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Alchemy Academy: Shadow Cove: Alchemy Academy, #2
Alchemy Academy: Shadow Cove: Alchemy Academy, #2
Alchemy Academy: Shadow Cove: Alchemy Academy, #2
Ebook359 pages6 hours

Alchemy Academy: Shadow Cove: Alchemy Academy, #2

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About this ebook

Book 2 of a magic academy romance series.


In the wake of my liberated chaos, the haunting night exacted its toll. Erebus, aware and relentless, sought me. Freedom hinged on acquiring the elusive Ruby. 
Amidst the demands of daily life and the imperative of attendance, Levi remained my steadfast certainty. As our bond intensified, the looming challenges mirrored the intricacies of my pursuit, for simplicity was a luxury I couldn't afford. 
The Ruby, a singular goal, beckoned—my resolve unwavering, determined to claim it by any means necessary. 
Nothing would stand in my way, not even Erebus and his Shadows.

PublisherJess Peters
Release dateJun 15, 2020
Alchemy Academy: Shadow Cove: Alchemy Academy, #2

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    Book preview

    Alchemy Academy - Jess Peters



    I woke up the next morning with every part of my body aching. Maybe last night was more than I could handle, even though Levi had been so gentle with me, but I definitely didn’t regret it. I definitely wasn’t letting Levi know how much I ached today either.

    Being with Levi like that wasn’t losing its novelty and I don’t think it ever would. I felt a connection with him that I couldn’t explain, and a pull that I couldn’t deny.

    His warm arms were still wrapped around me as he slept soundly. I was pretty sure that he hadn’t slept properly in days and I didn’t really want to wake him now.

    I slipped out of his arms, trying my best to be gentle, but he was out for the count. I was beginning to think that nothing would wake him up.

    My legs were weak and sore, but I found the strength and determination to stay upright. I needed a shower before anything else after going days without. I felt like a mess, and I was sure that I looked like one.

    I gazed back at Levi’s peaceful form before making my way into the bathroom which was the next room along. I savoured the scorching water flowing over my skin, the tension in my muscles easing gradually with every drop of water.

    Once I was done, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror with the towel wrapped around me. Levi was right when he said that my body was weak. It looked weak. My eyes looked sunken, my skin suffocating my bones which was making me look ill and I looked deathly pale.

    How could I go back to the academy looking like this? I wasn’t sure what day it was, but I knew the days were ticking down to the end of the break.

    I went through all of this pain to free my Chaos and I hadn’t even thought about trying it out until now. I felt different. I could feel the warmth running through my veins like I did when I linked, except it was always there unlike before.

    I held my hand up and summoned a ball of water to it. A ferocious ball spun on my hand with an intense energy that caused me to stumble back in shock, letting the ball splash to the floor and drenching the room.

    Shit, I mumbled.

    So maybe I had more power than I realised. I studied the waterlogged room, feeling my stomach tighten. This was Levi’s family home, and I was already in the process of destroying it, but I could fix this.

    I held my hand out again and focused on drawing all the liquid from the floor towards it. I’d done this before, drawing the liquid out from my clothing, but I wasn’t prepared for the power emitting from me once again.

    Every bit of water on the floor instantly rushed towards me and before I could focus on containing it or stopping it, it flew past my hand and into my face.

    The towel I had wrapped around me, which I’d borrowed, was now soaked, the excess water slowly dripping back onto the floor.

    A groan left my throat as I stood looking like a drowned rat. This power was new to me and it was becoming clear that I didn’t know how to control it. I may have been taught how to use my Chaos in the past few months, but this felt different. This was my Chaos, and it was new to being free in my body.

    This Erebus power was new altogether.

    I inhaled deeply before trying again. I held my hand out and slowly drew all the water into it until the floor and myself was dry once again. I looked at the ball of water floating in my hand triumphantly as I moved it towards the sink where I let it drop.

    Is everything ok? Levi asked as soon as I stepped back into his room.

    Oh, erm, yeah, I mumbled.

    Are you sure? Levi propped himself up on his pillow with a raised eyebrow. It didn’t sound like it.

