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Wings of Persistence: Crystal's Story
Wings of Persistence: Crystal's Story
Wings of Persistence: Crystal's Story
Ebook64 pages39 minutes

Wings of Persistence: Crystal's Story

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Thirteen-year-old Crystal's life has been upended since she lost the ability to walk in a traffic accident a little over a year ago.

Unable to socialize with her friends as much, she finds solace in the company of her pet fish.

Release dateMar 1, 2024
Wings of Persistence: Crystal's Story

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    Wings of Persistence - Jenni Lorraine


    Unseen Wings

    In the smalltown of Willow Creek, thirteen-year-old Crystal faced each day with bravery and longing. It had been a year since the traffic accident that reshaped her world, confining her to a wheelchair. 

    Her days had once been filled with outdoor adventures and playful escapades with friends, but had taken a drastic turn. Now, Crystal often found herself on the sidelines, watching life as it moved around her.

    Crystal's room, a small haven painted in soothing pastels, was filled with mementos of her past. Photos of hiking trips, school achievements, and family vacations adorned the walls, each displaying memories of before her life changed. In the corner of her room, next to a window that looked out onto a garden teeming with life, sat her fish tank. 

    This was where Bubbles, her pet fish, resided. Bubbles was a tiny, iridescent creature who seemed to dance through the water in a ballet of color and light. Crystal found solace in watching Bubbles. His world was untroubled and serene.

    On a particularly bright and sunny afternoon, Crystal's eyes lingered on the fish tank, noticing how the same old decorations seemed to have lost their luster. A thought struck her – why not add some new things to Bubbles' aquatic home? Excited by this small project, she asked her mom to take her to the pet store.

    The pet store was a short drive away, and as they traveled, Crystal peered out of the car window, watching the everyday bustle of Willow Creek. Children rode bikes, dogs chased after frisbees, and the world seemed alive. She yearned to join in those simple joys and to be a part of that life once again.

    When she arrived at the pet store, Crystal's spirits lifted. The store was a mosaic of sounds and colors, with parrots squawking, hamsters running in their wheels, and the gentle gurgle of fish tanks. She navigated her wheelchair through the aisles, marveling at the various decorations available – castles, sunken ships, and even miniature treasure chests! Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she imagined how each piece would transform Bubbles' home.

    As Crystal and her mom discussed which decoration to choose, a conversation near the bird section caught Crystal's attention. 

    An elderly woman, with a loud and angry voice, was talking to the store manager. I had no choice but to let him go! the woman said, her hands trembling angrily. That parrot, was just too much to handle! He was too aggressive and loud! I released him in Miller's Park! Perhaps he'll enjoy being free more than he liked being taken care of!

    Crystal's heart clenched at the thought. A domesticated parrot—alone in a park!? She knew that such birds weren't equipped to fend for themselves in the wild, especially not in an unfamiliar environment. Turning to her mom, she spoke with a conviction that surprised even herself. 

    Mom, we have to do something. We have to save that parrot. It won't survive on its own!

    Her mom, always supportive but practical, hesitated. 

    Crystal, taking care of a parrot, especially one that's been described as aggressive, is a big responsibility.

    But Crystal's

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