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Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets)
Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets)
Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets)
Ebook96 pages48 minutes

Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets)

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About this ebook

The printing press, the combustion engine, the Internet and... now... Artificial Intelligence (AI).
These are technological changes that have marked a before and after in the history of mankind. Every time one has appeared, it has meant a revolution with the consequent transmission of money from some groups to others.
At this moment you are in time to take advantage of the latest wave, invest and obtain profitability. Of course, every investment involves risks. Otherwise there would be no profit either.
The objective of this book is to guide you to know the possibilities and, thus, try to reduce the possibility of losing your capital and increase the possibility of obtaining significant profits.
The book is divided into three parts. In the first we see how you can invest in AI in a particular way, even without money, using some tools to improve your daily life.
In the second part we look at the options offered by the stock market.
Finally, in the third part, we analyze projects related to AI that are on the blockchain.
Here you will find my experience and my opinion, what I do, how I have invested and I am investing to get interesting returns in the short, medium and long term. You don't need money to do it, you will learn about free AI tools that you can put to work for you from the very first moment...

Release dateJan 1, 2024
Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets)

Read more from Edward Robertson Ph.D.

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    Make money with AI Artificial Intelligence A Beginner's Guide to Private Investing in the Stock Market (Stocks, ETFs and Funds) and the Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies and Other Cryptoassets) - Edward Robertson Ph.D.

    What are the consequences of Artificial Intelligence disruption?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that seeks to create systems capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, such as voice recognition, decision making, language translation, object recognition and autonomous driving, among others.

    It has the particularity that it is able to learn, there are different programming (supervised or unsupervised) but I don't want to get into technical issues that you can find on the Internet.

    AI has been around for decades, but has recently experienced an unprecedented boom thanks to advances in data processing, machine learning and computing power, leading to more sophisticated and efficient systems.

    It is changing the world in multiple ways, from the way we work to the way we interact with technology. For example, AI is being used in the healthcare sector for disease diagnosis and treatment, in education for the development of personalized learning systems, in transportation, in manufacturing for process automation, and in the financial sector for risk analysis.

    AI is generating new employment opportunities and creating entire industries around its development and application.

    There are some alarmists who seem to focus on the negative consequences, the truth is that any process of creative destruction (as defined by J. Schumpeter) implies changes, but they are not usually for the worse.

    For example, I'm sure you know Excel, the Microsoft program for making calculations. At the time, it took away the jobs of millions of accountants (bookkeepers). But, at the same time, it generated new professional profiles with higher salaries and much better jobs.

    Let's not kid ourselves, the jobs that technology eliminates are often tedious, so we should rejoice.

    Thanks to Excel we no longer have so many people doing operations on paper, with many errors and at a minimum speed.

    What do we have now? What did the accountants who knew how to use the tool instead of opposing it do?

    Consultants, coaches, mentors, managers...

    They became, for example, tax or fiscal advisors. They had to grow and now offer more value than before.

    Societies and people that embrace innovation grow happily.

    However, the rapid development of AI also raises challenges and concerns, such as data privacy, ethics in decision making, and the impact on employment and the economy.

    AI is a revolutionary technology that is changing the world in multiple ways. It is important to understand its implications and opportunities in order to take advantage of its potential and minimize its risks. Let's go with it!

    What are the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence?

    AI has ceased to be science fiction and has become a palpable reality in our society. From virtual assistants on our phones to driverless cars; AI is present in our lives in increasingly obvious ways.

    But are we prepared for the future that this technology holds? While these new technologies promise to solve many problems, they also present challenges that we must address.

    One of the biggest challenges is privacy. AI requires large amounts of data to function properly, but this data is often collected without users' knowledge or consent.

    It is important to establish regulations and ethical standards to ensure that data are treated responsibly and respect users' privacy rights.

    To what extent? Italy has recently banned the use of ChatGPT and is investigating the use of its users' data.

    Remember when the US tried to ban TikTOk for accusing them of Chinese espionage.

    It is likely that more countries will also restrict these types of technologies in the name of security.

    You must be clear about this fact: if they are letting you use something for free, it is for a reason.

    Try not to disclose information in an AI that you would not want to become public.

    The issue of cybersecurity is one of the great challenges of our era. Cybersecurity is the set of measures and techniques designed to protect electronic systems, networks and devices from malicious or unauthorized attacks. These attacks can include data theft, service interruption, account hijacking, and the spread of viruses and malware.

    To be safe online, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

    ●  Use strong passwords and change them regularly.

    ●  Keep your security software up to date and use antivirus and antimalware programs. Also update the rest of the programs you use, when they release a new version it is because they have corrected errors.

    ●  Use secure Wi-Fi networks and avoid connecting to unsecured public networks.

    ●  Avoid opening e-mails from unknown or suspicious senders. Under no circumstances download or open dubious files.

    ●  Do not share personal information online unless absolutely necessary.

    ●  Do not download software or files from untrusted websites.

    ●  Do not click on suspicious or unknown links.

    ●  Use two-step authentication on all accounts when possible.

    ●  Make regular backups of important data.

    These measures can help you reduce the risk of becoming a victim of cyber attacks and protect your personal and financial information online. However, it is important to remember that cyber security is an ongoing process and that we must always be aware of potential online threats.

    Another challenge is the ethics of decision making. AI can make important and often critical decisions for people's lives, but how can we ensure that these decisions are fair

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