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Lies of the Blood Moon: New World Shifters, #2
Lies of the Blood Moon: New World Shifters, #2
Lies of the Blood Moon: New World Shifters, #2
Ebook260 pages4 hours

Lies of the Blood Moon: New World Shifters, #2

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About this ebook

I was saved at the festival, but at what cost?

With Nora dead and more attacks against the claimed, I may be next.

I'm determined to find the killer and join the resistance, but my feelings for Ryne keep growing. When a new girl arrives on the scene, the stakes are higher than ever.

As the next festival approaches, everything I thought I knew changes. I have a choice to make: keep things the same and risk our lives, or fight against oppression and risk it all.

PublisherKimberly Loth
Release dateDec 19, 2023
Lies of the Blood Moon: New World Shifters, #2

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    Lies of the Blood Moon - Kimberly Loth



    I’ve always been a risk-taker. As a kid, I swam where I shouldn’t swim, climbed where I shouldn’t climb, and asked too many questions––until the day my parents sat me down and explained the importance of weighing my risks before taking them. They said I was old enough to understand that I needed to stop being reckless. I didn’t like the lecture, but when my mother left the room to get supper started, my father said something that I’ve never forgotten. He kneeled down, looked me square in the eye, and said that one day risks would outweigh staying safe, and when that happened, I needed to be brave.

    Today is that day.

    And so was yesterday, and the day before, and every day since I was claimed by the Carolina Pack. I will not go down without a fight.

    There is no way in hell that Nova’s death was an accident. None, I whisper angrily, my voice carrying over the water more than I’d like.

    But it’s not possible they found out, Lexi whispers back as she scrambles into the boat behind me.

    We go quiet as we untie it from the dock and let it drift out into the black water for a few minutes. Once I’m sure it’s safe, I start the engine. I keep thinking about her response but don’t bother to answer because it’s totally possible the wolves found out about Nova. Not only possible, it’s probable. Nova fell in love with one of them––not that I can really talk. I fell in love with Grady, but he has no idea the danger I put myself in every day. And I’ll never tell him.

    Maybe Nova told Nico.

    Then again, maybe it really was an accident, or she killed herself like they want everyone to believe. I shake my head at the thought, and the night breeze bites at my cheeks.

    The boat hums along softly as we head into town. I always worry about getting caught, but since we’re going toward the city and not away from it, we’re less likely to look suspicious. Lexi and I can both say we are sneaking out to visit the betas, but then we’ll have to explain how we know how to operate a boat. We could say we learned it in our villages, but that argument is flimsy considering I’m from the textile village, and she was a farmer. And of course Madame Delphine would have to punish us, but we wouldn’t be killed. That’s the main thing.

    And anyway, her punishment would only be for show since she’s one of us.

    I guide the boat to a dock near a nice house on the outskirts of town. We tug our hoods up and hurry for the house. We usually do this close to the new moon, when there’s hardly any light, and it’s unlikely we’ll be seen. Tonight, however, the moon is a few days from when it was full. I resent that it lights up the landscape. Maybe it doesn’t matter either way. Light or no light, it won’t help us if one of the wolves roaming the outskirts sees us. Monsters can see in the dark.

    The floral scent hits me as we approach the house. Shauna loves her flowers. My mother would be so jealous of her long-lost sister. Mom never could get anything to bloom so early in the season.

    We skirt around the house and head for the greenhouse in the back. Each member’s arrival time is staggered so no one will become suspicious. We don’t want any neighbors to take notice. Lexi and I are always the last to arrive, which is nice because that means we don’t have to wait for the meetings to start, but I wish I had more time to spend with Shauna. She reminds me of home.

    A large man looms next to the greenhouse. He’s so still that he could almost be mistaken for a tree in the darkness. He’s a wolf. And he’s the only one who knows about us. At least, I think he’s the only one who knows. Sure, plenty of wolves know of us, and many are trying to hunt us down, but Shauna’s husband is the only one we can trust. I’m still pretty low in the ranks of the Resistance, but I’ve been assured there aren’t other wolves involved. That’s good, because how can we really trust them?

