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Educated Luck: Twisted Luck, #3
Educated Luck: Twisted Luck, #3
Educated Luck: Twisted Luck, #3
Ebook445 pages7 hours

Educated Luck: Twisted Luck, #3

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Being a double merlin sucks.

You'd think having power, having people treat you with respect, an insanely awesome inheritance waiting for me, and knowing you could do really awesome(awful) things would be cool. It isn't.

I've got strings you wouldn't believe attached to the inheritance. Then it turns out other people want it, so instead of suing me, I mean that would be logical, right? No, they are trying to kill me. And I don't mean a single person, a freaking country! How insane is that?

Well screw them. I'm getting my degree, and getting the inheritance. Okay the house. I really want the house.

But when Jo gets hurt and my familiar decides to start calling in favors, then things get even more twisted. With my luck we might all end up insane, or dead before this is over. But I refuse to give in. This is my life, and who knows, maybe I'll survive.

But with my luck, you never know what might happen.

A found family, non-romantic urban fantasy with a smattering of magical beasties.

Release dateJan 2, 2024
Educated Luck: Twisted Luck, #3

Mel Todd

Chasing her dream of being a full-time writer, Mel Todd has 17 stories out, her Kaylid Chronicles, the Blood War series, and more to come.  Owner of Bad Ash Publishing she is creating a book empire full of good stories and good authors.   With over a million words published, she is aiming for another million in the next two years.  All stories that will grab you and make you hunger for more.  With one co-author and more books in the work, her stories can be found on Amazon and other retailers.  You can follow her on Facebook at -

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    Educated Luck - Mel Todd



    Education is the cornerstone of all magic. While some people are naturally talented or possess an intuitive ability to use their magic, we have found no one that will not find their skills increase by learning the foundations of science. Magic is based on science, you just need to understand it well enough to use magic efficiently. ~ OMO statement on higher education.


    The mix of multi-vitamins, not enough coffee, and a breakfast burrito roiled around in my stomach as I re-centered my backpack and trudged toward the brick building. That imposing edifice hosted the classes in magic and the science of magic, as well as more things I'd probably regret learning.

    It's just college. You can do this. Get your degree. You want to be a doctor. This way you can do it and the FBI can take a flying leap, though being a pathologist might work well for both of us. Crime and medicine.

    The path to my first class seemed more arduous than it really was in the chilly January morning. The last three and a half months had disappeared like a wisp of smoke when I thought about them. Alixant hadn't been kidding when he said my name had gotten out to the papers and until they captured a unicorn in Centennial Park, not one with sharp fangs thank the merlins, I remained their favorite story. What I'd done, who I was, every detail they could dredge up got plastered across the headlines, especially my double merlin status. They'd even gotten a pic of my tattoo at some point.

    While I looked forward to getting this new phase of my life over, I dreaded going back to school. After earning my Associate's degree in Medical Assistance, Criminal Justice, and the paramedic course, I figured I'd met my goals. I could have my own life. Finding out I was a merlin who emerged when my brother died, a good ten years earlier, threw all my plans into disarray. Emerging again as a double merlin elevated me to a celebrity status among the mage stalkers. Not to mention the story of the year.

    I feel sorry for all the kids that get saddled with my name over the next few years. Corisande is a bit much for anyone.

    Through much negotiation with the GA MageTech administrators, with both Steven Alixant and Indira Humbert weighing in on my side, I entered as a junior. My science classes were all upper level, but the college stuck me in all the freshman magic classes as my knowledge of my abilities consisted only of what I'd read over the last few months.

    Would you stop? I can hear you stressing, Jo said hip bumping me as we walked. The class isn't that big of a deal. I bet you already know most of it. At least you can read without struggling. Her voice teasing.

    Josefa Guzman, my best friend in the world. Her hair had grown at least six inches since she sacrificed it and more to save a stadium full of people. The vitamins Marisol Guzman, Jo’s mom, shoved down our throats helped our hair grow. The glow on her face and the sway to her walk were all related to Sable. They'd made their relationship formal at Christmas. I still didn't know how I felt about that. I liked Sable, but I didn't really know her. Both of our fault I suspected. I was too busy trying to work while avoiding the press, and Jo was too over the moon with Sable to want to share, though at least that had started changing. As a Water mage, Sable seemed to take on the aspects of water just flowing with everything. I didn't know much about her besides her dad had been in the army, while her mother was Japanese and had died when she was two. I couldn't even remember what her dad's name was or where he was.

