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You Could Do Damage
You Could Do Damage
You Could Do Damage
Ebook266 pages3 hours

You Could Do Damage

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About this ebook

Gianna Jameson is as stubborn and stuck in her ways as a woman can get. She's trained to believe that her family is cursed in the love department.

Gia doesn't believe love exists for her. If it does, it'll only end in tragedy. The best way to defeat the curse is to avoid love.
Can the right man dispel the curse?

Zakari Lawrence isn't a love hater. He sees no need for it until he's ready to give up his free lifestyle. No woman has yet to show him the light so he will move how he wants with whomever he wants.

That's until his childhood crush comes back home and rearranges his timeline. For her, he'd drop everything and everyone to have the very thing he's avoided this far: a committed relationship.

Release dateOct 15, 2021
You Could Do Damage

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    You Could Do Damage - Renée A. Moses


    Look who finally made it. The guest of honor. Trish stood and hugged me tightly.

    Heyyy! The constant smiling hurt my cheeks.

    Sienna, who’d recently gotten promoted to my boss, was trying to murder a Mariah Carey song on the small stage area, but it was killing her. Being a non-singer from birth, Carey might have been the worst choice. However, my girl stuck with it even when her voice cracked at pretty much every high note.

    Trish shoved me a step backward. Uh, all of this is for you. How you this late?

    My hands flew up in surrender before the shots flew my way. Something came up at the last minute. I did my best not to get here too late. I’m so sorry.

    We ducked when Sienna missed another note. It sounded like a cry for help. The girl rubbed her neck and continued. We laughed so hard I thought it’d broken the stank mood for a second.

    Mmhm. Trish threw me some side-eye. That beautiful sound is what you’ve been missing.

    Shit, I think I should’ve waited longer. Matter fact, I’m gonna walk out and come back in like two minutes when the song is over.

    Ha! You wrong for that. She’s the one who put this together. So, we gotta take it.

    Do we though? I turned to walk away until Trish hit my elbow. I faced her. I’m playing. As long as I missed your set, the worst is over.

    I hate you.

    I love you. I blew her a kiss.

    Trish cussed me out with one finger and sipped her drink. That big, bowl-looking glass full of some green concoction grabbed my attention. Oooh, what’s that?

    You’d know if yo’ ass was here on time. Lonnie snuck up on me. I hadn’t even felt her presence.

    Not you too. I said I’m sorry. I texted your butt the whole time.

    It still doesn’t excuse it. She bumped my shoulder before hugging me. But you’re here now. The food should be out in a minute. We were going to starve to death waiting on you. My eyes hurt with all the rolling of them that they had me doing.

    Sienna finished the homicide to our ears and joined in on the tardy roasting after greeting me. Then she had the nerve to brag about singing better than any of us. Girlie must’ve burst her own eardrums and couldn’t hear worth a damn anymore. I didn’t even have to come at her because Lonnie’s impression of Sienna that sounded like a cat running around on fire was spot on.

    While laughing ’til it hurt, a platter of food magically fell onto my lap. Well, a server placed it on the table in front of me. I’d built up one hell of an appetite on my way here.

    He must’ve put it on your ass to be this late and this hungry. Lonnie called me out after my third hot wing in less than a minute.

    My trainer turned…whatever. We didn’t have titles. We weren’t together. We simply did things together, usually with no clothes.

    His last-minute text an hour before I would’ve left to come here caught me off guard. He’d offered to give me a proper send-off. And that he did.

    I told the girls I’d be ten minutes late. That ten turned into forty-five. We had this room for two hours. Unfortunately for them, I used a good chunk of it on one thing I’d miss the most.

    Look, I will make it up to y’all. I promise.

    Trish twisted her neck too fast for it not to have hurt. How? You have a morning flight.

    I ain’t flying the plane. All I gotta do is be there on time. Sober or not.

    Trish squealed. Awww shit! Let’s hit up a strip club like we used to do before Miss Designated Driver got married. And if her ass can’t go, we’re dropping her off.

