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A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls
A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls
A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls
Ebook49 pages36 minutes

A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls

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About this ebook

This book is a reflection of diverse perspectives on the topic. It exposes common pitfalls that every breeder should avoid in order to achieve success. The process of breeding, raising, and conditioning game birds is a personal choice with many alternatives to consider. You can either follow traditional methods or experiment with something new. However, you must always be cautious not to make expensive mistakes due to overconfidence or miscalculations. This book will assist you through the process of successful gamefowl breeding, raising, and conditioning.

Release dateNov 20, 2023
A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls

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    A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls - Sabong Culture and Art


    Breeding, raising, and conditioning game birds is a challenging and rewarding endeavor. It requires more than just a casual interest or a passing fancy. It demands a deep commitment, a wealth of knowledge, a strong discipline, a keen eye for detail, a patient attitude, and a flexible approach.

    Some may call it a passion, a hobby, or a way of life. Whatever you call it, you are devoted to this pursuit with a fervent zeal. But nothing worthwhile comes easy, and this is no exception. Every aspiration has a price, and you are willing to pay it. You are hooked, you are obsessed, you are in love.

    And then there is the knowledge that you must acquire through trial and error, as well as through research and study. Knowledge is essential to breed, raise, and condition game birds successfully, and every gamefowl breeder and cocker must learn and apply this knowledge to advance their goals, improve their skills, and hopefully make a name for themselves in the world of cockfighting.

    This book is like a mirror, reflecting different perspectives that you can examine and learn from. You don’t need to be flawless in everything you do. That is an unrealistic expectation, since no one is perfect anyway. Every improvement comes from learning through your errors and your motivation to improve or transform your situation.

    But you can always have full control over what you can do. You have to make the best of it. Trust yourself and take it to the next level. You are what you perceive. You are what you act. You are what you discover. It’s all in your hands.

    Breeding, raising, and conditioning game birds is a matter of personal choice. And you have a variety of options to explore. You can even create your own methods and make your mark.

    The only things that matter are the lessons you learn from losing and the joy you feel from winning. But the price that you may pay for your mistakes, errors, missteps, misunderstandings, and overconfidence is something you should also try to minimize as much as possible.

    Selection of Brood Hen

    and Brood Cock

    Choosing the right breeding materials is the crucial first step that can lead you to the champion’s circle. It is a matter of personal taste. Some breeders favor thick-bodied, high-stationed roosters. While others prefer the medium-stationed and short-chested ones.

    Even the color may be important to some people. Some people like grays, reds, and blacks. But others also like doms, whites, and golds. Some breeders would rather have straight combs over pea combs. Some people find yellow-legged roosters appealing. Some people are fascinated by green-legged, white-legged, and black-legged ones.

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