    Shit. You heard that? I was trying out my water power to dry myself, and the power may have taken me by surprise. I scrunched my face up. We may need to practice before we head back otherwise I think there’ll be a few issues.

    We can do that today, Levi replied. Providing you feel up to it?

    I nodded, I’ll be fine.

    I so don’t feel up to it, but what the heck.

    I moved to sit on the bed beside him. His hand reached out for my arm before slowly stroking it down to rest on my hand.

    I looked at him, his beautiful hazel eyes looking right back at me.

    Something’s bothering you? It was a statement more than a question.

    You can tell? I smiled. You know, we’ve never spoken about contraceptives. I felt my face blush and looked away from him.

    We had slept together twice now and I couldn’t recall us using anything. I most definitely wasn’t on anything.

    He chuckled, rubbing his thumb over my hand. Don’t worry, Rox. There’s a spell for that which I’ve done, so we’re good.

    A sense of relief surged through me and I gazed back into his eyes. I’m sorry, I just had to ask.

    It’s fine. A valid concern. You can use the spell too if it would make you feel better. I could teach it to you at some point?

    That would be great.

    Or you could wait because you’ll cover it at the academy at some point as well, he shrugged.

    Levi leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. We’ll see how you get on with your new level of power first. Lorrie packed you a bag of stuff which is over there by the way, he pointed to a bag under the window.

    I walked over to the bag and looked inside. There was a selection of t-shirts and vest tops, my leather jacket, a pair of jeans, a pair of sweatpants and a selection of underwear. I didn’t fail to notice that she packed some of my lacy underwear which caused my cheeks to blush slightly and I was glad that I had my back to Levi so he couldn’t see how red they had turned.

    I shouldn’t have felt shy around Levi, especially after we’d slept together, but I still did. He was still my teacher at the end of the day, but the connection and pull within me was something I couldn’t deny either. He had saved my life.

    I got dressed into a vest top and some sweatpants, and waited for Levi in the kitchen whilst he showered, but not before having a wander around the vast amount of rooms his house had.

    The house was extravagant. The rooms were large and modern with a rich feel to them. It wasn’t too dissimilar to the academy manor, except more modern and with no candles. What amazed me the most was the complete lack of dust.

    Surely someone didn’t go around cleaning everything? The house was too large for that.

    I seated myself on a stool, looking through my tablet when I felt a soft finger stroke the back of my shoulder. I grimaced, remembering the branded Eye of Erebus upon my skin.

    I guess vest tops will be out of the question when we get back.

    It’s probably best, Levi sat down beside me. Or just wear a jacket, because I do love seeing you in that leather jacket of yours. He looked at me with hungry eyes.

    I bit my bottom lip as I surveyed him. His t-shirt hugged his body as did his slim-fitting jeans, and god, did he look hot.

    Shall I cook us some pancakes?

    I didn’t know you could cook, I replied.

    I can do more than you think. He made his way to the fridge where he gathered some eggs, butter and milk before grabbing some flour from the cupboard.

    Fifteen minutes later, and I was stuffing some fluffy thick pancakes down my throat. My mouth watered and craved for more with every bite. They smelt and tasted so delicious. Levi sat opposite me, eating his own portion, eyeing me up.

    I’m hungry, I muttered between mouthfuls.

    I can see that, he smiled. I’m not surprised that you are.

    These are amazing.

    I’m glad you like them. Once you’re finished, we’re going outside to start getting you back in shape. You are feeling up to this, aren’t you, Roxy? His eyebrows creased in concern.

    I nodded, I’ll be fine, Levi. I finished eating the last pancake, and whilst I drank my glass of orange juice, Levi washed up.

    I stared around the back garden of Levi’s estate with a slack jaw. There were various trees scattered around the open grassed area. There were also various flower beds around the sides of the fence, although I couldn’t see from one side to the other. The grounds were so large and it even looked like there was a road which ran around the parameter of the fence.

    There was also a water feature in the middle. A slick woman with long hair wearing a long dress stood in the centre of the waterfall elegantly.

    Who is she?

    She’s meant to be a representation of Nyx, the goddess of night. We obviously don’t know what she looked like, but this figure has been the representation of her for centuries, and Nyx has ran in my bloodline for as long as anyone can remember.

