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The Road Home
The Road Home
The Road Home
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Road Home

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About this ebook

After fleeing her hometown years ago, Kara Sinclair has returned to bring her deceased grandmother's bakery back to life. She has a history in this town—one that involves her only true love. A boy she'd thought she'd share her life with before circumstance got in the way. She needs to focus on her task, but one look at Maxwell Stone and all the old feelings return. And it isn't long before she can think of nothing but reigniting the passion they once shared. 


Max never understood what drove Kara away all those years ago, and once she returns to their Canadian hometown, he's hell-bent on getting her back into his life…and his bed. But when he uncovers the reason she left him, he must decide if he can move on from the past and trust his heart with the only woman he's ever loved.

PublisherShana Gray
Release dateFeb 1, 2024
The Road Home

Shana Gray

Now writing under her new  name, Shana will be published with Loveswept/Random House and Harlequin Blaze, as well she is an indie author.  Shana is represented by Louise Fury of The Bent Agency. Shana's passion is to enjoy life! She loves to travel and see the world, be with family, friends and experience the beauty that surrounds us. Much of her experiences find their way into her  books.  First published in 2010 as Cristal Ryder, Shana has written contemporary erotic romances for  Sybarite Seductions, Lyrical Press (now Kensington) and Ellora's Cave. Her stories range from scorching quickie length to longer erotic romance novellas. You can find Shana on social media at Twitter Facebook Pinterest She splits her time between her house in a small Ontario town with her twentysomething son's, four cats, two budgies and, as the world knows him, Meat Man's house. It's an adventurous challenge that she loves.

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    Book preview

    The Road Home - Shana Gray


    The Road Home

    Shana Gray

    She was coming home. Back where she grew up and spent so many years with Gram in the bakery. The road home had been a long one. Kara dreaded seeing what kind of shape the shop and apartment were in now, not having been used or lived in for so long. Guilt soured in her stomach. No matter how hard she’d tried to justify staying away, it hadn’t been the right decision. She should have come back sooner, and whispered a silent apology to Gram. 

    On the heels of her memory of Gram came one of a dark-haired, dreamy-faced boy from long ago, which made her sit upright in her rental car. Even though it had been years since she’d seen him, he still haunted her thoughts. She sighed. Of course he would cross her mind now, since reminders were everywhere. 

    Her breasts tingled. Even after all these years, her body responded to his memory. His first tentative touch when they were teenagers had overwhelmed her. She’d lost herself in his chocolate-brown eyes and under his touch when they gave their virginity to each other. A summer love from so long ago still held the same power over her now as it did then. 

    Max. His name rolled off her tongue and she gripped the steering wheel tighter when her belly did a little flip-flop. She didn’t know if he’d stayed on his family’s orchard, and whether they still ran the fruit market. Maybe he had realized his dream to turn it into a profitable winemaking operation. Niagara-on-the-Lake had a thriving wine business.

    It had been difficult to make herself Google Maxwell Grimes Stone II for two reasons. One was her focus on her own culinary career, and the other had been something she still refused to think about and a big reason she’d stayed away for so long. But resist she did. Had Max ever found out what had really made her decide to leave?

    She knew she’d broken his heart when she ran off to Europe fifteen years ago. Her own heart had been in tatters when ran away to learn her craft, leaving a very confused and angry Max behind. Gram had told her he pined for her and encouraged her to contact him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that. He’d never tried to get in touch with her, either. When the news of his marriage to Patricia Howe reached her, she’d cried for days, and once the wailing was done Kara firmly put Maxwell Stone on the shelf. She had to in order to keep her focus.

    She glanced out the window of the car at the passing scenery. She’d managed to keep thoughts of him at bay--well, most of the time. Sleep was where he visited her. In her dreams, where he was a lovely fantasy she welcomed with open arms. But waking up the next morning always left her feeling empty and lost.

    Time had slipped by quickly and when Gram died suddenly last year, everything seemed to come crashing down around her. Kara drew in a shaky breath remembering the whirlwind of Gram’s funeral, sorting out her affairs and being afraid she’d stumble across Max. Once she’d returned to France, she’d finally admitted that she needed to come back home.

