was the final straw and something I will regret for the rest of my life. I want to make it right; I have to bring her home.

    CHAPTER 86. No Trace


    The sun set over the wall that surrounded the house. People were still out having picnics in the park and walking around town with their friends. Others had called it a night and were sitting in their homes watching tv or having a family dinner. It always amazed me how differently we lived our lives even though they were all connected by thin threads that clutched to the soul of every one of my pack members. One thing my father always reminded me of as a child was that my decisions weren't mine alone; anything I did would reflect on my people. They would suffer my consequences just as they would celebrate my success. I stood leaning against the stone wall of the stairs outside our doors and looked at the open gates. Layla told me how much she loathed when they were closed, how she didn't like the separation, but I never got a chance to tell her that I closed them to protect her. I didn't want anyone knowing what she was out of fear of what they might do to her. I needed to come up with a plan to protect her, but it all went to hell the second that Danielle came back. Everything was put on hold, and Layla was put on the sidelines. I knew now how she felt, but why couldn't I see it sooner? Everything from day one; telling her not to shift, asking her to stay within the walls, and closing the gates to everyone else, iy was all for her.

    My pack members waved at me as they got up form the grass when it turned dark, and they walked home.

    The guards on top of the wall were mind-linking the patrol to see how the border watch was going. Angus, the guard on the right tower, turned halfway and bowed his head, indicating that everything was in order. I walked back in and closed the doors behind me. As soon as the doors closed we knew that the words spoken would not leave the walls of this house and that the people who were listening were only our most trusted.

    I walked on the marble floors over to the living room, and just as my feet crossed the strip on the floor the hollow sound of the doors opening up caught everyone's attention.

    Everyone turned around, and we greeted the warriors who were back from the search.

    Alpha, Odin called and bowed his head. His hands were clasped behind his back, and the others stood upright with disappointment in their tired eyes.

    No good news I see.

    I clenched my jaw and raised my chin.

    Tell me, I said, and he lifted his head.

    We didn't find them. We searched the woods, scoured the towns, and looked in every passing car; there was not a single trace of where they had gone, Odin exclaimed with a monotone voice.

    So why are you back? I fumed.

    Kade, they’ve been searching for a week without a single trace— my mother said. Her eyes turned dark, and her shoulders went rigid. —they don't want to be found and we must operate under the assumption that they still have allies who will hide them, She said.

    I looked at the five warriors I sent to find Sebastian and Dimitri. The shame on their faces as they returned empty-handed was little to ease my worry regarding the information that Sebastian sat on. If he got to Nathaniel and the Emberclaws before we were ready, the whole table could shift and we would be blindsided.

    Go clean up. I told them. They didn't move; their feet were cemented to the floor, and they watched me.

    Alpha, we didn't finish our mission but the fight isn't over. What can we do? Nina asked.

    I nodded my head and looked around the piles of information, but it was futile. What we needed wasn't here in the books and the papers; I was missing something. There had to be something that I could use against him. Everyone had something to lose, but what was Nathaniel’s weakness?

    I looked at Justin, who slowly placed down the book and gave me his unwavering attention.

    You know your king better than any of us. What is the one thing he has that he doesn't want to loose? I asked him.

    Power, Justin said.

    Except for that, something tangible, something he would give many lives to protect. I said. A glint passed in Justin's eyes; he lowered his head, and his eyes flickered in thought. His eyebrows shot up, and his jaw dropped to the floor.


    Everyone stepped closer when Justin had his epiphany. A man obsessed with power has ways of ensuring that he will never loose it. Contingency plans put in place so that whatever happens, he knows he can continue his ruling.

    There’s a woman, I only met her once. Nathaniel never allowed anyone else to go to her; she is his biggest secret and most protected asset, Justin said. He brushed away the papers and rolls from the desk and put away the computer before he leaned back against the desk.

    Anna crossed her arms over her chest and sat on the chair by her desk. Cara and her mate walked over to the sofa, and my mother circled her arm with my father’s as they listened.

    You could never see on my parents how they felt about something; their faces never gave away any emotion until they decided to show it.

    That time when I met her it was because Nathaniel was held up by some other business-

    What other business would have him send you to a person that nobody else could meet? Cara asked.

    Justin looked at her and nodded his head.

    He was busy tracking down Layla, Justin said. Me and Anna locked eyes, and I saw the glittering pain from the tears she was holding back.

    Continue. I said, and Justin bowed his head.