    You’re lucky, I whispered.

    Hey, don’t go thinking that the history of Nyx is all good. There has been a fair share of evil there as well. As you know, Nyx and Erebus were married, bound together by Chaos, Destined for each other. Obviously, something went wrong somewhere and unlike us, their relationship can’t be unbound. Being Destined is for eternity. Who carried out the ritual on Erebus leaners? It was the Nyx bloodline, Levi explained.

    But the Erebus power was obviously dangerous for her to do that.

    Nyx wronged him by influencing her followers to carry out the ritual. Whatever he did to cause that to happen, she obviously overstepped the mark, because it wasn’t a one time thing. It’s been permanent through the generations. Erebus leaners weren’t corrupted before the lock on them occurred. As you’ve been told, they are part of us. We are their children in a way. Nyx made it hard for Erebus to continue his bloodline for whatever reason.

    I find it weird how they’re spoken about as if they are real, I said.

    Our Chaos is as real as they are. They are a part of us.

    I couldn’t really argue with his point. I’d never have thought that magic was real until I saw it myself, so maybe the Deities were real.

    I had felt Erebus’ influence after all.

    Levi led me through the garden and past the water fountain as he continued explaining, Erebus and Nyx worked together, you see. His dark mists encircled the world and filled the deep hollows of the earth. In the evening, Nyx drew his darkness across the sky bringing night, and his daughter, Hemera, scattered it at dawn bringing day. Each deity has a purpose, and part of that purpose is continuing their bloodline. Nyx took away that part from him. As I said, we don’t know what happened between them, but his bloodline has been almost wiped out, so it’s no wonder that he’s bitter about it.

    But he has been the reason for them being wiped out, I said. Those like Antiquis would never have sold their souls if it wasn’t for Erebus trying to corrupt them. My dad would never have done what he did if it wasn’t for him.

    Right you are Roxy, but Erebus doesn’t see reason anymore. He just wants revenge on his wife and since her followers are out of bounds and Gaea’s are too weak, his own followers are his only option. He doesn’t want to use his followers, but you’re all he has. Unfortunately for you, Rox, you’re the only one left and they now fear those like you in this world.

    Once again, I had much to consider. There was far more to our history than I realised, and the gods were far more complicated than they were first made out to be.

    This spot will do, Levi stopped once we had walked away from the fountain and flower beds.

    How big is your garden?

    The Nichtos estate is large, but no larger than any of the other council estates. Actually, the Baphomet and Delvin estates are slightly larger. Most of them are on this island. I think your parents' place is along the far coast.

    Excuse me, but what?

    Did I hear that right?

    Ah, shit. You didn’t know. Levi ran his hand through his hair. Your mum was on the council. She was a Councillor. The estate is rightfully yours, except nobody knows you exist. I suppose technically you could put a case forward for the council spot if you desperately wanted to, except questions would be raised because of your father.

    Levi, how has nobody told me this? A low growl left my throat.

    Because nobody knows about you, Rox. Miles and I probably thought the same in that it didn’t matter, and it doesn’t change your situation at this moment in time.

    Did you know my mum? I whispered.

    I didn’t personally. But my parents worked on the council with her.

    I closed my eyes for a moment and gathered my emotions. Right. And what’s this about an estate?

    They lock the council estates down to the bloodline. Nobody can take ownership of your house except those of your bloodline, so it’s sitting empty. The magic in the walls can pick up on intentions, whether it be moving in or visiting, the same as this place, so nobody has lived in your family home. It’s yours, Rox. You’re the only one who can technically own it.

    But I can’t, can I? Because of my dad.

    And you can’t hide your affliction forever either. You’re a full elemental, love. Why should you hide that? Once you’ve established that you won’t turn out like your dad, I guess nothing is stopping you from living a normal life.

    I somehow don’t think that it’ll be that simple, I whispered.

    Have some hope. We’ll get that Ruby in the Christmas break. In the meantime, let’s get you used to your newfound power.

    I nodded and gathered my thoughts together. I needed to get myself into shape before lessons begun again.

    Now let me see you use your elements, then I’ll know what you need to work on, Levi said. Duel with me.

    Levi, no. I can’t control my power, I took an unconscious step back.

