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The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1): Poppy The Pixie, #1
The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1): Poppy The Pixie, #1
The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1): Poppy The Pixie, #1
Ebook235 pages3 hours

The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1): Poppy The Pixie, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Join Poppy on an unforgettable coming-of-age adventure in "The Awakening," the premier installment of a mesmerizing modern-day fantasy series tailored for upper middle-grade enthusiasts.


At twelve, Poppy stumbles upon a secret that changes everything: she's a pixie! Now, imagine exploring the world when you're not even two inches tall. It's a whole new perspective, filled with wonder and challenges. As she flits between her familiar human life and the magical faery realm, Poppy grapples with the complexities of a dual existence. With her newfound pixie powers, like the exhilarating ability to fly, she's on a mission to shield her cherished forest and town from looming environmental dangers.


Yet, shadows stretch across both her worlds. A malevolent force is at work, threatening everything she holds dear. As Poppy delves deeper into her heritage and the sinister plots unfolding, she's torn by a secret longing to confide in her friends but fears the consequences. It's a tale of courage, the bonds of friendship, family ties, and the daunting task of living two lives.


Fans of magical adventures and mysteries will be enchanted by Poppy's tale of resilience, discovery, and the power of unity. Secure your copy now!

Release dateNov 27, 2023
The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1): Poppy The Pixie, #1

Maya Collins

Maya Collins is a debut author with a passion for writing middle-grade literature that explores the complexities of real-life issues through the lens of the fantastical. She believes in the power of storytelling to inspire empathy, compassion, and personal growth in young readers. Maya's work focuses on themes such as friendship, family, bullying, jealousy, and loss. She weaves these issues seamlessly into her stories, creating relatable characters and engaging plotlines that capture the imagination of her readers. Maya believes that by combining real-life issues with elements of magic and fantasy, she can help young readers confront and overcome challenges in their own lives. Maya is dedicated to creating inclusive and diverse stories that represent a wide range of experiences and perspectives. She hopes her books will inspire young readers to embrace their uniqueness, celebrate their differences, and find their own voices in a complex and ever-changing world.

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Reviews for The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1)

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Poppy's determination to fight against adversity is a joy to read and one you will easily relate to. Her discovery about who she is, coming to terms with her new life, and the resolve to fight a much more sinister evil kept me hooked from the start. She deals with making new friendship, those who are not so nice, and deals with difficult subjects in a humorous, empathetic and engaging way.

    This enchanting tale is tailored for readers approaching their teens and young adulthood, yet I enjoyed reading it as an adult and others will too. It evoked fond memories of my own childhood while entwining a fictional world with the relevant issues of today. A recommended read that will appeal on multiple levels.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "Poppy the Pixie" is a refreshing departure from the stereotypical fairy tales we've grown accustomed to. This isn't your run-of-the-mill fairy story, and it certainly isn't reminiscent of the tales spun by that big company with a castle logo. Instead, Maya gifts us with a narrative that is both captivating and endearing.

    Poppy, our titular character, is a delightful blend of humor and empathy. From the very beginning, her adventures had me ensnared, eagerly flipping pages to see what awaited her next. Along her journey, she encounters a myriad of characters, each more intriguing than the last. Despite the story's somewhat somber introduction, touching on themes of bullying, the narrative quickly takes an uplifting turn, leaving readers with a warm feeling and a smile.

    One of the standout elements of this book is its ability to seamlessly weave the mundane with the magical. Poppy's dual life, straddling the ordinary and the extraordinary, leads to a slew of comical situations. Moreover, the depiction of life from the vantage point of someone just two inches tall is nothing short of fascinating. It's a perspective that's rarely explored, and Maya does so with finesse.

    While "Poppy the Pixie" is primarily targeted at upper middle-grade readers, its appeal is universal. The story resonates with readers of all ages, thanks to its relatable themes and engaging narrative. Maya's talent for delving into the psyche of a young protagonist is evident, making the story all the more authentic.

    In addition to its entertainment value, the book subtly imparts several life lessons. Yet, it does so without ever feeling preachy, a feat that's commendable in children's literature.

    In conclusion, "Poppy the Pixie" is a must-read for anyone seeking a brief escape from reality. Whether you're young or simply young at heart, this book promises a delightful journey. Highly recommended!

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The Awakening (Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1) - Maya Collins

The Awakening

Poppy the Pixie Series Book 1

Maya Collins

Copyright © 2023 by Maya Collins

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [include publisher/author contact info].

This book contains references to popular culture, which are utilized solely for the purpose of creative storytelling. The author does not own or claim to own any of the trademarks or copyright associated with these pop culture references. Each reference is the property of its respective owner.