    She lived in a cottage deep in the woods. Finding her wasn't easy, not only because of the tight-knit woods but because she didn't give away any scent, he said and his face contorted in confusion.

    How is that possible? Mason asked. Justin shrugged his shoulders.

    I have no idea but something told me even back then that Nathaniel had played some part in it.

    A cottage in the woods?

    ’It doesn't make sense that I would be her’ Or maybe it makes perfect sense

    This woman creeped me out from the first time I saw her. Not because of her appearance or anything, it was just that the first time I saw her she told me that I had the power to make things easier and to help make things right. She said that I would be at a crossroads, and the decision I made would either aid or break someone's will. She could see the future and was worried about what I would choose. She told me that my loyalties would shift and that I shouldn't fight it, Justin clenched his jaw, and his eyes darkened in pain.

    Your loyalties would shift to whom? Mason asked.

    I didn’t understand it at first, and it seemed unfathomable to even think about because of my blind loyalty to Nathaniel, but then...yes, they shifted, they shifted when I met Layla. His eyes bored into mine and he wanted me to see where he stood. The raging fire that gulped within me was heating up my veins and my fingers rolled into my palms.

    ’Kade, she could see the future’

    I calmed myself enough to speak. What is the woman's name? I asked.

    Analise. Justin answered.

    CHAPTER 87. Beautiful Gowns & Terrible Pain


    Trapped within the twisted grasp of a psychopathic, narcissist king, my privacy stripped away leaving me with an alarming fear. The door opened up every now and then as someone came to deliver food, pillows, clean, or just stand there in eerie silence. At this point, there was nothing to do. I had inspected the people coming in more often, and they all shared something in common— empty looks in their eyes, as if they were marionettes pulled by a clear string. Right now, that was Jackson; he stood in the corner with his hands clasped behind his back and his eyes barely blinked as they fixated on me sitting on the bed.

    Can I help you? I asked.

    You have asked that before, He said.

    Yes, but I hoped that your answer would be different this time around, I said and smiled as charmingly as I could.

    It’s not. He said coldly. My smile turned into a frown, and I continued to mindlessly flip the pages of a book I was reading. It was some sappy story of the Emberclaws, clearly written by a person who was in favor of their cause. It made me sick, but apparently, it was a holy scripture to these people and burning it would most likely result in an uproar.

    The hours passed with little excitement and Jackson stood perfectly still in his spot. He hadn't eaten or faltered a single inch from his position and I was starting to think that he was sleeping upright.

    I closed the book and tossed it on the bed.

    A loud knock on the door had the man-statue finally move as he walked with stale steps over to open it.

    Come in, he said lowly and stepped aside. Two girls stepped in, covered in the lace sheets. One of them carried a garment bag and the other held a tray with a bowl of red paint and a candle.

    I’ll be back when she’s ready, Jackson said and stepped out. The door closed and locked behind him and the girl barely acknowledged me as they set up on the dresser.

    One of them, she was a bit older with a long blonde braid that fell right above her ass, came over and grabbed my hand. She had an expression of indifference on her face and didn't speak as she led me over to a small stepping stool. I didn’t fight back. I sat down and examined their movements while an unsettling feeling covered me from the lack of sleeping.

    She again proceeded to grab my hands and I yelped as she pulled me up on my feet again.

    Maybe if you just tell me what to do, I can help instead of being dragged like a doll. I said in a lower tone to hide me annoyance.

    The woman lifted my arms over my head and started pulling my shirt up. I instinctively swatted her hands away and stepped back.

    What the hell are you doing? I swear by the goddess that if they tried to dress me in those sheets that they wore I would lose my shit.

    We’re changing your clothes. She said in a monotone voice.

    No, you’re not. My clothes are fine, I snapped. I had been wearing these clothes for far too many days but I didn't care; If these were dictated by the king, my only reasonable option is to decline.

    It’s the king's orders, She said. The redheaded girl was much younger; she just stood quietly and watched the exchange happen without chiming in. But as the tension rose, I could see a twitch of fear in her eyes when the king was mentioned. That right there was an actual expression, I never would’ve thought fear would be one of them.

    Did he order you to change my clothes, or was the order just that I should change them? I asked, looking away from the girl and back at the woman. She lifted her head with a fierce look and raised a brow.

    The order was for you to be dressed in this gown, She said,

    I reached out my hands.

    Give me the gown; I can change my own clothes. Her shoulders pressed up against her ears and her lip turned down in a snarl, but her hands didn't move.