    Roxy, look at me. You won’t hurt me, plus I’m a strong Nyx. Give me some credit at least, the corner of his lips lifted into a cheeky grin. Not to mention that I’m also a teacher.

    Fine, but I’m telling you now, the power in me is out of control, I mumbled.

    Levi took a few steps back, bringing a ball of water to his hand, and I instinctively brought a shield of fire around me. The flames roared around me, unusually fierce, which startled me, making it drop.

    Levi didn’t give me the chance to do anything about it as he began lobbing balls of water towards me at a fierce speed.

    I sidestepped to the left, his attacks missing me by inches before bringing a flaming ball to my own hand. The flames were wild, sitting on my hand with a brutal and raging force. I lobbed it at Levi, feeling at a complete loss as I watched it go wide. I brought another to my hand, trying to concentrate on moulding the flames into a compact ball of controlled heat, but they were relentless. The flames felt like they had a mind of their own and burnt ferociously.

    I went flying back as a potent force of wind hit me hard. I quickly threw up a shield of water, hoping that it was more controlled than the flames had been. My shield did its job in protecting me from Levi’s air attack, but now I had gushing water all around me which was obscuring my view through it as well, and dripping through onto me.

    Normally I could see through any shield I conjured because it was just a thin, but strong barrier, but my shields weren’t like that now with all the added power. They were thick and raging in whatever element I seemed to use.

    My shield dropped, but as soon as I did, a whip of flames encased me, tying me up so that I couldn’t move my arms whilst another flaming vine grew up from the ground which dragged me down. I was trapped, but I sent heat to my hand, warming it up until it burnt through Levi’s own fire whip. I sent another flame down to the fire vine, obviating it, before forcing myself to my feet.

    Levi gave me no time in recovering because he sent balls of water at me, but I swiftly put up a water shield. His attacks merged with mine, but they also sent the power of my shield through the roof as water seeped through it, drenching me in the process. I saw Levi laugh and I couldn’t help but smile back.

    I’m sure this was funny for him to watch. It wasn’t as funny for me as I felt my skin become ice cold from the water seeping through my clothes.

    He looked like he was having fun and it occurred to me that he didn’t get to duel with anyone that often, and never anyone who could give him a real challenge back. He was strong himself, but I could tell he was also holding back because of my current state of weakness.

    I drew the water out from my clothes, but the water shot past my hand, landing on the grass in front of me. I shook my head. Something so simple wasn’t even working for me.

    Levi sent a fireball at my legs whilst I was distracted which sent me falling back. Pain shot through my legs, the weakness in them becoming evident and the floor winded me as it collided with my back, but Levi gave me no time to recover. An air attack pinned me to the ground hard.

    Levi walked over and looked down at me. Do you give up, Rox?

    Ha, I never give up, I grinned, although my voice was strained under the force and weakness of my body.

    Levi grinned back at me as he continued pounding me with air, gradually making it harder and harder to suck in a lungful of it, although I also sensed that Levi was being careful.

    I tried moving my hand and sending my own attack back but as soon as my hand began heating up, Levi doused it in water bringing it to a halt. I tried focussing on sending a water ball, but he pushed my hand back harder.

    Give up yet?

    I managed to shake my head slightly. I closed my eyes, concentrating hard on defending myself.

    You’re as stubborn as anything, baby.

    I snapped my eyes open, locking them with Levi’s with a grin as I managed to drag my hand back ever so slightly, locking it in a fist. His eyes widened as he realised what I had done, falling to his knees gasping for air. I released my attack as soon as I could sit up, suddenly feeling a sense of guilt.

    Jesus Roxy, he coughed on the floor opposite me.

    Sorry, I whispered. That was too much.

    No, it’s an excellent tactic, pulling the air from my lungs. Holy shit though, that was some force you used, Levi managed to smile. You know you won’t be able to use your air at the academy still? Plus, attacks like that aren’t ideal at the academy. They’re kind of dangerous to use, the whole almost suffocating someone, but good move if someone attacks you outside of the academy.

    I know, but I saw an opportunity and took it. Anyway, what’s the verdict then?

    You definitely need some practice on toning the power down before we head back. Your power is a little out of control.

