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Getting Lucky in Love
Getting Lucky in Love
Getting Lucky in Love
Ebook69 pages53 minutes

Getting Lucky in Love

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About this ebook

Janelle was having a horrible time on a girl's trip in Las Vegas. Then a handsome stranger comes to her rescue. Austin wasn't exactly the type of guy she thought she would be attracted to, but the attraction was instant. They end up spending the night together. Instead of it being a one-night stand, they exchange information and agree to keep in touch. Years go by and, even after spending another weekend together, they remain just friends. When Austin gets the opportunity to spend a few months working near where Janelle lives, he decides to take a chance and see if they can have something more. He just needs her to be on board with his plan.

Release dateJan 11, 2024
Getting Lucky in Love

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    Book preview

    Getting Lucky in Love - Turtleberry

    ©2024 Stephanie Chapman

    Turtleberry Press

    Baltimore, MD 21234

    Janelle was having a horrible time on a girl’s trip in Las Vegas. Then a handsome stranger comes to her rescue. Austin wasn’t exactly the type of guy she thought she would be attracted to, but the attraction was instant. They end up spending the night together. Instead of it being a one-night stand, they exchange information and agree to keep in touch. Years go by and, even after spending another weekend together, they remain just friends. When Austin gets the opportunity to spend a few months working near where Janelle lives, he decides to take a chance and see if they can have something more. He just needs her to be on board with his plan.



    May, 4 years later

    July, 7 years later


    When things decide to go downhill you have three options. You can try to go against the current. You can stand still and see how long before you get swept away. Or, you can grab the nearest sled-like object and ride that current wherever it is trying to take you.

    Janelle decided to ride the wave. The girls trip she had planned hoping to reconnect with her college friends had slowly spun out of control. After one evening of catching up and then spending the morning at the spa, everyone was going their separate ways. The group of eight had begun to split up, two pairs and a group of three, leaving Janelle sitting at the bar by herself. For a few moments she tried to figure out where things went wrong. After her second Jack and Coke, she guessed that no one wanted the fat girl to join them on their adventures. One pair went to another casino to gamble and since Janelle didn’t gamble, they didn’t think she would be interested. The trio talked of going to several different casinos on an exploration that would be a lot of walking and said Janelle wouldn’t possibly want to do all of that. The last pair simply disappeared after talking about going dancing.

    Janelle looked down at her round body. She had always been the largest girl in the group. During college she had always been included in activities. After graduation things seemed to fall off with her friends. Phone calls were rare. Emails were scarce. The only way Janelle was able to plan the trip was through the rise of social media. The third sip of her third drink finished the glass and Janelle officially hated social media, she hated her so called friends, and she hated Las Vegas.

    Can I order food here? Janelle asked after flagging down the bartender.

    Sure. The bartender handed her a small menu.

    Janelle glanced at it for a few seconds. Wings. I want wings.

    The bartender smiled. You want some fries too?

    Do I look like I need fries? Janelle suddenly felt fat again.

    Fries help to soak up the Jack.

    Oh. Okay. She smiled slowly. Fries sound good.


    Janelle silently fussed at herself for thinking the bartender thought she was fat. Then she sighed. She figured since she was one buffet dinner from tipping two hundred fifty pounds, that made her fat. Typically, it wasn’t something that bothered her but the entire morning her friends talked about exercise regimens and diets that worked for them. The entire conversation required Janelle to keep a smile on her face. It was fabricated but necessary to keep the conversation as short as possible.

    Here you are. The bartender sat a large plate of wings and fries in front of her.

    Thanks. Janelle smiled. She slowly began to dig into her plate, trying not to look like a piggy. No matter how slow she thought she was eating, it seemed like her plate was empty rather quickly.

    Would you like another drink? He took Janelle’s plate.


    He lingered for a minute, afraid to verbally ask the next question.

    Janelle looked down and then back up again. She understood the silence. Yes, let me get another order of wings and fries. You guys got honey mustard?

    I think so. I’ll check with the kitchen.

    Janelle looked behind her while things began to happen on the small stage to the left of the bar. She had her fourth drink

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