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Alpha Rick
Alpha Rick
Alpha Rick
Ebook237 pages5 hours

Alpha Rick

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"Omega's are supposed to stay quiet. Omega's are supposed to obey. Omega's are supposed to do EVERYTHING I fucking say!" I lived each day in fear for my life.
I was the pack's slave, tortured, beaten, and treated worse than scum. To my pack- I was a nobody, especially to our alpha-to-be, Alpha Jaxon. But when he finds I am his mate, he takes it upon himself to reject me, and make my life hell. After all, how can a strong alpha be mated to the pack’s scum, right?
One destined night, a visiting pack and a ruthless alpha who no one dares defy may just be my savior. But will he accept me as his mate? A worthless omega from a weaker pack? Or will I be rejected again and become an enslaved she-wolf for the rest of my life?

Release dateJan 12, 2024
Alpha Rick

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    Alpha Rick - Mari Villarreal

    CHAPTER 2- I Reject You


    I gulped down my pride and began to clean up quickly. It was so late. I'm going to be in so much trouble. I hurried to put things away and was about to run out of the kitchen to change when the lead omega came in, making me bump into her. She hates when I cook in dirty clothes.

    Hey, watch it, she yells, making me startled. I- I am so sorry.

    She rolls her eyes as she fixes her shirt. You look disgusting. Why haven't you changed? The Primord pack just notified us that they are two hours away. They will be here soon. We need to get things ready. Hurry up and change, come back and start prepping for dessert while the others start dinner. And try to look a little presentable, will you? The alpha wants you to be one of the servants; I need you to look a little decent....if it's even possible. she mumbles the last part as she looks me up and down.

    I lower my head and sigh, Now! Idiot. Hurry up and change, you have ten minutes to get back here. she says, making me jump.

    Yes, ma'am, I say as I begin to run out of the pack house and towards my house.

    My eyes widen as I come to my door and see Skylar there. His hands are crossed over his chest and he doesn't look happy at all. It's getting pretty dark now, but the motion detector lights still give a little light.

    Alpha, what can I do for you? I ask nervously, looking down. He sighs, clenching his jaw.

    Open the door, we need to talk, Olivia. I can't help but become enamored with his voice. I know it's the stupid pull of the mating bond, but I know what's coming. My intuition has never been wrong. My heart hopes for me to be wrong.

    Yes, sir, I say as I walk past him and unlock my door. My hands tremble, and I almost drop the keys, but I manage to open the door, walk in, and place my keys on the key holder by the door.

    I feel my arm being pulled harshly as I take a step toward the living room. Skylar throws me against the door, making it shut behind me. My head hits the door making my head hurt. I haven't eaten since this morning, and it's so hot, I began feeling lightheaded, making my headache worse by the impact.

    His body is pinned against mine making my whole body fill with sparks and fears all at once. He sniffs my neck making my eyes water. I'm instantly filled with sparks, his body ignites making him growl, sliding his lips gracefully over my skin.

    Mate, he whispers, making my eyes wide in shock.

    S- Sky...Skylar, I.My voice must have brought him out of his trance. He lets go of me, closing his eyes and turning, giving me his back. NO! You can't... I won't let you become my luna.

    What was I expecting? For him to suddenly turn into prince charming for me? My world crumbled once again. I knew it was too good to be true the second I saw him at my door.

    I thought I was mistaken... when I turned eighteen and I got your scent. I knew it was a matter of time before you turned eighteen to confirm my suspicions. But... This! he points between him and me.

    This can't happen, it will never happen. Do you understand? I...I don't...want you as a mate, Olivia. You know that, right?

    Why? I can be a good mate if you just give me a chance. I can train and become strong. I say through tears as my emotions get the best of me. I hug myself. My wolf, Freya whimpers and I can sense that she is crying.

    You're a weak link. A nobody, a dumb omega. Do you have any idea how bad that would make me look in front of the other alphas? he says, hitting the wall behind me, and making my tears fall.