    I even wonder about Grady sometimes…

    And then I feel guilty because he’s proven himself more devoted to me than I ever thought possible. I have no doubt that he’s madly in love with me. But what would he do if he knew the truth? Would he still feel the same? Still protect me? Or would his loyalties lie with the pack?

    Our resistance group has about twenty women, and there are other groups that meet all over the city, in other wolf cities, and even out in the wilds. That’s all I know about our numbers––we have to be careful. It wouldn’t be safe for the other groups to know too much about us or vice versa. All it takes is one weak link, and the whole chain breaks to pieces.

    But Nova was one of us, so we can’t delay this. We need to come up with a plan.

    Hey, kids, Amos whispers as we approach. He ruffles Lexi’s hair but knows better than to do that to me, even though I’m his niece. We shake hands. You doing okay?

    Lexi and I nod.

    And all things considered, we are. I’ve got Grady, and Lexi is consistently on top of the scoreboard. She’s the smartest of the claimed girls, so she aces every class.

    Any word from the other cities? I ask. I always ask even though the answer stays the same. I think we should band together and revolt.

    Go on inside and find out for yourself. He chuckles, avoiding my question yet again. You know how she is about things. I keep my mouth shut and stand guard, and that’s it.

    I roll my eyes. He’s talking about Shauna. Apparently there’s some secret way she communicates with the other leaders so that we all have the same information, but she doesn’t share how many women are involved or all the little details. My parents are a part of the Resistance. When I was claimed, they wanted me to go willingly and stay safe until they could think of something. Yeah, right. I’d fought those bastards on day one, but I ended up with Grady, so I guess Mom and Dad got their wish.

    Or not… because I found the Resistance as soon as I got here.

    We enter the greenhouse and find the trapdoor in the back. It’s been propped open, and a ladder sticks out the top. I eye it wearily. It’s not far down, but I still get a little claustrophobic descending the rungs. I sigh and climb down quickly, and my feet hit hard earth.

    I duck into the cramped stone tunnel and then out into a large room lit with lanterns. This hiding place is quite brilliant, but Amos and Shauna can’t claim it as their idea. It belongs to the brave humans from hundreds of years ago, those good people who smuggled slaves to safety.

    The room is nearly full. Several women are crying while others are consoling them. I should be among the women crying––Nova was my friend––but anger forced the tears away.

    Someone murdered her. I know it.

    Shauna’s head snaps up when she hears us. Oh good, you’re here. She hurries over and hugs me, kissing me once on the cheek. It’s weird having her in my life suddenly, but also comforting. She was taken by the claiming before I was born, so to find her here was a small miracle in all of this. She steps away and gives me one of her winning smiles. She’s a pretty middle-aged woman and looks so much like my mom sometimes it hurts.

    Ladies, we need to get started. She walks to the head of the crowd, her head low for a moment, but then raises it. A few tears glisten on her cheeks. Two nights ago, we lost one of our own. It’s not the first time a woman in the Resistance has been murdered, and it will likely not be the last.

    We should find and kill the bastard who did this to her, I call out.

    Shauna glowers at me. That’s not our way, and you know it.

    I cross my arms and frown. The Resistance has always moved slower than I would like. They focus on rescuing women and getting them away from the wolves, but it’s not like they can do very much of that. I think we should be attacking. In fact, we should burn the whole city to the ground.

    But no one listens to me.

    I keep my mouth shut as Shauna continues. Delphine, you knew her best. Do you think we’ve been compromised?

    Madame Delphine steps from the shadows. She knows Lexi and I come here, but she always travels on her own by town car. I wish she wouldn’t. I’d feel safer if we all came together, but she says this is better. And she’ll never talk about anything back at the manor, so it’s not like I have much time to convince her otherwise. No. I knew Nova, and there is no way she told anyone, including Nico.

    And I would agree if it weren’t for all the times I’ve wanted to tell Grady. I understand how hard it is to keep something like this from a fated mate. But then again, I saw Nico’s reaction when Nova’s body was pulled from the river. He was completely shocked.

    And he was heartbroken. Can’t fake that.

    Shauna purses her lips and nods. Okay, then onto business. Who needs rescuing this week?