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Book Cover by Maya Collins

First edition 2023



1.A Poppy In A Field of Daisies

2.Lost in Daydreams

3.A Glimpse of Darkness

4.A Poppy Amongst Thorns

5.Mr. Pendleton

6.Of Wings and Wonder

7.Twilight Tidings and Neon Nights

8.Poppy's First Flight

9.The Flight Home

10.Wrestling with Truth and Secrecy

11.Of Air Guitars and Sulphur

12.A Desperate Need for Sharing

13.Paranormal Investigator

14.Pixie Fashion

15.Where is that Sneaky Hat?

16.Operation Disrupt And Delay

17.Of Rabbit Leapfrogging and Skyward Surprises

18.Finding The Eldertree

19.Family Time Dinner

20.A Narrow Escape

21.The Heartwood

22.The Vision

23.Of Deadly Dangers And Topsy-Turvy Tales

24.Chased in the Rain

25.Unforeseen Redemption

26.From Foes to Allies

27.Wielding Light

28.The Party of Mother Nature and Mr. Human Greed

29.Intruders in the Dark

30.In the Hands of Giants

31.Spinning Truth and Fiction

32.The Dawn of Light

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About the Author

When someone told me I lived in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my Unicorn.


Chapter one

A Poppy In A Field of Daisies

Poppy had a secret, a mind-boggling secret that was so extraordinary it made her feel like she was living in a comic book. She wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but who would believe her? Definitely not her parents, who were busy grown-ups with grown-up perspectives and grown-up worries. So, she kept it to herself, adding a new level of complexity to her already crazy life. Balancing the weight of this incredible secret while navigating middle school was like juggling flaming marshmallows—it was equal parts beautiful and scary.

The mere thought of the government finding out her secret had her shaking like a squirrel in a nut shop. She imagined being whisked away to some top-secret lab, poked and prodded like a lab rat. No, thank you! Poppy didn’t want to become a government experiment or end up as a strange curiosity in a world that wouldn’t get her extraordinary nature.

So, she locked her secret away, keeping it safe and sound. She treasured the magic it brought to her life and daydreamed about the day she could finally share it with others. But for now, she had to focus on surviving middle school. And that’s where her extraordinary journey began—on her very first day at her new school.


Poppy stood at the threshold of her classroom, feeling like a tiny mouse about to step into a room bustling with hungry cats. She breathed deeply, feeling the excitement in the air. Adjusting her oversized backpack, she gathered her courage to venture forward. Her curly red hair, so wild that it appeared to have a mind of its own, stood out among the sea of neatly styled hair. Her face was dotted with freckles, little reminders of sunny days spent playing outside.

The oversized glasses perched on her nose only heightened her sense of standing out like a bright poppy in a field of daisies. Yet, behind her timid exterior, a spark of determination flickered within her.

The principal’s voice echoed through the room, breaking the silence.

Good morning, class, the principal said with a warm smile, we have a new student joining us today. Please give a warm welcome to Poppy, who has recently transferred here from another town.

As the class turned their attention towards Poppy, she felt a surge of nervousness ripple through her. Though her heart pounded with nervousness, she summoned her inner strength and stood tall, determined to project an image of confidence.

The teacher, Mrs. Anderson, stepped forward and added, Let’s make sure Poppy feels at home here, shall we? Please say hello to Poppy, everyone. The class responded with a lukewarm greeting, murmured hellos, and hesitant waves. Sensing the lack of enthusiasm, Mrs. Anderson smiled encouragingly at Poppy.

Thank you, everyone, Mrs. Anderson said, her voice warm and inviting. Now, Poppy, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about yourself? she prompted, allowing Poppy to introduce herself further.

Poppy gathered her courage, anticipating the familiar wave of shyness that accompanied such moments. But she had a secret weapon: her humor and way with words. With a deep breath, she stepped forward, her sparkling eyes betraying her nervousness, yet her mischievous grin firmly in place.

Um, hi, everyone, Poppy began, her voice filled with a playful conspiratorial tone. She scanned the room in anticipation. My name is Poppy, but don’t worry; I won’t make your allergies act up." She paused, waiting for the punchline to sink in, but some students only stared back with blank expressions.

Undeterred, Poppy continued, determined to make a lasting impression. I like to draw and read books, she declared, emphasizing her passion. I’m basically a professional daydreamer. A few raised eyebrows and half-hearted smiles acknowledged her statement, while others remained oblivious to the hidden humor.

With a sly grin, Poppy unleashed her secret weapon. Oh, and I have a dog named Whimsey, she announced, her voice filled with mock seriousness, who thinks she’s a detective. She paused, hoping for a wave of laughter or at least a few amused smiles. But as the silence lingered, Poppy’s heart sank. It seemed her clever joke had sailed right over their heads like a paper airplane caught in a gust of wind.