    Lonnie laughed and gave her a high five. They needed to leave Sienna alone. She’d found her in-home striptease. We’d make the best of the time we had singing. Then off to see some nakedness!

    The last hour passed by so fast. I stayed true to my limits and stuck with Monica songs. I hit most of her notes. After butchering everything from Mary J. Blige to Bone-Thugs-n-Harmony—we had to do Crossroads one time—we said our goodbye to the newlywed, and headed to the best end of my last night in Miami.

    * * *

    My sperm donor, Blair, picked me up from the airport. We stopped by my new condo, thanks to him. When your father was an orthopedic surgeon full of guilt, you got condos and other grandiose shit you didn’t ask for. It was his way of saying he was sorry.

    The place was spectacular; and I’d accepted it, but insisted on paying for everything else. Hell, I still drove the Audi he’d bought as a graduation gift. Blair needed to understand that I was an adult with a career I was in love with. I could take care of myself.

    I promised to have dinner with him on my first night. So, we did a quick walk-through of my condo before we hopped back into the car to head to his house.

    The rest of my blood relatives lived in a mini-mansion with Blair. I reminded him of the castle-like feature in front of the house. He hated it, but his new wife had to have it. And since it didn’t come with an out-of-reach price tag, he caved in order to make her happy.

    Blair took it seriously to live beneath his means in many areas. He enjoyed the simple things. From what he’d told me, his first house was over the top. This time around, he went a different route.

    After the divorce from his first wife, he despised anything too lavish. That woman spoiled him on the idea of splurging. Even after she remarried and he no longer had to pay alimony, he kept that extra money in the bank.

    The only time he spent big was on any occasion to bestow gifts on those he loved and on vacations. Since he’d established a relationship with me, I’d been on at least one family vacation each year. Those never got old.

    We’d gone to London, Ghana, Fiji, Paris, and a few others. I only wished my mom was there, so I wouldn’t feel like such an outsider. Then again, my bestie, Janelle, started tagging along two years ago.

    Shana, Blair’s latest wife, embraced me inside the house like she hadn’t seen me in years. She was cool as hell. Maybe because she was twelve years younger than Blair. Only in her forties, the woman looked like my damn sister. She was fortunate enough to be gorgeous on the inside and out. Unlike that witch he’d married when I was a kid.

    My little half-siblings ran to meet me at the door and almost knocked me down.

    Gia! Gia! We missed you, they echoed in the foyer.

    I missed you guys, too, I sang before the hugs, kisses, and tickles.

    Olivia, who was almost seven, pulled me upstairs to see the massive dollhouse in her room. She’d talked about it so much, so I’d promised I’d play with her as soon as I got back to Houston.

    Twenty minutes in, Shana announced that dinner was ready. We were a little bummed. Olivia was so fun and silly. She thought I was the most entertaining person on the planet. She always brought out the kid in me.

    Everyone got cleaned up and sat at the smaller dining table near the kitchen. The massive table in the dining room was for formal occasions.

    Shana prepared her famous seafood lasagna. Well, famous in the family. The woman had the skills of a world-renowned chef. She would’ve been until Blair swept her off her feet.

    Are you excited? You’re back home for good! Shana smiled so hard it was contagious.

    I am for the most part. It is a bit weird, you know. Being here when the people I left aren’t anymore. I had to take a breath. Yeah, I’m still excited.

    She and Blair shared a look. He covered my hand with his. "Your mother and grandmother would be so proud of you, Gia. No, they are proud of you."

    Yeah. I cleared my throat. So, Jonah! What have you been up to? Your dad told me you are into coding now.

    My little brother helped shift the energy of the room. He talked all about this new game that also taught coding and how much he loved it. He’d been to a camp earlier this summer and was really into it.

    Oooh! I got a big shrimp! Olivia announced before dropping it into her mouth.

    Girl, you should’ve bit that one. I watched as she struggled to close her mouth with the first few chews. We didn’t need any choking going on.

