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Alpha Rick
Alpha Rick
Alpha Rick
Ebook231 pages5 hours

Alpha Rick

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"Omega's are supposed to stay quiet. Omega's are supposed to obey. Omega's are supposed to do EVERYTHING I fucking say!" I lived each day in fear for my life.

I was the pack's slave, tortured, beaten, and treated worse than scum. To my pack- I was a nobody, especially to our alpha-to-be, Alpha Jaxon. But when he finds I am his mate, he takes it upon himself to reject me, and make my life hell. After all, how can a strong alpha be mated to the pack’s scum, right?

One destined night, a visiting pack and a ruthless alpha who no one dares defy may just be my savior. But will he accept me as his mate? A worthless omega from a weaker pack? Or will I be rejected again and become an enslaved she-wolf for the rest of my life?

Release dateJan 12, 2024
Alpha Rick

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    Alpha Rick - Mari Villarreal

    CHAPTER 42 Convenience


    As soon as I was ready to sit, Ricky pulls me up, signaling one of the girls. Oh, no. You need to get that leg checked first, young lady, he says, making me look at him puzzled.

    Luna, can I take a look at your leg, please? one of our girl guards says, pointing at my leg. I look down and realize my pants were slightly burnt. Huh?... when did that happen? ok, sure. But, I think it's healed already.

    Still, you should get it checked, sweetheart, Ricky says, cupping my face. The only thing that gave me peace was seeing my friend Desiree being taken care of. Cole had come back, and they had an oxygen mask on him while he recovered.

    I didn't feel any pain, so I doubted that it got to my skin, but I let her check me anyway. If I was hurt, not only Freya and I would have felt it, but so would Ricky and Black.

    My skin, if it had been burnt slightly, was now healed anyway. It was just a thin tint of red, disappearing quickly. The only thing left behind was the burnt marks on my pants. Ricky stood by me as the girl pressed a thin layer of ointment with his hands crossed over his chest.

    He knew I wasn't hurt, but he still worried, looking at me as he bit his bottom lip nervously. After she was don't, she got up and smiled. All done. Would you like a lollipop for being a good girl, Luna? she says, making me chuckle. She chuckles but gives me one anyway, and walks off.

    And yes, I ate that sucker. They thought of everything, bringing tiny colorful lollipops to calm the little kids as they were being saved.

    Exhaustion was getting the best of me by this point. I rested my head on Ricky's chest as he held me in his arms.

    You know what really worries me, is the fact that the dungeons are completely destroyed. There is no way we can get in there now and check those cameras, Ricky tells Kaiden in a whisper. Enough to keep from prying ears, but enough for the three of us to hear.

    Yeah. That's going to be a problem. Kaiden replies, worried about all the important evidence that was in those hard drives.

    I lifted my head, feeling overtaken by sleep. I was so tired, feeling the adrenaline finally leave me. Too tired to think, too tired to argue, too tired of everything. But at least we got the fire out, and besides a few burns on some members, no one was badly hurt.

    What are we going to do now? All evidence is destroyed, we have no way to prove to the council what we know. Kaiden says in a whisper.

    There is no need for that. You can have them. I will, as sure of it. Luna Morrison says, draped in a dark gray blanket.

    We turn with my eyes widen in shock. She had a little bad with black-colored SUV chips on them.

    This is all the evidence you need to put him behind bars. All of it. I am done covering for him. He's done nothing but lie to me and my son from the very start. I should have known he would never change. And I was at fault for letting it happen. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have kept his dirty deeds a secret, alpha. she says with pain in her eyes.

    She gives the evidence to Ricky, who looks at Kaiden in shock. Could it really be true? Did we really get him this time?

    Luna, but why?

    Don't question me. Just... Do the right thing. Make justice for all those innocent girls. I am tired of all this pack and rogue wars. The real monsters are dwelling inside our own packs. Those girls were innocent and did not fault what was done to them. Gunther, my husband... And all those bastards they call themselves alphas deserve to rot in jail. she says with anger in her voice.

    I only ask one thing... Please, keep Sky out of it. Don't let him know what is happening. He has had enough of having to deal with a useless mate... And all this. she says, gesturing to the pack members, and the territory behind us as it still remains in ashes and smoke.

    We promise, Luna, Ricky says, nodding his head slightly.

    Thank you, she says, finally breaking down as she lets a stray tear escape.

    I'm sorry, Livie. Your mom didn't deserve what we did to her. And neither did your dad. None of you. You were both so small and innocent... And I feel like a coward for not being able to stop him. she says, making my eyes widen in shock.

    What do you mean? I ask, but she walks away. You will see. The videos will give you all the answers, she says, and I am left puzzled.

    A black car pulled up, making us turn. Gunther is driving, and alpha Noah gets out in a rush, looking around and demanding. What happened to my pack? Who did this? he says as he begins to grab onto one of the guards by their shirt.

    Ricky looks at me. Could it be? Did he have anything to do with the death of my mom? And why my dad suddenly disappeared? He told me Dad was dead... But is he?

    I fisted my hands, I was ready to launch at him. Rip his head off, Livie, Freya demands, making me growl.

