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Murder the Whistleblower
Murder the Whistleblower
Murder the Whistleblower
Ebook235 pages2 hours

Murder the Whistleblower

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About this ebook

Murder the Whistleblower is a deep-dive into the American government. This true crime story details an attempt to murder the author by his fiancée, her lawyer, and corrupt government agents. Just how far will those in positions of power go to silence those with knowledge of their illegal deeds?
Release dateNov 2, 2023
Murder the Whistleblower

Donald Smith

Donald Smith is an accomplished storyteller in a variety of media from fiction to digital, live stage and spoken word. He has produced, adapted or directed over 100 plays, and published a series of novels on turning points in Scottish history. He has also written a series of non-fiction books on Scottish culture including Storytelling Scotland (2001). He is a lead author in the series Journeys and Evocations, celebrating local storytelling traditions across Britain and Ireland. He is a founding member of the Scottish Storytelling Forum, Edinburgh’sGuid Crack Club and is currently Chief Executive of TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland) which brings together Scotland’s traditional arts, as well Director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival.

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    Murder the Whistleblower - Donald Smith

    The views and opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of Gatekeeper Press. Gatekeeper Press is not to be held responsible for and expressly disclaims responsibility for the content herein.

    Murder the Whistleblower

    Published by Gatekeeper Press

    7853 Gunn Hwy., Suite 209

    Tampa, FL 33626

    Copyright © 2023 by Donald Smith

    All rights reserved. Neither this book, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023943957

    ISBN (hardcover): 9781662942433

    eISBN: 9781662942440






    About the Author



    I am a verified whistleblower.

    From 2016 through 2020, my beloved fiancée, her contentious lawyer, a corrupt Florida State financial regulator and her accomplices, and two federal agents incorporated the assistance of others close to me.

    These people attempted to MURDER me.

    The bad actors would go to any degree to stop me from telling the truth about their unlawful and heinous pattern and practice of theft, fraud, and deception of thousands of people over 15 years with impunity. Parties closest to me and corrupt government actors, lawyers, and judges, committed criminal acts of retaliation, weaponizing of government forces, paid assassins, and abuse of Judicial Codes of Ethics and Canons of oath, government rules, regulations, and resources.

    Heavily armed-hostile forces besieged upon my legitimately owned properties, unlawfully seized my legally owned corporate assets and money valued in the millions of dollars, and tried to kill me.

    Who do you call when the police are the criminals?

    In recent months, Americans have been subjected to a barrage of government subversion by government officials and federal laws and enforcement agencies conducting covert activities against the citizenry for power and financial gain.

    Under pressure from these egregious actors, the mainstream press and news medias have committed enormous financial resources to this propaganda.

    This is a true story of just how far those in positions of power and authority will go to silence the ones with knowledge of their illegal acts and deeds.


    I write this book as a lesson. The lessons that I hope to convey to the readers are the following:

    a. Never talk to the police or any government agency as they have their own agenda, and their agenda is you are the target.

    b. Never offer finite details of your case to a lawyer, especially your lawyer, as the lawyer is an officer of the same court that will take the police or government’s side. You are the defendant, and in the eyes of the courts, you cannot be believed, regardless of the direction true evidence steers.

    c. Everyone in court is an employee of the government in authority at the time and being paid by the government; thus, in the event of you being charged with crimes, you should prepare to defend yourself. Speak not until you take the stand at trial, and then tell your story the way you wish. You have inalienable rights guaranteed you by the Constitution of the United States of America, and one of those rights is the Fifth Amendment, which grants you the right to remain silent and not be a witness against yourself.

    One of the very first acts Russian President Vladmir Putin performed upon taking office was to stop the war against the citizens of Russia by dissolving the KGB.

    Here is wisdom: According to the authority—government in power at the time—there were three criminals crucified at Calvary… Golgotha.

    Whether you admire, adore, or despise former American President Donald J. Trump, he did accomplish an insurmountable number of great things in a short period of time and under constant attack through atrocious, egregious, and even outrageous circumstances, and President Trump has done something even more important: President Trump has exposed a deep state of operatives acting under the guise of government agencies, more often symbolized by three initials, with the aid of their three-letter subsidiary groups, who have long since declared a silent war against the American citizenry, the free enterprise system, and the very foundation of democracy as a whole. Every American watched and is still watching the undeniable assault on some of the most patriotic Americans that ever lived in the United States of America. Our country needs a checkup from the neck up, and it is on the way to transition back to the origin of We the People, By the People and FOR the people…

    The readers should be mindful that…

    The system America uses today is not what our brilliant forefathers intended when they initially scribed, in discernment, the Constitution and Bill of Rights of these United States. Currently, the least of us are in control of the best and greatest of us all. Through the years, politicians, through their political action committees and super PACs led by lobbyist lawyers and bar associations, via added amendments and judicial dicta and rulings have granted additional, even outrageous authority to erroneously formed government entities. These government entities have employed operatives that have committed criminal and evil acts and deeds, have so corrupted and contaminated what would have been the greatest experiment the world had ever known. They have brought us to ruin.


    Retaliation Against the Whistleblower

    Whistleblowers oftentimes act to level the playing field against the tyrannical and abusive acts of government actors and operatives.

    A whistleblower is an eyewitness to an event or chain of events that were committed, resulting in crimes by actors that are protected by position of power or influence, usually politicians, state and federal regulators, local police/law enforcement officers, federal agents, and or large corporations that create sophisticated and complex schemes of financial and other fraud or hazard to humanity.

    One example is Erin Brockovich, who garnered national fame as a whistleblower for uncovering massive environmental hazards that were threatening human lives by the hundreds.