    My hair had grown too, for the first time in years, and now hung in a ponytail about halfway down my back. And I'd gained weight, luckily in all the right places. It had the side effect of giving me a bit more in the chest area, which brought with it clothes shopping, which I regarded as a definite negative. Jo however approved of my new figure. Too bad I didn't like girls.

    Maybe not. But I've had to change my number twice. Be nice if I could keep this number. I'm just worried and not sure why. I'd rather be working. The last place wasn't too bad. I'd spent my time working as an on-call paramedic for the various companies in the area. It wasn't consistent, but they paid well. Alixant had arranged for the FBI to keep me on retainer, not that he'd needed me, but the extra money helped. Carelian ate a lot, all high protein expensive food that the stipend barely covered.

    I think he eats better than me most days.

    As if thinking about him grabbed his attention, his leash tugged on my wrist. ~Slow mortals. Ready for nap.~ Carelian said in my head, his voice was still that rich masculine rumble that vibrated through my mind while my ears heard nothing.

    Am I going to get used to that someday? Jo asked looking at him as he walked ahead of us. His rich red fur looked like rubies in the light of the halogens on the campus. He walked slowly, giving off an air of boredom, but from his twitching ears and whiskers I knew he tracked everything that moved.

    I'll let you know when I do. So far the answer is no.

    Carelian talked more lately, and he had the subversive habit of ignoring all the typical familiar expectations. Most familiars were one mage creatures. They almost never associated with anyone else outside some married mages. My familiar was an attention whore and absolutely shameless. He spoke to me, Jo, Sable, Marisol, even Stinky when he was eating a BBQ sandwich. If you offered to scratch his ears, he'd accept and drool on you. Personally, I thought he did it to thumb his metaphorical nose at someone or something, but I didn't mention that.

    Well, I'm dropping you off here. My class is in the next building. See you at home tonight?

    That's plan. I gave Jo a smile as she headed out, watching her go with a vague sense of envy. She still checked every box for Latina bombshell and loved playing it up. I was average as you could get, except for the Merlin tattoo with four strongs filled in. I had the sudden urge to pull my brown hair out of the ponytail and cover up the tattoo that went from above my eyebrow to the cheekbone under my right eye. Which meant there was no way to hide my status.

    Come on Carelian, let's get the learning off to an educational start.

    He twitched his ears at me, his opinion of school guarded, but we entered the building. A few other students were up for this early morning class, all clutching coffee just like me. At least I didn't have my first class until nine A.M. on Mondays. It was one of the few benefits, but Tuesday and Thursday morning's a class started at eight-thirty. I was cramming courses as much as I could, wanting it done as soon as possible, which meant twenty-four credit hours and early mornings.

    Oh well, at least I have good coffee to get me through.

    As we passed students in the building, many of them did a double take at Carelian, then a triple take when they looked at me. Carelian was worth the second look. He'd grown fast over the last three months. Where he'd barely weighed a pound when he flew into my arms, literally, he was pushing fifteen pounds now. Though he really was still just a kitten. From the size of his paws, the front ones with opposable thumbs, he had another twenty or more pounds to go. Some books suggested he would grow to about the size of a large bobcat or lynx. But human smart, with thumbs. I avoided thinking about that whenever possible. Once he realized he could operate a can opener, the apartment would reek of tuna.

    The leash and harness he wore was purely for show. He could get it off if he wanted to. Per him, it was amusing to take his mage on walks. I wasn't about to argue.

    The other students' hard looks at me, specifically the side of my head made me cringe. I'd have to learn to own my status, but for now, I missed being able to fade into the woodwork. It made everything easier.

    I pasted a smile on my face and headed for my classroom. Jo and I'd mapped out all my classes last week before school started, so I knew where I needed to go. I slipped into the stadium seating classroom with seats for about fifty. Since I didn’t know how full it would be, I went all the way to the back and got an aisle chair. That way if the class met capacity, Carelian could nap in the area behind my seat and be out of the way. Till then he sprawled on a ledge behind that last row, surveying his domain.

    Scoping everything out I dug out my book, notebook, a set of pens. Five rows of ten chairs, with a podium, media stand, whiteboard, and pull-down screen. Beige walls ran into worn red bricks with windows that looked out at the Atlanta freeway system and downtown. Not the best view, but considering our apartment had the view of another apartment, it rated higher.