    Livie, look at me, baby! I know you want to rip him apart. But right now is not the time. We need to play it cool. He has no idea his wife just gave him away. Our main priority right now is to bring him to justice. He will get what's coming to him. I promise, baby. I will make him pay. But you need to calm down. Ok? he says, making my nerves go on edge.

    How am I supposed to play it cool? From what she said, it was his fault my family is gone. My brother is dead, my mom is dead because of that asshole. And dad... I don't know anymore... I don't know what to think.

    It takes me a few seconds, but I can mask my anger. I sigh, breathing out heavily and very slowly as I cool down.

    Alpha Rick, what is the meaning of this? What happened to my pack?

    My pack, father. Not yours. And where the hell were you? Where have you been? You should have been here to help. Thanks to them, and all these people our pack members were able to get out to safety, but as you can tell... Everything else is gone. Skylar says, standing up to his dad.

    What do we do now? he asks, pretending everything is fine. But all I wanted was to rip his damn head off.

    Everyone will stay under my care, for now, alpha Noah. Until you can rebuild and stand on your own again, I will give you asylum. Ricky says, and I can see a grin on his face, making the vile rise inside of me.

    Alpha, that is so kind of you. We are forever in your debt. Thank you. Gunther, don't take the luggage out. he says, making Gunther nod. He stood carelessly by the car with his hands crossed over his chest. Well, well, what do we have here? Our old little omega... Olivia. How are you, darling? Looks like being a slave on your new pack has done you rather good. alpha Rick says, making me grunt inwardly.

    I promise, you are safe, Livie. He won't lay a hand on you. I will make sure of it. I'll rip his head off myself if he tries. Ricky says, through the mind link.

    CHAPTER 43 Impertinence


    I bit my tongue trying not to talk back to the man. It was useless to try and reason with an imbecile so closed-minded to his own affairs and selfish beneficial priorities.

    You'd think Leah was his daughter and not Skylar. They were more alike. Both oozed greed, both were selfish to the core and entitled to an extent to play the perfect narcissist.

    So, I simply smiled, biting my tongue, swallowing my pride and words, and clearing my throat. It's good to see you well and safe, alpha Morrison, I said politely, interlacing my fingers before turning on my heel and walking away quickly. He was ready to go after me, I could tell, he didn't like being ignored.

    I've known quite well to not walk away without his consent in the past. If it was still those days, he would have already grabbed me by the hair and beaten me in front of everyone without hesitation while I cowered away, balling into a fetal position to protect myself. But guess what? It was different now.

    I could care less if he had more to say. He will not keep stepping over me. I will stand my ground. And neither him, nor Leah, or this... Rogue King...will make me feel inferior ever again.

    He took a step forward. I could hear the faint growl from Ricky's throat, ready to rip his head off, but Skylar stopped Alpha Noah. Uh... By the way Dad, I, uh, I could use your advice on a few things. Why don't we talk on our drive to Alpha Rick's pack? he says, making me grunt inwardly.

    Alpha Noah chuckles and turns back toward his car along Skylar's side. Sky, Sky. There is so much you still have to learn, son. Come on, I have a few ideas you should hear. Starting with a better dungeon. he says, making me feel disgustedly annoyed.

    Just as Ricky didn't reveal who I was, neither did Skylar. I think... Maybe, Skylar had caught onto us. He knew we were up to something, I just hope he doesn't ruin it for us.

    We helped everyone settle into the vehicles before going on our way. Skylar had left with his father and Gunther, in their car. I really hoped he wasn't trying anything shady like the shenanigans Leah pulled on her first day in our pack. The last thing I need is for Alpha Noah to act like he can run our pack.

    I know Ricky will not allow it, but if he so damn well thinks he can, I will not be able to refrain from speaking out.

    I have a feeling I will not be able to keep this secret forever if that happens- because I will not stand by to watch him be impertinent or a half-witted cretin with my pack. I swear I will send him to our dungeons to give him a little taste of his own damn medicine.

    Luna Olivia, could I please... Leave in your vehicle? Luna Morrison asked, making me look at her quizzically. What was she going about? Is she really trying to help us? Or could this be a part of his damn plan? I will not be so naive anymore.

    Still... I couldn't be so hard on her either. She was a friend of Mom for a while anyway. Of course. Please, take a seat. I said, gesturing to our vehicle.

    She vowed, before going in and taking a seat at the far end of the car and didn't speak another word. She rested her head on the window, letting silent tears roll as she looked out toward the wreckage left by the fire. She wiped them away as fast as they were rolling down.

    I get her. I've fallen so in love with my pack, that if it ever happened to us, I'd also be in tears.

    This whole day was draining.

    I fell asleep halfway home, resting my head on Ricky's lap. I woke up with him caressing my cheek and combing my hair with his fingers lightly.

    We got out and I am ready to go to sleep. But my pack was waiting for us. They hugged us, smothering us with tears of joy to see us return. They had water, juices, coffee, and food for everyone. They gave out treats for the little kids, welcoming everyone as they unboarded the cars.