    I stood there like an idiot, hugging myself as he continued to give me all the excuses in the book of why I was no good for him and this pack. By the end, he makes it clear that I am nothing but scum to him. Worthless, and unworthy of the title.

    I lose focus on what he is saying as I try to comfort my wolf. She howls and whimpers as she hears his words. Then he says it... The words I knew but dreaded to hear. My rejection!

    I, Skylar Morrison, reject you, Olivia Watson, as my mate and future luna of the Silver Moon pack. His words make my body fall as intense pain engulfs my chest and abdomen.

    I feel myself being torn into pieces and leaving me not only weak but hyperventilating as I struggle to breathe.

    It takes me a few seconds, but through the pain, I grunt and get on my feet. I wipe my tears away and clench my teeth to look at him. All the while he looks at me with hate in his eyes.

    I, Olivia Watson, accept...your rejection; and I reject you, Alpha Skylar Morrison, as my mate and reject to be the future luna of this mediocre excuse of a pack, I say, making him growl.

    He's ready to grab me by my neck, but he somehow holds back, fighting his wolf. I'll let this slide, for I know your weak ass body is in pain. But believe me, Olivia, next time you speak badly about my pack, you will be severely punished, he growls, closing his eyes.

    I can tell he's fighting his wolf, but I can care less. He just broke me, he broke my heart and my wolf. My body feels like it's on fire and all my bones ache as if they were being broken. The mating bond... It's breaking.

    I manage to get enough strength and move towards the sofa near my entrance as he gets closer, he raises his hand and tries to caress my cheek but I move away. He sighs and closes his palm.

    Don't be late for breakfast, the primord and dark moon pack will be waiting to be served. I'll let the kitchen know you'll be taking dinner off, he says as I feel more tears roll down my cheeks as I look away.

    I sniffled, closing my eyes, Goodbye, Olivia. he said one last time before opening the door and leaving me in complete solitude.

    Is this how I'm meant to live all my life? I have tried to be the best in everything, the best student, the best worker, and for what? I've been treated like trash, disrespected, and mistreated by everyone despite me not doing anything to them.

    I let myself cry as I heard the door close. My body slowly slid down until I hit the floor. The knot in my throat was too intense as I cried and regretted all my efforts. Freya, my wolf, begged me to go after him, but it was too late. He will never be mine. He belongs with Leah.

    I want to not care anymore, but it's hard. My parents are gone, I rarely get to see my only and best friend, and mate, the one goddess destined for me… didn't want me.

    I was like a plague to them. A plague to this pack that no one wanted around.

    Come on, Livie... You need to get up. You need to fight for him. How could you accept his rejection? I know he wants us, I felt it. I just know it-

    Enough, Freya! I yelled at my wolf. She was just as naive as I was. Both young and stupid.

    No, Liv. You can't give up, she yells back, making me growl.

    He doesn't want us, Freya. You heard him yourself. I just... I just want to go away. I don't want to be in this pack, this whole pack is a piece of shit. No one in this pack cares about you and me, Freya. No one. I whispered the last part, making her whimper.

    We sit in silence for a while as we both cry and wait for the pain to go away from the rejection.

    So what do we do? she asks after a minute of silence. I sat on the floor against that same wall staring into space, numb, and feeling defeated.

    What can we do? We have no money, and nowhere to go. We are too weak to make it as rogues, we wouldn't make it past the night if we left. I responded, making her sigh.

    What if... she begins.

    I glanced at the clock, it was past the time to start dinner. I just know I won't hear the end of it tomorrow for missing dinner duty. I sighed and got off the floor feeling my butt aching. What if what?

    What if you got a side job out of our pack in the city? We can save up and leave as soon as we have enough money? she suggests.

    But seeing that we rarely even had time left, I doubt we could get a job out in the city.

    Good suggestion, Freya. But are you willing to pull all-nighters with me? We rarely get any sleep as it is, and we are so malnourished that I doubt it will help us get any healthier. she grunts as she realizes I was right.