    One other student had been there before I walked in. He had dirty brown hair, pasty white skin, and was significantly overweight. He sat in the middle front row, with his eyes closed. Glancing at my phone I saw class would start in fifteen minutes. Ten till eight and students started trickling into the classroom.

    By eight-forty-five the classroom contained twenty-five students. Most stayed down closer to the podium, I didn't mind. One or two glanced at me, then Carelian, but they didn't say anything. At one minute after eight, a man, in jeans, and a long cable-knit sweater stalked in. Part of me imagined him with a cape billowing behind him, and I smiled a bit. He just had that sort of personality. I figured his age at mid-thirties, with dark brown hair, skin darker than Jo's nutmeg color, but very European facial structure. He didn’t smile, but he didn’t frown; he just gazed at us.

    This is Magic Basics 101, the first class you take. As a mage you are required to take this course at the start of your academic career. I am Professor Bernard Smythe. I will be your taskmaster, your guide, and your foe as I make sure you all understand the basics of magic. He spoke with an assured manner, his accent clipped and brisk, but with an odd softness to some vowels. It reminded me of an actor from a TV show drama set in New York.

    I don't care if you show up to this class or not, but let me make it very clear, you can not graduate if you do not pass this class and I do not give easy grades. Is that understood? His eyes roamed across the classroom and I wanted to shrink away from his gaze. As he turned I saw the tattoo on his temple, a Pattern mage.

    Odds are if he's a teacher, he's an archmage. This should be an interesting class.

    I pushed my doubts away and focused on the class. The requirement to pass it factored into my thoughts, but I also needed to know this stuff. It would give me the ability to act and maybe quit letting people die.

    Everyone has different strengths, and what you are strong in tends to be what you focus on. Raise your hand as I say the element you are strong in.

    Transform. I watched two kids raise their hands. I watched him make notes on his phone as he stood erect at the front of the class watching all of us.

    Psychic. I raised my hand. I was the only one.

    He kept going through all of them, the last one being Time. Once again I raised my hand just as I had for Non-organic, Earth, and Relativity.

    Thank you everyone. You in the back. He pointed at me. Stand up.

    Unsure, I stood, once again a kid trying to figure out what I'd done wrong.

    Did you misunderstand my instructions? His voice was biting and snide, and it kicked my issue with authority into gear.

    No. Your instructions were very clear.

    Then please explain, why you raised your hand for five ability sets? Which isn't possible, so you must not have understood what I asked for. Even from the top of the seats where I was, I could see his sneer.

    Because I am a double Merlin and I am strong in all the branches I raised my hand for, plus I have a familiar. At my words, Carelian jumped up past me, walking on the back on the seats as if they were a smooth flat surface, not pointed edges, his tail lashing and glaring at everyone who stared at me.

    Every head in the classroom turned to look at me. Bernard froze, then his sneer deepened. So you are the one the media is fawning over. So special that you have not only double the access to power from any other mage, but a familiar to boot. The one who saved a stadium full of people with ease and fought not only a unicorn but a gorgon back to their planes.

    His voice mocked me and I wanted to give Jo credit. She'd earned it. But every time I tried people wouldn't believe me. So I quit, I didn't bother now.

    I was there, yes, but I'm here to learn because I don't know how to use the magic they say I have.

    And I didn’t. I knew that and it drove me crazy.

    At least you have some humility. Fine Corisande Munroe. Don't expect me to go easy on you because you're the media darling or the rare unicorn mage. I have no use for people who take the painless way out.

    Anger flashed through me, but I just smiled, my customer service smile. All teeth, no meaning. I wouldn't expect you to.

    Bernard turned away and I sat back in my chair, all too aware of the students staring at me. Most of them didn't turn from gawking at me until he started talking. The boy, the one who I thought was sleeping when I came in looked at me for a long time and something moved on his lap. A creature with more legs than was natural even for a spider climbed his shoulder. Its many eyes didn't move away from me the entire class.



    It is well known that the various ranks of mages have different power levels and the more powerful you are the smaller and offering is for the same effect. While a hedgemage may require upwards of a hundred thousand molecules for a specific action, an archmage may only require five thousand for the same action. When you factor in merlins and familiars the cost can drop into the hundreds. As no mage does magic exactly the same even with identical understanding of science a definitive matrix has not been created. ~ Magic Explained.