    I laughed, I told you that, Levi.



    We spent the rest of the day and the next going back to basics with the elements. My body was aching and weak, but I was managing to keep going.

    Levi was right when he said that I was stubborn. I refused to give up.

    The more familiar I got to the feel of my own Chaos, the easier it became to control and tame it, but everything was still coming out a little on the powerful side.

    Ok, a lot on the powerful side.

    I just had to hope that nobody thought anything too much of it.

    Tonight was our last night at Levi’s family home before taking the portal back to the academy tomorrow.

    He kept insisting that he take me on a proper date, so I was now stood in front of the mirror, looking myself over.

    I didn’t have much choice of clothes so I opted for my jeans, a striped top and my leather jacket over it. I also made a point of wearing my lacy underwear since Lorrie had packed it. I planned on showing Levi just how much I appreciated everything he’d done for me later tonight.

    This would be the last night we could be together like this without it being too weird. There may be no rule against us being together, but that didn’t stop everybody judging us. I was sure that Gina wouldn’t approve of me dating a teacher.

    I finally stepped into the living room where I found Levi waiting, sitting on the sofa. He stood when he saw me, his eyes warm and soft.

    Roxy, he whispered. He was dressed in his usual slim black jeans and he had a white shirt on with them.

    My god, he looks good.

    I stepped towards him with a smile and reached up to kiss him. He was the perfect height for me. Shorter than Miles, but a few inches taller than me.

    Let’s go then, he said as he placed his arm behind me to lead me out.

    Levi led me to a door which opened into the garage around the side of the building where a car sat.

    You seriously have a Rolls Royce? I gasped. The car was a sleek black beauty.

    It’s the family car for this island. A council car.

    You never said which island this is, I mumbled as I admired the car.

    It’s just an island. It’s located closer to America than the academy one. Levi unlocked the car and opened the passenger side door for me like a true gentleman.

    Is this one mixed or magical like the other one?

    Mixed. We’re near the Bahamas. The council estates are all around here, he smiled.

    I walked over and slipped into the seat. That explains why the weather’s warmer.

    Levi got in and started the engine, which roared to life like music to my ears. Levi, I think I need this car.

    Levi laughed at my comment, but I don’t think he realised how serious I was. I wasn’t one to usually admire things like cars, but his cars were beautiful specimens. I thought his Jaguar was wonderful, but this was on a whole new level.

    You do realise that with your family estate, there’s probably a car similar to this, plus the inherence.

    You’re joking, right?

    I’m not, but your safety needs to come first and that means hiding who you are. One day it’ll be different. Levi looked at me earnestly.

    Gah, sometimes I wish I could just be open about who I am. It’s a good job I can’t drive yet, well, legally anyway, or I’d seriously be rethinking things.

    Deep down I knew I wouldn’t because after experiencing my Erebus power first-hand, I understood why people would be concerned. I needed to be smart and gain my freedom from Erebus’ grasp before he influenced me to do his dark bidding.

    You know you can’t, Rox. One day, maybe, but not now.

    I nodded and glanced out of the window as Levi drove us down the road. Enormous houses were spread out down it, all like Levi’s, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether any of them were my parents' place.

    Or technically mine now.

    It didn’t take long for Levi to pull into a small town where be parked up.

    He led me down the street holding my hand. There were normal shops on either side of us and even a Starbucks, which was a massive contrast to the town that we went to last week.

    Levi stopped outside of a restaurant, the scattered, sparkly lights catching my eye on the exterior of the dimly lit window. He opened the door for me before following me in.

    Good evening, Levi said to the waiter who greeted us.

    Mr Nichtos, we have your usual booth. If you would please follow me. She battered her eyelashes at him before turning her back on us.

    We followed the waiter, passing tables of people eating their meals, all the way towards the back of the building where a few private booths were situated.

    So, your usual booth, I raised my eyebrow at Levi once the waiter left us with some menus to read.

    This is the best restaurant in town. It’s owned by Magicfolk like us, so they know who the council members are although they cater to everyone, magical and non-magical alike, he smiled. They’re more familiar with my parents than me.

    I see. Explains why she got a little flirty towards you, I said in a bitter

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