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Women with ADHD: Stop Feeling Frustrated and Unlock Your True Potential! Female-Specific Methods Even Complete Scatterbrains Can Use to Focus a Distracted Mind, Stay Organized and Reclaim Productivity
Women with ADHD: Stop Feeling Frustrated and Unlock Your True Potential! Female-Specific Methods Even Complete Scatterbrains Can Use to Focus a Distracted Mind, Stay Organized and Reclaim Productivity
Women with ADHD: Stop Feeling Frustrated and Unlock Your True Potential! Female-Specific Methods Even Complete Scatterbrains Can Use to Focus a Distracted Mind, Stay Organized and Reclaim Productivity
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Women with ADHD: Stop Feeling Frustrated and Unlock Your True Potential! Female-Specific Methods Even Complete Scatterbrains Can Use to Focus a Distracted Mind, Stay Organized and Reclaim Productivity

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About this ebook

Is adulting while dealing with ADHD making you feel like a human browser with 73 open tabs? You're not alone, and there's a way out!


Ever feel like your mind is a pinball machine, with thoughts bouncing all over the place?


One minute you're focused on work, and the next you're wondering if you turned off the coffee maker this morning. 


Sounds familiar, right? 


It's like trying to hold water in your hands; no matter how hard you try, your focus just slips away. 


And just when you think you've got a handle on things, hormone fluctuations swoop in like a curveball, making your ADHD symptoms even more unpredictable. 


Yep, it's not just you. It's like your brain's playing a game of hide and seek, and you're always "it."


On top of that, your to-do list is a mile long, yet you can't seem to complete even one task without getting sidetracked. 


The chaos doesn't stop at work or home; it trickles into your social life, too. 


Misunderstandings in relationships? Check. 


Missing appointments? Double check. 


And let's not forget the daily search for where you left your keys, phone, or wallet this time.


You've read books, tried apps, and maybe even sought professional advice, but nothing seems to cater to you as a woman with unique ADHD struggles. 


But what if there was a toolkit designed just for you? 


Let's face it, the world could use a little more understanding when it comes to women with ADHD. What you need is someone — or something — that really gets you.


Read inside this life-changing ADHD guide specifically tailored for women, where you will discover:


  • Why your ADHD doesn't look like the stereotypical "can't sit still" guy you knew in high school — dive into what ADHD means for you, not just the guys!
  • Simple diet changes to give you a leg up in managing ADHD symptoms (yes, chocolate can still be on the menu!)
  • The art of keeping your life in order, even when your brain wants to do a million things at once — it's like having a personal organizer in your pocket
  • Time-management tips that are easy to use and super practical — no more running late or forgetting important stuff
  • Focus hacks you will love — equip yourself with methods that help you zero in on tasks without feeling like you're wrestling an octopus
  • Easy tweaks to improve how you connect with others, making conversations more rewarding and less stressful 
  • How to ditch the negative vibes and build a you that's confident (and yes, it's totally okay to celebrate your wins!)

And much more!


If you've ever felt like nothing out there really addresses your unique ADHD challenges as a woman, let this be the resource that changes that for you. 


You're not looking for a magic wand; you're looking for effective, achievable steps to make life easier. And that's what this book is all about… strategies that'll have you saying, "Why didn't I find this sooner?"


Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed with ADHD and say hello to feeling empowered: Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

PublisherJane Kennedy
Release dateDec 11, 2023
Women with ADHD: Stop Feeling Frustrated and Unlock Your True Potential! Female-Specific Methods Even Complete Scatterbrains Can Use to Focus a Distracted Mind, Stay Organized and Reclaim Productivity

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    Book preview

    Women with ADHD - Jane Kennedy

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: A Fresh Look at ADHD

    So...What Exactly is ADHD?