Undeterred, she pressed on. So, if you ever need a mystery solved or just want a good laugh, she continued, her voice trailing off with a hint of uncertainty, I’m your girl! Poppy offered a hopeful smile, hoping her attempt at humor would eventually crack the shell of indifference surrounding her new classmates.

But alas, the response was mixed. While some students caught onto the subtle humor and chuckled appreciatively, others remained oblivious to the hidden gem in her words. Poppy couldn’t help but wonder if her jokes were simply too sophisticated for their tastes or if she had underestimated the density of her audience.

Nonetheless, she refused to let her spirits be dampened. Even if her secret weapon fell flat, she knew that forging connections and finding her place would require more than a few well-timed jokes. Poppy resolved to keep being herself, embrace her unique quirks and talents, and persevere in creating moments of joy and laughter in the classroom. After all, forging connections was a journey, and she was just starting.

Thank you, Poppy, Mrs. Anderson said, her voice filled with appreciation. That was quite a lively introduction you gave. Then, with a dramatic sweep of her arm, she revealed the location of Poppy’s seat. Now, Poppy, please take the vacant spot."

Poppy’s eyes followed where Mrs. Anderson pointed, and then she saw the vacant, dreaded middle seat. Poppy’s eyes widened, a slight panic flickering across her face as she looked at her assigned seat. Every seat in the room suddenly seemed like a glorious escape from the middle spot she found herself in. The back offered a sense of protection, a fortress against prying eyes and unwanted attention. And the front? It was like having a personal force field, shielding her from troublemakers and earning bonus points for being closer to the teacher’s radar.

Anywhere but smack in the middle, that was the place to be for Poppy! The middle seat felt like uncharted territory, a land of potential scrutiny and attention she wasn’t ready to face. It was as if the universe conspired to put her in the spotlight, where every whisper and giggle would be amplified. Her heart raced, and she could feel a bead of sweat forming on her brow. The weight of the moment settled upon her, and she took a deep breath, gathering her courage to face the challenges that awaited her from her unfortunate seat in the middle of it all.

The moment she sank into her seat, the room seemed to shrink, squeezing in on her. A prickling sensation spread across her skin, like an army of invisible ants marching in unison. It felt like a dozen pairs of eyes were burrowing into her, each gaze like a spotlight under which she squirmed uncomfortably.

Whispers fizzled in the air around her, with secretive undertones that stirred a tiny whirlpool of unease in her stomach. Giggles, as elusive as soap bubbles, bubbled from the corners of the room, their echoes leaving a cold shiver trailing down her spine. As she adjusted her pencil case, the teacher started the lesson, and Poppy braced herself for the day ahead.

Suddenly, one boy beside her leaned over and whispered, Nice hair, Carrot Top.

A wave of heat crawled up Poppy’s neck, pooling into her cheeks as the boy beside her pointed at her hair with a snicker. Her wild and rebellious curls caught more attention than she’d ever wished. She didn’t need a mirror to know how they stood out in a stubborn, untamed halo around her head. Her heart pounded like a frenzied drum, calling for a quiet hideaway where no eyes could find her.

Poppy tried to swat the embarrassment away, like an imaginary bug buzzing around her. She mustered a shaky smile, a shield against the unwanted attention. But then another voice joined in from the other side, adding fuel to the fire and making it harder for her to maintain her shaky armor.

Wow, look at all your freckles. I bet you got them from playing in the mud," he said, satisfied with himself as his buddies chuckled quietly.

Poppy’s cheeks flamed with embarrassment, an intense desire to vanish then and there overtaking her, however, as she contemplated her misfortune, a short-haired blonde girl sitting in the row before Poppy spun around.

With a fiery gaze, the blonde girl glared at the offending boy.

That’s not funny! She said seriously in Poppy’s defense. You shouldn’t make fun of someone because they look different.

The boy rolled his eyes. Whatever, I was just joking.

Thank you, Lily, but let’s return to the lesson, shall we? said the teacher, Mrs. Anderson, fixing the blonde girl who had defended Poppy with a stern glare.

Two things surprised Poppy. The first was the teacher’s response—rather than addressing the boys who had teased Lily, the teacher scolded Lily herself. It seemed like maintaining silence was more important to the teacher than confronting and stopping the bullies. It differed from her experience at her old school, where teachers would have taken a firm stance against bullying. The second and perhaps most unexpected surprise was that someone stood up for her. She figured she liked this Lily girl but felt unsure about Mrs. Anderson.