    Imet up with Jo for the next class- Magic 101 Lab. My temper still simmered as I walked into the next class. Jo already had a seat, and I headed toward her. I saw the student with the familiar coming in after me as I reached the top of the stairs.

    I swear if this teacher is as big of an ass as the last one, I'm quitting. I all but threw my books into the chair next to me as I dropped down into the seat.

    Jo flinched at my words and then glanced at Carelian, whose tail lashing mimicked my mood perfectly.

    What happened?

    Did you have Bernard Smythe for Magic 101? I asked as I settled into the seat. I needed to calm down, but my blood boiled under my skin, making me snappish.

    No. I think he is new this year. Why, what happened? She looked at me, brows furrowed.

    I sighed. Tonight. I start now and I'll miss most of class due to my annoyance.

    That good? Dang. Is it okay if Sable comes over for dinner tonight? I'm going to make enchiladas.

    I snorted in amusement. For your enchilada's I might put up with Bernard Smythe coming over and sneering at me.

    Jo snickered but hushed it as Indira walked in at the front of the classroom. Indira Humbert had barreled into my life as an expert to train me on closing portals. The part that I still needed to figure out is why she had tried to seduce me. Her long ebony hair, curvy figure, intelligence, and husky voice would have made most people tumble for her. Me? It kinda creeped me out.

    Oh, we get her as a teacher? Jo all but purred the words and sat up straighter.

    And here I thought you were committed to Sable? I teased, giving her a side eyed look.

    I am, she protested. that doesn’t mean I can't enjoy the world around me, does it?

    No, but I guess I find Sable prettier.

    Hey, you trying to steal my girlfriend? Jo had a smile as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

    Please, Sable would never stoop to me. Nah, just Sable is… I sifted through words to find the right one. More real. Indira? I'm never sure if I'm dealing with her or the act she is putting on at any given moment. And I really want to know who was behind her trying the whole seduction act on me.

    Jo shrugged. Ask her?

    I have. She just smiles and changes the subject. Oh well. As a teacher, I can deal with her.

    We fell silent as Indira cleared her throat and the class quieted down. Good morning mages. My name is Indira Humbert and I'll be your teacher for the Magic Lab. Mostly we focus on offerings, how to make them. As you get more skilled over the years, these classes will become more specific, allowing you to use stored fat, blood, even your teeth if needed. For this, your first course, we will focus on using your magic to the best effect. How many here have already made an offering of one sort or another?

    Every hand in the classroom raised and she smiled, red lips full across white teeth. Excellent. Then you all know that feeling, that knowledge of what it will cost. How many of you were presented with a cost that was too high to pay, she paused and I swore her eyes darted to Jo, or a price that you chose to pay?

    Only three hands raised, one was Jo. I squeezed her leg, so glad the cost of saving everyone in the area had only been her hair and nails, things easy to grow back. Jo ducked her head and flicked her hand at Indira. I let my emotions settle and focused on our instructor.

    I see some of you have seen that some things are beyond your abilities. What I'm about to tell you may or may not surprise you. You can control both where the offering comes from and the quantity of the offering based on what you offer. Murmuring met her comment, and she laughed. I see many of you don't believe me. I'll prove it. For those of you in the back I'm an Entropy Mage also strong in Time. My expertise is planar openings and time effects on materials. She smiled again; this time her smile held threat. So don't think I am a pushover. Her smile felt like a bladed weapon as she raked the classroom with it. Now that we have that settled let's get into what I meant about offerings have different values.

    Indira moved to the cabinets in a corner and brought out a candle and a clear mug. Fire is one of my weak branches, but it works excellently for examples in lab settings. The effects are unmistakable.

    She set the items on the table at the front and filled the clear mug with water from a bottle in her bag. As I am sure many of you have played with your elemental abilities as they tend to be the easiest to tap into, not to mention stories, movie and book, love to play with them. Earthquakes and fire make for sensational effects as well as primal terror. No one likes to feel the ground give beneath their feet.

    Stepping back, she waved at the two objects. Most of you have played with lighting a candle and know how little it takes. In terms of hair, what have most of you found is the standard offering for lighting a candle?

    My fire counted as null, though from what Alixant said I should be able to use it if desperate enough. I realized the only element I could access was Earth. Was that normal or strange?

    Like I have to ask. It's me. Of course it's strange.