    Workplace Discrimination

    Differences Between ADHD in Men and Women

    Challenges Created By ADHD Symptoms

    Relationship Challenges Due to ADHD

    Workplace Challenges

    Other Unique Challenges for Women with ADD

    The Impact of ADHD on Women’s Lives

    The Transition

    Chapter Two: Nourish to Flourish-Healthy Living

    Max and His ADHD Management Diet

    Foods That Can Reduce ADHD Systems

    Meal Planning

    Regular Exercise

    Specific Positive Effects on ADHD

    Motivation For Exercise

    Establishing a Consistent Sleep Schedule

    Balancing Screen Time and Other Activities

    Chapter Three:Be the Boss of Your Life: Organizational Skills

    Creating Structure and Routines

    Creating a Predictable Environment

    Calendars, Planners, and Lists

    Day Planners


    Managing Clutter

    Chapter Four: Master Your Minutes-Time Management

    Prioritizing Tasks Setting Realistic Goals

    The Eisenhower Matrix

    SMART Goal-Setting

    Small Goals/Big Goals

    Using Timers and Alarms to Stay on Track

    Procrastination and Distractions

    Chapter Five: Focus Like a Queen

    Mindfulness and Meditation

    Using Mindfulness Techniques on Your Own

    Distractions at Work and at Home

    Distraction Apps

    The Role of Music and Exercise in Improving Focus

    Concentration Aids

    Weighted Blankets

    Office Chairs

    Chapter Six: Enhancing Your Social Realm

    The Impact of ADHD on Communication and Relationships

    ADHD Women, Communication, and Relationships

    Developing Active Listening Skills

    Managing Impulsivity in Social Situations

    Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships

    Making New Friends

    Tips for Nurturing Existing Relationships

    Chapter Seven: Know Your Worth

    Recognizing and Challenging Negative Self-Talk

    Celebrating Success and Acknowledging Strengths


    Chapter Eight: Your Tribe, Your Strength

    Family and Friends in Your ADHD Journey




    Samantha, a highly intelligent, motivated, and creative marketing expert, was diagnosed with ADHD three years before taking a job at a large and renowned agency. She was 35 years old at the time, and despite her enthusiasm and commitment, Samantha could not seem to remain organized and frequently missed deadlines. In addition, she would forget about important tasks and start to feel overwhelmed at work on a regular basis.

    Considering the above, she was surprised but also appreciative of an opportunity to lead a major project that had the potential to be very lucrative for the company she was employed at. Samantha saw this as a chance to prove her capabilities and make a positive impact. However, as the project progressed, she began struggling with effective communication with team members, had a hard time prioritizing tasks, and found it impossible to maintain concentration during meetings.

    She became chronically stressed and started suffering from anxiety to the point where she decided to seek professional help in treating her ADHD, something that she had not yet done even after being diagnosed. After one therapy session, and a lot of research on ways to deal with ADHD for maximized productivity, she developed a personalized plan with the aim of managing her symptoms for the purpose of improving productivity at work. As a result, Samantha was able to break her tasks into smaller chunks and implement strategies that allowed her to meet deadlines and put effective time management techniques into practice. Over a short period of time, Samantha began to excel at her job and successfully saw the project to an end, which culminated in a promotion. She says that her decision to employ an ADHD coach was the best one she has ever made and that it turned her life around.

    If you are reading this book, I am certain that you can identify with Samantha and her initial frustrations. I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with you and that having ADHD is not your fault. Please also remember that it can be managed and controlled in such a way that you will be able to live with it, rather than suffer from it.

    Research has shown that women with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate, which can lead to unfinished projects and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed. It is very common to start a task, become distracted, re-focus, start another task, become distracted again, and so the pattern repeats. Unfortunately, this is often mistaken for laziness, which is most certainly not the case. The reality is that prioritizing tasks and following a schedule is extremely difficult to achieve when one is dealing with ADHD.

    Relationships with family, friends, and colleagues tend to take strain, largely because of impulsivity and forgetfulness, but again, those traits are not your fault. Social interactions can become challenging, leading to misunderstandings and emotional hurt. Women with ADHD tend to have much lower levels of self-esteem when compared with men who have the same condition, which is also the case in situations where psychological stress presents itself. In a general sense, women feel social pressure to be neat, organized, and compliant, although symptoms of ADHD make it very difficult to comply.