    I barely get any food in me. Our pack is gluttonous to the core. They eat as if there is no tomorrow, which meant that the omegas barely got any food for themselves as we were always the last to eat. Even then... All the omegas were allowed to eat before I did. Yes, that's how much the lead omega hated me.

    "We can hide food in our apron as Desiree used to, remember?'' My best friend used to hide pieces of bread in her apron so we could indulge together at least in a small piece. Until she got caught and got a whipping by the guards, this, of course, was before she found Cole was her mate. Now she sits with everyone else and gets served like a royal.

    I don't want you getting hurt, Livie. You're already weak as it is. Another whipping would just be too dangerous to our health. It took me nearly a month to heal from the slashes I received the last time I was whipped on my back.

    It usually takes one to three days for most wolves, but I am so weak from my health and the lack of food, that my body takes longer to heal. To make matters worse, being rejected by my mate made my body feel even weaker.

    We can't give up, Freya. Even if Skylar doesn't want us, I know there is more to us. I just know this can't be it for us. Even if we are meant to live as omegas, we will keep the promise I left my mom and live happily. Just you and me now, Freya. You and me.

    I would hug you right now if I could, you know that? she says, making me chuckle as I feel tears roll down my cheeks.

    We gotta get going and get Leah's shoes. I have a feeling we'll be up all night cleaning those stupid shoes. I say as I walk to my bathroom and shower quickly, placing on my undergarments and a simple dark olive green shirt, and jeans that used to belong to my mom, finishing off with my worn-out sneakers.

    I put my hair in two braids done pretty messy since I was in a rush and made my way out to the pack house. I hope the lead omega isn't too mad that I missed dinner preparations. I'll have to go unseen and be quick about it.


    CHAPTER 3- I Don’t Need A Weak Luna


    My heart raised a million per second as I walked away from Livie’s house. Livie was sure as hell the most beautiful girl I had ever met. Much more beautiful than Leah if I'm being honest. But she's nothing but an omega.

    I could never be seen with someone so weak. It would ruin my reputation. Just looking at her for the past few months gets me hyped up. My wolf, Tate, keeps pestering me to claim her. But I can't.

    For one, she's still under age, well, that is until today because she is turned eighteen today. But mostly, because I cannot have a weak Luna. I need someone who can help me strengthen this pack, not weaken it.

    I can't deny that I'm extremely attracted to her, and I want her so bad. I was close to claiming her back there in her house, but I can't. I just... can't.

    I stormed into the pack house on my way to my dad's office. There you are. Baby, why didn't you tell me the good news? mom says as she pulls me into a hug as I make it halfway through the corridor.

    What are you talking about, mom?

    Don't play dumb with me. Leah told me that you and she made it official. I knew she was your mate, I just knew it. she says, clapping her hands. Leah smiled with her hands crossed over her chest.

    I clenched my jaw, narrowing my eyebrows. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone yet; I had asked her to keep quiet until I became alpha tomorrow at the meeting.

    I smiled, masquerading my anger, she'll have to deal with me later. I wanted it to be a surprise. But I guess the cat is out of the bag now, isn't it? I said, glancing at Leah. She lowered her head in shame, she knew I was pissed off.

    We have to tell your father. He is going to be so happy!

    Luna? We have a little situation in the kitchen. I was wondering if you could please spare a minute? The lead omega came to interrupt us.

    She looks between us and I didn't mind letting her know it was ok. She smiles and grabs Leah's hand as they walk away with the omega. Mom and Leah have become inseparable. I was glad in a way, Leah can be clingy as fuck sometimes.

    I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Time to face my father and see what shenanigans we gotta deal with now.

    Knowing the Primords are coming, it only meant one thing, there was trouble. They are the ones that protect our pack from bigger packs around us. Though our pack is tough, we are still outnumbered because we are a small pack. We lost almost half, if not more than half our members when we were invaded by a large pack of rogues years ago.

    We have gradually prospered financially since then, and thanks to the Primords along with two other packs, the Crescent Moon and the Dark Moon pack, we have been getting back on our feet.

