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Written in the Ashes: A Novel
Written in the Ashes: A Novel
Written in the Ashes: A Novel
Ebook628 pages10 hours

Written in the Ashes: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"Written in the Ashes is one of those rare novels that sets 'history' afire, to bathe readers in the glow of a greater, hotter truth. Fans of The Mists of Avalon will find this romantic/alchemical/feminist/spiritual epic equally captivating."—Tom Robbins, bestselling author of Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life and Villa Incognito

In the bloody clash between Christians and pagans in fifth-century Alexandria, a slave girl becomes the last hope for preserving peace in this evocative and thrilling tale reminiscent of The Mists of Avalon. A blend of history, adventure, religion, romance, and mysticism, this shares the untold story of the events that led to the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria.

After she is abducted from her home in the mountains of Sinai, Hannah is enslaved and taken to Alexandria, where she becomes the property of Alizar, an alchemist and pagan secretly working to preserve his culture. Revered for her beautiful singing voice, the young slave is invited to perform at the city's Great Library, where she becomes friends with the revered mathematician and philosopher, Hypatia, as well as other pagans who curate its magnificent collections. Determined to help them uphold pagan culture and traditions, Hannah embarks on a dangerous quest to unite the fractured pieces of the Emerald Tablet—the last hope to save the pagans and create peace.

On this odyssey that leads her to the lost oracles of Delfi and Amun-Ra and to rediscovered ancient cities and rituals, Hannah will experience forbidden loves, painful betrayals, and poignant reunions. But her efforts may be in vain. Returning to Alexandria, Hannah finds a city engulfed in violence, even as her own romantic entanglements come to a head. Now, it's not only her future, but the fate of all Alexandria that is at stake.

Release dateSep 27, 2016
Written in the Ashes: A Novel

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hannah’s destiny will take her far away from the desert where she and her father tended a goat herd in the fifth century. Hannah is first stolen from her father by slave traders and taken to Alexandria where she is bought by Tarek. Luckily, Tarek’s father, Alizar is a patient man with a secret of his own. Alizar sees that there is more to Hannah than meets the eye. Even as a slave, he sends Hannah to be educated at the Great Library under Hypatia. Unfortunately, Alexandria is in the midst of religious turmoil and Hannah was raised as a Jew. As religion and power clash, Hannah is sent away again to the Temple of Isis where she is trained as a priestess and sent on a mission to gather a tablet that will help secure the pagan faith.As soon as Hannah’s story began, I was completely hooked. Fierce, brave and full of hope, Hannah’s character is instantly endearing. The journey that Hannah is sent on is full of high-stakes, adventure and cunning skill. There is a lot going on in this book and it kept me just wanting more and more. I loved being taken back to ancient Alexandria, I could picture the marketplace, the Great Library, chariot races and Alizar’s house perfectly. Then the beauty and mystery of the Temple, I could imagine the dancing priestesses in full costume. As Hannah chases the Emerald Tablet her fate becomes entwined in her mission and the excitement increases. History, magic, adventure and romance intersect in this epic tale about a young women’s journey.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Written in the Ashes by K. Hollan VanZandt is a historical fiction account inspired by true events. The story follows Hannah, a girl kidnapped and sold into slavery. Her journey takes her into the city of Alexandria where she meets some extraordinary people. Hannah has a beautiful voice and a thirst for knowledge. She meets Hypatia who is the keeper of the great library in Alexandria. Hypatia offers her a place at the library, but Hannah's life leads her into another direction first. This book has a mixture of history and mythology. It is set during a tumultuous period for religion. Where anything/anyone non-christian is given the death penalty. Danger lurks at every turn, and Hannah must find a way to survive.I enjoyed reading Written in the Ashes. I loved that the author used real historical events and people to build the story around. Hannah is a good, strong character. Her journey sucked me in from the beginning. Her life is not an easy one. She's the victim of violence and threatened because of her beliefs. Hannah is a survivor.The story line is intense at times and full of action at others. I liked all the characters, good and bad. The author does a fantastic job of bringing history to life. Written in the Ashes is a beautifully written story that you don't want to end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review originally published at my blog: AWordsWorth.blogspot.comeBook provided by author for review.Hannah is a Jewish shepherdess, roaming the wilds of Sinai with her father, until her world is shattered by slave traders one night. Sold to a prestigious - and merciful - family in Alexandria, Hannah struggles to regain interest and enthusiasm for life, bearing scars on her body and her heart. As time begins to heal her wounds, Hannah finds her new life to be one of surprises. From private tutoring in the Library of Alexandria, to finding a strangely patched-together new 'family' in her master's house, Hannah slowly settles into her life. But these are uneasy times, and nothing is permanent. Nothing is safe - not even life. Relations between the Bishop in Alexandria, Cyril, and the "traditional" population are tense and volatile. The Library itself is threatened, and anyone deemed in cahoots with "the pagan enemy" is placed on a watch list, or "questioned" as a preemptive measure. This is Hannah's new reality, and she finds herself playing a surprising role in the bloody 'negotiations.'The story is engrossing. It's rough and brutal - very blunt, a little gory. It's not a light read, and if you're particularly sensitive some scenes could be disturbingly harsh. I loved the characters - Hannah stole my heart from the very beginning, still out on the plains of Sinai, and as I met new characters, I forged new alliances, even as she did. It's a detailed story, rich in ideas and images. The Library at Alexandria has long captured my imagination, as a librarian and as a story-loving history geek, and to read about its struggle for survival, to get a glimpse into how things could have been - it's beautiful, even as it's heart-wrenching. I feel as though I've learned much about Alexandria, the crossroads of culture and religion, the struggle to orient in a changing world. Written in the Ashes is a sweeping story to enjoy, but also one to think about. To pause and consider, to look at this particular presentation of the "ancient world" - and see how it reflects humanity.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fans of historical fiction take note: you are going to want to head to your closest book store, amazon or wherever you get your books and pick this one up! Why, you ask? Here's why: Set in Alexandria and the story is intricately woven together with the workings of the Great Library of Alexandria. Strong, beautiful female protagonist. Quests Action Nasty bad guys Hot male protagonists. Romance, Love and Passion The little angel - who was in my heart from the very beginning.I have only one bad thing to say about K. Hollan Van Zandt's amazing novel - it is the first of a series and I now have to wait for the second instalment!! ARG!! I hope it comes out soon!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I finished this book a few days ago and I wanted it to settle before I wrote my review. The novel, by the author's admission is part history, part imagination and part magic. Going back so far in time leaves an author with little written record to rely on for fact. The burning of the Great Library at Alexandria was a monumental loss to humanity. The facts of the matter aside, this novel was truly arresting and I had a hard time putting it down to get anything done.Ancient history fascinates me. Religion fascinates me. This book manages to tie both together in a story that resonates through time. People have been fighting over the "better god" for millenia and I fear it will never end. Written in the Ashes pits the ever strengthening Christianity against the Old Ways considered to be Pagan. Cyril, the bishop in charge of Alexandria wants to solidify his power base (uh-huh, as if it's ever REALLY about religion) and get rid of the practitioners of any other religion other than his own. He does this through fear and intimidation.Hypatia, the last recorded librarian for the Great Library is a forward thinking woman who wants all to be able to practice as they feel. She has a base of support but Cyril is calling her a witch and a whore so the people are learning to fear her. One of her main supporters Alizar has recently taken a slave into his household, Hannah. Hannah is a Jewess who was kidnapped from her father. She has a destiny of which she is completely unaware.The book was fascinating. The characters were well developed and I really didn't want to leave this world of ancient Alexandria. The imaginary, magical priests and the beautiful goddesses created by Ms. Van Zandt lent themselves to a mystical world that was quite believable within its context. As the story unfolded I was rooting for Hannah to fulfill her destiny and find peace with her past. I am looking forward to the next chapters in these characters lives.