    Now here she was, driving the familiar roads of Niagara-on-the-Lake on the way to her childhood home.

    The flight from Paris to Toronto had been uneventful, yet she’d been agitated most of the time she was in the air but was unable to pinpoint her unease. Kara groaned and swallowed a wave of nausea.

    Why? Because I might see him or because I might not? 

    Kara forced her thoughts away from Max as she exited the Queen Elizabeth Way. Time enough to think about him later. She had a goal and her timeline was tight. No distractions allowed. Coming home to reopen the bakery excited her and was foremost in her mind. After closing the shop last year, she expected to be in for a good cleanup. Even though she’d had the place checked on regularly, Kara was sure it needed some tender loving care and she was here to provide just that. 

    As she drove deeper into the region, she couldn’t believe how many vineyards had sprung up. She drove past the familiar Hillebrand and Jackson Triggs wineries, as well as a sprawling new one that didn’t even resemble a winery—it rose out of the earth like a monolith, all chrome and glass except for the telltale rows of vines fanning out on each side. She could barely take it all in. Sure, she was on the same old Niagara Stone Road but oh, man, had it changed. 

    Inniskillin, which had basically started the Niagara wine industry back in 1975, was on the western edge of the region, close to the Niagara River. Where we’d found a private little hidey-hole to explore each other... Stop it, Kara! Quit with the thoughts already

    This wasn’t a good sign. Max crossing her mind was never good—it roused images of him and set her long-neglected libido aflutter. She needed a man. Wanted one. But purely for sex. The complications of a relationship she could do without. But sex? Yup, scratch that itch and be on her way. Maybe a nice Canadian boy would walk into her shop and tempt her. She laughed out loud and promised herself she wouldn’t let her hopes get too high. 

    With her destination just around the corner, Kara realized she was holding her breath and let it out slowly through pursed lips. She turned onto Queen Street and drove right into Old Town. Her chest swelled and emotion for her hometown filled her.

    She was here.


    The gracious old trees shaded the road, and flowers of every kind exploded with brilliant color along the sidewalks, in flower beds, in planters, hanging pots –and it was glorious! 

    Typical for a weekday in July, the street was jam-packed with people, and typically there was no parking. Tourists flowed along the sidewalks, horses pulling carriages clip-clopped down the street, sightseers gazed into shop windows or sat at one of the many outdoor cafés, sipping wine from area vineyards and noshing on locally grown foods. Niagara-on-the-Lake was a one-of-a-kind place to indulge one’s culinary senses and the place that had originally inspired Kara to become a chef. 

    She loved it here. Why, oh, why had she waited so long before coming back? But she knew the answer to that. It was the combination of avoiding Max and getting her own career on track. She realized now that it had been wrong and she should have settled here long ago like she’d promised Gram; instead she’d let herself get wrapped up in the glitzy worlds of Paris and London. It was hard to face being back now with Gram gone, hard to accept that working side by side with her again would never be.

    She shook her head, refusing to let the sad thoughts take hold, and drove slowly, watching for the storefront. There! On the left, set back from the road. She’d almost missed the red-and-cream brick of the old building, and the black framed windows. The patio was wild with overgrown vines and jolts of color from the perennials Gram had planted so many years ago. It really needed some TLC. Being set back from the road was a treasure, and it created a nice little spot for café tables, with a hedge acting as a fence between the patio and sidewalk. It also sorely needed tending. Everything looked tired and unloved now, unlike the rest of the shops, and a pang of embarrassment touched her. The old sign above the rolled-up awning had peeled just enough to reveal the original lettering underneath. Fingertips. The name Gram gave the bakery all those years ago when she opened it. She said love was in her fingertips when she baked.

    Kara’s heart constricted. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Oh, Gram. I’m so sorry. She craned her neck to watch the store disappear in her rearview mirror and swung her gaze back to the road just in time and stomped on the brakes to avoid running up the back end of a stopped car. Sheesh, pay attention. 


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