    But, I can't deny that dad has managed our pack poorly. Most of our members are weak as fuck, and the high rankers have always tried to help me keep order. If it wasn't for us, dad is far too soft, and even if I am not alpha yet, they have all learned to respect and obey me more than they do him.



    I sat on the chair next to my father across from Alpha Morisson and his son who was soon to become alpha of this pack. I was annoyed already, and I have barely been here for a few minutes.

    I'm sure you have both had a long drive out here, why don't we eat first, and we'll get to the meeting right after. Is that ok with you alpha? he looks at my father with a smile.

    Little did he know I had already taken over as alpha, dad chuckled and pats my shoulder making me look at him through my irritated mood.

    Everyone in my pack already had their mates, including me. I was blessed with a gorgeous Luna, who happened to be my best friend since childhood. I made fun of my brother-in-law, and alpha of the Dark Moon pack for being mateless. I know it's cruel, especially since he's a few years older, and has not found his mate.

    We like to taunt him and give him a hard time about it, saying that his blue balls are making him more irritable. Don't get me wrong, his pack is loaded with beautiful women, but he's been devoted to finding his mate and I know for a fact he's saving himself for her.

    It was a vow that we made to ourselves and something our packs hold sacred.

    Kayden, honey. Alpha Morrison is talking to you. It's uncourteous to not answer, sweetie. my mom said, squeezing my hand softly as she reached across from dad.

    Dad never goes anywhere without her, it's as if they were glued by the hip. I look towards them, clenching my jaw but softening it as I see mom smile. Hurry the fuck up, bitch. I'm dying here. I mindlink Alarick, hoping he arrives soon.

    It's fine with me, I reply looking out towards the corridor of the pack house. It was fairly small, just like most packs around here, but it oozed with glamor, evident they were trying to maintain the place.

    I'm sorry, but.. Am I... Missing something here? Alpha Morrison asks dad, glancing between him and me.

    Not at all. My son is the alpha now, he took over almost six months ago. And he's doing a hell of a good job, may I say. Dad chuckles, slapping my shoulder once more.

    Oh, I... I'm glad to hear that. alpha Morrison says awkwardly. His son gives him an annoyed look, clenching his jaw.

    I know for a fact he doesn't trust his son to take over. It's true, sometimes the new alphas get rattled up with their new title of authority. The feeling of the new power is too glorious for them.

    But I have been training for this since I was a kid.

    Dad made sure I attended every meeting and I did pack work with dad since I could remember. It's more of a privilege to serve our pack to us, rather than boss them around and treat them like shit. As I've heard from prying ears.

    And what about you, Skylar? I hear you're getting ready to take the lead in this pack. Are you excited and ready? mom asks, making him clench his jaw as he gives his dad a bothered look.

    Ready as I'll ever be. I've only been waiting for the last eight months or so, he says sarcastically, looking at his dad.

    The laughter of two women makes us turn. Luna Morrison and a girl with red hair and an extremely sparkly dress come in with their hands looped together.

    Darling, the food is ready to be served. Luna Morrison says going next to her husband and kissing his cheek as she sits next to him.

    The girl with red hair and wearing too much perfume for my liking grabs Skylar's face and kisses him seductively, making me roll my eyes. I should have brought my wife, Molly with me.

    Asher muffled laughter, I bet you anything this girl is not his mate. She's another Melinda if you ask me. I can't help but laugh making everyone turn as Asher's mind links me.

    I clear my throat apologizing as she sits giving me a seductive look. I fix myself in my seat, sitting upright and clearing my throat.

    She's definitely another Melinda. I link back to Asher and Chase making them chuckle, earning a warning look from my mom.

    Melinda was a big gold digger who had come to visit our pack a few months ago. She went around following me and claiming to everyone that she was my chosen luna since I hadn't found my mate yet. I had to bring her back down to reality in a harsh way letting her know in front of everyone that Molly was my mate and our only Luna.

    The omega's came in, cutting our conversation as they began to serve.

    Where is Livie? I thought I told the lead omega she was to serve tonight? alpha Morrison says to one

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