    Everyone, I snort quietly to myself. Then I tune out as they talk. They never let Lexi or me assist with any of the rescue missions. Madame Delphine always puts a stop to it when I volunteer. I’m so sick of doing nothing. Even back in the textile village, I had more of a role than this nonsense.

    After a while, the conversation dies, and I see my opening.

    I have a new recruit.

    Madame Delphine raises her eyebrows but doesn’t say anything.

    Who? Shauna asks.

    My friend Poppy.

    A few of the women look at me from the sides of their eyes. Everyone knows who Poppy is because of the stunt Ryne pulled on the Wolf Moon. Gossip travels fast even in the mating houses.

    Haven’t you tried to get her out of the city a couple of times?

    I clench my fists. Those failures were not my fault. Yes. She’s decided she wants to join us instead.

    Absolutely not, Madame Delphine cuts in.

    Why not? I protest. Poppy is ready for this. She has motive and is an incredible fighter. If you ask me, we should be recruiting more heavily than we are. The more we have, the better chance we’ll have to fight them.

    Because she’s too young. You and Lexi shouldn’t be a part of this either. I will not allow another one of my girls to join. If, after the Harvest Moon Festival, she still feels the same way, then she can join.

    After the harvest, she might be in the mating house, if not earlier. If she’s part of the Resistance, then she’ll have an easier time escaping if she needs to––before she’s been raped by a hundred wolves.

    A few women flinch, but no one says anything. We should use that word more freely, if you ask me. Why not call it what it is?

    I will see to it that she doesn’t end up in a mating house, but she cannot join us. Madame Delphine presses her lips tight.

    She’s ready. We need—

    Joanna, Shauna snaps. We saw what happened at the wolf moon. The alpha either has a special interest in her, or he’s saving her for his number two, but either way, Poppy isn’t someone we can bring into our fold. What would happen if she were caught by one of them? She could lead them right to us, even unwittingly.


    That’s enough. Her voice is understanding but stern.

    I don’t argue because it’s pointless, but this isn’t over.

    Poppy will become one of us.



    Unlike so many other humans who’ve been lost to this bleak city, Nova actually gets a funeral. I stand along with the other girls, bracing against the cold, on the edge of Nico’s family plot. We’re a line of modest black, our heads down, as Nico drops a handful of clumpy dirt into Nova’s grave. The late January sky is a blanket of white, and the air smells of ice and salt. The wind bites through our wool coats, and it seems unfair that the cold would come out and be so distracting on Nova’s day. Most of the girls are crying, but my tears seemed to have frozen with the winter. A few words are said. A prayer is offered. And then it’s time to go.

    We’re ushered to Anders’s home for refreshments. His estate is at the edge of town, and it’s especially grand, almost as grand as Ryne’s, but I don’t care. This last week following Madame Nova’s death has been the most somber of them all. That is two house mothers who have died since coming here, not to mention the girls we’ve lost. It’s such a tragic accident, though whispers suggest it could’ve been something more. Classes were canceled all week, and we barely saw Madame Delphine until today.

    The betas––and Ryne––never came to see us. Joanna hasn’t said anything more to me about the resistance movement, and I haven’t asked. Grief has overtaken us all. I stand in the corner of Anders’s living room, hoping to be invisible while peering through the window out toward the horizon. Nova shouldn’t have died. What possessed her to go out to the river, anyway? Maybe she just needed time to think. Or maybe she was meeting with a member of the Resistance. Some say she killed herself, but I don’t think so. And others say she was murdered.

    Whatever happened, Nico deserved better, and so did she.

    People mingle in small circles, whispering in hushed voices. Wolves come and go, offering Nico their condolences. Some of the wolves flirt with the girls, but I stay back. I won’t be caught flirting at a funeral. And I can’t help but wonder if anyone will notify Nova’s family back in her village.

    Probably not.

    She’s been gone from them for so long anyway; they’ve likely mourned her already. I wonder if my family has mourned me.

    Ryne is there, but he doesn’t look at me. I avoid him anyway. Everytime I think of him, I think of that kiss and how desperately I want another one. And then I feel guilty because I should be thinking of Nova, not him.