Book preview

Written in the Ashes - K. Hollan Van Zandt

title page


For the librarians of the world,

then and now



Title Page




Time Line Prior to This Story



Part 1: Alexandria

















Part 2: The Emerald Tablet

















Part 3: The Great Library
















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Beneath this well

lay buried the hearts of the fallen gods.

They are rotting into the soil like apples,

sweetening the water.

Come, drink.

—Sofia Greenberg

. . . Whosoever would be great among you,

must be your servant: and whosever

would be first among you must be slave of all.

—Christ Jesus

Mark 10:43–44

Time Line Prior to This Story

347 c.e.*—Birth of Emperor Theodosius I, who in his lifetime will make Nicene Christianity (under the Catholic Church) the official religion of the Roman Empire. He is the last emperor to rule the united eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire.

375 c.e.—Birth of Hypatia of Alexandria.

391 c.e.—Emperor Theodosius I declares by Imperial Edict that all pagan (non-Christian) practice is punishable by death.

391 c.e.—The Serapeum Library (or daughter library) in Alexandria is destroyed by a Christian mob.

395 c.e.—Emperor Theodosius I dies, leaving his son, Arcadius, on the Eastern throne of Constantinople and his son, Honorius, on the Roman throne in the West. The Empire will never be united again.

408 c.e.—Emperor Arcadius dies, leaving his seven-year-old son, Theodosius II, on the throne of Constantinople. His eldest daughter, Pulcheria, age fifteen, is proclaimed Augusta by the senate and assumes the regency for her younger brother.



Map by Shimmering Wolf.


All trees hold secrets. From tiny saplings just piercing the earth to the old sentinels that stretch toward the sky until they founder, what the trees have witnessed, we can only dream. They harbor the winds and the changes of time, recording reunions, catastrophes, even unremarkable sunrises in concentric rings that lie concealed in darkness, deep within.

Trees are consummate listeners. A fibrous canopy above the earth, they gather into their taut, hollow bodies all the stories of the world. Like the angels, trees will not interrupt, disagree, or offer advice. Perhaps this is why the ancients thought them wise.

Trees are the first libraries, the oldest houses of wisdom and knowledge.

And they remember everything, even a girl.

Part 1


(410 c.e.)


Hannah pressed her cheek to the gnarled trunk; silver leaves shimmered around her like netted minnows in the wind. Then stillness. She crouched to make an offering of water that had taken her days to collect, uncapping her water horn and trickling it over the exposed roots. Though it had stood for centuries and bore scars of fire and war, the olive tree had lost its grasp during the dry winter winds. Drought had struck Sinai, lengthening through the dusty afternoons like a deadly shadow, killing everything it touched. The shepherds talked of nothing else. Empty grain sacks withered on the sunbaked clay while scrawny newborn sheep and goats were left to the vultures’ talons. Egypt was scoured by dead weeds and hunger; flowing streams atrophied to sand.

