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5 Minutes with Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul
5 Minutes with Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul
5 Minutes with Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul
Ebook215 pages1 hour

5 Minutes with Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul

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About this ebook

Five Minutes with Jesus provides bursts of inspiration for every reader’s relationship with Jesus. Brief but profound, these daily readings from Sheila Walsh will help busy people draw close to Him and walk with Him throughout the day. It will become clear that, even in the midst of a busy lifestyle, every minute we spend in the powerful presence of Jesus makes a difference in our lives!

Release dateMar 7, 2017

Sheila Walsh

Sheila Walsh es una poderosa comunicadora, maestra bíblica, y autora best seller con más de cinco millones de libros vendidos. Es autora de los galordonados títulos: Gigi, Princesita de Dios, Peace for Today, Loved Back to Life, La tormenta interior, y Five Minutes with Jesus. Vive en Dallas, Texas, con su esposo, Barry, y su hijo, Christian.

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    5 Minutes with Jesus - Sheila Walsh


    Each year in amusement parks all over the world, thousands of us line up to ride the most gravity-defying, adrenaline-inducing thrill rides we can find. Giddily, we wait in line for our turn and then, at last, buckle up for the ride. Few of us pay attention to the bored sixteen-year-old at the control panel—even though he’s the one with access to the large red emergency stop button, the last safeguard in the rare event that the ride goes too fast, spins a little too wildly , and hurtles out of control.

    Have you ever wished you had a stop button for your life?

    I sure have. Some days my life feels like a thrill ride that has slipped past fun and into the realm of chaos. It’s an easy place to be in our modern world. Gone are simpler, quieter days when evenings were spent visiting with neighbors on the front porch or with family around the dinner table. Now blinking screens and beeping notifications have been added to the menu of never-ending entertainment options able to fill every waking moment of the daylight hours and even jar us from our sleep at night.

    As if that were not all exhausting enough, if you’re like me, you sometimes feel as if you never, ever stop running from one activity to another.

    Is it any wonder we are anxious and deeply weary? We simply were not made to live like this—running full-tilt, dashing through one adrenaline-fueled day to another against a soundtrack created by phone calls, e-mails, texts, computers, TV, radio, and even on occasion, in-person human voices.

    Isn’t it time we hit the emergency stop button even for just a few minutes?

    Well, friend, this is the invitation I am offering you today: the chance to step off the thrill ride of life and into the arms of your loving Savior. He waits to lead you beside still waters that will refresh your soul and to green pastures where you will find rest (Psalm 23).

    God loves you. He never intended for you to live a frenzied, exhausting life. Listen to the words of Psalm 127:2: It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves? (THE MESSAGE).

    Jesus longs to give you the gift of rest, and it can begin with five minutes a day . . .

    Five minutes to shut out the noise . . .

    Five minutes to find peace in the midst of a troubled world . . .

    Five minutes to step out of the crosshairs of a culture that constantly demands more, more, and more . . .

    Five minutes to receive God’s sweet rest for your soul.

    What do you say?

    If you could use a little support along the way, come join the community we’ve been building at, where you can find encouraging videos, images to share, and other reminders that just five minutes a day can transform our lives. We’d love to have you join us as we help each other keep turning to Jesus every day.

    Are you ready to hit that stop button?


    As a Mother Comforts Her Child

    It seemed to sneak up on me overnight. One moment Christian was a little boy who needed his mom for so much, and the next he was off to college—independent, confident, and strong.

    One morning I sat in my favorite chair with a cup of tea, looking through old family photo albums and remembering some of my favorite moments from his childhood. There was the Alaska trip when Christian was nine years old. Part of our trip package included dogsledding. The chief musher asked Christian if he would like to direct the sled. When Christian looked at me, I said, Go for it! You can do it. If you fall, I’ll be right there.

    I must have said that a hundred times as he was growing up: If you fall, I’ll be right there! Now I say a variation of it in my prayers for him, thanking God that if Christian falls, his heavenly Father will be right there.

    We can find great comfort in thinking of God as our Father. But did you know that when God wanted to describe how He comforts His children, God compared Himself to a mother?

    In the book of Isaiah, God had some difficult things to say to His children, the Israelites. Despite His loving care of them, they had stubbornly rejected Him over and over again. He had sent His messengers, the prophets, to call His children back to Him, but they didn’t listen. Finally, the time came when the Lord decided to let His children have their own way.

    But the Israelites had forgotten something important: the same God they were rejecting was the One protecting them. He warned the Israelites that when He removed His protection, their enemies would sweep in and take them into captivity. It was terrifying, heartbreaking news—and God knew it. He couldn’t bear to deliver it without comforting His children, and when He did, He used this imagery: As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you (Isaiah 66:13).

    One of the most precious blessings of taking time to replenish our souls in God’s presence is the tender comfort He offers us when we are hurting. It is so easy to run to a thousand other places when our hearts are wounded, but our compassionate God wants us to come to Him. He wants us to trust Him with our wounded hearts.

    Will you allow Him to comfort you today?

    If you fall, He’ll be right there!

    images/himg-8-1.jpg Five Minutes in the Word images/himg-8-2.jpg

    Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

    Isaiah 40:1

    You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, Here is your God!

    Isaiah 40:9

    He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

    Isaiah 40:11

    Why do you complain, Jacob? Why do you say, Israel, My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my God? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

    Isaiah 40:27–28

    He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

    Isaiah 40:29–31


    The Lord Is Our Protector

    Parents can be pretty intense when it comes to protecting their kids.

    When children are tiny, it is all about babyproofing—setting up gates in front of stairs, putting guards on sharp corners, and locking cabinets filled with cleaning supplies.

    Then the children get a little older, and parents frantically say a lot of the same phrases over and over: Look both ways before you cross the street! Do you have your coat? Don’t talk to strangers!

    A few more years pass, and moms and dads find themselves having hard conversations about texting and driving, safe dating, and on and on and on . . .

    I am not sure a parent ever stops being concerned about a child’s safety.

    Have you ever thought about the truth that your heavenly Father wants to keep you, His child, safe too? Matthew 2 tells us about just such a time. Jesus was still young, probably a toddler, when His earthly father, Joseph, received an urgent warning from God in a dream.

    Get up, he said, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him (vv. 13–14).

    I wonder how Joseph felt when those urgent words interrupted his dreams. The angel’s appearance—and message—must have been terrifying!

    Jesus’ very life depended on Joseph’s willingness to listen and obey, and Joseph did not hesitate. Matthew 2:14 tells us he got up and took his family to safety that very night.

    Just as Joseph loved and protected his son, God loves you and wants to keep you safe. He might speak to you urgently in a dream as He spoke to Joseph, but more often He speaks gently and softly.

    One of the greatest gifts of spending time in quiet listening to God is getting to know His voice. Being able to recognize it opens the way for Him to speak into our lives and keep us from harm. Sometimes He will keep us from physical harm, but He seeks to keep us safe in so many other ways as well.

    As a loving Father, He might warn us away from a toxic relationship or hold up a stop sign concerning a major life change. But one of the beautiful things

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