As the bullies took in Lily’s boldness, surprise and dismay spread across their faces, clearly unprepared for such defiance. They muttered a few inaudible words under their breath and retreated. But their hurtful words had already found their mark. Still, Poppy felt a strange sadness and gratitude toward Lily. She wished she could tell her how much her standing up had meant. Lily’s steadfast gaze and confident stance were Poppy’s first glimmers of hope at this new school. She hoped that Lily would like to be her friend.

As the lesson droned on, Poppy’s thoughts took flight. They darted and danced like butterflies, moving from one memory to the next. The classroom, the teacher’s voice, and all the present faded as she got lost in her daydreams.

Chapter two

Lost in Daydreams

Poppy remembered the morning’s events with a mix of excitement and nerves. As she stood in front of her mirror, her petite frame and short stature reflected back at her, making her wonder if she would once again be the smallest in her new class. She sighed, a small cloud of apprehension forming at the thought of how her size might impact her interactions with her peers.

The memory of breakfast interrupted her contemplation. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, though she didn’t drink it herself, was a comforting scent that filled the kitchen. Just the thought of it made her stomach rumble in remembered satisfaction. Fluffy pancakes, drizzled in rich maple syrup, had warmed her insides, their sweetness still lingering on her tongue.

A giggle bubbled up as she recalled the playful battle with her wayward hair. Colorful clips and ribbons adorned her hair in a multitude of different styles, their vibrancy matching her own. Despite the uncertainty of what the day might bring, she had found joy in these small moments.

Her father had interrupted her reverie, standing in the doorway, a burly man of few words with a heart of gold. He had crossed his arms, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I hope all these ribbons aren’t for all the boys at your new school, he had teased, before pulling her into a bear-like hug, his rough stubble brushing her cheek. Good luck, Poppy, he had rumbled in his deep voice, his embrace tightening momentarily. And this one’s from Liam too, he had added softly, referring to her brother who was several years older and studying at a college in Portland. "He said he’s rooting for you all the way from there.

With a blush and a roll of her eyes, she had escaped his embrace only to be hurried along by her mother.

Come on, Poppy, we don’t want to be late on your first day! her mom had chided with a smile, herding her towards the waiting car.

As they drove through town towards her new school, Poppy gazed out the window. She caught sight of park workers cutting down withered trees. Parks had always symbolized life and energy for her, a place where tall trees and blooming flowers thrived. These trees, however, looked drained of life, their branches bare and brittle. Poppy frowned at the sight, wondering what could have caused such damage. A disease? Pollution? It was a thought that stuck with her as she journeyed towards her new beginning.

Poppy’s thoughts were interrupted as her mom pulled into the school parking lot. She felt a sudden knot in her stomach and strongly desired to remain in the car. But her mom’s encouraging words spurred her on, and she forced herself to get out of the vehicle. She took a deep breath and tried to muster up some courage for the day ahead, reminding herself that it was a new beginning and a chance to make new friends.

As she and her mom walked into the school, they noticed the principal waiting for them. The school’s principal stood tall and skinny, dressed in a suit. His short, dark hair had touches of gray at the sides, like sprinkles of silver dust. His neat beard, a mix of black and gray, reminded Poppy of a skunk’s stripe. She quietly giggled at her funny thought. He wore a stern expression on his face. Poppy thought that he could not be too funny.

Good morning, Poppy, the principal said, smiling at her. I’m Mr. Smith, the principal here at Westwood Middle School. And you must be her mother?

Poppy’s mom stepped forward and shook his hand.

Yes, I’m Poppy’s mom, she said. We’re new to the area and excited for Poppy to start at this school.

As they entered the principal’s office, Mr. Smith gestured for them to take a seat. Poppy fidgeted, a knot of restlessness and uncertainty about what lay ahead coiling in her stomach.

So… Welcome to Westwood Middle School, Poppy and Mrs. Lawson, Mr. Smith said, his smile still in place. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk to you both about the school, what we expect of our students, and what you can expect from the school.

He explained the school’s policies, rules, and expectations for student behavior. He also discussed the fun sports and after-school clubs the students could join. Poppy’s mom nodded along, interested in what he had to say. Poppy, however, got more and more restless. She wanted to explore the school and meet her new classmates, not sit in a stuffy office and listen to the principal talk.

As Mr. Smith continued to speak, Poppy’s mind wandered. She thought about what her new school would be like and how she would fit in. She wondered if she would make any friends and if she could keep up with the coursework. At long last, the meeting ended, and Mr. Smith stood up to shake their hands.

Thank you for coming in today, Mrs. Lawson, he said. We’re excited to have Poppy as part of our school community. I’m sure she’ll do great things here.

After the meeting, Poppy’s mom hugged her and said goodbye. Poppy felt anxious as she watched her mom leave, but she knew she had to be brave and face the day ahead.

The principal took Poppy around the school with Ms. Garcia, the counselor. Ms. Garcia assured Poppy that

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