Above her, an angel circled and then settled in the eaves of the sky, content to wait. A door would open. The warrior would come. The light had promised it.

Hannah coughed as the warm breeze stirred the dust. There would be no more gypsies dancing to the pounding drums in the spring meadow or stories of the Torah read by the rabbi and his sons. No more familiar shoulders of the mountain at sunrise. Hannah grew impatient with water rations. If only the rains would return.

Hannah discovered from spying on the Bedouin camps that there were sages, wise women who could interpret embers in a fire, read the entrails of animals, or even proclaim that a comet’s blue smudge in the night sky would mean the end of a king. She wanted to find one to interpret the drought and promise its end. She harbored unspoken frustration with her father for his disinterest in the secret language of omens the heavens and stars seemed to speak. He knew only the language of goats. But it was a language he spoke fluently—so fluently he must have a bell for a heart.

When Hannah returned to camp, she reluctantly poured dirt on their fire, packed her rucksack, and joined her father on the deer path.

They walked for days visiting muddy springs already drained by other herdsman. By then, all the youngest and weakest of their herd had fallen; at each mud pit the goats moaned and pawed the ground. At last they found a trickle of water from a crack in a cliff and dropped their possessions to press their lips to the warm wet earth.

Sometime into the night, once her father returned to the fire, Hannah collapsed in exhaustion and had a dream. Birds by the thousands soared above crumbling columns, their wings aflame, spiraling ever higher in blind chaos while far beneath them, men in black robes surrounded a cloaked woman and forced her to the ground; their robes covered her completely until she was lost, screaming in a churning sea of blood. Hannah awoke with a jolt, her breath short. This was no ordinary dream; she felt it portended something evil. She covered her eyes with one hand, and offered the Shema as her father had taught her, taught her as if she were not a daughter but a son.



There were centuries of walking. Hannah’s heels cracked and bled. Vultures circled their camp day and night. She crouched and felled two small hares with her shepherd’s sling and carried them on her shoulders to the fire.

Her father, Kaleb, licked the wine from his beard. We cannot go toward the roads, Hannah. Thieves may give us trouble, and we have only the one knife between us.

Then to the sea, Abba? Hannah prodded the fire with a stick and a shower of sparks lifted into the sky.

No, to the river in Egypt.

The river in Egypt. Hannah had heard stories about the ancient Egyptians and how they lived on the east bank of the Nile, the direction of life, and buried their dead on the west bank, the direction of death. When the Pharaoh left his corpse, his spirit flew toward the rising sun and the life-giving waters. The pyramid tombs had been designed so he would know his way home. In that way, he was like the geese or the great whales, one of the few among creatures of the earth who knew where he belonged.

Hannah closed her eyes and settled into the comfort of fantasy. She imagined the fragrant baths of the Egyptians inside their glowing temples painted with the blue lotus revered for its beauty and youth-giving properties, the mosaics rimming the pools, the colorful murals of the gods stretched on the walls. There would be strong, bare-chested men standing beside the doors holding papyrus fans and round-hipped women whispering to one another in the water, splashing, laughing. Hannah began to sing softly, feeling hopeful again about their future. Surely the Nile would nourish them.

Kaleb allowed himself to bask in his daughter’s reverie until her song trailed off. Hannah, I have a gift for you. Something I have been saving, and I want you to have it now. Kaleb reached into his leather satchel. Hannah came to sit at his feet. She closed her eyes, held out her hands, and he closed her fingers over the gift. Even without seeing it, she knew what it was. But Abba, we cannot afford this. Not now.

Kaleb smiled triumphantly. He had saved every coin to buy her the silver Athenian hairpin in the shape of a peacock that she had admired in the market the year before.

Hannah turned the precious gift in her hands, fingering the long sharp prongs, the smooth feathers of the regal bird molded by a talented artisan.

Kaleb kissed and squeezed his daughter’s hands. There is only now, he said, and he nestled the hairpin in one of her burnished curls.

When the fire quieted, Hannah yawned and kissed her father’s whiskered cheek. She would sleep with the herd through the night, and he with the fire. She curled up beneath a woolen blanket in the field and shut her eyes, listening to the tinkling of the goat bells, unable to sleep. She wondered if she should go back to the fire and check on her father, lashing and trimming new sinew for the tent poles with his knife, but she knew he would prefer she stay with the herd. Eventually, she fell asleep.


Hannah’s eyes sprung open. Rustling grass. The goats bleating, scattering. She sensed a predator and felt for the knife beneath her head, but her father had it by the fire.

Suddenly, there were rough hands at her throat and over her mouth.

She tried to scream, bite the hand at her teeth. Two cloaked men. One with breath that stunk of barley mead grabbed her, the other laughed, clearly pleased. She flailed and was fisted across the face. Once. Twice. She broke away and ran five paces up the hill before they caught her ankles and dragged her backwards. Clawing the earth, her hand found a stone and she turned and struck out, hitting one of the men in the eye, drawing blood but not enough.

She could see two more men on the hill near her father’s fire before they covered her head. She struggled desperately, screaming to her father. Abba. Hear me. Stop them. Please. Her heart surged with blood, fierce determination. She kicked at the men in the darkness as they bound her like a lamb, lifted her on their shoulders, and carried her off.

When Hannah awoke, her head pounding, it was in the confines of a wooden cage, sweating, choking, drawing flies. The sack over her face was tied tightly enough at her throat to make her gasp, but she could see through the thin mesh, just enough to make out her captors, the endless barren land, and the silhouettes of the three trembling women beside her, crying softly.