    You’re ready for the new company? Blair gulped his wine and held the glass.

    I think so. Everybody seemed nice during the interviews. Let’s hope that’s the normal vibe there.

    I pray so. Some people are so ugly when they don’t have to be. I pray you’ll have to deal with little or none of them. One woman I used to work with came in mad at the world every morning. Imagine the energy it takes to maintain such a funky attitude all day, every day, Blair said.

    Ugh! I hate those types. But I won’t let them rub that energy off on me if they are there. I’m ready for a new chapter.

    Shana grinned. Does this new chapter include a new boyfriend?

    Ewww, the kids whined.

    "That is nasty. I winked at them. I don’t want to go down that road yet. Or ever. I simply want to have fun and be free."

    Blair lowered his head. I don’t even want to know what that means.

    Shana and I met eyes and giggled. No, you don’t, old man.

    I most certainly am not. See? He flexed his biceps.

    Being fit doesn’t knock that number down. No matter how many muscles you got, you still old, I reminded him. The kids laughed with their oohs since they wouldn’t say that to him.

    I mean, you do have a twenty-eight-year-old daughter, sweetheart. You might not want to fight that battle.

    Aww, naw! You got my lady against me, too? You don’t call me old when I—

    Shana gasped so loud. Blair!

    Okay, now see that right there definitely deserves an ew.

    Blair sat back in his chair. What? I was going to say work for so many hours. Y’all the nasty ones. Mind all in the gutter.

    Oh, please. Shana stood up to clear the table. I helped her. Then she pulled out a cheesecake from the fridge. She pointed to the platter of toppings next to it for me to get. We set it all on the table.

    Shana threw down with any cuisine. Dinner with the family would be one perk of being back home that I would enjoy the hell out of.

    After dessert, we spent the rest of the night playing in the ridiculous game room. First foosball, then pool, a few arcade games, and finally our favorite pastime: puzzles. Something about them kept our interest long enough to sit and just be together.

    Against my initial wishes and after some begging from Jonah and Olivia, I stayed the night. We got ready for bed and slept on the floor in the theater.

    It wasn’t the worst idea since my furniture wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow afternoon. After that, I’d bother Janelle, who I’d forgotten to call back after I landed.


    Don’t even start with me. We were supposed to meet up yesterday, but you stood me up. Janelle backed away from my hug.

    What did you want me to do? When I had time, you were busy with your boo. I tried.

    Heifer, please. You been back for two days and this is my first time seeing you.

    Uh, you could’ve come to me too.

    Yeah, yeah. Well, you’re here now. So, give me your funky ol’ hug.

    This time I backed away. Forget you. I pushed her forehead before she hit my arm.

    Janelle was my sister from another mister. All the way. Since the sixth grade, we’d been besties. Her mother and mine grew close over time because of us. So, we did almost everything together growing up.

    You want to sit at the bar? She hooked my arm as we walked into Gringo’s Mexican Kitchen.

    Nope! I’m too hungry and I don’t want nobody watching me stuff my face.

    But I have to, soooo? Janelle shrugged.

    Oh, shut up.

    We followed the hostess to our table. It was a late lunch date since my new job didn’t start until next week, and Janelle’s work hours were all over the place sometimes.

    Girl! I cannot believe you’re here. She quickly tapped her feet repeatedly on the floor.

    Me neither. It’s been so long.

    A waitress introduced herself before taking our order.

    So, what’s next? You unpacked yet?

    I chuckled. Only some of my clothes.

    What! You need help?

    Maybe. I’m not in the mood right now. I’ve been sleeping and reading.

    She rolled her eyes. Of course, you have. That’s all you do. You need to get a life outside those books.

    How dare she? Excuse me. I have a life. A good one. And I also enjoy a book when my amazing life gives me the time.

    Mmhmm, sure.

    I can’t with you. Your ass need to pick up a book now and then.