    As you progress through this book, you will learn many valuable lessons and benefit from the tips, exercises, strategies presented, which include the following:

    ●  Female-specific strategies for managing your ADHD and becoming more effective at navigating daily challenges.

    ●  Mindfulness techniques tailored to women that promote better focus, leading to improved productivity in your personal and professional life.

    ●  Time management skills that can be applied day-to-day, resulting in more efficiency and more free time for social activities and relationships.

    ●  Strategies to address self-esteem issues and develop a positive sense of self and a more confident outlook on life.

    ●  Emotional regulation tactics that will facilitate better mental well-being.

    ●  Guidance on how nutrition can be an instrumental contributor to managing ADHD symptoms.

    ●  Organizational strategies for a more structured life, leading to less chaos, but more control and feelings of accomplishment.

    ●  Coping mechanisms for past trauma, which is an often-overlooked factor in the development and ongoing presence of ADHD.

    ●  Methods of creating a strong support system, and tools that will allow you to communicate effectively about your condition with the people who provide you with support.

    ●  Real life testimonials from women who have implemented the methods in this book to gain control of their ADHD.

    ●  Science backed advice that reinforces the methods and strategies that you will come to understand in detail.

    ●  Actionable tips, as opposed to theoretical ones.

    ●  Peace of mind that you are not alone and that there is a way forward.

    Often, women with ADHD believe that the condition will prevent them from becoming successful. Bear in mind that success means different things to different people, and also know that if you have had that belief or currently have it, you are most definitely wrong. As a reinforcement tool, I would like to share the story of a highly successful woman who took control of her ADHD in the same way that you can and will.

    Her name is Gabrielle Moss, and she is a best-selling author and lifestyle editor at From a young age, Gabrielle struggled to concentrate, especially at school. She felt as if people thought she was being rude or disinterested when she didn’t pay attention in class, but she still managed to get good grades, although it was a struggle. Gabrielle was sure that she had a problem but felt that adults didn’t pay much attention to it.

    She didn’t really have much of a choice and did what she could to cope, but concentration problems and trouble with organization persisted. Gabrielle would often misplace her keys and other items, in addition to struggling with her memory in general. It was only in her late 20s that she was diagnosed with ADHD by a psychiatrist, and even though she now had answers to her many questions, it took a full year to come to terms with the diagnosis.

    Gabrielle has managed to implement organization techniques, such as what she describes as hyper-specific files on her desktop and several detailed organizational lists on her Google Drive. She also uses calendars to be very specific when it comes to planning and uses white noise to limit distractions. A positive aspect of her ADHD is that Gabrielle credits it for her ability to think quickly, unconventionally, and out of the box.

    Her advice to her younger self, which will probably resonate with many readers, is not to listen to judgment from others. When she was young, adults called her lazy and said that she thought that she was smarter than everyone else, which was damaging to her self-confidence. The fantastic part, though, is that she was able to deal with the past, take control of her ADHD, and achieve success.

    On that inspirational note, let’s briefly talk about the content. I will open up with a detailed explanation of ADHD, specific to women, followed by a comparison with the way in which men experience the condition. Then, it is onto common challenges, including daily routines, relationships, and workplace experiences, including the emotional and psychological impact that ADHD can have on the lives of women. As I mentioned earlier, nutrition and its association with managing ADHD will be examined before deconstructing the merits of engaging in a consistent sleep schedule.

    We can’t forget the positive effects of balancing screen time and more holistic pastimes like hobbies, outdoor activities, and exercise. From there, we will transition into creating structure and routines, backed up by an inspirational story of a graphic designer who was able to put them to effective use in the management of her ADHD.

    Calendars, planners, and lists can be great tools that can be tailored to women struggling with ADHD, and you will learn how to do so. In addition, we will address breaking up tasks into smaller parts, like Confucius advised, before progressing to managing clutter, creating a tidy environment, and maintaining it thereafter. Goals are important,

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