    People were raising their hands and after taking answers the group agreed it cost less than three inches of a strand of hair. But when it came to boiling water at least five or more ten inch strands -a decent sized offering.

    Here is my question—do any of you know why there is such a difference? Indira scanned the room and I was very glad she hadn't done more than linger on me for a second. I thought I knew the answer, but after the last class I had no desire to draw more attention to myself.

    The class was silent as no one provided an answer. Indira smiled. How many of you look at the wick of the candle and will it to ignite?

    Half the room raised their hands.

    What about making the water boiling? How many just willing it to boil? This time about a third. I couldn't see facial expressions, which frustrated me.

    She moved back behind the table and scanned the room. You. Indira pointed at a woman seated near the front. Come up here please.

    The woman froze for a second, then rose and moved to the front. I asked her up here because no matter how good your eyes are, you will not be able to see me holding up a single strand of hair, but she can. She made as if she lifted something from her head. I am holding one strand. I want my witness to watch the end of this strand very carefully.

    The student leaned forward, peering at the strand. The candle lit. The woman jerked upright and looked at Indira in surprise.

    Only about a fraction of an inch disappeared. Not even half an inch, she said, her voice carrying in the suddenly quiet classroom.

    That is what you can do if you know what you are doing. Rather than me lighting the entire visible wick, I encouraged one molecule of the wick to speed up, that brought others, and once there was a flame, the rest joined in. I didn't need to make all of them burst into flames, just one.

    It clicked in my head and I knew I'd be studying a lot about molecular structures and patterns so I could think how to break them. The comment Scott Randolph had made back in Rockway made sense. It also meant all those anatomy books I'd gotten would be studied until I had everything memorized. The decision to go for pre-med by getting my biology degree and a minor in criminal Justice as well as Psychic Magic seemed perfect now that I finally realized how to get it. Back at the stadium, I'd been guessing and hoped Jo had learned enough to pull it off. I still didn't know how much Carelian had contributed to her success. I suspected lots.

    Shaking myself out of my musings, I focused back at Indira who pointed at the water. Most of you tell it to boil. We all know, or should, that the boiling point of water is 100⁰ Celsius or 212⁰ Fahrenheit give or take a few degrees depending on your altitude. Now don't get me wrong, depending on the profession you go into those few degrees might make an immense difference, but for this point I'm just going with the basic of 100⁰ Celsius. And note if you get into some of the edgier science jobs, knowing how pressure works can make your life easier. But we are dealing with basic molecules of water, H 2O. If I want this to boil, the easiest way is to move them faster, which agitates the other molecules of water and they move faster too. This creates the temperature change we call heat. But I don't need anywhere near as many because I'm not trying to move heat into the water, I'm making the water heat itself. Watch if you please.

    Indira had grabbed three strands of hair, and her hair was at least ten inches long. The student focused on those strands of hair and they vaporized as the water came to an abrupt boil and then slowed down.

    Who can tell me the problem with doing it this way? Indira asked dropping what remained of her strands of hair, now about half gone though still a fraction of the price most of us would have had to pay.

    It isn't boiling any more, said someone in the front row. From what I could tell everyone in the room was absolutely focused on her. Even Carelian had his ears and whiskers flicked forward, his eyes not moving from her in the front.

    Exactly. Oh, I can make tea with it, but it hits that temperature once, and as soon as you quit providing power it stops. This is why generally building a fire and then feeding it material is much more efficient than trying to heat things yourself, though chefs with fire will find they can control temperature almost exactly, pulling heat away from food with barely an offering because it is so subtle, and it in some ways provides its own offering.

    It what?

    I jerked straighter in my chair and a mischievous grin crossed over her face. Which you will find out about in later classes. This is an intro lab class. We will have guest speakers and talk about the intricacies of how to cast spells, even in branches you are null in for your class. So by the time you are done in this class everyone should be able to do spells in all four of your classes. Though some of you, her eyes darted to me for a split second, will be able to do them in all twelve.

    Before anyone could react to that, she turned to the student assistant. Thank you. You may return to your seat. As the student returned to her seat Indira addressed us again. What if I told you I could do the exact same thing for a fraction of the offering that I paid? As she spoke she dumped out the still steaming water and refilled it with water from her bottle.

    There was a murmur, but not as much disbelief as there had been. I had zero doubt about her abilities. She'd already showed me how dangerous she could be.