    Sometime later, we’re loaded up and brought back to Drayton Hall. It may be the first time I’m grateful to be taken here. All I want to do is crawl into bed and go back to sleep. Nova’s death has reignited the feelings of loss and guilt I have about Willow. I don’t think I’ve uttered a single word all day, and I don’t want to. What is there to say? It’s a tragedy. I’m going to miss my friend, I desperately miss my sister, and everything is unfair. We eat dinner, and they send us to the sitting room to keep each other company. I just want to be alone.

    It’s late Sunday evening, and tomorrow we start classes again. As much as I hate what’s happened, I’m relieved to get back to some semblance of normalcy. Joanna and I sit in the corner and read. This time, I’m able to get most of the words. Even though I’m slow, reading is a nice distraction from the pain and thoughts of Ryne. The other girls spend their time gossiping. Joy, one of the distillery girls, mutters something about Nova that catches my ear, especially when everyone else in the room goes quiet and stares at her. No one had uttered Nova’s name in here since she died.

    What? Joy furrows her dark eyebrows and glances around at all the stares.

    What did you say about Nova? Joanna asks since no one else does. She’s not being accusatory, just curious.

    What no one else will. Now that she’s gone, Nico will choose one of us. It’s a blessing really.

    I jump up, but Joanna jerks me back down. She has no right to think those things right now. Nova’s barely in the ground.

    Joy sniffs. What? Not all of us have bewitched the alpha’s best friend and can count on a kiss to save us from the mating house. We need all the chances we can get.

    A few of the other girls nod in agreement.

    Katelyn clears her throat, and everyone looks at her. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say a word. She’s now at the bottom of the board. Well, just above me. But if Nico was so bad that Nova had to kill herself to get away from him, do we really want him?

    Nova didn’t kill herself. She loved Nico, I snap.

    How do you know? Faye asks, with her arms crossed.

    Because she told me.

    If she didn’t kill herself, you know what that means, right?


    She was murdered. Faye smirks like it’s obvious. Nova accidentally falling into the river makes no sense.

    Who would murder her? I ask, but I’m not sure I want the answer.

    Faye scoffs. Duh. Who had the most motive? It had to be one of us.

    Every single one of us had a motive to kill Nova, but are any of the girls that ruthless? Maybe, if they know what is coming. I shiver at the thought of what Ivy and Callista must be going through right now in the mating house. That should’ve been me. But I would never kill someone.

    We all look at each other, uncomfortable and suspicious. I take a deep breath, the scent of polish and perfume and fear filling me up. This is bad. Really bad. If some of these girls start thinking their best way to get a beta is to kill someone, then it’ll turn into a bloodbath. I squeeze Joanna’s hand, and she squeezes right back. Footsteps pound up the stairs, and Madame Delphine enters the room in a flourish. We all stare at her, and none of us says a word about murder, though I’m sure we’re all thinking it. Joanna is the only one in the room who had no motive to kill Nova.

    Ladies, classes resume tomorrow. Your new instructor will arrive late this evening, and I hope you will show her the same courtesy you showed Madame Nova. She’s the daughter of an old friend of mine from the Chicago Pack. Also, the betas will be by in the morning as well. They’ll be spending more time here. Now that the first cut has happened, and you’ve all had some training, they want the opportunity to get to know you individually, not just on group dates. I will be creating a schedule so you all get time with each beta.

    I don’t want to spend any time alone with Anders. Truthfully, Ryne is the only one I want to be around. And I know how wrong that is––he’s the Alpha. He’s forcing us to be baby-makers against our will. It’s all evil, and he should’ve stopped it a long time ago. And I should hate him, but try telling that to my heart. That kiss was everything.

    What about Grady? Faye asks, and Joanna stiffens next to me. I know she’s in love with him, even if she pretends she’s not.

    Well, as we saw with Madame Nova, nothing is guaranteed, so he will be on the rotation. She waves her hand in a circle.

    My stomach sinks. I didn’t think about what Nova’s murder would mean for Joanna. If one of the girls did kill her, then Joanna could be next. I squeeze her hand again, but this time she doesn’t squeeze back. Her lips are

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