    The Silver Moon pack looked at our territory in awe, looking around like lost puppies. They have been looking at me the whole day with fear, not knowing if it was ok to approach me. I hate it.

    They were all rude to me before, and now that they see my changes and my new position in this pack... It was as if they feared me. It's not the feeling I want to lure. I want to be respected, not feared.

    This is the time I am thankful for mind links. Zane had long ago contacted the pack, and my girls got to work. They had been able to find accommodation for everyone temporarily for the night until we figured things out tomorrow morning. All that was left now was to get them to their temporary place. But not before they rested and had a bite to eat.

    Don't worry, I made sure they placed alpha Noah and Gunther far away from us. My father has offered to have them stay in his wing in the extra rooms. Believe me, if they even try something shady, my father will put them in their place. He's an old wolf, but he's a menace if he has to. No one can pull the wool over that man. If alpha Noah thinks he's tough, he's obviously never met my father. Ricky says as we finally walked toward the stairs to go to our room, making me chuckle.

    I'd like to see him try, I said, making Ricky chuckle.

    Come on, we can both need a nice shower to relax before bed, he says, making an involuntary moan escape me. Since a hot shower does sound good indeed. Yes. Sounds perfect. I can go for a nice long shower. I say, closing my eyes.

    But I grunt as we make it toward the second floor and I see Leah walking happily along Evelyn's side. They were going toward Leah's room and had loads of bags in their hands. Clearly, the two had gone out shopping while her damn pack was under fire, burning everything in its way.

    Her hair had been freshly made, and she had a brand new change of clothes. My blood boiled at this point and I was ready to go off on her, but Ricky gripped my hand tightly. Let it go. Tomorrow is a new day. We'll deal with her later. I'm sure her mate will give her an ear full. Ricky says as a low growl escapes me.

    I could feel Freya, she was just as mad as I was with her impertinence. How can she be so carefree under these circumstances? Did she care so little for their pack? They are completely homeless. SHE is homeless.

    Does she not realize that?

    And to make matters worse, she is still spending, as if she has all the money in the world to do so. My goddess, I need to cool down. I need to leave before I ignore Ricky and rip Leah and Evelyn's heads off.

    CHAPTER 44 Pack’s Rules


    I woke up in the same position I have accustomed my body to love being in. My legs interlaced with Ricky's as I rested on his chest, and his arms tightly around me. Both nude and covered waist down with our sheets.

    His chest rode up and down slowly as the dark of night slowly faded away. Good morning, beautiful, he says as he feels me awake. Good morning, handsome, I said with a smile.

    But it threw me off that a soft knock was heard at the door. I looked at the clock, it was fairly a bit after four in the morning. Who could that be? I asked, looking at him. He closed his eyes, inhaling softly, It's Alpha Skylar. I'll go see what he wants. You stay and rest a bit longer. he says, getting up, giving me a great view of his bare glutes. His muscles flexed beautifully under him with the slightest movement, making me bite my bottom lip.

    Easy girl... I can smell you from over here, he says, turning slightly, making me chuckle. Yes, he had that effect on me. Just looking at him turned me on, and he's made it clear, just a glance from me could make him hard.

    He answered the door and stepped out for what seemed almost an hour. I got tired of laying down, so I got up, covered myself with the sheets, and made my way to the shower. It didn't take him long to join me, as his hands traveled around my waist, pulling me against him as he placed a kiss on my shoulder.

    I didn't dare question him, but he soon told me. I was shocked by his revelation. Skylar had come by and given him full control over his pack. He wanted Ricky to train them, whether they wanted to or not.

    We did our morning routine, getting ready and joining everyone in the dining room for breakfast. The Silver Moon Pack was not very fond of awakening so early as the Dark Moon Pack did, but I was thankful. We were able to eat in pieces for the most part. It was well after six, and no sign of any Silver Moon Pack members, other than Skylar, his beta, gamma, and their mates.

    Evelyn waved at me, making me smile. But I couldn't help but notice she was scolded by Leah when she waved at me. It made Freya and I boil in anger. Just a few days after arriving in my pack, Leah already wanted to act as if she could call the shots here. She had it all wrong. I was not going to allow being pushed around, and I sure as hell was not going to allow her to manipulate my pack members.

    The morning was confusing for our members today. But it was all for the best. Ricky needed to make sure that things went, smoothly from this point on in our pack. So, he directed our pack members to start practicing without us, for we needed to give the Silver Moon Pack new directions and set the rules straight.

    He called everyone to the front of the practice grounds, where, of course, the Silver Moon Pack's highest-rank members were already complaining that they were hungry.

    The only ones that were exempt from the morning meeting were the oldest babies and kids since they obviously could hardly stay still, we had some of our girls take them to the nursery, where they would be looked after for the time being.

    Still- the ones who were old enough to shift, were asked to attend. They would be required to get fit and learn proper training, qualifying them to protect the pack. I know what you think- they are still kids, but we needed to make sure they were well-trained.

    Our pack could only grimace as we continue to hear them complaining.

    It's too early.

    It's getting too hot.

    I'm hungry.

    "Why do we have

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