Hannah hugged her knees, knowingly. When the men spoke, she recognized their harsh tongue from the trader’s market near the southern sea, and although she did not speak a word of that ugly language, she could guess their conversation. Slave traders. They would be sold, each of them, for the highest price. The drought had brought the men like so many other predators.

All day she cried, wasting water, clinging to whispered prayers and bits of songs as if stringing words together would keep her from drowning in the dark abyss of fear that grew within her by the hour. She hoped her father was alive and tracking them. It brought her some comfort that at any moment he might burst through the cage, sweep her up in his strong arms, and carry her home.

The day was difficult, but the night was unendurable.

At sundown, the men tied their horses to a stake in the ground. They drank fermented mead. Before long, they chose a girl to slake their lust.

Hannah spit in their eyes when they removed the sack around her head. With a desperate burst of strength she managed to bite the hand of one, drawing blood, and kick another in his naked balls. But a knife was drawn to silence her, a cut along her breast, not so deep, but deep enough. A little gift, they called it in their language, the men that gifted her with bruises and semen and hatred so deep that you would think no mother had given them birth.

Hannah wept in hatred, then in shame. There was no word for how much she despised them, these men who gloated in her weakness and took turns upon her naked body from behind. She had never known a man before; she screamed in pain while they laughed, thrusting deeper, splitting her open, pulling clumps of her hair in sport. One, then another, then another. Her knees bloodied the ground, but she continued to strike at them with an intelligent timing to her blows that both angered and frustrated them. Each wanted his turn to punish her, load her with his seed cheered on by the others. But as they fell into drunkenness, they tired of her and set upon the other women, mothers and daughters, who would not be so much trouble. This was before one of them considered that the price brought for fallen fruit would not be as high as for fruit plucked from the branch. And so at dawn they brought out dirty rags and coarse wire brushes meant for horses, and stood over the women with their short swords drawn to let them clean each other’s wounds and soak the blood that run from between their legs.

No one spoke. Pain took the place of words. Lips split like firewood, thighs clamped shut, oozing liquid, eyes swollen like ripe plums. The gash along Hannah’s sternum blossomed with creamy pus and black silt. A girl, still a child with soft brown eyes and slender fingers, drained it gently. They knew their future, and still they prayed.

That was when the dust storm came. The wagon carrying the cage cracked a wheel, and so Hannah was pulled out to help push it with the other women still inside, her chains cutting her ankle with every step. When she fell on her knees, the men kicked her to keep her walking. Tears washed her burning eyes of sand. Above them, a falcon screamed.

Silt clumped on the horses’ eyelashes, and the men paused to tighten the ropes on the wrists of the women until they cut the skin. As if they would run.

A powder fine as flour blew through Hannah’s hood with each burst of wind, and her eyes became painfully swollen and red. For strength, she sang, thinking of her father in the hour before the men came: strong, smiling, eyes twinkling with some inner laughter. She could not bear the agony of imagining him helpless, or dead, or left alone and in pain, calling out for her. She told herself she would see him again. He would come for her, or she would escape. She rested her heart in the comforting details of his worn clothes, his wiry beard, his leather rucksack full of fragrant herbs spilling out like entrails beside the fire, and his shepherd’s staff beside him, familiar as certain stars overhead. The details of love cannot be lost.

In the early evening, the city of the gods appeared. Hannah was shut back in the cage and left to stare at it from between the bars. She had never seen walls so high, walls that started in the ground and scraped against the sky. The men in their strange language repeated a word like the chorus of a song. Alexandria. Alexandria.

They entered through the Gate of the Sun and were let in by armed guards after payment was made. With their eyes now uncovered, Hannah could see the massive buildings carved from granite and slats of limestone, towering over them. The east-west street they rode through was lined with tall columns so wide seven children holding hands could not wrap their arms all the way round. Under any other circumstances Hannah might have found the city majestic, for she had never seen a city before and never imagined one so great as this. Massive fountains spaced down the center of the boulevard were crowned with gods and spouting dolphins, Nereids and goddesses splashing loudly into limpid pools while Parian marble sphinxes wedged into the architecture watched over the city with bald, lucid eyes.

The shepherd’s cunning daughter noted the tremendous city gates, the gates that would lead her back into the desert. By nightfall she would slip between them like a shadow and be gone. Steal a horse. Ride to Sinai. Her head ached with painful thoughts, and the cage jolted as it struck a stone.

Everywhere the street bustled with activity. Horses hitched to chariots trotted swiftly ahead, always managing to avoid the people who passed on foot, many of whom carried chickens and goats in their arms or balanced baskets of sturgeon on their heads, fish tails flopping as they walked. A few shrewd looking gentlemen in flowing robes with papyrus scrolls tucked beneath their arms strode down the street and entered a large meeting hall. Kneeling priests weeded papyrus ponds. Beneath a tattered ecru tent, a woman yelled at a skinny yellow dog as she beat a kilim with a stick. Several soldiers leaned in the shade of an arch in disrepair, weapons at their sides, asleep, while a parade of women with gold hoop earrings walked before them, chattering like brightly colored birds.