    March 16, 1989 The One Hundred and first United States Congress enacted the Whistleblower Protection Act, 5 U.S.C. § 2302.

    On May 15, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation Act (No Fear) for retaliation against Whistleblowers Act, which makes it a criminal act to retaliate against any person acting as a whistleblower to expose corruption or crimes being committed by any government employee or service member.

    Still, many whistleblowers end up going to jail or prison, being publicly ostracized, or leaving the United States to prevent being murdered.

    Naturally, a few of the names of the murdered whistleblowers are unavailable, but the other names that come to light more recently are Chelsea Manning, who ended up going to prison, and Edward Snowden, who left the country and remains in hiding out of fear of being assassinated by the CIA or any number of American underground enforcers and black ops.

    Some of the more famous, or infamous as you desire, are Frank Serpico, the policeman who testified about the corruption in the New York Police Department, and Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers and was charged with criminal conspiracy, arrested, and jailed for years. The charges were later dropped when, W. Mark Felt (Deep Throat) exposed the Watergate scandal.

    Karen Silkwood, who died in an auto accident on November 13, 1974, at the age of twenty-eight, under suspicious circumstances. No investigation was opened or pursued with respect to the accident and the entire incident simply vanished into a filing cabinet and was swept under the rug.

    Mark Whitacre served nine years in prison when he exposed corruption at Archer Daniel Midland, and there are many more.

    America is filled with whistleblowers, good and bad. From the nice bank teller to your neighbor quietly mowing his lawn to the guy sitting at the bus stop, virtually everyone has become a whistleblower today.

    What with all the codes, rules, regulations, ordinances, laws, and executive orders, we Americans must be guilty of something, and it is everyone’s obligation as a good citizen to report their friends, associates, relatives, and neighbors, and even their children if they suspect anything.

    The tax code alone can fill the Atlanta Braves stadium and it’s growing. The IRS has secured eighty-seven thousand new armed enforcers to enthusiastically go on mission to seek out every single penny of waitress/waiter tips, restaurant and hotel workers who may not report the $2 extra they drop in their pockets at the end of a shift, and what about all those farm workers who could possibly be sneaking contraband (one tomato) from the fields under their sweaty shirt to feed a very ill three-year-old child? The child could be a communist operative working for the Russians. Janitors…have been getting away with too much for too long… we know they are up to something. And what about the schoolteachers, nurses and medics, ministers/priests, and sneaky doctors coming home and leaving at all different hours of the night and early morning? This country is full of suspicious characters.

    There are too many bad guys in this country who should have their assets seized or frozen, be taxed more, and then go to prison for crimes.

    After all, how are we going to build and fill new prisons?

    Let’s take the nice bank teller. She/he takes your money, hands you a receipt, and wishes you a good day, right?

    Not exactly. The teller is required by federal law, the Bank Secrecy Act, to complete a form, Suspicious Activity Report (SAR), with all of your bank account activity to send to the United States Treasury Department, Division of the IRS, in the event they suspect you of a monetary irregularity. Pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act, it is unlawful for any bank employee to notify you as to the irregularity or SAR report. What is a monetary irregularity you ask?

    Here’s an example:

    A little old lady in Iowa goes to the same bank that she has been banking at for many years. She has a small cash-only restaurant at the four corners of the highway intersection in a little farm community out in the country. That little restaurant has been around for decades and provides a vital service to the community. The locals pay her with cash.

    This wonderful elderly lady fills out her deposit ticket like she has done for years and drives into town to make her bank deposit so she can pay her vendors, suppliers, utilities, and other obligations while managing a few pennies for her retirement one day.

    She walks up to the bank teller and hands her the old, worn deposit bag with paper bills and coins. The bank teller takes the deposit bag, runs the numbers, finds everything in order, completes the deposit transaction receipt, and hands the little lady the old bag back with the receipt.

    So what’s the issue you say?

    After the little lady leaves the bank, the bank teller convinces the bank manager, a new bank manager, that the deposit is suspicious. There do not seem to be any checks or credit card transaction invoices contained in the deposit…nothing but cash and coins.

    The bank teller is a whistleblower.

    The bank manager, by federal law, the Bank Secrecy Act, and other federal laws and statutes governing the personal use of private monies in America, completes a SAR to be forwarded, also by law, to the United States Treasury Department. The Treasury Department then dispatches an army of IRS agents to converge upon the local bank and nearest United States Federal Court, seizing bank account information and files for warrants of seizure and civil forfeiture on all the assets, personal and otherwise. This army of IRS agents then incorporate the United States Marshal Service, the OSI, the DOJ, the FBI, the DHS, and any number of three-letter agencies to bring down upon the "suspect (former US citizen in good standing) a horde of armed assassins and show of force equal only to the invasion of Normandy. This tactic is used daily in our country to keep the citizenry in check" and forewarned that (a) no one is above the law and (b) agents of the government are forever vigilant and are keeping any eye on your every move.

    * * *

    Anyone who deposits money into a bank and write checks from that specific account for any reason is, under the banking and tax codes, guilty of structuring, and in the United States, structuring is a felony-financial crime.

    * * *

    Wait… you think I am exaggerating. This cannot happen in the United States of America. No government agency has that much control, our banking is private… it would be in strict violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Privacy Act, among only a few.

    The case was named The United States of America vs. $32,820.56, and the lady’s name was Hinders. She was represented by the Institute for Justice, and the case went on for years. The court finally ruled in Ms. Hinders’s favor, but the IRS reserved the right to come back and do it again and again and again, should they so decide.

    Personally, I have gone through

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