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The Art Of Healing
The Art Of Healing
The Art Of Healing
Ebook159 pages1 hour

The Art Of Healing

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Life is full of suffering; the challenges are inevitable, but there are big differences in how we deal with them and how we grieve. We have to be grieving the right way.

We must understand that we are not insane and that grieving is "normal." Grieving is loving. It's OK that we're not OK. And we must also realize that we're required to recover from it. We have the power to overcome our suffering.

Life-changing crises can produce a transformation of similar depth. When we accept death, transform our attitude towards life, and discover the fundamental connection between life and death, a dramatic possibility for healing can occur. The pain reshapes our world. But all we have to do is try to survive.

Learning that others have had similar reactions can help to normalize the reader's sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This can encourage them to see that, with time and support, they too may become hopeful again. It may give a bit of hope to the bereaved that if others have gotten through the dark times and regained meaning and purpose in their lives, it is also possible for them.

If we're having a bad day, we might be wondering what we did to deserve it. Why do even good people suffer? Once we find meaning in our suffering, it almost ceases to be suffering.  There are universal reasons for the tragedies in our lives. It's painful to live without knowing why we lost the love of our lives. In its broadest sense, spirituality is a search for meaning, purpose, and connection. This subject is covered extensively in this book, citing quotes from the realized masters.

We don't have to accept the unfortunate situations we may be in as part of our destiny. We should rather make efforts to come out of them. And yes, we can, when we understand the larger picture behind all happenings and that there is indeed a reason behind everything. We will see how in this book.

It is necessary to engage with questions as they arise. After all, our world has been rocked, and when that happens, the foundation on which it is built needs to be investigated and cracks filled.

Where is God in grief? is one of the most disquieting symptoms.  Why did He create such an imperfect world and an imperfect body for man? This helplessness during death is mistakenly supposed by some to be a punishment from God.

If we've lost someone close to us, believing in a pain-free existence after death may ease the burden of grief. This book's selected questions and answers will help the readers in that regard.

We will surely miss them badly, and at times the emotions will be very intense. Working with grief takes time. Far longer than anybody would like it to be. It will be like bearing the unbearable. You aren't ready to say goodbye.

But we need to realize that our loved ones who have gone want us to be happy too, even though they are no longer with us. Life does not end with death.

If we are sad and grieving for a person who is dead, we may keep him earthbound. That attitude is selfish. When our loved ones are reborn on earth, if our love for them is strong, they will be brought back to us. We will see how in this book. Instead of weeping and feeling a sense of loss after the death of those who are dear to us, always send them our love. By doing so, we can help the progress of their souls, and they can help us. Just say to them, "I love you." Dare to let go. Know that there is a life beyond this world and that all of our loved ones do, indeed, continue to live on, though they have shed their physical bodies.

This book will be a spiritual healing journey.

Release dateJan 23, 2024
The Art Of Healing

sanjeev sareen

Sanjeev Sareen is an Engineer and into Spirituality, practicing under a Realized Master past twenty-five years. He has released three books. His Niche is Spirituality. The first book “ईश्वर- कौन, कहाँ और क्यों” (God- who, where and why?), is a Hindi poetry book, released in May 2021. The second book “Spirituality through Science” was released in August 2021. The third book “101 thought-provoking questions on life” was released in e-version on 5th Jan 2022 and Paperback version on 10th Jan 2022. He has released 23 episodes on the radio show on “old age issues”. He is regularly conducting free Kriyayoga Meditation classes. He is releasing his blogs on the subject of spirituality at the Quora and Medium platform. He is releasing inspirational videos on his YouTube channel and Facebook page also- all in the name of “Awakeningwithsanjeev”. He is also providing free counseling on health, professional and spiritual matters. His passion is transforming himself and helping others.

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    Book preview

    The Art Of Healing - sanjeev sareen

    The Art of Healing:

    A Holistic Approach to Emotional Restoration, Redefining Tomorrow, Mastering Grief, and Strategies for Embracing Life After Loss.

    Sanjeev Sareen



    This book is dedicated to my life partner,
    in her loving memories.

    A Free Gift

    As a token of my appreciation for taking the time to read my book, I am offering a gift.

    Please download my book- The Guide: Meditation for Beginners.

    If you have no idea about meditation and have not done any type of meditation earlier, then this is for you.

    The tips given here are so simple that even the busiest person can practice meditation.

    Meditation is somewhat differently understood in different cultures and ever so often within the same culture. It is not concentration as is often misunderstood.

    Meditation entails concentration but is a state of being that is much more relaxed than simple concentration. Much of the world today confuses meditation with many exercises that are geared toward relaxing the mind or releasing stress.

    Do not be satisfied being what you are, but try to be what you can and should be. If you are one of those who are thirsty to solve your problems, or human problems in general, to understand the mysteries of life, then you need to learn the techniques of scientific meditation.

    These are Spiritual practices and a higher science, in the name and style of Kriyayoga, which leads to Kundalini awakening- necessary for spiritual health and spiritual awakening- called liberation or moksha. These steps are spiritual, not religious.

    Please download the guide using the link given.




    Chapter 1  Philosophy of grief

    Definition and manifestation of grief:

    Types of Grief:

    Process of grief:

    Misconceptions about grief:

    Approaching the grieving:

    Recovery from grief:

    Chapter 2  Philosophy of Suffering:

    Everything happens for a reason:

    Searching for Meaning:

    Easing the Suffering:

    Chapter 3 Embracing Change and Transformation:

    Approaching the Dying:

    Exploring Spirituality in Times of Loss:

    Finding Meaning and Purpose in Grief:

    Mindfulness and Meditation:

    Grief Therapy:

    Developing Through Grief:

    Chapter 4  Spiritual Dimensions:

    Life after Death:

    Metaphysics of Death:

    Metaphysical Ways of Overcoming Death:

    Reinventing Identity After Loss:

    Mystery of Life:

    Divine Dialogue:

    Life- a movie show:

    Chapter 5  Spiritual Doubts and Questions:

    Does death exist?