As they rounded the final corner toward the market, a sudden commotion came over the street. Before them loomed the most magnificent set of carved wooden doors Hannah had ever seen. The wall they split was itself extraordinary, carved with languages and stories from every known civilization, a living mural of history. But before the wooden doors stood five tall men in black robes, their heads shorn. They shoved a man to his knees who was pleading for his life. There was a stone in the dust before him with a scroll flapping beneath it in the ocean breeze. The man brought his hands together, tears trickling from his eyes. He seemed so pitiful, so small before these enormous men in robes.

Suddenly the tallest priest pulled out a sword and deftly cut the man’s arms from his body in two strokes. A guttural scream filled the sky, and everyone turned their eyes as the man fell to the ground. Then the priest pulled a torch from the wall and touched it to the bleeding man’s robes, lighting him aflame. The man screamed again and fell to the ground in agony.

The priest threw the torch over the wall and called out, In the name of the Church of St. Alexander, this man is a pagan, a worshipper of numbers, and he shall die at the door of his master, Hypatia, a heathen witch.

At that, the enormous wooden doors opened, and a furious woman emerged flanked by two guards, her pale hair bound up on top of her head, her eyes condemning. She carried the torch that the priest had thrown.

This man is my servant, she cried out. And he has done nothing aside from dutifully attend all of human knowledge with his whole heart. How dare you bring this spiteful war to our gates. You may tell your bishop I refuse to read his letter, she picked up the scroll from beneath the stone and lit it on fire with the torch in her hand, and then tossed it at the feet of the priests. Then she spit, And I curse him.

Hannah and the others cowered in the cage, afraid of what these priests might do to the beautiful and daring woman who opposed them. But they simply turned and left.

The woman whispered something to one of her guards, who then unsheathed his sword and stabbed the man on the ground who had lost his arms and was still burning, whimpering and close to death. The sword pierced the soft flesh at the top of his shoulder, sunk down into his heart, and he fell still.

That was all Hannah could see before the cart turned the corner and left the mob behind. She thought she could hear the enormous doors swinging shut, bolted from the inside. Hannah was breathing heavily, her whole body trembling. But beside her the young girl broke into heavy wailing, screaming to be set free, throwing herself against the bars of the cage. Hannah pulled the girl into her arms and stroked her head, and then she began to sing to calm her. The song had its effect, and soon the girl was asleep.



It was Tarek who bought the girl in the agora.

The slave traders had set her on the block, long dark hair swept in front of her shoulders to hide the ugly gash across her chest, wrists bound so that she could not feel her fingers. The humiliation stung worse than a field of nettles.

Another bidder, an older gentleman with a gilded cane, eyed the girl on the block with her young plump bosom and her long limbs, checking her teeth and running his hand down one of her sinuous arms, then smacking her hip as if she were a horse and clutching her breast in his hand. She spit in his eye. The slave traders kicked her to her knees.

Tarek had been on his way to see a whore, one of the many nameless beauties he preferred. They were to meet beside the city fountain. He had not intended to stop in the market, but he wanted to buy a flute. His was broken. All women love a flute, and he wanted where flutes lead. But instead he saw the trembling girl on the trader’s block, and her eyes reached for him and pleaded beauty he had never seen. He forgot the flute and counted his coins.

He knew Alizar would protest. But those eyes. Perhaps he could purchase her and keep her all the same. The mind that wants can reason anything.

Hannah stood in her soiled clothes before a hungry crowd that surged against the block. She was the last to be sold. Her captors had done well. The pretty girl with brown eyes had gone to the wealthy bawd of a brothel on the wharf. The mother and daughter as chattel to a decorated captain on his way to Rome. Hannah was left. Their prize. She was illiterate, but of extraordinary beauty, and the one was worth twice the other. And then there was her talent. Oh, yes. She would bring them a handsome coin.

Sing, beauty.

She sealed her lips.

A knife was pressed to the small of her back.


Her lips parted.

Twenty solidi.



Then a skinny boy with a tangle of dark hair dismounted and led his horse through the crowd, waving a bag of coins. One hundred solidi.


After surrendering his gold coins to the slave traders, the girl was shuttled from the trader’s block and pushed into the hairy arms of a blacksmith who swiftly bound her neck in a bronze collar that read the name and address of where to return her should she escape. His fiery clamp hissed in her ear as metal found metal, and it was done.

The boy took her hands in his, and the cool dampness of them disgusted her; he had fish where hands should be. She looked away.

You will come with me, he said. My name is Tarek. I will take you to a bath and a good home. My father’s home. Alizar of Alexandria.

Hannah heard the Greek like some new melody. She did not know the meaning of the words but could feel the warmth within them. If this stranger offered some protection, then she would stay with him until he slept, and then escape to find her father. And so she allowed herself to be led, limping barefoot across the cobbles, her toes swollen and bloody from miles of walking the road.

Tarek’s regret at spending the money gnawed holes in his gut where certainty should have been. This girl would eat and drink and cost his father’s house, and there might be upheaval. The money he had paid for her was to go to supplies for the vineyard: a hundred amphorae, a new grape press. Tarek considered other options: he could have been robbed, there were more and more priests demanding bribes, maybe he was swindled by the ceramicist. Better to say nothing. Hide the girl in his room. Give her mending to do and keep her a secret until, until . . . he found some believable excuse.

Tarek guided her through the market district just outside the Jewish Quarter along the narrow alleys that spiraled around a small hill, atop which stood the skeleton of a massive temple library once called the Serapeum. The ruins were flanked with marble statues of Isis kneeling all along the periphery, most of them missing heads or bearing broken wings. At the center of the courtyard stood a tall black column twenty-six meters in height, six meters in diameter, and crowned with the porphyry statue of Diocletian, a ruler now forgotten. It was a latrine for beggars now.

