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Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss
Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss
Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss
Ebook56 pages46 minutes

Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Going with my grumpy billionaire boss to a charity ball sounded simple enough. But now Dalton wants to teach me to waltz and my two left feet have a mind of their own. Even though I've stomped his poor toes to a pulp, Dalton's determined to spin me around the ballroom flawlessly for the big event. Little does he know I've got butterflies doing backflips in my stomach that have nothing to do with dancing. Maybe I'm not as immune to his dreamy eyes and delicious cologne as I thought.


Oh boy. Fake-dating my boss is a bad idea…and what if the feelings become real? How can I work with him after that kiss? Especially when his interfering mother thinks I'm just after his money to support my little boy. With my heart and my son's at stake, I have to find a way to make this arrangement work without losing my job.


If you enjoyed The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory, you'll love the whirlwind of emotions in the sweet romantic comedy, Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss. Be swept away to gorgeous Nantucket Island and experience heart-warming unexpected love.

PublisherTD Books
Release dateNov 4, 2023
Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss

Taryn Daniels

Taryn Daniels writes sweet romance on the picturesque shores of Nantucket Island. Aside from tending to her fluffy fur babies and being a mom-taxi, Taryn can be found daydreaming about awkward situations and swoon-worthy moments to delight her readers.

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    Book preview

    Fake Dating My Grumpy Billionaire Boss - Taryn Daniels

    Chapter One


    My heels slip and slide on the polished marble floors of the Jeffries’ sky-rise entrance. Stupidly, I’m wearing heels that are more appropriate for a cocktail party than running late to work. The halls are empty despite the fact it’s ten past eight in the morning, so I nod at security and make my way toward the lift at a brisk pace. My heels click like high-pitched whispers as I mumble about the stupid traffic jam that made me late.

    I fumble to get my ID card from my purse to swipe for the lift, but coffee sloshes out of the paper cup. I lick the spill from my hand. Despite the lack of sugar, I’m tempted to drink my boss’s coffee after three hours of sleep. I’ve had two cups already, but the caffeine isn’t working.

    I resist as I need the sucking-up ammunition to compensate for the twenty minutes of lateness. Dalton has been super supportive of my needing time off to care for Rex, but now that I’ve used up all my sick leave, I can’t take another day off to recover from an emergency trip to the hospital.

    I punch a button for the top floor, willing the lift to rocket me to Dalton’s office.

    When the doors slide open, I tiptoe down the short hallway decorated with extravagant art, practicing my lines, Sorry, I’m late. Traffic was awful this morning.

    Through an open door, Dalton’s voice is low and calm, interspersed by his mother’s sharp tones. A chill runs down my spine as Mrs. Jeffries’s words leak from the room. You should fire her for chronic lateness.

    Her boy has been sick. Have some compassion, Mother.

    Oh, you and your charities. You can’t run a successful business by throwing money away. If your father were alive–

    Dad always treated his employees well, and that’s the key that unlocked the Dalton empire.

    I gulp the lump in my throat–if I miss one more day of work, there is no telling what Mrs. Jeffries will convince Dalton to do. I must enter the room and interrupt them, or I’ll be even later.

    As I’m about to push open the office door, a flurry of movement catches my eye. His mother, dressed in a pearl-encrusted three-piece suit and matching hat, flies through the doorway with a huff. As I jump out of the way, a rush of coffee spills over Mrs. Jeffries’s expensive outfit. The woman spins around, her mouth agape and eyes blazing.

    I slap a hand to my mouth. Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry— I grab napkins from my purse. I learned to keep a stash once Rex was old enough that I didn’t have to lug around a diaper bag. Napkins. Never leave home without them. I almost snort a laugh. I could be a napkin commercial.

    Dalton appears from behind the desk and chuckles, No need to worry, Mother. You won’t be late to the country club and have time to choose another outfit from the thousands that haven’t seen the light of day. I’ll take care of the dry-cleaning bill for this one.

    His mother gives him her classic eyeball roll before turning on her heel and striding down the hall.

    I offer Dalton a grateful smile. You are a good boss.

    He shrugs the compliment away. It’s not just out of the goodness of my heart, he grumbles. I need a favor from you. But we’ll talk about it later. First, we have a list of tasks to get through. Mother is in a foul mood because we lost three million in stocks overnight. Heck, I’m in a bad mood too.

    My mind spins at the amount of money the Jeffries Family Trust owns. I can barely pay the medical bills, let alone imagine having even half a million to

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