    What is felt After Death?

    How Souls Experience Death?

    When people die, do they reach God?

    Can we recognize souls we have known before?

    Can we send Thoughts to Departed Souls?

    Can we contact the departed souls?

    Can We Find Loved Ones Who Have Been Reborn?

    Can we bring the departed souls of loved ones back into our lives?

    Where do souls dwell after death?

    How Long Do Souls Stay in the Astral Land?




    Books Published by The Author

    Social Media Channels


    It was 24 days before my thirty-sixth wedding anniversary. It was the day my wife, Sangeeta, breathed one long, final breath and then departed this world for better shores. Cancer took my wife after a fifteen-month battle.

    The unthinkable happened. I lost someone. How am I going to survive this, was the paramount question before me.

    The world around me was speeding on as if nothing had happened. Stunned, shocked, sad, confused, and angry, I blinked in disbelief. My heart was crushed. The pain was excruciating. I could barely breathe.

    For me, everything had changed. Everything. And there was nothing I could do about it. I'd prayed all along for God's mercy to come.

    I was leading a noble life to the best of my ability, and dedicating myself to a spiritual cause for a long time. How could this happen to me? What was I doing wrong? Why did God do this thing to me?

    My whole world stood shaken. My physical and mental state could have taken a big hit had it not been for the higher concepts that I had been learning over some time in my spiritual journey.

    I was clear on the purpose of life and had gradually established a good amount of faith in God. The life situations did blow me up, but the spirituality helped me to recover and retain my composure. This helped me handle the experiences life was giving me, though painfully.

    I learned the most important lesson of my life around that time. That, instead of looking for support from other quarters, I have to primarily depend on myself, work on myself, and have faith in my own strengths. I realized that my pains are my own, and the world doesn’t care much. It is my life. I can choose to make it or to mar it.

    As a part of the recovery mechanism, I decided to focus on reinventing myself. This goes best if we follow the principles of self-determination. This means attending to identifying intrinsic interests and values and planning ways to actualize these in feasible activities.

    Today, January 2024, It is about five years now. With my wounds still fresh and painful when touched, I am fully working through my strength—my niche, which is spirituality—to take my life forward, and trying to inspire others through my story by sharing my spiritual insights.

    During this period, I published eleven books (never knew there was an author in me); responded to 890 questions on the subject of spirituality on Quora; blogged regularly on Medium, developed a website, and started my YouTube channel; ran my own Facebook page, given 23 broadcasts on one radio channel; tried my hand at sketching; thanks to YouTube, learned cooking; tried my hands at gardening too; wrote 40 poems—Hindi and English both; recorded a few podcasts—not yet released. I meditate 4-5 hours a day; take daily free meditation classes in the morning and evening; walk one hour a day; don’t sleep during the day; 5-6 hours of night sleep is enough; have no medical condition; no medicine, etc. And, I am not done yet.

    In short, despite my challenges, which still keep coming in one form or another, I am learning to live a meaningful life in line with my core values. In that process, I am trying to leave some footprints behind, some legacy, and give back to society in some ways.

    I am striving to utilize the time available to me for transformation and service. With that, I aim to live each day of my life.

    I had said to myself, If this is what life is like, I must find a way to handle the hit that has come. I must find a way to use the pain for good, or else what is this all for? God, only you can do this. If you don't, I'm history.

    Had it not been for my spirituality at my back, I would have collapsed. It was the moment of breakthrough or breakdown, and in any case, I was already on the verge of it, but having the larger meaning of life, I didn’t let myself fail. And God helped me with that. Probably He had certain plans for me, and this parting of my wife could be a part of His plan. I accepted, ‘Let thy will be my will.’

    We don’t have to accept the unfortunate situations we may be in as a part of our destiny but rather make efforts to come out of them. And yes, we can, when we understand the larger picture behind all happenings. And that there is indeed a reason behind everything; we will see how.

    The purpose of writing all the above is to inspire my brothers and sisters who are facing such challenges in life. Through my examples, I want to tell them that life is beautiful and has a sacred purpose. God is not unfair or unkind to any of His children. He supports us, provided we show faith in Him and work for Him more.

    Learning that others have had similar reactions can help to normalize the reader's sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This can encourage them to see that, with time and support, they too may become hopeful again. It may give a bit of hope to the bereaved that if others have gotten through the dark times and regained meaning and purpose in their lives, it is also possible for them.

    Just like medical studies require both theory and practice, so does life, and in life, the practical training is here, is now, in the laboratory of change. As changes occur, we learn to look at them with a new understanding and something in us will be different.

    Life-changing crises can produce a transformation of a similar depth- the dying process is nothing more than an extension of one’s life. When we accept death, transform our attitude towards life, and discover the fundamental connection between life and death, a dramatic possibility for healing can occur.

    The following message from Yogananda Ji helped me in my recovery process.

    "You are beholding only the middle of life; you do not see the beginning or the end. It isn’t even reasonable to assume that death is the end and that we who are so intelligent and full of life, cease to exist as soon as we fall asleep in death. If death were the end, then there is no God, and there are no realized masters—it is all a pack of lies. The great ones wouldn’t urge you to become better, for what would be the use if we were junked at the end of life? What would be the value of the scriptures? Why would good men try to be even better? There would be no justice whatsoever if this present existence were all there was to each individual's life. What of those who lived only a few years or lived in

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