As they wound deeper into the labyrinth of the city, Hannah began to loose her footing. She struggled to hold her head up as a sudden faintness came over her, and the heat surged upward in her blood. Her limbs became heavy and tired. Then her knees buckled.

Tarek cursed her; she could not cost so much only to die.


Jemir was the first to hear the odd sound from deep within the walls of the house. He looked up from organizing the spices in his kitchen, an activity he greatly preferred to any interruption.

Then it came again.

Had a peacock had gotten into the house and started rearranging the furniture upstairs? He waited several minutes, and, hearing nothing more, took up a handful of fine cinnamon powder and set it on a sheet of parchment, which he then folded lengthwise and carefully tapped into a funnel set precariously on top of a jar. When the powder was half dispensed, a crash came through the wall with such sudden force that Jemir looked up with a start and knocked the funnel from the jar with his elbow, sending aloft an expensive crimson cloud.

With a sneeze and a torrent of obscenities, Jemir threw down the rag resting on his shoulder and went in search of the interruption.

He was not the only one.

Leitah, the young Byzantine maidservant, simultaneously dropped her soggy sponge in the bucket on the stairs and crept through the house with her ear bent to the walls.

Both Jemir and Leitah followed the sound from opposite ends of the house, and came to stand in front of Tarek’s door. They shared a conspiratorial nod, and Jemir set his hand on the iron latch. But as he lifted it, he found it was locked.

Jemir knocked. Tarek? What are you doing in there?

There was no reply. Then came the muffled, mysterious shrieking.

Jemir knocked again. But as his knuckles struck the door for the third time, it opened in front of him, and Tarek appeared, shutting the door behind him. It is nothing, he said, beads of sweat at his temples, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. His bare chest bled where he had been scratched.

Leitah touched the blood on Tarek’s skin and recoiled. She showed her burnished red fingertip to Jemir without a word.

You cannot bring a peacock in the house, Tarek. Jemir pushed the boy aside. They are stupid birds that will fight their own reflections.

No. Tarek covered the door with his scrawny limbs and fixed his eyes on the squat Nubian cook with a look that was not to be challenged.

With that, an argument ensued that involved much shoving and yelling of insults between Jemir and Tarek. Even a stranger could have inferred that each held unspoken past grievances against the other. Leitah slipped away unnoticed. When she returned, it was with two enormous red hounds and their master between them.

Silence! One ominous word from Alizar ended the squabble between Jemir and Tarek instantly. Explain yourselves.

Jemir and Tarek bowed their heads.

Alizar set his penetrating gaze on Jemir. Speak.

He has a peacock in his room.

No, there is nothing, insisted Tarek.

A strange sound disturbed my work, said Jemir. I came up here to investigate. Leitah heard it as well.

The mute servant girl nodded.

Tarek, is there something in your room? Alizar asked. Tarek cringed at the simple question. When punished as a child, Tarek would envision Alizar standing over him like Poseidon at the surf’s edge, wild white mane swirling in the storm above him, trident in hand, lightning flashing in the distance as his sonorous voice lashed out. Tarek wanted to lie, but he could not summon any story worthy enough. The truth would have to do.


Go on. What is it?

Tarek nudged the door with his foot.

And that was when he revealed to them his secret, the girl he had been hiding in his room for nearly a week. The girl he had purchased for one hundred gold solidi in the market who had neither died nor recovered.

Hermes, Zeus, and Apollo. Alizar swept a hand through his white mane and stopped in the center of the room, for there was Hannah, naked, curled against the wall at the corner of the bed, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her hair was matted and wild about her body as though she had crawled beneath a dead bougainvillea bush. Her skin glistened with sweat, and the sheets beneath her were soaked through. The acrid stench in the room of sweat, urine, and vomit was overwhelming, and drew a curtain of flies.

Alizar did not turn his eyes from the girl. Jemir, shut the door.

The door clicked shut.

Tarek, where did she come from?

The market.

I do not mean the market, boy. Tell me where she comes from. Alizar studied the girl before him. This was no Egyptian slave. Her skin might have made her Persian for its smooth sheen the color of sandalwood, but her eyes . . . her eyes were a blue as dark and deep as the Sardinian sea.

I, I do not know, Tarek stammered. I bought her.

You what?

Tarek bowed his head. For you.

Alizar’s eyes could have impaled the boy. For me. I hardly think so. And that is a matter I will attend to in fine detail at another time. For now, I must see to this child. What language does she speak, Tarek?

Tarek shrugged.

A whimper escaped Hannah’s lips as a tear slipped down her cheek. Her whole body shook as if in the cold, though the room was an inferno. She was aware that these strange men were discussing her, and the fear she had felt on the road was unequaled by this new wave of terror. What would they do with her now?

Leitah’s feminine instincts swelled within her, and she tiptoed to the bed. She reached out tenderly and took the girl’s hand. Hannah suddenly jolted to life, and struck out with flailing fists. Leitah stood up and reached forward to take her shoulders, whispering soothing words as Hannah thrashed about until she finally calmed down and began to cry. When Hannah had no resistance left in her, Leitah took the poor thing in her arms and rocked her, wiping the sticky hair back from her shoulders. This revealed the unhealed gash where the raiders had cut her. Hannah trembled soundlessly, her body given over to shock.