    Or you can go and tell your king that you didn't obey his orders,

    I said, seeing how the girl twitched behind the woman. I felt pity for scaring her, but I wasn't going to let some strangers undress me.

    Well then, the woman huffed and grabbed the garment bag. She unzipped the bag and pulled out a red satin gown. Her eyes scanned the thin fabric, and her brows furrowed as she took in the appearance of the dress.

    Here you go, she said and delicately placed it in my hands.

    The woman wasn't older than thirty, but judging from all of the girls I had seen working for Nathaniel, this one held a certain authority.

    Thank you. They went out of the room and gave me five minutes to change. I slipped out of my clothes and into the gown. The fabric fell like liquid paint to the floor and hugged my waist. My breasts were pushed up, and though it was beautiful, it did little for comfort.

    The door opened up without a knock, and the woman stepped in with a hopeful gaze, which fell flat on the floor when she saw me. The girl entered with her head down and closed the door behind them.

    The woman eyes drew down over my body and followed the wavy motions of the dress. with every inch that they drew further down, her brows pressed together in anger, or maybe jealousy. Her hands were turning white, clasped tighter together.

    Good, She said and clenched her firm jaw as she walked over to the dresser. She turned off the lamps, lit the candle with a bright, burning flame, and sat me down on the stool.

    The older woman looked furious as she grabbed my hands and held them out. She went down on her knees in front of me and dipped her fingers in the red paint and started making spots on the back of my hands. She smudged the paint out in lines and floral patterns whilst the girl poked a metal syringe into the candle, emptying a liquid before pulling it out and side-eying me as she put it away.

    The door opened, and Jackson walked back in. He was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, his hair had been slicked back, and he had the same red paint on his hands as I did.

    He walked over, his eyes boring into mine, and the flame flickering its light across his face. Jackson stood behind me, and felt his presence, but it made me wary when I couldn't see him or what he was doing.

    The woman stood to her feet and looked behind me; she graciously bowed her head, and they shared a silent message in the darkness. She turned around and carefully reached out her hand and grabbed the candle.

    Jacksons arms came around neck. His arms shot out and grabbed mine, pinning them behind my back as he spun me around and pressed my back against his front.

    What is happening? The fear in my voice was not well concealed as the woman stepped closer with the candle. Jackson’s grip tightened, and he leaned down to my ear and I could feel his cold shivering breath tickling my neck.

    Shh, it’ll be over quickly, he mumbled. His chilling whisper sent shivers down my spine, promising an unsettling termination.

    Hold her still. The woman said as she watched the flame. The wax around the fire was melting and a green hue started forming around the edge. The girl was standing straight behind her and she carefully moved the syringe out of sight. She slowly approached with nothing but a dull expression.

    No, what are you doing?

    CHAPTER 88. Sacrificial Ritual


    Jackson’s hand moved up from my throat to cover my mouth. My screams bounced against his palms as my body contracted in pain and spasms.

    My fingers rolled up and my nails pressed into my skin, blood trickling from my palms. Jackson pressed me back against his body, and his hand was covering any sound that tried to escape. The girl stepped back, the woman stood close with the candle tilted over my chest so that the wax poured down on my skin. Jackson pressed my head back further and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. She moved the candle up on my throat. The scolding hot wax felt like acid burning against my skin, and when I opened my eyes and looked through the tears I saw that the wax was now moss-green. It shouldn't have burnt like this; it was wax, nothing that should cause pain, but this was excruciating. Whatever that girl filled the candle with was causing the wax to take on another form and it was getting glued to my skin instead of stiffening like it should.

    The woman moved back my hair and traveled the candle up under my jaw and below my ear as I squirmed to get free from Jackson's hold.

    Her fingers grabbed firmly around jaw, keeping me from looking at No one but her. Her eyes flickered under the flame and in the blue depths, I could see the same sick enjoyment that I had seen in Nathaniel. She enjoyed inflicting pain, just like her king.

    My chest was heaved as I tried to breath but Jackson's hand was still covering my mouth and pressing against my lips.

    She gazed into my eyes, her lips pulled up and shadowed a smirk before they puckered and blew out the flame.

    The girl walked over and turned on the lights and Jackson finally let me go. I felt my legs let go and I fell to my knees. The wax continued to dig its way deeper into my skin and I let out an agonized wail.

    I lifted my head; sweat dripped down the side of my face, and my hands were shaking as they touched against the parts of my skin that felt like they were on fire.

    What have you done? I breathed.

    Nothing for you to worry about. Just get ready, Jackson said and stepped around me.

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