    Same water, roughly the same temperature as the plastic container is hot. Previously it took me what ten inches of three strands of hair which will take me about six months to replace? Which is why you rarely do offerings like that, but you don't get to your cosmetic offering class until you're sophomores, well some of you. Her eyes flicked up to me and I wrinkled my nose, disliking knowing she was talking to me. But we've always known some offerings had more power than hair or nails, which to be frank is the weakest and easiest.

    Indira bent over getting something else from her bag, and I noted half the people in class leaning forward to get a look at her ass as she bent over.

    Really? I muttered and Jo laughed a bit.

    She does have a nice figure.


    Jo just snickered and Indira stood up, holding something, but all I could tell was she held something.

    This is a lancet. She uncapped it and jabbed her finger. A tiny spot of red appeared. This drop of blood, as small as it is, will do the same as my multiple strands of hair did. Watch the water. She glanced over towards it and the blood disappeared in a tiny puff and the water roiled in the container.

    I watched and counted internally to myself. Where before the water had boiled for a few seconds, maybe five. This time I reached twenty before it stopped boiling.

    Living cells are the most powerful offerings we have, dead cells like hair, nails, etcetera are the weakest. Often you will have to decide how important something is to you. Blood can be replenished comparatively fast, but if you offer too much you die. People have died doing that. Sometimes knowing the cost, sometimes not thinking it through. Always think it through. Though some will give their life anyhow. It might be worth it.

    Indira let that sit as she pouring the still simmering water into her mug and sealed it. The scent of cinnamon and chai hit my nose and I snickered a bit as she sipped her tea.

    Now since that information has sunk in, here are the realities of what this course will entail. Mostly we will parallel what you are learning in your other magic courses. This is a lab class which is why it is only one credit hour and we only meet once a week. You will do monitored experiments here and talk about the results. A lot of this will be me showing you various ways to do the spells for the different branches. The good thing for me is there is no assigned homework.

    There was a low mutter of joy at that, which I couldn't argue with since just the amount of homework from my first class worried me. Her smile chilled the little spurt of joy I had, and I heard some other students wake to that fact. I will however, be giving you experiments to try at home. This is because your finals, which will be an all-day class, involves you coming up here and demonstrate an example of using a branch for the least amount of offering possible. If you aren't doing the experiments, trust me, you will fail.

    I leaned over to whisper to Jo. Weren't you supposed to have taken this last semester?

    Indira's comment about matching what you're doing in your other classes made me think it was for freshmen in their first semester.

    Jo tilted her head toward me, her voice just as low. Yeah, but there was a conflict on a class that's only offered once every two years and I needed it. Since this is every semester, I grabbed that one. Not like I can't take what I've already learned and try to enhance it.

    That made sense so I went back to what Indira was teaching. It proved interesting.



    Retired mages are a strange bunch. They habitually break down into two groups. The first group rarely uses magic again outside small daily things like cooling a drink or getting something off a tall shelf. They don't push the boundaries, they act like they've never been anything above a hedgemage. The other group experiments nonstop, creating an entire second job over seeing where the limits of our understanding of magic really is. There is an oddly high death rate, those mages and merlins tend to die the most. ~ Magic Explained.


    Two weeks into college and I was about ready to scream. Students everywhere cast sidelong glances at me, and I had three who asked for my autograph. My tattoos were what everyone wanted to see and if people didn't quit walking up to me and moving my hair to touch them, I might kill someone. It had gotten so bad I started wearing my hair in a ponytail just to prevent people from touching me. That creeped me out.

    What it was doing was making college social isolation hell. If it wasn't for Jo, and to a certain extent Sable, I might have given up. Not having besties in class I could handle. I had before. People treating me like I carried the plague was getting to me. Even Carelian was snarling more, and I didn't know what to do.

    Bernard Smythe taught the Magic 101 course, while Indira ran the Magic 101 Lab course. I figured I could handle those along with the History of Magic. My schedule for this semester looked packed, but I had enough money to get me through to the summer, where I would take eight to ten credits and work trying to catch up and make it through the next semester. I'd also set up to be on-call during all the breaks, which should help with me staying above water, financially at least. The money I made while working for the FBI had been a nice chunk and my bank account almost made me happy. But I had a long way to go.

    You don't have time to worry about people. Focus on class and get through it. It will be a long two years and people need a chance to let this summer fade.

    Dinner with Sable tonight. I liked her, I did, but I still

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