Jemir, who stood beside the door, said accusingly, What have you done to her, Tarek?

Tarek bowed his head. Nothing. I swear it. I have tried to feed her and clothe her, and she refuses every piece of meat I give her. She is mad as a dog.

Alizar sat on the bed, touched the sheets, and regarded the deep festering gash that ran along Hannah’s sternum. That needs to be treated by a doctor. Jemir, send for Philomen. Leitah, go and fetch a bucket of warm water and a sponge. Tarek, leave us.

When they had gone, Alizar spoke softly in Greek. What is your name, child?

Hannah’s expression remained unchanged.

Alizar shifted his tongue to Latin. No response. Then to Egyptian. Then to the few words he could still remember from the northern territories of Gaul, then Persia. Nothing.

Finally, it was Hannah who spoke. My father is coming for me. She wanted to sound strong, but her voice was hardly a whisper. She lifted her head and spit in Alizar’s face for emphasis, which did more to charm than irk him.

Alizar wiped his cheek on his sleeve and smiled to himself, for here was a daughter of Abraham. Although he could see slight traces of that lineage in her, perhaps in the pout of her lips or the way her straight nose rounded and flared at the tip, it was undoubtedly the aristocracy of Rome he saw in her pronounced cheek bones, her well-sculpted jaw, her high brow, and oceanic eyes. Alizar listened closely, turning her words over again in his mind. It was Aramaic, the language of the Jewish shepherds. How did she come to be so far from home? Her bronze collar seemed evidence enough. The metal was still new enough to retain its polish. She must have been captured, taken from her family, and then sold. Calm yourself, said Alizar in her native tongue. No one is going to hurt you here. I have sent for a doctor. You are not well. You must rest. What is your name?

My father, Hannah pleaded. Her voice was even weaker now, and her eyes had begun the inward collapse of the very ill.

Alizar stood and opened the window to ventilate the stifling room. I do not know, child. First, we must make you well. Then we will discuss your father, and how you came to be in Alexandria.

Alexandria. Hannah tasted the beautiful word, the same word the men had spoken when they entered the city, and she knew then where she must be.

She did not remember the days that followed as a torrid fever struck her body, hot rivers of fire flooding her veins. The infection of the wound had taken root, and though Leitah traced a cool rag over her neck and forehead, it did not abate. Philomen, Alizar’s preferred doctor from the Great Library, came several times over the week to dress the gash and prescribe herbs and tinctures, but he finally clucked his tongue and told Alizar to secure a small grave. She would not live the night. Pity.

Within the fever’s grip, Hannah turned. She dreamed the kinds of dreams that mystics stumble upon at the onset of enlightenment, when the world is luminous and still, staved with a golden light that comes from above and below all at once. Her body housed a shrine to the stars as galaxies unfurled in her belly, and the sun and moon circled like young lovers in her heart. The drum of her pulse became to her inner ear a siege of soldiers marching across a bleak desert, their steps pounding the parched earth. Everywhere she searched for her father, behind doors that blossomed into clouds, and in faces that dissolved into other faces from other times, some familiar and some utterly foreign and disfigured.

Jemir, Alizar, Leitah, and Tarek each came to the girl’s bed independently of one another, each performing the same ritual. They stood in the room watching her breathe, unconsciously measuring the length of her inhalations and exhalations, studying the rise and fall of her chest, knowing at any moment she might die, perhaps at the very moment they were standing in the room. They were fascinated by the possibility even as it unnerved them.

In fleeting wakeful moments, Hannah searched for a feeling inside her body that would tell her that her father was alive. Would she not feel something if he was gone? A father abyss in her heart? But she felt only the sickness.


On the fifth morning, her fever broke.

By midday, she was able to nibble on the Roman bread and fig jam brought by Jemir. And then sleep, the deep relief of dreamless sleep.

Her recovery was quick after the infection left her body. The wound closed, leaving a slick scar glossy as a feather, and the doctor seemed pleased with himself and the work of the poultice. When she was well enough to walk, and stand, and dress herself, Alizar appointed Hannah the washing maid and set baskets of laundry in her arms, reluctantly forgiving Tarek’s blunder as he had a growing fondness for the intelligent girl. He hoped she would behave.

Hannah humbly accepted her new life as she knew she had to appear complacent in order to plan her escape. There would not be much time. She had already been gone from the waning crescent moon to the full. Perhaps when she found her father, they could repay Alizar with several fine goats from the herd. He had saved her life, and she did not want his generosity to go unrewarded.

In the evening she found an upstairs window and ate her supper alone, conspiring with the moon. True, she could be captured by another slave trader on the road, but it did not matter to her. She knew she could be cunning, for she was raised in the desert. She could certainly escape a city.

Her opportunity came two nights later when Alizar’s cistern ran dry. They needed to go to the town well to buy water. It was open all night, guarded by soldiers who collected the fees and tried to prevent theft. Water was rationed and valuable and could be sold by weight on the black market to anyone who could afford it.

Tarek, Leitah, and Hannah left Alizar’s house with buckets hanging from sticks over their shoulders, and on a cart pulled by two goats still larger barrels that the buckets could be used to fill. The coins for the water were in Tarek’s possession. Hannah eyed them, swinging from a purse at his belt. She would need money. But it seemed wrong to steal from Alizar’s purse after he had brought her back from death, and so she decided to steal from someone else if need be. It was something she hated to do, as thieving was something her father always taught her was wrong. Certainly he would make this one exception.