    I do! I’m trying to learn how to cook. My mom don’t make everything I like. I’ve been meaning to take Shana up on her offer to teach me a little something, but that was kind of weird with you not being here at first.

    Nah, it’s weird because you still crushing on her husband.

    She burst out laughing and so did I. I mean, your dad is fine as hell. But I got a man.

    Obviously. That’s why you blew me off yesterday. You were probably busy getting off with Mr. Cameron.

    Eww! Well… She tilted her head to the side with a brief smirk.

    Ha! See.

    Anyway, we can do something this weekend. And in the meantime, you need to unpack, so I can see your place. I bet it’s nice with a rich ass daddy picking it out.

    Girl! He be doing too much. However, I ain’t mad at the place. Two bedrooms, two baths, a gourmet kitchen. I mean, ’cause a girl like me can cook.

    I’m the one with a man. She poked her lips at me.

    Uh, you’re the only one who wants one. I don’t need that kind of distraction in my life. I’m gonna get my money up, travel the world on my dime, and be free to do whomever and whatever I want.

    Right until those eggs crack, then you’ll change your mind.

    Whatever, I don’t—

    Ooooh! we said in unison as the woman delivered our humongous margaritas.

    We sipped until we were content.

    Janelle got off of my back and talked about Cameron. He seemed like a nice guy, and I was genuinely happy for her because she wanted love and all that.

    Love left my mom pregnant and alone when Blair didn’t return her feelings. Then the struggle began for her. I promised her and myself I wouldn’t walk the same path. My grandmother had raised my mother alone, too. I wanted no parts of love.

    * * *

    Damn, girl. That was…shit! D’Mario fell back onto the pillow next to me, damn near panting.

    D’Mario had booked the room after a quick conversation. By the vibes of his profile, he was easy picking. The details got the least of my attention. His name and age were second to the dark chocolate complexion chiseled in a way that was best for eye candy. That was all I needed to see. One swipe later, he tried to tell me about his current situation. I only wanted one thing from him. Talking wasn’t it.

    Two hours later, we met at the Omni Hotel near the Galleria. When I got to the room, this man put his picture to shame. Sometimes these dudes be false advertising with old photos. The last time that happened to me, I booked it before the guy opened the door fully.

    I caught my breath and sat up to put my clothes back on. After grabbing my things, I disappeared to the bathroom. Minutes later, I re-entered the bedroom, dressed to go.

    Where are you going? D’Mario willed himself up and leaned against the headboard.


    You don’t want to stay and have breakfast or something in the morning?

    Putting on my watch and picking up my purse, I gave him a dry smile. I’m not spending the night.

    So, you really gon’ use me for sex and bounce?

    I giggled at him sounding like he was hurt. There was no gun to your head. We both benefited from where I stand.

    Before I reached the door, D’Mario hopped out of bed butt-ass naked. Wait! What if I wanted another round?

    My eyes met the only thing that I’d stay for. The size had me salivating even while resting, but this bout had exhausted him. And sleeping in his arms was never part of the deal, even for half an hour.

    He must’ve seen me staring at it. The smirk on his face showed his pride in his piece. Well-deserved pride. I can be ready after a quick nap. That nut took a lot out of me. Give me a minute and—

    I had a great time and I am not against doing it again some other time. I need to get going.

    You got a man, don’t you?

    I burst out laughing. That’s none of your business.

    Okay, but stay with me.

    You don’t even know me. What if I’m crazy?

    Hell, I wouldn’t put it past you. Any woman that can tire my ass out like that might have a crazy side. I can handle it. Trust me.

    I’m good. Sooo, I will text you later. I opened the door and stepped into the hall. No way he’d plead with me out there. I winked and closed the door behind me.

    On the ride home, I stopped by Jack in the Box for some tacos and jalapeno poppers. D’Mario did what I needed him to do. Now, I required food. It wasn’t even midnight on this late Friday, so I called my boo Janelle. Luckily, her hot date with the allblk channel was still in full swing.

    My place looked like a tornado

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