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Week Without Pride: A New Reality
Week Without Pride: A New Reality
Week Without Pride: A New Reality
Ebook25 pages9 minutes

Week Without Pride: A New Reality

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About this ebook

In "Week Without Pride: A New Reality," Tim's ordinary life transforms when he wakes up in a mysterious forest, finding his hometown gone. In this alternate reality, kindness is celebrated, steering Tim on a self-discovery journey guided by friends David and Emily. The story highlights the power of compassion to break the cycle of cruelty, fostering genuine connections and positive change amidst the unknown, exploring themes of kindness, resilience, and fulfilment.

PublisherOtieno Mjomba
Release dateDec 12, 2023
Week Without Pride: A New Reality

Otieno Mjomba

Is a Kenyan podcaster, multilingual author, educator and communication strategist. His other online e-book publications are Sour Grape and Boda Mpya na Hadithi Nyingine.

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    Week Without Pride - Otieno Mjomba



    Tim awoke with a start, his head throbbing. The ground was hard and damp beneath him. As he slowly opened his eyes, all he saw was a thick canopy of trees blocking out the sky. Where was he?

    Trying to ignore the pounding in his skull, Tim sat up  and took in  his  unfamiliar  surroundings.  Dense woodlands as far as the eye could see. No houses, roads or other signs of civilization in sight. A chill ran down his spine as panic began to set in.


    He remembered leaving school after the final bell, laughing with his friends as they taunted that scrawny kid

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