As they neared the well, Hannah began to bounce in place with her hands between her knees. Leitah recognized the gesture immediately and directed her to one of the public latrines in the next alley. Tarek gave Hannah one tiny copper coin to pay the guard at the entrance. As Hannah hoped, Tarek and Leitah turned away to begin the long process of drawing the water. Instead of heading into the latrine, she pocketed the coin, walked down the alley, then turned into the next alley and broke into a run. No one saw her. She made her way through the alleys all night until she could see a promising patch of open desert at the end of Canopic Way and broke into a run.

She was caught trying to leave the Gate of the Sun. The guards there grabbed her wrists as she tried to pass and pushed her hair aside to reveal the bronze slave collar. They simply locked her in a cage until Tarek found her at dawn. The guards opened their palms, expecting payment. Tarek reluctantly complied with a nummus each. When they unlocked the cage, he smacked her hard across the face with the back of his hand, and she dropped to her knees. Do not ever disrespect my father’s house again, he said, and she began to cry.

She might have attempted another escape right away had she not discovered the secret door in Alizar’s house at the top of the stairs and what lay beyond.


Hannah stared at the strange polished brass square in her hands. She lifted one finger to trace her eyebrows, her rounded nose. She flared her nostrils, then grimaced, then smiled and curled her plump lips back to examine her teeth. Hearing footsteps behind her, she abruptly set the brass mirror back on the table as her cheeks reddened with shame. Shame, the unbidden emotion that now followed her everywhere like a hungry dog.

Alizar chuckled, intrigued by the girl whose aura filled the house like the scent of wild thyme. The ferocity of her sensual beauty was not lost on him, nor was the pain in her eyes. Somehow, in spite of all that had happened to her, she carried herself like nobility. No. More than that. He studied her. She stood like a proud bird of some kind, a heron or a hawk. That kind of grace could not be learned.

Alizar did not seem upset about the mirror but handed her a broom and indicated the steps leading from the lower hall to the roof. There is a door there at the top of the stairs. You are not to enter. Sweep the steps and then return to the kitchen to help Jemir prepare supper. We have important guests tonight.

Hannah nodded. Alizar was still doing her the courtesy of speaking in Aramaic, but he was gradually mixing in some Greek so she would learn. When he left, she took the broom to the stairs and began sweeping the bottom step, gradually working her way up. The stairway was long and irregular, with three separate landings. It meandered around the perimeter of the house, which was beset with tiny windows offering views of the market, the fallen Serapeum, and a long and important-seeming wall that shielded five large, ornate buildings. At the first landing, Hannah paused and took a long look out across her new world, the world she would escape at the next available opportunity. She had never been in a city before, only dreamed of them. But in her dreams she frolicked through the passageways and danced beneath the roofs. She cursed the Egyptians that built the city but did not know that it was not the ancient Egyptians who built Alexandria at all. It had been the Greeks seven hundred years before her time, led by Ptolemy, Alexander the Great’s revered and trusted general, who upon Alexander’s death had taken the legendary leader’s corpse with him into Egypt in the hope of founding a new seat for the Egyptian Empire in Alexandria. It was Ptolemy who envisioned and planned the Great Library and Ptolemy whose lineage eventually birthed Queen Cleopatra. Hannah would learn these things and more once Alizar made his decision about her.

Broom in hand, Hannah resumed her task, and then realized that the sweeping would go much better if she started at the top of the stairs rather than the bottom so the detritus would gradually filter down. And that was when she saw the forbidden door, only she was not sure if it was the forbidden door or not, because there was another nearly identical door through a short passage just beyond it. Curiosity overcame her.

The first door she came to was unmarked, and there was a large key stuck in the lock. The second door beyond the passage had no key, and was marked by an unusual symbol burned into the wood: twin serpents ascending a staff toward a winged disk. Hannah decided that this had to be the forbidden door she was not to enter, and so made her way back through the passage.

Hannah had never seen a key before, or a door for that matter, until she came to Alizar’s house. In the pastures of Mt. Sinai, no one locked up the moon or threw a roof over the trees. The closest things she knew to architecture were the wooden staves of her father’s tent and the branches of the old olive tree on the hill. But by the firelight of many evenings, she had listened to the stories of the gypsies, and the palaces they told of in Persia and the Akropolis in Greece, and all the mighty ships sailed by swarthy men out of the Aegean Sea and the Bosphorus. So she was in no way ignorant of the wonders of civilization; those wonders had simply not included her before.

The key turned, and the door swung open on its own weight. Hannah stepped inside, forgetting her broom, for there on a bed in the center of the room lay an old woman, both hands folded over her ribcage. Was this a corpse? Hannah quickly shut the door behind her. She sensed that she should not be in the room, but she could not bring herself to leave. Who was this woman? And how did she come to be here? Hannah slowly approached the bed, knowing she could at any moment be caught. But she wanted to get closer to the luminous body of this celestial figure laid out before her.

At the foot of the bed, Hannah paused. Though the woman’s eyes were closed, a thin thread of breath wove in and out of her nostrils. She was sleeping.

Hannah cautiously edged around the bed, curious. The pale stillness of the woman’s face made her look as though she had been carved of marble, and though she was old, her beauty had never faded. The mysterious woman exuded a tranquil peace that seemed to calm all Hannah’s fears instantaneously. How could a sleeping body do such a thing? Hannah sat on a velvet-cushioned stool beside the bed facing

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